//------------------------------// // Crippled // Story: Waves of Fire // by CowgirlVK //------------------------------// Pain is crippling. Even the strongest of us can be stricken down, and held down under it’s influence, and if not at first, then it’s battering blows will eventually fell even the strongest of walls, or toughest of ponies. It’s latest victim; Second Commander Wave Chill of the Wonderbolts. It’d been a simple thing, take a shower, eat dinner, then report to the top floor for fire hazard duty. AKA, snuggle his captain, and lover, until his arm went to sleep, or he got plastered into the bed or wall by her uncanny strength. However, he didn’t even accomplish the first task before he had gotten blindsided by a mysterious pony, and woke up chained to a wall in the enemy compound. He had never gotten a chance to escape. From the moment he was awake, he was instantly at the strange Shadowbolt commander’s mercy. Ruin, a red pony with white splotches, and more than one loose screw, had used his crystals, six of them, to torture him into complete submission. Each crystal discharging a steady, and intense beam of magic into his body as they slowly burned their way across his body with surgical accuracy. The captor hadn’t even been so kind to allow him water, or food during the entire process. Hour after hour, the clock ticked as Ruin teased, and tortured him in his strange and twisted ways. Overjoyed, the twisted beast was, to see it’s prey writhe and wail in the clutches of his web. Like a spider, he had danced and mocked the fly which was Commander Wave Chill. Not even when Ruin vanished, to do whatever it was Ruin did when he wasn’t enjoying his victim's pain, did Wave have a moment’s peace. Finally it did come. Wave Chill would never forget the extreme relief he had felt when the pain ended. The relief, then voices, familiar voices! “Commander!” He recognized Captain Fire’s voice. “Commander, It’s us.” “Chiller, Bro!” Lightning’s voice, from the other side of his body. “Come on dude, look at us!” Voices of friends. He struggled to opened his eyes to see if it was true. His body was in such pain, he didn’t know if he even had the strength to do it. Somehow he did, groaning pitifully. He glanced around, Their coats were all different as they were heavily disguised. Wave knew them. He knew their voices, and he knew their eyes. “Wave,” Surprise said from right in front of him, beside her flew Misty, who was deaf and dumb, but the look in her eye was all he needed to know it was her. “Say something, Please!” Surprise begged. “G-guys” He hardly could make his voice work, it spluttering as he forced his vocal cords to cooperate with him. It didn’t feel real. None of what had happened felt real. “S-surprise?... Misty?...” He looked for the other two voices. “Fire...? Lighting?” He breathed heavily from the effort. “Hang tight bro, we’re getting’ ya out of here.” Lighting made the mistake of patting Wave on the shoulder. The second commander cried out in pain. The touch was gentle, but his body was in such a state after being tortured for so long. Through the fog of pain, he heard Lightning Strike of Squad 3 say something. “Painful to the touch.” Fire commented sadly from Wave’s other side. “Brother… let’s get him out of these chains. Be as gentle as possible,” he ordered his twin before turning back to Wave. “Commander,” The voice was calm and gentle, but at the same time firm and decided. “We are going to get you down... We’ll try to make this as painless as we can.” The words were empty to Wave. “Don’t... bother... worrying.” He forced out. His body trembling from the sheer amount of pain he was in. “My whole body… is on fire… everything hurts… and everything will hurt,” he struggled, fighting to get the whole sentence out of his abused and parched throat. “Then, forgive us...” Fire’s voice sounded pained. “This will be painful.” “I don’t… care…” Wave gasped, his voice cracking. “Just help me… make it end…I... want to go home... I want... to see Spitfire... I...” He screamed in pain, his voice completely rebelling against him. “Stop talking,” Surprise ordered hovering close to him. “We all came this far to bring you back, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do!” she stated adamantly. “Let’s get to work on these chains,” Fire ordered Lightning. “Stay strong commander…” Wave did strive to stay strong. He didn't have much, and the pain kept making him swoon. But he knew they were doing their best, and were there to help. He kept his eyes closed, and his jaw locked, hissing through his teeth as the work needed to get him free also put him through as much pain as he’d already been through. Fire was very careful to warn him verbally before he shifted his grip, to help Wave Chill prepare for the wave of pain before it hit. Lightning tried, but forgot a time or two. Wave Chill, unprepared had almost yanked himself out of their grip as his nerves screamed in agony. Surprise and Misty both tried to get one hold, and not move, allowing the twins to do the hard work of breaking the chains. Finally he was free. They set him down to catch his breath for a moment. But a moment was all he had before a voice said “Ruin is moving.” The brave commander’s stomach flopped in fear. But instantly, he felt himself hoisted up between Fire and Lightning. Both of them trying to make sure no part of him touched the floor as they moved him out of the enemy’s lair. The escape had not been flawless, but from his standpoint; couldn’t have been more golden. He’d received verbal encouragement the entire time. Through the pain he could feel the Streak Twins supporting him as they carried his weak, and destroyed body out of that hellish place. It’d been a relief when he had felt himself lowered onto something flat so he was no longer being hauled by his forearms. It had been so wonderful, that he had fallen into a fitful slumber. He had heard Silver’s voice, his room-mate and long time mentor, say something. Then it was cold, frightfully cold. But blissfully wonderful as it numbed his body to the pain. A warm weight would sometimes touch down on his shoulder blades as they’d turn. This would wake him for a moment, before he’d drop down once more into his fitful slumber. He was unsure of how long he had slept, maybe hours, but eventually it was warm again. Wave Chill could feel himself being lifted. The pain became intense once more, spreading all over his body as he was shifted, and moved from his flat bed. Then, he felt himself being supported by a single pony, the pressure no longer shifting, and aggravating nerves at random. “What are you waiting for? Go!” He knew that voice too, but he didn’t have the strength to waste on a response to it. He felt himself being shifted, his body passed between hooves. Something traced the edge of his face. Pain! So much pain! He hissed, his body tensing fearful of what it could be. Slowly, his eyes squeaked open. A blurry image hung over him. He waited a moment to let his eyes adjust. “Spit-fire?” He was devastated almost with how weak he sounded, even