The peacekeeper of Equestria

by Kauetheadventurer246

Second wave

Kaue's pov
I was hiding inside my trench with my right hand acting like a support for my head to rest on. I was thinking about what those changelings said before running away.

"They said something about a queen and if I heard them correctly, they were going to tell her about me. If that's true than...", I pulled my head back with both of my hands grabbing it and let out a loud groan as if I was having a headache. It didn't last long as I let both of my arms fall dead to the ground and looked down as I let out a sigh,"That queen is probably going to make protecting this dumbass tress a living hell", I let out another groan before falling to my right side to lay down. I manage to get myself to be on my back as I looked at the cave's ceiling,"I can't keep fighting with these crappy equipment.", I looked to my right to see the gun I used in the last fight. It barely does any damage, very limited ammo and the whole gun itself was poorly made. I then looked at my armor and found a couple of rusted spots and it seems to be pretty weak on impact. I figured that out by punching the armor a couple of times and made dents quite easily. The dents morphed to a point where it looked like they didn't even happened. I guessed at the time that the armor repairs itself after and between every battle. The main problem is that only way I could win this war was with one thing,"I need to get better equipment."

"Why if you wanted better toys, then you could have just asked me", Voice spoke out to me. Problem was that the voice came out of nowhere.In response, I jumped onto my feet and did a couple of kunfu moves I saw in a movie.

By the last move, I accidentally broke my back and let out a short cry of pain,"My back.", I said before falling to the ground. I soon heard the same voice laughing-not with me but, AT ME,"I guess this is how people feel when they laugh at their pain.", I thought in my head as I got up to my feet one more time and cracked my spine back into place. After I did that, I looked up to the air to try to find the mysterious voice that was laughing at me,"Yeah, yeah that was really funny.", I told the voice in the air with in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, it was very funny!", The voice had continued to laugh for a while but,it suddenly got serious,"Now back to buisness. You said you wanted better weapon?", I nodded but, I wasn't sure if the voice could see me or not. Then I realized that if the voice had seen me break my back then he should,"Then all you need to do is turn 180 degrees.", I did what the voice said and saw that it was Discord. The only reason I knew it was discord was because one of my friends was a brony and told alot about the show. Of course, I didn't pay much attention to that kind of stuff. I did heard little bits and Discord was one of them. Discord had his eagle claw pointing to something behind him. I leaned a bit to see what was behind him and saw it was an actually shop with a person inside it. The person looked like my age and was wearing a blue hoodie and had red hair and brown eyes. That was about all I could see cause from the waist down was covered by the wooden desk in front of him. It was pretty clear that he was bored for he was resting his head on his left hand and tapping the counter his his right hand's fingers while he looked off to the distance.

There was only one thing I could say,"BETTER WEA-hold on a minute!", I quickly stopped my enthusiasm and turned to look at Discord,"What's the catch?".

Discord let out a chuckle before giving me his answer,"You will have to pay for the upgrades.", I let out a groan at the thought of paying for my upgrades and a few seconds later, I felt somebody grabbed me gently on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and saw that it was Discord who put his paw on me,"Don't worry my friend, for you are gaining money for survivng these waves and I will give you reqards if you complete the side objectives I give you.", I first pumped at what he said. The side objectives had always gave me a good amount of cash to buy anything. I turned around to give my thanks but, he vanished without a sound. I rubbed the back of my head at this I heard his voice echo in the air,"You can thank me after this little war is over.", With that, I turned around and ran up to the shop. The shopkeeper was tooken byt surprised but, he calmed down when I told him I only wanted to buy his wares.

"So you are the one that's going to protect the tree?", He asked me and I nodded my head to his question,"Alright, my name is Caban and I have everything you need to survive!", Caban slamed his fist on the counter and a screen apeared in front of me. It had an avatar of me and the possible upgrades I could get but, some of them were locked.

"I guess I have to complete some waves in order to get them.", I thought in my head. I heard a cough and looked at the source of the sound. It was Caban as he was starting to look impatience at me.

"Are you going to buy anything?", I let out a nervous chuckle and started to loo, through the possible upgrades. The only upgrades I had were the mags, ammo damage, gun body, backpack and grenade. The mags will imcrease the amount of rounds I have, ammo damage simply means more damage, the gunbody can actually push the enemiesback a little, the backpack increase the amount of bits I gain from each wave and the grenade either lowers cool down or increases damage of my grenades. The ammo damage and mag were worth about 400 bits, while the gunbody and backpack were worth 800 bits. The grenade was worth 1400. They were only going to get more expensive from here on out. The number of bits I have were 1,525 bits thanks to the small bar showing how much bits I have. I only brought the ammo damage and the backpack upgrades. After that, I told him I was done and with a snap of his finger, his shop and himself disappeared in a puff of smoke.

I decided to check out my gun but, nothing really changed since it only got a damage upgrade. After wasting my time checking that out, I looked at my back to see any changes and saw that that pipes were now made of bronze and were leaning back a little. I decided to check how many bits I had left on me,"325 bits. That is not a lot.", I knew that I needed more money if I wanted better upgrades. I heard a buzz sound coming from inside the cave not too long after what I said. I got up and saw more of those changelings-I remembered my friend told me about. They looked the same as the last ones except that they were a bit bulkier that the last ones. I guessed that these were probably going to be tougher to kill. I picked up his upgraded gun and got ready for battle.

Enemies:14 drones, 7 lower class troops.

I saw one of the changelings walked up in front of the rest,"Strange creature, our queen had ordered you leave this cave at once!".

I popped out of my trench with my gun pointing at it,"I'M A FUCKING AMERICAN BITCH!", I blazed down the changeling with my gun until it was nothing but, a pile of blood, organs and gore. That caused the other changelings to hiss at me and chraged at me. I used all the ammo I had to spare to kill the weaker ones first before ducking down. I think I took down 5 of the weaker ones. When my gun was fully loaded, I got up and shot at one of the tougher ones but, I was right about them being harder to kill. It took almost all my ammo just to kill one of them and I almost got shot so, I had no choice but, to duck down before I truely got shot at. I had to pull out my grenade and threw it into a crowd of six of the weaker ones and 3 of the tougher ones.

"DIE IN THE NAME OF PEACE!", I yelled out before ducking back down. There was an explosion and a few screams as the grenade went off. I got up and continued to shoot at the remaining ones. I only killed three of the weaker ones and while I was shooting, one of them got a hit on my shoulder.

Kaue HP:70%

"FUCK!", I yelled out in pain as I deopped on my ass while holding where I got shot. The pain had slipped away after a few seconds but, I knew I was going to not earn as much money as last time. A grenade reappeared on my side as the cool down was finsih. I had to finaih this fight now so, I grabbed it and threw it at the tougher changelings, killing them. A small rain of green blood showered a little from the explosion. That was when I noticed that only one of them was alive. When I pointed my fun at it, it did the most akwardest thing I ever seen. It had peed itself. The peeing went on for a couple of minutes as we both stared at each other with a shock impressions. The peeing had stopped after three minutes and I wasn't sure how to make it out and I heard a plop on the ground. It soon after screamed like a little girl and ran out of the cave, leaving me with the permanent memories of it peeing right in front of me and saw a small pile of green slop. Apparently it also took a shit right in front of me as well.

I could only say one thing to describe this,"What the actually fu-"