//------------------------------// // "How do you feel about having sex outside of time?" // Story: Daughter(s) // by Zeck //------------------------------// “Oof!” Minuette grunted as two thick thighs sat down on her lap. A second later, two hooves pinned her to the couch and she found herself staring at a wall of plum-shaded fur. “Really? Now? We still have some work to do,” she said in protest, but she had already given up. Even as she spoke, she was sliding her front hooves around the curvy pony’s hips. She stopped when they reached the plum cheeks of the Earth pony’s backside. “How much time do we have?” the pony sitting on her ask. Her tone sent a tiny shiver through Minuette’s left ear. The Unicorn knew she was in trouble because she heard her captor chuckle. She’d seen the ear twitch. She always saw the ear twitch. “Well, let me just…scooch over…a bit herELLO!” Minuette had been trying really hard to make sure nothing touched as she tried to wiggle under the pony’s weight, but she failed spectacularly. To make matters worse, her captor squeezed her thighs just a bit at the right second, and now blood was rushing to the Unicorn’s blue face, turning in a funny shade of light purple. “Time, Collie,” the Earth pony whispered—twitch-twitch—as she placed her mouth close to Minuette’s ear. “How long?” “Really making it…hard…” Minuette struggled to speak as a tongue licked the very tip of her right ear, causing it to go flat against her head while her left one stood straight up. “Really hard…” “Hmm…” The captor leaned in close, her mouth looking for the hiding ear. She found it, and Minuette tried not to gasp as she felt a pair of teeth gently nibble on her, pulling the ear out of its shelter. “Okay, okay!” Minuette protested, pulling her head to the side in a vain attempt to get away. Her captor hung on though, playfully following the ear still being held in her mouth. “You win!” “I always win,” the pony whispered, ear still held captive between her teeth. She made sure that the tip of her tongue touched the ear as she spoke, and it was all Minuette could do to not crack then and there. “But you still haven’t answered me, babe.” With one blue eye closed in an attempt to stave off the inevitable, Minuette strained her neck so she could look past the wall of luscious pony in front of her and spot a clock. She then did a quick scan of the living room, noting all the decorations that still needed to be put up, and then leaned her head back. “Six minutes, twenty-three seconds,” the Unicorn said, practically panting now. With each breath, she felt her blue chest press against the plum one in front of her, and it was only making it harder for her to concentrate. “That’s really…only enough for…a quickie—AH!” Minuette gasped as her entire ear was suddenly pulled into the pony’s mouth and sucked on for a moment. She went stiff, her hooves digging into the prime flank pinning her to the couch as desire rushed her soul. “Then we’ll make it a good six minutes,” Berry Punch whispered as she freed Minuette’s ear. She pulled her head back far enough so that Minuette could meet pinkish-purple eyes. She was in total control of her Unicorn at the moment, and she knew it as she blinked slowly. Minuette decided to change that. Using her magic, she grabbed the back of her wife’s raspberry colored mane and pulled just hard enough that Berry gasped as her head went back. As it did, Minuette gazed at her neck, watching the pulse for exactly two beats before she leaned forward. Opening her mouth and turning her head slightly, she tried to swallow Berry’s entire neck. Her teeth closed down just enough to hold Berry without harm and she stayed for five seconds, relishing the strange sensation of feeling her love’s heartbeat through her teeth. Berry’s thick flank clenched beneath Minuette’s hooves, causing her body to press against the Unicorn’s. Minuette released Berry’s neck from her mouth and began to trace a line along her jugular with her tongue as she set the rhythm for her wife’s rocking with her hooves. They only had five minutes and fifty-two seconds now, so the rhythm was a bit faster than normal. It wasn’t “slam-Berry-against-the-nearest-wall-and-go” tempo, but it wasn’t slow cuddling pace either. They were taking a break from setting up for their daughter’s party, and they both needed to be relieved in time, because if one of them was and the other wasn’t, it was going to lead to a grouchy pony. Minuette finished going up Berry’s neck. She used her magic to twist the mare’s mane into a tight ball and pushed her head forward into a kiss. The two mares locked together, their tongues trying to mimic their bodies, and Minuette sped the tempo up a bit more. Her wife moaned in her mouth and Minuette, in turn, wrapped her forelegs around Berry tighter, pulling her closer as— Minuette suddenly pulled out of the kiss and turned her head to the side as a sneeze escaped her body. “Cute,” Berry said. “Sorry,” Minuette replied with a blush. “Where were we?” “I believe I had just decided on no more magic.” Berry leaned forward and licked Minuette’s horn. Minuette’s magic fizzled in an instant as her body ached with pleasure in a way that only a Unicorn could understand. “That’s…” Mniuette gasped when she was finally able to form words again. “That is…off limits. This…is supposed to be…a quickie…You do that…and I’m not…going to be able to…walk for thirty…minutes.” “Forty-two, actually,” Berry whispered as she did it again, this time licking more of Minuette’s horn. She knew full well that playing with her wife’s horn was enough to make her paralyzed with pleasure if done correctly. It was one of the many things Minuette loved about being married to her. “Beeeerrrrrryyyyy!” Minuette whimpered as her body tensed, and then, “Achoo!” “Okay, the sneeze is new,” Berry said as she pulled back. “You okay, Collie?” Minuette twitched her nose in an attempt to clear it. “Yeah, I’m—Achoo!” “Babe, are you getting cold or something?” “Achoo!” Minuette’s body began to itch. It started in her right shoulder, and began to spread from there. In fifteen seconds, it felt like tiny little bugs were crawling all over her. “Minuette?” Berry asked, worry seeping into her voice now. “You’re scaring me…” “I’m fine—Achoo!