to himself. But the strength of seeing the only mare in Equestria that he loved filled him with peace, peace and through it; strength. With as weak as he felt, she looked strong, strong and focused. Her focus was on him. He noted the fact she was biting her lower lip. A clear sign to him, by  now, that she was hiding how she really felt. “Wave.” It was quiet, but full of love and devotion. He relaxed. Despite how weak he felt, he forced his focus to move, one by one his friends, brothers, sisters of the ‘bolts, their faces came into view, if but a bit blurry. “I’m... home..?” “Yes.” The tone was just as gentle and caressing to his tired, sore ears. He caught the slight waiver, the sniffle in her tone. “You are safe.” “Oh!” He was overjoyed, he had to show it, he had to show her how much it meant to him; he smiled. It was weak, but he forced it. He had to let her know. “Oh... Thank Celestia... I” he was out of breath, but he wasn’t out of things to say. His breathing became more labored as he fought, once more through the pain, hunger, and parched throat. He forced his arm to move now. She was holding him, he had to return it. The hug was weak, but he was doing it. “I thought...” A gasp escaped, a wheeze as he tried to draw enough breath to finish telling her what he had to say. “I thought I was done for... I thought...” Her eyes, her beautiful golden eyes, he gazed into them overjoyed. “I thought I’d never see you again.” He tried, and that was all the more he could give, his eyes closed as tears began to creep out of his eyes once more. He was feeling more parched by the second, but it was worth it. It was more than worth it. He heard a sniffle, and felt her own tears falling fast onto his body. He had given it his all, he now had nothing more to give. It was enough to be safely in the arms of his lover with his family around them. Nothing more mattered. His body was tender, on fire really, but in her arms it was nothing. “WAVE!” She shouted, pulling his battered, and burned body against hers. It was one of the most painful moments in his life, but for her, it was worth it. Her tears burned his sore back, but it was worth it, it was more than worth it. Finally he had to be moved again. He had to get to the Infirmary to have his injuries looked at. Wave’s heart sank as he felt her handing him off to somepony else for travel. It wasn’t far, but she had duties. “Spit-” His eyes squeaked open again. “Rest.” She ordered. “I’ll come see you as quickly as I can get away.” She planted a kiss to his forehead; the kiss of protection, the kiss that said ‘I love you, and I’ll put everything on the line for you.’ It was what she’d done already. But it filled him with peace before he was carried away from her. His eyes grit closed and he hissed as he felt himself being returned to the flat thing, and carried down the hall to to the infirmary. His heart hammered in his ears as he panted from the pain. Finally, he felt himself being transferred to a bed. He panted and cringed again. Oh for it to be over. Just let it be over. He thought. And soon it was. He was left alone in the darkness of the Wonderbolt Intensive Care Unit. “Wave, welcome back.” Or so he thought, He searched his mind for the voice; Bliss, it had to be Siren Bliss’s voice. The head doctor. He squeaked his eyes open and tried to catch a glimpse of her in the near-darkness. He did finally spot her, she was close. His eyes then closed again without him willing it. He was just too weak. “Now, take it easy, I’m going to start with blood sugar. Just a quick poke on the bottom of your frog, This will hurt.” He was already in pain, sharp, piercing pain, he didn’t care. “One, Two, Three.” He grit his teeth as a needle poked him quickly deeply into the bottom of his hoof. “Not good.” She said shortly. “Alright, I need you to take this, we’ve got to get your blood sugar up.” Wave’s eyes creaked open as he felt something touch his lips. Opening his eye, he saw a tube near his mouth. “Open.” He didn’t have much strength, but he followed the order without question. The gel was sweet, he only got a little. “Alright now Commander, swallow. Careful now.” Her magic began to stroke his throat gently, encouraging him. After a second, he did as he was told. He swooned as the gell hit a sore place on his throat. Bliss’s magic held his head in place. “I know this hurts, and if we were in Canterlot, we’d be doing this by IV, but that is not an option. Come on, we’ve got two more bites like that.” Wave’s breathing was labored, his body on fire, but he had to admit that the medication was already helping to clear his head. He relaxed his jaw and felt Bliss squeeze more onto his tongue. “Again Commander, you can do it.” He grit his eyes closed as he forcefully made himself swallow. His body shuddered as again his sore, parched throat protested. Again her soothing magic helped, but didn’t alleviate the pain. “Good job. Once more, last time for now.” Again he felt the tube of medication forced through his lips as it’s contents fall onto his tongue. “There we go. You can do it.”   Again he forced himself to swallow. Tears squeaked out of the corner of his eye. Even eating was painful, how was he going to live? Bliss began to hum, her soothing magic falling over him. He didn’t fight it as she again tested his blood sugar. “Much better.” She said. “Still very low, but better. Hang in there Commander, blood-pressure, and a hydration test then I’ll leave you alone to rest.” He felt the cuff go around his arm on a spot that didn’t have any burn lines. It tightened. He tried not to wince as she watched the needle and listened to his heart through her stethoscope. “You are doing very well. Thready, and low, but it’s to be expected.” Wave was hit by a bolt of pain as Bliss pitched some of the skin on his neck, then suddenly sat him upright. “Sorry Wave, I had to do that. Now, I know I said no more swallowing, but you need to drink something before we lose you. You are badly dehydrated.” He didn’t even fight as he felt her assist him opening his mouth. A spoonful of snow was laid on his tongue. He smiled weakly, sighing from relief. He didn’t even have to swallow it, his mouth was just that dry. “Feels good? Two more;” Bliss ordered. “We can’t risk giving you that much, that fast, but you need something.” It was embarrassing to be fed like a foal, but it was just too good to be home, home and being tended to. He had been so afraid, so helpless in the grasp of Ruin that this was heaven in comparison. He felt something soft rub against his fur. “Good job, last time.” A pang of guilt ran through him, he must have spilled some. However it quickly passed as he realized there was not much he could do. Also, she’d made it painless. She was encouraging him every step of the way. He felt the last cold bite of ice enter his mouth. The liquid slowly sliding down his throat as it melted. He was limp in Bliss’s magic as she lowered him back down, and pulled the blanket over his body. “Rest, I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.” He hardly had heard that. He