Rainbow Unicorn: Luna's Lamentation

by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Luna's Frustration

Shining Armor's eyes closed as he fought back the yawn. Even with his military training and having it be routine for so many days, getting up so early still left the pegasus feeling pretty tired. It was made a little more difficult by the fact that he had not yet had breakfast, or even a cup of coffee or tea.

He looked back at the cart that he was currently escorting, filled with coffee, tea, and various other breakfast supplies. Were he a lesser stallion and guard, he would give in to temptation and sneak something from it early. It would be easy enough, and the staff member would not say anything. A little coffee, a little fruit, and be done before they reached the next guards. No pony would be the wiser.

Fortunately, he was able to resist such a thing.

As Shining Armor, the cart, and the staff mare reached their destination, they received a nod from the pair of guards at the doorway. Stepping past them, Shining Armor reached up and knocked. After waiting five seconds, he turned to the kitchen staff member.

"Thank you," he said as he pushed the door open. "I'll take it from here." Gripping the cart with one wing, he pulled it in with him as he stepped inside.

Once the door was shut, Shining Armor released his grip on the cart and went to the lamp, turning it on. The light from it came out through specially designed holes in a otherwise darkened shade, creating shapes of stars, comets, and crescent moons on the wall, ceiling, and floor. Thick area rugs of dark green had been added in among the blues and purples, giving a little contrast while also staying complementary. Taking off, he flew around the room, drawing the curtains as he went, and landed beside the bed.

"Princess Luna," he said softly, "Princess Luna, it's time to get up."

A grumbling noise came from the bed, and Shining Armor thought he caught the word "behead," but could not be sure. With a flick of one bat wing, Princess Luna tossed the blankets off her. A yawn escaped her as she rolled out of bed, spreading her wings wide and stretching out her body. Her horn lit up as she made her way toward the breakfast cart, her magic grabbing the coffee pot and pouring it into a mug. She then added five scoops of sugar, and what must have been about three shots of heavy cream. The entire thing was gulped down in seconds before she started another, although with less additives.

"Trouble sleeping?" Shining Armor asked, pouring a cup for himself once the pot was free.

Princess Luna took a bowl with some raspberries and added cream and sugar to them as well. She took a bite, closing her eyes a moment and letting out a sigh of pleasure before swallowing.

"Quite the contrary," Luna said as she licked her lips. "We -- I -- slept as soundly as an enchanted mare in a filly tale."

"Except you didn't need to be waken up by a kiss," Shining comment as he took a bite of a bagel with cream cheese.

"A proposition that shall gladly be accepted next time."

The comment caused Shining Armor's wings to snap open and a small gasp to escape him. This in turn caused the bit of bread to be sucked into his throat, sending him into a coughing fit. Once it had passed, he could feel his face was warm as he was under the curious eye of Princess Luna. Shining could not be sure, but he thought he might have seen a playful smirk on the mare's lips. Shifting, he cleared his throat.

"So, if you slept well, why do you seem frustrated this morning?"

Another sigh escaped from the princess as she looked down at her bowl, giving it a stir with her spoon.

"The issue is not the quality of the sleep, but the dreams that occurred during. More accurately, that the only dreams I experienced were my own."

"I... I'm afraid I don't quite follow."

"When it comes to being the keeper of the night, raising the moon and setting the stars in motion is not our only obligation," Luna explained. "One which -- irritatingly -- is still under the control of my sister and which I am still incapable of, I might add. Another of the official duties is to be keeper and guardian of the dream realm. While most ponies sleep, I am capable of moving through the dreams and, when necessary, helping them face the issues that cause unpleasantness."

She picked up one of the raspberries, watching it float in the sugary cream.

"When Nightmare Moon manifested and was banished, there was a while where she was able to dream-walk still, which was used to cause ponies to have bad dreams rather than prevent them. That was until something occurred which prevented further entry. After, Nightmare Moon was no longer to cause ponies to suffer her first namesake."

Princess Luna took another bite of her breakfast.

"Maybe it was you."

The suggestion caused the princess to pause. Looking up from her bowl, she turned her attention back to the pegasus in front of her. Slowly her head tilted to one side, an ear giving a flicker. Finally, she pulled the spoon from mouth and swallowed.

"Please elaborate," said Luna.

Shining Armor shoved the rest of his bagel in his mouth and swallowed before explaining.

"You said that Nightmare Moon was using the dream-walking to give ponies nightmare," Shining stated. From previous conversations, he knew that Princess Luna did not actually see Nightmare Moon as an actual separate entity. Her treating it as such was more of a coping mechanism. Kind of a way of dissociating herself from what happened so that she could keep some distance from the guilt and pain from the whole thing.

"Correct," Luna confirmed.

"According to the story and your own telling, what led you to becoming Nightmare Moon was jealousy. You did not feel like ponies loved you, or appreciated your work. As such, you wanted them to see what you do and know how much work you did. All you wanted was some sort of indication that you were appreciated and loved."

"Also correct," Luna said with a nod.

"Except giving ponies nightmares wouldn't do that," Shining Armor continued. "It wouldn't make ponies love you more. If anything it would make them afraid of going to sleep. Granted, they might have been awake to see your night, but they would have been too exhausted or sick to actually enjoy it."

He shifted to move closer, reaching out to place a wing against Luna's shoulder.

"And I think some part of you knew that. Even when caught up in your anger and desire for vengeance, you still wanted to be loved and knew that making ponies so miserable would never work out. So a part of you that was still good -- that still loved ponies all the same -- stopped you from being able to enter the dream world, making it so Nightmare Moon couldn't hurt any ponies."

Shifting, Princess Luna looked at the wing that was touching her, then up toward Shining Armor.