—honest,” Minuette said. She squirmed around on the couch, trying to scratch her back, when she noticed that her horn was tingling, and it not because her wife had just played with it. “Just a—Achoo! Just a sneezing attack.” “Are you sure?” Berry asked as she pressed her hoof to Minuette’s face. “Because your sweating, and I don’t think it’s because of me, unfortunately.” “I—Achoo!—I am?”Minuette reached up and felt her face. Sure enough, her blue fur was damp, and while she had been getting excited, it took her three minutes to reach this level. Two if Berry was being super frisky, which she hadn’t been. “I think you need to go lay—” “Achoo!” “Go lay down.” “But…we have to finish—Achoo!—finish setting up Pinchy’s—ACHOO!” The sneezing was bad enough, but now Minuette’s body was tingling just as bad as her horn. That, combined with the slight itching everywhere, was starting to wear on her. “I’ll finish setting up,” Berry said as she started to pull herself off her of wife’s lap. “You need to rest so you can actually be there for…” “What’s wrong?” Minuette asked, holding back another sneeze as she looked at her wife’s face. “Collie, babe, why is your cutie mark glowing?” “Huh?” Minuette followed her wife’s gaze to her flank and her blue eyes went wide. Sure enough, the hourglass on her body was glowing like a dim light. It wasn’t pulsating like Twilight’s or her friends’ did when they were summoned, but it was glowing. And it was slowly growing brighter. “So…did I hit a really sweet spot or—whoa!” Minuette leaned forward and wrapped her wife as tightly in a hug. She closed her eyes and focused on her horn. She channeled as much of her magic as she possibly could into in. Her head began to ring and she gritted her teeth against the pain. “Collie?” she heard Berry say. “Minuette! What are you doing? Stop!” Minuette’s eyes flew open and everything looked like a washed out painting to her. She opened her mouth to reassure her wife, who was now looking at her in sheer panic, but no noise came out. Instead, she forced her magic outward, forming a bubble around herself and the Earth pony desperately pleading with her now, but she couldn’t afford to listen to her. She couldn’t afford to break her concentration, not even for a millisecond. Three seconds after she had encased them in a bubble, Minuette felt something slam into them with the force for a dragon’s tail whip. She winced from the pain, but it only served to make her hold her wife harder and reinforce the magical shield. Every bone in her body felt like it was being pulled apart, but she knew that wasn’t the case, so she fought through it, drawing strength form the pony she was holding and the love they shared. Three seconds. “Minuette!” The voice sounded distant, but at least she could hear it. Still, she held Berry tighter, just in case. Two seconds. The pale living room faded away, replaced with a vast white nothingness. Berry had stopped screaming her name now and was eerily silent, so Minuette held her even tighter. One second. Minuette had only experienced this once before, back when she was a filly. It had frightened her to no end at the time, but she had survived it, and when it was over, she had ended up having loads of fun. Of course, back then it hadn’t hurt nearly this much, which meant that this event was far beyond what she had experienced. “Minuette!” Minuette’s vision cleared and feeling came back into her body. Berry was shaking in panic. “Collie! Are you okay? Please be okay!” “That’s…” Minuette coughed a few times as her voice struggled to come back. She leaned forward and kissed her wife on the cheek really quick as she waited for her throat to clear. “That’s what you’re worried about?” she teased as she looked around at the nothingness that surrounded them. Tears were in Berry’s eyes. Without a word, she leaned forward and wrapped Minuette in one of the tightest hugs she had ever felt. She held her there for a full minute, until Minuette finally stroked the Earth pony’s back to let her know she was okay. “Don’t you ever do that again,” Berry whispered as she pulled out of the hug, tears staining her face now. “Had to, sexy,” Minuette replied. “I didn’t want you to disappear.” “What?” “Hang on, I’m going to pop the bubble now. Might be a—” Minuette released the spell surrounding them and they both dropped onto what could only be described as solid white nothingness. Minuette landed on her back, and three-fourths of a second later, Berry landed on top of her. “Bit of a drop.” Now that the danger had passed, Minuette was keenly aware that Berry had landed in a rather perfect position on top of her, but Berry didn’t notice. She was too busy looking around at the emptiness that surrounded them. “Where…?” she whispered. “What happened?” “That’s kind of tricky,” Minuette said. Slowly, she reached up and wrapped her forelegs around Berry’s waist, keeping her pressed down. “I’m not exactly sure what caused it, actually, but we’ll be fine in a few hours, at the most.” “What are you talking about?” A sheepish grin spread across Minuette’s face. She massaged the small of Berry’s back, trying to imitate the tail trick Aloe had used on the Earth pony for her birthday, but she was nowhere near the masseuse’s skill level. “Let me put this in a way you’ll appreciate,” Minuette said. “Brace yourself, okay?” “Braced.” “How do you feel about having sex outside of time?”