was just too tired to care. Without anything more, Commander Wave Chill of Squad 2 was sound asleep, home, and safe. Spitfire sighed as she made her final checks, all she wanted was to get back to Wave, but she couldn’t forget her duty to the rest of the ponies under her command. Everypony was back, and was safe. She wished she could also say that nopony had been seriously hurt. But alongside Wave, who had been their main objective to retrieve after their enemy; the Shadowbolts, had abducted him, Commander Soarin, her second in command had flown head first into a Mountain; Captain Silver Lining of Squad 2 was down, and in horrific shape after a beating he had taken from Commander Sin. Captain Rainbow Dash of Recruit Squad Foxtrot had taken a blow to the head; Recruit Little Star was out cold after taking a blast of magic. And one of their Allies, Starry Skies was down after taking control of one of the Shadowbolts’ ‘Falcons’. Spitfire had checked in with all captains and all commanders. She briefed the more minor team players, and now, after a long wait, was finally able to return to the one pony she could let herself go around; Wave Chill. It absolutely stung to see how badly he had been injured. The angry red burn lines, how he winced and hissed every time her fur so much as shifted against his. But he was back, he was safe, and that was all that mattered. Steeling herself against what her eyes would see, she pushed open the door to Infirmary. With searching eyes, she hunted down Bliss who was writing down some stuff at her desk. “Bliss.” Spitfire said quietly as she approached. Siren Bliss, The Wonderbolt’s head trainer/doctor. She was a simple brown unicorn who wore her mane tied back. Her cutie mark was a purple heart with a eighth note. “Captain.” “How’s Wave?” Spitfire's voice was concerned. “How bad is it?” Bliss sighed. “He should recover,” she began professionally. “He’s in bad shape, I will guarantee it will be a while before he will be able to return to duty. On top of the torture, they obviously didn’t see fit to give him any food or water. I’ll be bringing him some soup here in a bit, but currently he’s resting.” Spitfire’s ears pinned back, but she nodded professionally. “Can I see him?” Bliss nodded. “I think it will do both of you good, but don’t stay long; He needs sleep.” Spitfire nodded before entering the room. She said nothing as she slipped in beside him. She slowly looked him up and down taking in his pitiful state. Gently, she reached forward and picked up one of his hooves, bringing it to her lips. She held it there, tears creeping to the corner of her eyes once more. He shifted, groaning in pain. Slowly, his eyes creaked open. “Spi- ahhh!” He got no farther before a wave of pain hit. “Hey,” She said quietly. “How are you feeling?” Wave smiled weakly, “Hap-py” He squeaked just over a whisper. She smiled again, holding his hoof to her chest. “Me too.” A tear slipped from her eye. “It is so good to have you back. When I found out you had been nabbed-” Wave stopped her, moving his own hoof to her lips. There was pain in his eyes, not only of the body, but of the soul as well. “I’m... Home... Spit...Fire.” He reassured her. She nodded, kissing the hoof. “Yes.” she closed her eyes. “You are home, and I’m not allowing it to happen again.” Wave smiled weakly. “I... Lo-” The rest was lost to his exhaustion. Spitfire looked him the eye smiling as well. “I love you too.” She sighed as she lowered the hoof back onto the mattress. “You need to rest.” She ordered. “Bliss wants to feed you something in a little while.” Wave nodded, his eyes fluttering shut, despite his efforts to keep them open, and fixed on the one pony he wanted to see, to be with. He frowned as he felt her move. “Wave, I have to debrief the infiltration team. I’ll come back as soon as I can.” Captain Spitfire’s heart was about to break. He was still shaken, and wanted comfort. “Not... real....” His eyes opened again. Extreme worry was written in them. A slight tremor when through him. She reached down and brushed her hoof against his cheek. “This is real Wave. You are home, and you are safe. You need to lay down and rest so you can recover.” He shivered, and winced at the contact, but didn’t complain. He wanted it, he needed to feel her. He needed to know that he wasn’t alone anymore. He needed to know, to feel, he was safe. She stood up, and very gently leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He relaxed as he felt her lips on his. He couldn’t return the kiss with much strength, but he puckered his lips and tried. “I love you, please rest and recover for me.” His eyes were fluttering closed again, his head tipping to the side.  She had given him a order, and as it was his nature to follow orders, he did. Slowly his breathing became more steady again. She stood just a moment more as she watched him sleep, a tear slipping from her eye. She took a deep breath. “He’s safe.” She said out loud for her own benefit, turning, she walked out of the room, her eyes not leaving his sleeping frame. “Doesn’t it just give you chills?” Spitfire frowned as she ran right into Fleetfoot. “Fleet!” Her look hardened. “Oh that look,” her flirtatious friend teased. Spitfire snorted, but in her heart, she was really glad she didn’t have to worry about her lover anymore. The next time Wave woke up, Bliss was in a chair next to him. She had a blood pressure cuff wrapped around his arm. He felt somewhat disoriented, he tried to lift his head to look around. Instantly Bliss’s magic stopped him. “No.” She ordered. “You’ll need your strength for eating. It’s vital we get some nutrition into you. Your blood sugar is dropping again.” Wave didn’t respond, but he kept his eyes locked on her. Slowly, he felt the head of his bed lift, propping him up in a somewhat upright position. She then took warm towels, rolled them up and placed one on either side of his head to help him hold his head steady. “Alright Wave, just like before. Your job is swallowing. This is some broth with some crackers in it. Now, open up, and let me do the spooning.” Wave Chill did as he was told. The warm soup was almost torture in his mouth. A tear slipped from his eye as he just held it. The cold had felt good, the heat... not so much. Bliss’s magic started stroking his neck again. “Come on, you have to swallow.” The soup burned the whole way down. It wasn’t that warm, but the magic had damaged his body so much that it felt warmer than it was. “Good job,” Bliss said soothingly. “Now another one.” Wave eyed the spoon, but obeyed grudgingly. “I know it hurts, but you have to power through.” Wave felt broken. Completely and totally broken. He felt Bliss’s magic on his neck again, forcing him to swallow. Again it burned as it went down. She allowed him to lay back and breath while she dabbed up the soup that had escaped his mouth again and was running down his face and chest. Shame. “This isn’t your fault.” Bliss told him noting the look in his eyes. “You are doing very well, considering what you have been through. Are you ready for another