//------------------------------// // Court of Mages // Story: Tales of Harmonia // by Ise no Kami //------------------------------// Well, that was easy. After all the trouble the three ponies had gone through to get this far, they waltzed into Canterlot without a hitch. As they approached the city, they made their way into the crowds outside, hiding themselves in the masses as they entered the city proper. However, they couldn't rest now that they were in Canterlot's walls. The city was full of guards, and even the civilians would gladly turn Shining Blade in if they happened to recognize him. They had to do what they needed to and get out as fast as possible. "Nyx, do you know where Spell Nexus is?" he asked. She nodded, and escorted her friends through the city. The alicorn filly brought the group to a large mansion in the outskirts of the city, fitting a pony of Nexus' status. Blade walked over to the front door, and lifted his hoof to knock... "You really think that'll work?" Every hair in Blade's mane stood on end as he whirled around to face the mystery pony. Standing behind the group was a unicorn with a coat as white as snow and a short cut scarlet mane. Her cutie mark was a four-point star. Her magenta eyes just stared flatly into Blade's. Clearly she took him for an idiot. "I'm guessing you want Spell Nexus. He's not here, moron, and even if he was, there's no way his butler would let in a bunch of random ponies off the street. The guy's working over at the magic academy, not that you'd have a better chance of seeing him there." "Cold." "Just saying it like it is," the unicorn replied. "You can't just head over here and actually expect to meet with somepony with that kind of power and authority." "Look, I really need to see him," Blade explained. "You see, I'm-" "Shining Blade, right?" the unicorn mentioned. "Yeah, I know all about you." Blade went into a panic. "And you're not calling the guard?" "You're waltzing your 'hostages' around a city full of guards in broad daylight. Nopony's that stupid, so I'm thinking there was some sort of misunderstanding." "Oh, thank Celestia," Blade sighed. "Actually, that's why we need to see Nexus. I need to talk to an authority who'll actually listen to me so I can get this kidnapping charge off my back." The unicorn gave a cocky smile. "Tell you what. I'll pull some strings over at the academy, and get you an audience. How's that sound?" "Oh! Thanks!" Blade replied, perking up with gratitude. "Say, I don't think I caught your name." "Haven't given it yet, have I?" she realized. "It's-" "Mornstar!" Mornstar turned her head toward the voice and sighed. The other three ponies likewise turned to see who had spoken. A distance away, a beige pony was staring Mornstar down with cold blue eyes. Her yellow mane was tied up in a bun, and small curly strands dropped down either side of her head. Her tail likewise curled around itself. She wore a black dress, lined at the neckline and bottom with short white frills, giving her a look of authority. Her cutie mark was a ray of magic passing through a crosshair. "What are you dawdling around here for?" the strict pony asked. "I believe you still have plenty of work to do back at the academy." Blade looked to Mornstar for an explanation, and she sighed again. "That was Lockheart, my superior. Look, I've gotta go. Just come by the academy later. I'll make sure you have an appointment with the headmaster." With that, she followed Lockheart out of sight. "Well, it's a good thing we found her," Scootaloo pointed out, before noticing the puzzled look on Blade's face. "Is something wrong?" Nyx asked. "That Lockheart," he mused. "Something about her is ringing a bell...but I can't put my hoof on why." Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns was not hard to find. Even by Canterlot standards, the building was massive. The trio walked in, heading right up to a secretary pony sorting through files. "Um, hello," Blade greeted her. "I believe we have an appointment to see the headmaster." "Let's see here," the secretary answered. "Ah, yes. An appointment for one Shining Sword and his friends." "Uh, yes, that's me," Blade replied. Apparently Mornstar had gotten his name wrong so he wouldn't be arrested on the spot. Except... "Wait, aren't you that fugitive?" "N-no," Blade stammered, sweat running down his face. "Ponies have been mixing us up all day 'cause are names are so similar. I'm not that guy." The secretary stared him down hard for several seconds, and then... "Okay. Right this way, sir." The secretary escorted them to a fancy office, where Spell Nexus was going through some papers. He raised his eyes as his visitors entered the room, and they fell on the black alicorn filly. He froze, and his pupils shrank to the size of dimes. The secretary left, leaving him alone with the pony he had warped and tortured so long ago...and her friends. "Woah, dude, relax," Blade calmed him, noticing Nexus' panic. "We're not here to guilt trip you or anything. Anctually, we-rather, I-need your help." "What?" Nexus asked, surprised that Nyx wasn't even the focus of the conversation. Blade proceeded to explain to him all the events leading up to this point. "Fascinating...and troubling," Nexus replied to the story. "I don't believe the Royal Guard has any unicorns powerful enough to even touch the Tree of Harmony...which means this conspiracy extends to my academy. I've been careless." "I can help you look into these ponies," Blade offered. "But first, I need you to help get this kidnapping charge off my back. I can't really do much if all the guards are gonna attack me on site." Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Yes, come in," Nexus answered. The door opened, and in walked a unicorn stallion with a pure white coat and golden hair. His cutie mark was an ankh, clearly a sign of his magic prowess. He gave off an air of majesty and authority...even more so than Spell Nexus, his superior. "Ah, yes, Arcane Arts," Nexus greeted the newcomer. "What have you found out about the effects of that magic surge?" "It appears to have caused some major issues," Arcane replied. "The world has become overrun with monsters, and they are far more aggressive than the Everfree creatures of the past. Our data indicates that this issue will only get worse as time goes on, and we haven't found any way to counteract it." "On the bright side, the Guard will actually have a job to do," Blade pointed out, trying to make light of the situation. "One more thing to report," Arcane mentioned. "It appears the academy is surrounded by guards. They believe we may be harboring some fugitive. I suggest you come and handle them as soon as you can, before they make a mess of the academy." With that, he took his leave. "We can't get caught," Blade stated matter-of-fact. "Not while Nyx is here." Nexus nodded. "Head down to the basement. There's a passage down there to the sewers. You can use that to escape the guards." "Why would you have a passage to the sewers here?" Scootaloo asked. "Well, some of the spells we practice here get a bit dangerous," Nexus answered. "It helps to have a testing ground away from the city." "Okay, we gotta move now," Blade mentioned. "Let's get outta here!" The sewers were pretty much what Shining Blade expected: damp, dull, and dark. The three ponies dropped down right near a flowing river of sewage water. It looked surprisingly clean, but it was still probably best not to fall in. They started making their way through the dim tunnels, steering clear of the water below...until it came up to greet them. "Look out!" Nyx warned, as a frog monster hopped out of the water to attack. Blade drew his sword, and cut clean through the creature. A few round tadpole monsters rushed to the aid of their friend, only to be smacked aside by Scootaloo. Satisfied that the creatures were slain, Blade moved to proceed. As he did, a nearby piece of debris shook and stood, revealing itself to be a crab monster. Blade barely had time to react...before the creature was incinerated by a fireball. Confused, he looked behind the group to see Mornstar, her horn glowing as it held a runed metal staff. "Didn't think you needed this much help," she mocked. "Why are you here, Ms. Mornstar?" Nyx asked. "Headmaster's orders. Nexus wanted me to keep an eye on you so you idiots don't get caught before he can sort things out," she explained simply. "Look out for us?" Blade repeated. "How, exactly?" "I'm supposed to get you to a safe house halfway across Equestria," she answered, "and I'm also supposed to keep your flanks from getting munched like I did just now." "Oh yeah, thanks for that," Scootaloo told her. "But why are you using that stick? Don't you just need your horn?" "Oh, this?" Mornstar pulled her staff closer. "It's part of my research. Turns out spells can get more powerful if focused through the right objects. It's not necessary for everyday spells, but battle mages can benefit greatly. Once I'm done with this, we can strengthen the army tremendously just by giving all the unicorn soldiers staves." "Nice story, but we need to get a move on," Blade reminded everypony. Mornstar took the lead as the group made their way through the sewers. Along the way, more monsters jumped out of the water, only to meet fire and steel. Eventually, after what felt like hours of wandering the mazelike passages, they saw a light, the exit where the water drained out. From there, it would be a short trot to the station, and then a quick trip to that safe house... Unfortunately, fate had other plans. As they approached the exit, the water below was disturbed one last time. It frothed and splashed for quite some time, until a great beast leapt forth from the water. Now that the massive fish had left its aquatic home, it turned upright, using its massive fins as wings as it stared down its prey. "What in Tartarus is that!?" Blade wondered, drawing his sword. "A student's failed project," Mornstar explained, readying her staff. Scootaloo rushed the monster, striking its body with her scooter at 60 miles per hour. The beast blew her back, sliding her against the concrete floor. Blade moved in next, cleanly amputating the monster's two back fins. It howled in pain, and dove down to take a bite out of the pony. Nyx came to their aid, healing their wounds with a flash of her horn. As the beast was distracted by the immediate threats, Mornstar focused her power, forming a massive fireball at the tip of her staff. Seeing her chance, she fired it off, incinerating the beast. "Pretty sure somepony got expelled for making that thing," she mentioned. "Good riddance." The four ponies finally left the sewers and saw the light of day once more, or what was left of it at this late hour. Mornstar took the time to zap away the stenches they had all picked up in those tunnels, and placed perception filter spells on her comrades. "This whole thing goes to Tartarus if you get recognized at the station," she mentioned. The group made the short trip to the train station, and got in line for tickets. "Four tickets to the Smokey Mountains, please," she ordered. "Pretty remote place to have a facility," Blade pointed out as they boarded. "That's kinda the point." The train doors closed, and they were on their way to one of the remote corners of Equestria.