//------------------------------// // The Meeting of Two Old Friends // Story: Lightning Dust's Revenge // by AOTlover777 //------------------------------// THE MEETING OF TWO OLD FRIENDS It all started in the city of Cloudsdale, where Rainbow Dash, along with many other ponies, are getting ready to compete in the Best Young Fliers Competition. This competition will decide who the best young flyer in all of Equestria is. The winner will get to spend a day with the Wonderbolts, a celebrity flying group of whom Rainbow Dash is the biggest fan. There is one other pony who also wants to win. Her name is Lightning Dust. She used to be a good friend of Rainbow's, but after getting kicked out of the Wonder Bolt academy for not caring about the other ponies there and for almost killing Twilight and the others who were bringing Rainbow a care package, she is not any more. She doesn’t care if Rainbow Dash loses the competition. Rainbow Dash should die for all Lightning cares. While warming up for the competition, they run into each other. Rainbow Dash, forgetting about what happened at the Academy, walks up to Lightning and casually says, “Hey Lightning Dust, how have you been? It's been a long time!” Lightning looks up at her bitterly and angrily, her heart still filled with anger and hatred towards Rainbow Dash. “Uh, obviously not long enough, what’s wrong Lightning?” Rainbow asks. “Oh don’t pretend like you don’t remember, Rainbow Dash. You should remember how you humiliated me in front everypony at the Wonderbolt Academy, getting me kicked out and never to return.” Lightning furiously retorts. “Oh come on! You’re not still mad about that are you? Rainbow Dash replies while trying to keep cool. “What do you think, Rainbow Dash!? You completely ruined my chances of becoming a Wonderbolt!” Lightning shouts back. That outburst was enough to get Rainbow Dash very angry because she now remembers what happened that day. “Now look here, you giant flying mud face! I had a good reason to tell Spitfire what you did, and that reason was why you got kicked out! You made me clip my wing in the flag hunt, you sent the rest of our class in freaky tail spins on the obstacle course, almost injuring them, and you decided to use a tornado to take out all the clouds! In doing so, you almost killed my friends! You never cared about how good the other ponies did, nor did you care about their safety! Not even mine, even though I was your friend! I was glad you left, and I hope you lose. You don’t deserve to hang out with the Wonderbolts! Oh, and here’s a news flash, Lightning Dust! You almost killed Equestria’s future princess!” Rainbow Dash screams at Lightning Dust with all her might. “Psh, come on Rainbow, those ponies didn’t have what it took to be a Wonderbolt! I obviously did, but I can’t believe that some of them are. Wait! You’re saying that the purple pony who was in the balloon, is the new princess, and your friend!?” Lightning shouts back. “Yeah that’s right! Princess Twilight Sparkle…is my friend. I’m also friends with the other Princesses too. And about the ponies in our class, yes…they did Lightning because not only did they have the right skills to be a Wonderbolt, but they also had humility, which is obviously something that you didn’t learn. Can’t wait to see you lose in the competition.” Rainbow retorts. “Oh yeah? Well we’ll just see about that!” Lightning ferociously replies. “Yes we shall! See you later you miserable little pile of dirt!” Rainbow finishes before flying off. After taking off she tells Lightning: “And it’s like you said before Lightning Dust. Not everyone is destined to become a Wonderbolt, and you Lightning Dust, are not.” Stopping by the place where Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be sitting during the competition, she sits there wondering what happened to the old Lightning Dust she knew. When she left, she wasn’t angry, but sad and crushed that she had to go. “Something doesn’t seem right about Lightning Dust,” Rainbow says to herself. “She seems different.” Applejack, and the others notice this. “You okay Rainbow, you seem down and sad. Everything alright?” Asks Applejack. “Mmmmmmmm…not really Applejack. And I’m not worried about messing