bite?” The answer was no, but that was beyond the point. Wave had to eat, and he knew he had to eat. Despite the pain, and his weakness, he opened his mouth. The soup was rich in flavors. Almost a gravy really, but with no biscuits... Just soggy crackers. Again her magic stroked his neck as she forced him to swallow down the broth. Again she wiped up the drool. Again he felt the shame of his weakness. Again she had another bite, and another, and another ready for him. Slowly, his stomach began to feel full. He began to feel less eager to eat as he started drifting off again. “Come on Commander, just a little more.” Bliss encouraged him. He was losing strength fast. The pain, the effort was dragging him back down. He felt the spoon touch his lips. Automatically they opened and she slipped the broth into his mouth once more. “Five more bites. You can do it.” It was the same mentality as they used in training, upon hitting your wall of endurance, you press on for just a little while longer, then back off before trying again. Just a few more bites, then he could rest. Again Bliss helped him swallow, and wiped up the drips before putting another bite in his mouth. The whole process was painful, it was sending ripples of sharp pain through his body, but he did admit to himself it felt good to have his stomach full again. Four more... three more... two more... one more... done. He let his head flop against one of the towels that was assisting to hold it up. His eyes fluttered closed as he smiled contentedly. Bliss slowly lowered the bed back to nearly flat and removed the towels. “There we go Commander. I’ll be back in a little while to check on you. Rest, you’ve earned it.” She whispered to him. He had eaten. It nearly broke him on the inside with how weak he felt after something so low key. But after everything he had been through, he was just glad to be home. Despite the pain, despite the shame, despite the fact that it was nearly surreal... he was happy to just be home. With everything that needed done, Spitfire wasn’t able to get back to Wave that evening, or most of the next day. But finally, after most of the others were in the battle dome eating dinner, she managed to slip away to check on him. “How?” Spitfire took a deep breath, her eyes falling on Silver, who lay awake, but very withdrawn on his bed, beaten black and blue, and bandaged to the point of nearly resembling a mummy. Bliss stepped forward and laid a hoof on her shoulder, before pulling the brave captain into her for a hug. Spitfire tensed, but let it happen. “You are doing fine Sweetie.” Bliss encouraged. Spitfire took a deep breath, forcing the professional look back onto her face. “How is Wave today?” She said firmly. Bliss sighed. “I got about half a bowl of soup in him about an hour ago, his hydration is still a problem, although, I don’t have much of a choice. I’ve had him knocked out most of this afternoon... but the pain is still crippling him.” Spitfire took a deep breath nodding. “Is he recovering alright?” “It’s too early to tell,” Bliss said. “The burns run deep, I’ve put the salve on them, now there is not much more we can do. His body is going to have to heal him. I can keep him comfortable, and fed, but that is about it. What he needs... is encouragement.” Spitfire glanced up into the face of Bliss, she tried to keep the pain from her eyes, but the married mare knew exactly what the strong captain was going through. Bliss knew she’d be fighting herself to focus on anypony else if that was her own husband, Play Blitz, in there instead. “Captain, go to him. You both need it.” Bliss instructed her. Spitfire nodded. “Captain,” Bliss laid a hoof on her shoulder. “Be gentle with your words, it’s not easy for a pony, anypony, to feel this helpless. He’s in bad shape physically, and he doesn’t have much control of his bodily functions.” She nodded again, before she squared off and marched in. Every time she saw him, a wave of pain, the failure to prevent something this horrible washed over her. She was overjoyed that she had managed to get him back, but the enemy had snuck in, and captured her beloved. She had not even realized that it had been a fake that had come to her that evening for snuggle time. The fact that the pony, who had turned out to be their old enemy Rapidfire, had been so commanding with her should have been a clue. Wave was normally a very submissive stallion. She walked in and sat down in the chair beside his bed, his eyes were still closed as he rested. She frowned as she noted his labored breathing. “Oh Wave...” She said just above a whisper. His eyelids moved. “Spit...fire?” his voice was barely audible. She grabbed his hoof again, and brought to her chest as she looked him up and down. “Wave, I’m here.” He smiled weakly, then hissed in pain as he moved his head to get a better look at her. “How are you feeling?” “I... still... hurt...” He forced out. She frowned as she pulled the hoof closer to her chest, a tear slipping from her eyes. “Don’t... cry.” He grunted, closing his eyes for a second as his body tensed and shuddered, his nerves still practically on fire. “The ceiling is dripping.” She defended herself. “Must be raining.” “Ha- owwww!” He gave a weak laugh, then grunted. “Wave, don’t force it. please, don’t hurt yourself any more.” She pleaded. For a moment, she thought he’d fallen asleep again after being still for a moment. Suddenly he opened his good eye just a crack. “I’m home?” She nodded. “Yes Wave, you are home.” “Ruin...” He hissed, fear filling his eyes once more. “Ruin is not here.” Spitfire tried to re-assure him. He didn’t respond for a second, tears slipping from the corner of his eyes, when they opened they were filled with fear. Spitfire leaned forward and slipped hoof behind his back picking him up and pulling him into a hug. “Ruin is not here.” she said firmly once more as he hissed in pain, but he slowly moved his arms to return the hug. “I’m safe?” He asked once more his eyes pleading with her’s as he flopped back a little and gazed into her eyes.   