Tales of Harmonia

by Ise no Kami


The four ponies raced back through the ruins, slaying every monster in their path, and finally caught sight of the station. Where the Friendship Express had dropped them off, an imposing behemoth of white silver prepared to make its return trip to Canterlot.

"Is this where all the military money's going?" Shining Blade asked as he saw the train. "Pretty sure they should worry about being imposing themselves before buying an awesome train."

"You're saying I'm not strong?" Night Sky asked.

"No, you are...but you're the exception."

"If you two are done squabbling," Mornstar began, "we need to get on that train now!"

As they reached the station, the train started pulling away. They had just enough time to jump onto the open caboose balcony as it sped back toward Canterlot. With purpose, they stormed into the first car, which was filled with guards. The knights grabbed their spears and attacked, but the four ponies easily outmaneuvered them and took them down. Even Scootaloo was able to easily dodge the guards' spear thrusts, and answer them with a forceful swing of her scooter.

"Sorry, but we've got a kid to save," Blade told the reeling guards in passing as they moved to the next car.

Each train car they entered was full of guards, forcing them to fight for every step they took through the train. Even so, they quickly managed to conquer car after car, leaving piles of unconscious, but still breathing, knights in their wake. Finally, as the train approached the climb up the mountain, and the ponies approached the front of the train, they came to a car that was completely empty, and stopped to take a breather. They prepared themselves for a fight, knowing that Nyx couldn't be too much farther...

In the next car over, Thatch watched over a bound Nyx, her eyes filled with terror. "Don't you worry now, little one," he told her in a creepy, sinister tone. "Just a little bit longer, and we'll have what we need from you."

"You're not gonna lay a hoof on her!" Blade yelled as the group stormed into the car.

"Well, well," Thatch noted, taking in the intruders. "I honestly wasn't expecting you to survive that monster's attack. I was gonna tell Lockheart that there was a tragic accident, and our other subjects perished..." He extended his wing blades and licked his lips. "There's still time for that 'accident,' you know."

Just as everypony prepared to fight, a blast of magic tore a giant hole in the side of the train. Thatch turned to the empty space to see what had happened, and saw Twilight flying alongside the train, enraged. Just then, the train lurched around a corner, dumping Thatch into the air. He recovered and tried to return to the train, but Twilight blocked his path and blasted him with her full magical might. He lost consciousness as he plummeted to the ground miles below.

Blade quickly rushed to Nyx and undid her straps. Seeing the terror still in her eyes, he embraced her. "Don't worry, Nyx. Your mother's here. We're all here. It'll all be okay now..."

"It took a while, but I got your story to the princesses. You're off the hook."

Blade was rather surprised when he got off the train at Canterlot, only to be called to another meeting with Spell Nexus. Thankfully, the guy had good news to give him.

"I can't thank you enough for what you did for me," Blade replied, sighing with relief as that charge was finally dropped.

"I'm more than a bit disappointed to hear that Lockheart was part of this conspiracy you brought up," Nexus mentioned glumly. "She was one of the academy's finest."

"Seems like they were pretty good at hiding their intentions 'til they chose to make a move," Blade noted. "The Royal Guard's got a problem with these ponies in their ranks, too."

"Yes, Celestia and Luna are looking into just how deep their influence runs," Nexus mentioned. "In the meantime, perhaps you can check into one of their projects within the academy's ranks."


"A while back, Lockheart took a leave of absence to go work on a 'personal project' deep in the Forbidden Jungle to the south."

"I thought academy staff couldn't do that."

"Some of the higher officials do enjoy such privileges. Some..." Nexus looked away, failing to hide the envy in his eyes. "Anyway, now that we know that she's part of this conspiracy, that trip has become suspect. Perhaps you could head down there and find out what she was working on?"

"Gladly." The two shook hooves, and Blade walked outside to meet with his friends.

"I'm heading down to the Forbidden Jungle," he told them to satiate their curiosity. "Anypony want to come?"

"Sure, why not," Night answered. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Think I'll pass on this one," Mornstar declined. "I've got some questions for Arcane Arts. Maybe I'll catch up with you once I get some answers."

"I'm pretty sure Nyx has had more than enough adventure to last a lifetime," Twilight answered. "I'm taking her home."

"Well, I'll go with you!" Scootaloo pitched in. "I'm always ready to help out my friends!"

"Oh no you don't," Twilight disagreed. "Rainbow's worried sick about you! You're coming back to Ponyville with us, no ifs, ands, or buts!" She dragged the orange filly behind her to the station.

"Guess that's it, then," Blade noted. "Come on, Night. We'd better get going."

The two made their way to the station, and bought a ticket to Baltimare. From there, they would head south through the Haysead Swamps to their destination. They sat down on the train, and relaxed for the long ride.

"Right back into adventure," Blade noted, contemplating the hectic nature of the past few days.

"I know! Isn't this exciting?"

Blade whipped his neck around to see a certain orange filly hovering behind him, her eyes wide and her grin stretching from ear to ear.

"I snuck away from Twilight when she wasn't looking," Scootaloo explained. "I'm not missing this trip for anything!"

Blade opened his mouth to protest, but he saw that same look in Scootaloo's eyes that told him there was no argument to be had. He sighed, and the train pulled away. "Guess we're stuck with you, then. Twilight's gonna kill me." He shook his head as the train sped off to the southeast.