"Assuming such is accurate," she said slowly, "then how come I am still incapable of returning?"

"I don't actually know," Shining answered. "Although I can think of two possibilities. One is that you simply haven't recovered and regained enough of your magic yet. That with more time, rest, and practice, you will eventually find all of your lost abilities returning on their own."

"And the other?"

"Guilt. You feel bad about what you did, both when you first changed and when you returned. Because of that, you are keeping part of your power locked away so you can't use it."

"Should such be the case, then what do you suggest be done?"

"You basically have to forgive yourself enough to allow yourself that power. Not necessarily simply forget about it, but allow yourself to be okay with it, even as you try to keep from doing such a thing again."

Princess Luna gave a slow nod, turning her attention to her back to her breakfast.

"Speaking hypothetically," she said softly, "what if you are incorrect? What if the power that had been lost with Nightmare Moon's defeat never returns?" She turned to look at him. "What if we -- if I -- can never use my powers again? Never move the moon, never walk the dream realm, never regain the once beautiful ethereal mane I had like my sister does?"

Shining Armor moved closer and gave the princess a hug. He felt her shift into it, and felt a small smile tug at his lips. There was no indication of her tensing in surprise at the physical contact, at the sign of friendship and affection. It must have been odd for her to agree to allow such when he felt it necessary, but she seemed to be getting used to it.

"If that happens," he said, "then you will just have to find a new way to help ponies out. Like becoming a therapist." He grinned. "Just imagine it: Princess Luna, PhD. You could be 'Princess Doctor Luna...' or would it be 'Doctor Princess Luna?'"

A small chuckle escaped the mare as she pulled away.

"Thank you, Shining Armor. You are a most wonderful confidante."

"It's what I'm here for."

"Indeed. Now, enough about the matter. Let us move on to others. What is intended for me upon this day?"

Her horn lit up as she took a hold of an envelope on the table.

"Also, what is this?"

"Oh, I forgot about that," Shining Armor said. "It's a letter for you. From some place called Shady Hallows."

"Shady Hallows?!" Luna cried out, eyes wide. Pulling the envelope closer, she turned it around and started pulling it open with a very child-like glee.

"You know of the place?"

"'tis the home of the largest of the bat pony colonies. If the letter is from them, then it must be of great importance. For Celestia said that they had isolated themselves from the rest of Equestria upon my banishment."

Pulling the letter from the envelope, Princess Luna started reading with urgency. Shining Armor grabbed some strawberries to eat while he waited. The main item scheduled for today was to have Luna study up on the history of The Griffon Kingdom since her banishment. Diplomatic representatives were to be coming soon, and Princess Celestia wished for her sister to attend to the meeting.

"Huzzah!" Luna cried out, wings spreading open in excitement and causing Shining Armor to jump. "The bat ponies are sending a retinue to confirm that I have actually returned. Once that has been done, most shall be staying to undergo guard training while word is sent back to Shady Hallows."

"That's good?" Shining asked.

"Indeed," Luna replied with a grin. "The bat ponies will return to Equestria same as I have, and I will be able to establish my Night Guard once more."

She dropped the letter and stood up.

"There is much to do, before their arrival, Shining Armor! Come, we must find Celestia before she begins her daily routine. There are many matters to discuss, starting with your promotion."

"Promotion?" Shining Armor called out, eyes wide.

"Indeed," Luna confirmed. "The Night Guards are going to require a Captain."

"But why me?"

The question caused Luna to stop, turning to face him fully. She raised one eyebrow.

"Is there a reason that you do not wish to?"

"Well..." Shining Armor shifted. "It's just that I was only recently promoted to Second Lieutenant and am still adjusting to the role. Skipping straight to Captain and being put in charge of helping set up a whole new guard troop, that's a big step."

"One we -- I -- am certain that you are more than capable of taking," Princess Luna stated, straightening up. "Although, perhaps 'we' would be accurate since my sister will most likely feel the same. Between your service record and my direct experience with you, I am sufficiently convinced that you more than meet the necessary criteria for the both the rank, and the responsibility of establishing and commanding a new guard troop."

She then stepped toward him and reached out a wing, pressing it against his back.

"More importantly, you are a pony that I know well and trust. There is no other that I would want to hold the position more than you. Because I know that you will have the patience to help the new guards adjust to the world, but strict and regulatory enough that they shall be sufficiently skilled and trained upon completion."

Luna had leaned in closer as she spoke, her eyes looking into Shining Armor's. Their mouths were so close to each other, that Shining Armor would barely have to move forward to kiss her. Just the slightest movement and the pucker of his lips.

"Please, Shining Armor," Luna said softly. "I am not ordering you as a princess, but asking you as a friend. Will you do this for me? For Equestria?"

Shining Armor looked at those big blue eyes, the pleading inside them. The fear of something. Rejection? It was kind of a big step. True, he had been hoping to achieve the rank of Captain some day, but he did not expect it so suddenly and soon. It was also a bit unorthodox since he would be skipping a rank in the process. At the same time, he did not want to let Luna down.

"If..." he started, but his voice was cracking.

Clearing his throat, he tried again.

"If Princess Celestia has no objections to it, then I shall do my best, Princess."

"Excellent," Luna said with a grin. She leaned forward, tilting her head, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Come along then. We have much to speak with Celestia about, and little time to do it."

As Princess Luna left the room, Shining Armor stood there a moment, his entire body frozen. His face turned bright pink as one hoof unfroze enough to touch the spot where Luna's lips had touched him. It had been so soft and gentle. Also a little cool. Like a gentle breeze on a spring night.

"Shining!" Luna called.

"Right!" he called back, shaking his head. "Coming, Princess."

He then ran out of the room to catch up with her, the two of them heading toward Princess Celestia's quarters.