She nodded. “You are safe Wave. I won’t let them get you again.” Her mind wandered back to when their relationship had begun, he’d been the one encouraging her as she lay broken and afraid after her negative emotions had been amplified, then turned on her best friend. Now the relationship was going full circle as it was him on the bed needing comfort. He relaxed in her grip, heaving and panting, his body shivering every time she shifted. But he wanted to be held, despite the pain, he wanted her to hold him. “You will get better. You helped me, I will help you.” She planted another kiss on his forehead. “Spi-ire...” He said weakly between gasps. She didn’t pull back, or relax the hug in any way. “Wave?” “Good... home.” She smiled, a tear or two escaping her eyes as she continued to stoop over his bed, holding him tightly in her arms. “Eat, rest, recover. I’ll be back as often as I can get away.” she promised him. He didn’t want her to leave just then, and she graced him by not, instead she just lowered him down, and held his hoof while stroking his mane gently, in a comforting manner. She readjusted his blanket. “How... everypony... else?” he asked weakly. She smiled. “Don’t worry Wave, we got you out, and most of us got away with only bumps and bruises.” He eyed one of the many healing cuts on her. “I’m fine Wave. They are just scratches.” She reassured him for the umpteeth time. “Silver?” His eyes fixed on hers. “Resting, but he should recover as well.” She tried to sugarcoat it, but she felt his body stiffen again. “Wave,” she began once more. “You are who I’m worried about. Silver will be fine, I am fine, everypony else is fine... You can hardly move, or be touched without screaming in pain!” She immediately wished she had kept her mouth shut as his entire demeanor drooped. Bliss had warned her not to mention his condition to him. “I’m sorry...” “No, you...” He took a shaky breath. “Right...” She didn’t trust herself to say anything more as she tilted her head down so it was right next to his. She rubbed his hoof against her own cheek. “I’m sorry you have to go through this.” She clarified. “Silver... been through... worse.” Wave whispered his consciousness quickly fading. Spitfire could only agree. “Captain!” Spitfire turned as she caught Mahogany, one of Bliss’s assistants trotting up beside her. Spitfire groaned as she handed the clipboard she was carrying to Fire before shoo-ing him in the direction of the Engine room. “Gany?” Spitfire acknowledged. “Bliss needs you.” Spitfire’s ears went straight up. “Not like that, You see... he... um... so Bliss needs to give him a bath.” Gany looked uncomfortable with the situation. “He really stinks.” She clarified. “What does that have to do with me?” Spitfire was concerned about Wave, but she didn’t understand why she was required for something so simple. “Well... It’s not going to be pleasant... Bliss wants you there for Wave’s sake.” Spitfire’s head felt like it was in a fog as she shook it out. “Right, I should have thought about that.” She quickly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “Alright, Thank you for letting me know. I’ll be right down.” Bliss was already in the back room when Spitfire arrived, she could hear muffled groans coming from the room. “You are doing great Commander.” Spitfire opened the door, her eyes watering up, and half choking on the smell. “Bliss?” She gagged as she entered. She thought the stallion’s locker rooms smelled bad, this was worse. “Great Captain, you are here. I’m sorry to pull you away from your duties, but there is no way he’s going to handle this without you.” Bliss said professionally. Spitfire’s eyes turned to her lover. He had his eyes tight shut, his jaw clenched, and his back somewhat arched as he breathed heavily. Spitfire had to steel her own nerves against the sight. Walking up to him. “Wave, I’m here.” She gently, but firmly laid a hoof against his. His breathing was labored, and his eyes clouded as he turned them upwards to her. Instantly, upon seeing her, a fresh set of tears began to fall as he averted his eyes, a deep blush coloring his cheeks. “We are going to get you cleaned up Wave. Don’t worry.” Spitfire said soothingly. “Alright, We need to get him over to the other bed, I’m all ready to clean him up there. Gany, you know your part.” Bliss said as her assistant entered. She then turned back to Spitfire. “Captain, I need you here for him.” Wave didn’t open his eyes again, tears continued to flow rapidly down his cheeks. Spitfire nodded to Bliss as the brown unicorn lifted him in her magic, and set him on the harder bed. “Owww!” Wave groaned as the rubber mat irritated his sensitive skin. “I’ve already given him a dose of pain medication for this,” Bliss told Spitfire as she readied a sponge in some warm, soapy water she had sitting out. “So he’s pretty out of it. Just hold his hoof, and let him know you are there. Believe me, he wants to see you, he just doesn’t want you to see him. I’ll be starting at his shoulders, then do his neck and head, and then work back down and finish with his mane and tail,” Bliss said it as much for Wave’s sake, as for Spitfire’s. “Alright Commander, are you ready?” She said soothingly near his face. Wave’s eyes fluttered open. “Guess,” he choked. Bliss’s soothing magic came to life, hovering over him to help him relax as she used her hooves to get the sponge wet. “Why don’t we just use a bathtub?” Spitfire asked. Bliss shook her head. “If I was certain he could control the water and keep from drowning, I would. But right now...” She trailed off looking Spitfire in the eyes. Spitfire felt the grip on her hoof tighten. Painful words. “You’ll get better.” Spitfire re-assured. “You will deserve a medal when we get back.” Wave groaned pitifully. “Alright Wave, I’m going to clean your shoulder now.” Bliss said before letting the very wet sponge make contact with the said part of his body. He hissed in pain, his back arching away from the sponge. Where there were actual burn lines, she would would make sure to completely dry it out, and worked gently, covering it afterwards with aloe vera, and Vitamin E oil. “How?” Spitfire began. “Not here captain.” Bliss stated knowing the question. , Spitfire sighed as she took in his whole self. What had happened was actually pretty obvious, for some reason or another, Wave’s weakness had been his undoing and he had wet the bed. From the glow in his cheeks, Wave was obviously not too happy about it either. “Alright Commander, I’m ready to do your face really quick.” Bliss warned. Wave opened one eye and watched as Bliss lowered the sponge to his face. It was slightly damp. The soap stung as she washed the tear trails, and his runny nose. He winced and groaned, but he was trying not move as much. Trying to conserve his strength and respect Bliss’s efforts. “Sorry...” he said when Bliss was done with his face. “For what sweetheart?” Bliss asked. Wave grit his teeth as a ripple of agonizing pain shot through his body. “For... being... difficult.” Bliss let out a laugh. “Commander, you are doing great. When Blaze got cut with that sword, I not only almost taped her mouth shut, but glued her to the bed as well.” Spitfire almost laughed at that. “Wave, just let us take care of you until you are better. Do it for me. Please?” The request felt a little awkward for both of them, but he nodded and relaxed a little, holding onto her just a little tighter. Bliss continued to work down his body, flipping him over at one point to get his other side.  Wave continued to wince and groan, and Spitfire continued hold onto him. Finally Bliss finished up with shampooing, and conditioning his mane and tail. Draping a blanket over him to keep him warm, she turned to assist Mahogany with getting Wave’s bed re-made. “You smell better.” Spitfire said, laying her head down so her nose just barely brushed against the whiskers on his jaw. His face had a deep shadowed look to it after not getting a shave since he had been abducted.   