up.” Rainbow replies. “Then what’s wrong?” Rarity asks. “Oh…well…I ran into Lightning Dust just a minute ago. You remember her right?” Rainbow asks. “How could I forget her? She almost killed us with that Tornado!” Pinkie Pie angrily replies. “Yeah! Where is she? I’d like to give her a piece of my mind!” Applejack furiously replies. “That’s okay Applejack, I already did, and she wasn’t happy with what I said at all.” Rainbow happily replies. “Well, will you tell us what you said?” Pinkie asks. “Well, I said that she doesn’t deserve to hang out with the Wonderbolts, let alone be one. I also said that she has never been destined to be a Wonderbolt. She got incredibly angry at that. Then I left, and flew off to you guys.” Rainbow Dash tells them. “Wow, I guess you sure showed her then!” Applejack exclaims with excitement. “Yeah, and by the way, she had it coming sooner or later. Oh! Are you gonna see Twilight before the competition?” Rarity asks Rainbow. “Yeah, planning on it, and in fact, I should probably do that now, I’ve only got a couple minutes before it starts.” Replies Rainbow. “Yeah, better get going then.” Applejack agrees. “Yeah, I better, see you guys later!” Shouts Rainbow Dash as she starts flying off. Arriving at the place where Twilight will be with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, she starts to walk towards the entrance when she gets stopped by a guard. “Hey, what are you doing, I’m a friend of the Princesses!” Rainbow Dash shouts in frustration. “I don’t believe you, how do I know you’re not a spy?” The guard retorts. “Guard, let her through, she’s not a spy. She is a good friend of mine, and the other Princesses.” Says a familiar voice behind Rainbow Dash. “My apologies, Princess Twilight.” The guard replies. Rainbow Dash turns around at that very moment, and sees Twilight Sparkle standing there. “Twilight! Boy am I happy to see you before the competition. I could use some good luck, as well as some encouragement right now.” Rainbow tells her. “Why Rainbow, what’s wrong?” Twilight asks. “Well, I ran into Lightning Dust earlier, and we got in to a fight. I said some pretty mean things.” Rainbow Dash replies with regret. “Like what Rainbow Dash?” Asks Twilight. “Well, I called her a giant flying mud face, and a miserable little pile of dirt. I also said that she has never been destined to be a Wonderbolt, and that she doesn’t deserve to hang out with them. After that, I flew off and sat by Applejack and the others for a little bit. I sat there, wondering what happened to the old Lightning Dust I knew.” Rainbow tells Twilight. “Why? Isn’t she the one that almost killed me, and the others?” Asks Twilight. “Yeah Twilight, she is, but as to why, well…it was because as we argued, I noticed something different about her. Like she’s not who she used to be Twilight. Her personality seemed different. I’m sensing that something isn’t right. You sense it too?” Rainbow asks Twilight. “Yeah, I feel it too, but I don’t believe that it will happen at the competition. I believe that it will happen where not a lot of ponies would be around. Probably in Ponyville, not a lot of ponies are normally out on the streets. It’s a small town after all.” Replies Twilight. “Yeah I agree, it is Twilight. I sure hope that she doesn’t try to kill me, I did nothing wrong. All I did was tell our couch, Spitfire what she was doing. It’s not my fault that she got kicked out of the Wonder Bolt academy for good, I just did the right thing.” Rainbow tells Twilight. “I know it wasn’t your fault Rainbow, I know you did the right thing, and I certainly hope that she doesn’t kill you neither. Should I tell Celestia, Luna, and Cadence about this?” Twilight asks Rainbow. “Probably Luna, not Celestia and Cadence though. Celestia has enough responsibilities in Canterlot, and Cadence has many things of her own to attend to in the Crystal Empire. I trust Luna to do her part. What do you say Twilight?” “Hmmmmm…okay Rainbow Dash, I will trust your judgment on this, and I will let Luna know about this. I’ll see you later, looks like the competition is starting." “Alright Twilight, wish me luck!” Rainbow Dash shouts as she flies off to where every competitor is waiting to be called out.