//------------------------------// // Third wave // Story: The peacekeeper of Equestria // by Kauetheadventurer246 //------------------------------// Kaue's pov "... Then the thing literally shit itself right in front of me.", I had just told Caban about what happened at the last wave. He had a look on his face that spoke what the fuck. Caban looked down at a cup he was drinking from while I was telling him my tale. He picked up the cup and took a quick sip from it. Caban had put the cup down and looked at me with a deadpan expression,"Why the fuck did you tell me that?", I could only shrug my shoulders at his question. Caban rubbed the bridge of his nose as he let out a groan,"Can you at least buy something so that it doesn't felt like I just wasted of my time?" I crossed my arms and looked at the side as if there was a stench I didn't want to smell,"Rude.", Though he was right, I should buy something. I needed to step up my game if Chrysalis was going to send better troops to kill me. I brought the mags and another backpack upgrade again and just like that, I was low on cash with only 740 bits. I was about to tell him I was done but! Caban closed up when we both heard buzzing. It seems those changelings were not going to leave me alone anytime soon. I did a quick check on my upgrades and the only differences were that the magzine was longer and the pipes on the backpack were now made what looked like gold. I looked over the trench to see any new changelings and saw a few of them carrying huge axes on thier backs. I would have been terrified if it weren't for what the axe qeilding changeling said. "Hey buddy! Let me AXE you a question!", eyup. He had just said a axe pun. These guys were just like the ones in the game, they loved to make tons of bad axe puns. I could only groan as I facepalmed at that. I noticed that a few of the changelings did the same. I removed my hand and look at him so that I would ask if he was serious but, one of them was ahead of me. "Was that really necessary?" "Yeah, the puns were funny while we were younger but, now they're just plain-", One of the changelings that was backing up the other one was interrupted by the axe changeling. "Come on guys, don't be kiss-" "YOUR PUNS FUCKING SUCKS!", I yelled out and blasted it to bits as its green blood flew everywhere. I just couldn't stand another axe pun at this point. I looked up and saw a couple were actually glad that it was dead. Problem was that not all of them were happy I killed that thing. "TIME TO KISS MY AXE AXEHOLE!", One of them yelled. Wave:3/150 Enemies: Scouts:25 Lower class troops:10 Axe troops:11(10 since Kaue already killed one) Total:46(45) "Now that was just forced!", I shouted before I started to shoot at them. I manage to shoot down about three scouts but, one of the axe changelings manage to get close and threw its axe at me. I rolled out of the way and found out they were just like the axe users in the game. They are one of the few enemies that could actually hurt me while I was hiding inside the trench. I manage to kill it before it could do anyreally damage but, one of the scouts got lucky hit on me. Kaue's HP:90% That shot was as bad like last time. Sadly, the time I spent hiding gave most of the axe users enough time to get close enough to attack me. I quickly pulled my grenade out and threw it near the axe users and killed the group of six but, I wasn't fast enough to stop them from throwing their axes. Two of them manage to cut against my armor. Kaue's HP:60% I was cursing from all the wounds I gained from those axes and to make matters worse, the rest of the axe users manage to catch up. I had to dodge left and right to avoid the axes and waited for my grenade to cool down. When it did, I didn't hesitated from grabbing it and threw it and cause it to lodge itself inside one of the changelings' mouth. That was an accident but, I ducked down as fast as I could and heard a bang from the grenade. A couple of blood dropltes landed on my armor and and eyeball landed right in front of me with an eternal look of fear on it. I had to say that was the most creepiest thing I had seen. The rest changelings continued to waste their time shooting at the barrier that now protected me which gave my grenade enough time to refresh for me to use. I threw the grenade and killed six scouts and one trooper-Saying and thinking lower class troop would take way too long. I cause a bit of confusion to the new guys and that gave me enough time to rip apart the limbs of three scouts be fore hiding again. My gun was fully reloaded and my grenade had just came back at the same time. I threw the grenade and once more and managed to kill five scouts with that, plus three more with my gun. I saw a green blast heading my way and barely dodged back into cover,"These guys are relentless I give them that.", I muttered in my breath and came out to kill three more scouts and one more trooper. My grenade was ready once again and I used it to kill the rest of the scouts and focused on killing the rest. It too, a while but, I had killed all of the changelings. I saw in the corner of my eye a scout that was hiding behind a big rock. When it noticed that I had found it, it tried to run away. I was going to shoot it down but, then I wouldn't have any more fun killing those things. I lowered my guard since I knew that I had won another battle. I decided to lay down and take a quick nap before preparing for the next wave but, I was having some troubling thoughts. The waves would only get stronger and the chances of me dying would increase. I had finally shoved those thoughts to the side but, I couldn't sleep.