He wiggled his nose, but didn’t say anything, just gazed weakly into her eyes for a moment. Slowly he closed his eyes, and squeezed her hoof weakly. “Thank... you... Spit... Fire.” He said. “For what?” “Being... here.” He looked her in the eye once more before his eyelids drifted closed. Spitfire ran her free hoof over his cheek. “I just want you getting better.I’m serious though, you’ve already earned a medal for being wounded in the line of duty.” Wave smiled weakly. “Just... get... us.... home...” He said in a halted whisper. “I will, I promise you, I’ll get us home.” She knew he was referring to getting their crashed compound out of the mountains, and back into civilization. He smiled in return, then puckered his lips. Spitfire felt a tingle of joy rush through her, she loved watching her soldier taking control of the relationship. Even if it was in little ways like this; asking to be kissed. She leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. “I’ve got to get back to work now. I’ve got a meeting with Descent here soon.” Wave didn’t let go of her hoof, but he closed his eyes. “Rest.” She ordered, before returning his hoof to the bed as he fell, once more, into a fitful sleep. Bliss followed Spitfire out of the room, remembering Spitfire’s request to speak with her in private. The doctor was the first to speak. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do that for him. I know that wasn’t planned, and I know how busy you are, but thank you. I don’t think he could have gotten through it without you.” Spitfire sighed nodding. “Bliss, how...” “He’s just weak Captain. We’ve been doing our best, but sometimes things like that happen. Our prisoners have been in diapers for two weeks almost. They can’t get up. Recently I’ve started taking to putting the feeding tubes in and pouring their dinners right into their stomachs. I don’t want to do that to Wave unless it’s absolutely necessary, and right now he’s doing alright with small spoonfuls of broth. “But my point is captain, I was kinda expecting it. I’ll probably be putting a diaper on him after this. Hopefully it won’t be needed, but he can’t get up, and he can’t always let us know he has to go. I’ve been getting by with watching the clock and making sure he has the bed-pan thirty minutes after feeding him. Then every other hour. He’s doing alright otherwise. We just managed to miss this time.” Spitfire sighed nodding. “It’s still hard to see.” “I know. He’ll get better, I promise he will.” Bliss patted Captain Spitfire on the shoulder as the bold captain once more dug a hole for her emotions, and buried them, replacing it with professional coolness. “Thank you, let me know if you need me for anything else.” With that, Spitfire hurried out. Spitfire had heard somewhere that reading to injured ponies helped them recover faster, so after taking liberties, she’d snuck into Wave Chill’s room, and retrieved a book off his shelf to read to him the next time she had a chance to do so. The chance was now. She slowly closed up the stack of papers she’d been reviewing from Rivet, then she picked up the book she’d chosen, and flew down to the lower floor. Bliss was not in the main room when Spitfire entered, but Mahogany and Witching were working together to keep Captain Silver Lining inside the ice-bath. The old veteran was doing everything he could to escape. She stepped back as Mahogany slipped and nearly fell in with him. “Where’s Bliss?” She called over to them. Witching nodded to the other room, as she kept her focus on keeping him in the water. Spitfire kept walking, upon reaching the door she knocked and waited. “Come in,” Bliss said. Spitfire entered. Like it normally was, the lights in the room were dim, but she could clearly see that Bliss was giving Wave his dinner. Bliss immediately acknowledged Spitfire and pointed to a chair. Wave had his eyes closed, but perked his ears towards the noise of her clopping hooves. “Come on Wave,” Bliss said gently. “You need to swallow this bite. You can do it dear.” Wave’s ears flicked back but Spitfire noted that Bliss’s green magic lit up around his throat as he swallowed. He groaned and shivered grimacing and breathing hard. “Good job Commander,” Bliss continued to encourage him as she hovered a damp towel up, and carefully dried up a few drops that had escaped out of the corner of his cheek. “Eight more.” Spitfire sat down but didn’t touch him. Pain filled her eyes as she watched the routine go forward. Bliss watched and waited for Wave to quit shaking before she prepared the spoon, hardly enough soup to fill the scoop half way, then she’d hover it to his mouth, and hold it where he could feel its presence, after a second pause he’d open his mouth slightly and she carefully poured the bite onto his tongue. Again there was a moment of pause, Wave would make a face, and Bliss would use her magic to help him swallow. After that Bliss would wipe up the drips, and prepare another bite ready to start the task over again. The task was tedious, but bite by bite Spitfire watched as Bliss got the food into him. Every step was met with encouragement from Bliss, and signs of extreme pain from Wave. Spitfire kept back, and watched from her seat. She kept her mouth shut the entire time allowing Bliss to do her job. Wave knew somepony else was in the room, but since Bliss didn’t call her out by name, Spitfire assumed that she didn’t want Wave to get distracted. Finally however, Wave was done. He fell back against the bed breathing heavily, his eyes closed tightly, tears quickly falling down his face. “Good job Commander,” Bliss said with sincere praise in her voice. Carefully she lowered the bed out flat again, and removed the two towels from either side of his head before moving, taking the dish outside. She beckoned for Spitfire to follow. Captain Spitfire paused for a moment before following, watching as the tears slowed, and his breathing became more steady. “Bliss?” She whispered as soon as the door was closed behind her. Siren Bliss sighed. “Captain, it has only been three days. These things take time.” Spitfire glanced away, what she had just seen was heartbreaking. “Why... why did you use your magic to help him swallow?” Bliss placed a hoof on her her shoulder. “First off, it was just an encouragement, if you stroke your throat, you will automatically swallow. Second, I was also making sure nothing went down the wrong pipe, Third I was helping to sooth the pain. It’s also why I don’t want to use a feeding tube until I have to. They will will hurt a whole lot worse than that did.” Spitfire’s head dropped slightly. “Bliss... thank you for doing all this.” “He does not deserve this,” Bliss began. “And neither does anypony else here. This is my job, just as being Captain of the Wonderbolts is yours. Now, do I see a book under your wing?” Spitfire slipped it out so it peaked around the edge of her wing. “I took the liberty to get one out of his room.” She admitted. Bliss smiled laying a hoof on her shoulder. “He will like that, I’m sure. You two get to spend time together, and he doesn’t have to work, or move.” “That’s what I was thinking... Bliss... Is he doing any better?” She pressed. Bliss sighed as she glanced over to where her helpers were dealing with Silver. “As I said Captain, it’s only been three days. However, from my observations, no. He is holding onto life, but so far he’s not improved any noticeable amount. I got one more bite into him this time than before, but it was hard on him, and he almost didn’t get it down.” Spitfire winced, glancing down at her hooves. “I just want him to get better!” She admitted. “It is understandable dear. He knew the risks when he signed on. You knew the risks when you signed on... I knew the risks when I signed on.” Spitfire nodded. “First Soarin... now him...” Her ears flicked back, “We are in the middle of nowhere camping out in our own home. It’s easier than it was but I can’t just go to Rusty’s when I get tired of these ration packs. At least he has broth... by the way, how is your supply of that stuff?” “High enough to last me another three or four weeks,” Bliss stated. “If I need more, Descent has already promised he’ll get it.” Spitfire took a deep breath and nodded. “Food isn’t a problem then. Good to know.” “Captain, go cheer him up. Just sit down and read, here’s a booklight...” She handed over a small lamp out of one of her drawers. “Thank you Bliss.” The young captain said before entering the room once more. Wave was completely out. The scars were still ugly and red, his breathing heavy, but he was still and asleep. Spitfire glanced at the clock, she still had a good thirty minutes, she opened the book, turned on the light, and began to read. The lights around him flickered, his ears could pick up laughter, wicked uncontrolled laughter. Wave looked around. “Run, run, as fast as you can.” Despite the distortion, Wave Chill knew that voice. It was his voice. Something was catching him, he could feel the burn of the cuffs going around his hooves again, he was being hauled up. “Oh Chill! Do you not just love these waves of pain!” “Let go!” Wave ordered in his best commanding voice. Still the voice didn’t relent. Pink light started circling him. “Afraid? You shouldn’t be, I only want to see you writhe in anguish! Oh you are so entertaining! Yeah! Hit him harder! Burn him...” Wave was nearly hyperventilating as he felt the crystals begin to direct their beams of magic into him. The pain was returning, the magic plunging into him as hard, and as powerfully as it could. His nerves began to sting, waves of anguish crashing down upon him. “STOP! Please!” He cried. “Where is the compound!” Another voice asked. “Never!” He said pitifully, but in his eyes were firm and decided. “Another crystal?” “Another Crystal.” The other voice returned. Wave groaned, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Wave?” Wave Chill shivered as his mind rose back up out of the dream realm. His face felt wet, and he was shaking. “Wave Chill? Please? What’s wrong?” Wave slowly opened his eyes, something orange stood over him in the darkness, hooves on either side of his body, face inches from his own. “Ruin?!?” He gasped, heaving for breath. He felt the thing reach behind him, pulling him into a hug. “Wave, it’s me, Spitfire!” Her voice sounded concerned, but still strong. He took a deep breath, “Spit... fire? I’m... Home?” The grip on him tightened. “You are home Wave, Ruin is not here.” Wave Chill relaxed, the tears falling faster. After a moment, she let go and let him relax against the pillow once more. She didn’t let go, her hoof stayed on his. “You were dreaming Wave,” she said, concern visible in her eyes. He flinched, as she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “I won’t let them get you again.” He couldn’t answer, his breathing was still unsteady, and his nerves screaming in agony after both jolting himself awake, and being hugged. She sat back, watching him, her hoof stroking his mane gently. “You will get better Wave, Bliss is doing all she can for you, and I’ll do anything...” He nodded weakly. “Wave, how are you feeling?” She asked, going straight to the thing that had been on her mind the longest. “Still... hurt.” He said through grit teeth. “Pain... is not... going away.” He forced himself to get out a complete sentence for her sake. She frowned, her eyes concerned, but she still wasn’t breaking. “Just be patient Wave, you will recover.” He looked down at himself, a blush of shame covering his face. “I still love you Wave. I don’t care if you never are able to join us again out flying, I love you.” He looked up at her with a smile. His head tipping to the side unable to hold it up anymore. He closed his eyes, breathing heavily for a moment, before opening them, and focusing his eyes back on her. His other hoof lifted towards her face. She let him rub his hoof against her cheek, tracing the hard contours of her jaw. “I... Love... You... Sp-” She took the hoof she had, and kissed it, before catching the other one as it fell, and giving it a kiss as well. Tears of joy, of love filled her eyes. “You are home, and I love you.” She glanced to the clock, “And I’ve got work to return to now. Rest Commander, and recover.” For her sake, he closed his eyes mostly. Slowly she stood up, but not before she planted another kiss on his forehead. He smiled it might hurt like crazy, but he loved it. He loved her.  “Alright Wave, open.” Bliss ordered. He did as he felt the tongue compressor lower onto his tongue, a beam of light illuminated the back of his throat. “Alright, now your eyes, look left, now right.” Wave followed the commands the best he could being half propped up. It had now been five days since he had returned, and Bliss was doing another examination. “Breathe deeply, let me listen to your lungs. Top left lung first.” He winced as the cool, flat side of the stethoscope made contact with his back. “Deep breath in, and out. Now the other one.” The cool metal lifted up, and was gently placed on the other side of his back. “In, and out. You are doing fine Commander.” Bliss encouraged as Wave winced from the pain. Gently, she settled him back against the mattress, and grabbed the blood pressure cuff. He watched it forlornly, dreading the agony that was that contraption as it squeezed and agitated his tender skin. “I know you don’t like it Wave,” Bliss said sadly. “Just rest, and take it easy alright?” Wave nodded with his jaw locked. “OWWWW” He groaned pitifully as it tightened against his arm. Bliss reached over and held his hoof, allowing him to have something to squeeze as the pain hit. “Just a second more Wave.” Bliss said as she made the reading. “Sugar...” He asked with dread in his voice. “Afraid so Wave.” He grunted, Wincing when she actually did the test. “It’s finally stabled out Wave. That is one positive.” He groaned, still breathing heavily. “You still need to be drinking more.” Wave half-opened one eye. “I know, It hurts Wave, but the IV is not an option.” Bliss reminded him. He grunted, hissed wailed, and cried as she continued to check, and doctor his wounds. The burn lines were not going away. He could feel it, and he could see in her eyes that she didn’t like it. “Sometimes things like this take time,” She reminded him. “I... know...” He sighed as he let his eyelids flutter closed. His body, oh his aching body. He wanted out of it, he wanted to feel like a stallion again, not a crying, helpless foal. A weight settled on his arm. “Wave, you will get better, you have to believe that. I know it doesn’t look good now, but you still have two good wings, and four sound legs. Nothing is wrong with any bone, or ligament.” Wave nodded, his mind went back to the chains and the crystals. If only he had not been late in training, if only he had not had his head in the clouds from kissing Spitfire... Maybe then none of this would have happened. He wished he had the strength to convey what he was thinking, but he didn’t even have that. Bliss stroked his hoof. “This isn’t your fault Wave. You did nothing wrong. You are doing just fine. I know you don’t feel like you are, but bear with me and believe that you are doing fine.” Wave didn’t, but he didn’t protest when Bliss brought over a cup of ice and started helping him to eat some slowly. He felt so weak. “He needs some quality time Captain.” Bliss told Spitfire the next time she visited. “What is it? How is he?” Worry crept into her voice. “He’s fine dear, just he’s looking a little crestfallen. He perks up after your visits,” Bliss said. Spitfire had noticed that. “Alright, thanks Bliss. I’ve only got fifteen minutes.” “You need to get some rest too.” Bliss reminded Spitfire. “I’m the Captain of the Wonderbolts, I don’t get sleep.” Bliss frowned, her look hardening. “You can’t lead while running on fumes either. You must think about your own health as well.” “As soon as we get to the Crystal Empire... I promise I’ll take a break.” Spitfire promised. Bliss shook her head, then shooed Spitfire towards the back room. The yellow mare quickly entered the far room, and closed the door gently behind her. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room. Wave didn’t sound any better, still his breathing was heavy, and uneven. “Hey Wave, how are you doing?” She asked as she sat down. It took a couple of moments, but slowly his eyes opened and focused on her. A weak smile immediately spread across his face as he reached up weakly. Spitfire caught the hoof, and used her own strength to once more hold it in both of her’s. She gazed deep into his eyes, they looked relaxed. “I hurt...” He said simply. Spitfire gazed at the multiple lines in his fur, they still didn’t look any different. Then she returned her gaze up to his face. “I’m sure you do.” “It’s... strange...” he chuckled weakly. “What?” “Seeing... you... mushy.” His eyes looked amused. She scowled at him for a moment then smiled. “I’ll be mushy for you. Besides, it’s hard to think of you as cuddly.” She said. He tilted his head towards her hoof that rested beside him on the bed and leaned against it. With a smile, he gave a contented sigh, before shivering and wincing in pain. “Owwww,” He groaned weakly, but didn’t move. She didn’t move either, examining his face as he rested against her. “Oh Wave.” She said gently. His good eye fluttered up again, he gazed up at her inquisitively. Gently she again lifted his hoof to her face, rubbing it against it. He smiled again. “Spit... Fire?” “Yes Wave?” A look of regret filled his eyes. “I’m... sorry...” “Sorry for what?” “Causing... you... pain.” He hissed, groaning from the effort. “I... should... more careful.” “Wave, if you hadn’t of been nabbed... somepony else might have been. How are you to know that you weren’t the target to begin with?” Spitfire said gently. “No Wave, this is part of our job. Sometimes we get hurt doing it. So what about anything you are going through. It’s the job, and you are handling it much better than Silver ever would.” “What... Bliss... sa-” he hissed, cringing slightly. Spitfire held onto his hoof tighter. “I miss your smile.” She said trying to encourage him. His tired smile returned. “What... without you?” “What would I do without you?” Spitfire threw back. “I love you Wave.” Wave was sleeping again when Spitfire slipped out, a tired smile touching the edges of his lips. She chuckled to herself. She had to admit she felt both better, and worse. It was as if his mere presence is all she needed to feel better. Despite the situation, it was heartwarming the vast change she saw in herself when she was with him. “Bliss?” Spitfire asked as she noticed the unicorn was waiting for her at the desk. “Have a seat captain.” Bliss ordered, pulling up a chair. Spitfire sat down. “What is it?” “I didn’t want you taking this into him, I think he knows, but I don’t want to scare him. Captain, he’s not healing.” Spitfire’s eyes widened. “He’s not?” She could see for herself there was very little change. Bliss shook her head. “I’ve checked, and double checked. I don’t know why, but there is no change in the scars, they are not fading. If it was a fire burn...” “After five days it should have already cleared up.” “Or at least mostly healed.” Bliss pointed out. “As I said I don’t know why it’s not healing, just he’s not. So Captain, please don’t tell him. But you should know.” Spitfire nodded. “Keep Looking into it Bliss, see what you can find out.” Pain, rippling, piercing pain. Something was ripping and tearing at his wounds. He gasped and groaned. His arm suddenly felt heavier. He tried to move it, no Spitfire wasn’t there, neither were any of the other assistants. His tummy still felt full, and he still felt clean, so it wasn’t either one of those two basic functions that was causing the irritation. A sharp pain ripped across his chest. He threw his head back gasping. “Oh!” He groaned loudly.His face was hurting worse as well, he tried to twist around. Open his eyes, something. He took a deep breath to focus, His left eye opened, his right wouldn’t. He looked down... Crystals. Wave Chill gasped. Crystals were growing out of his wounds. He didn’t think he had the strength to move, but he did. Quickly he rolled out of bed, and fell on the floor. “AHHH!” He screamed weakly, the blankets coming with him. To his luck, just then the door banged open, Bliss rushing inside upon seeing him on the floor, with her magic she threw on all the lights in the room. “Oh no!” She said to herself before turning back to the door. “CAPTAIN!” She yelled. Wave could feel hooves thunder towards him, He looked up to see Spitfire enter with Soarin, her second in command right beside her. “SPIT... FIRE... HELP ME!” He said with as much effort as he could put into the plea for help. Soarin was able to shake himself first, rushing to him. “Wave, relax.” He said. “We have to get him to Luna.” He told Bliss. Fleetfoot, also of Squad one, entered looking somewhat dizzy. “CHILLY!” She cried in horror. Spitfire finally shook herself, walking up to him. “Soarin, I need you to carry him. Fleet, Help me get him on Soarin’s back.” She knelt down. “Stay with us Wave.” She didn’t need to warn him about the pain. He knew how it would be. With careful teamwork, Wave felt himself lifted. “Stay with us Chilly,” Fleet said. “We will get you to Luna.”