//------------------------------// // Amber the Unicorn 2: Guns Are Dangerous // Story: Amber the Unicorn series // by Amber //------------------------------// Amber the Unicorn 2: "Guns Are Dangerous" Amber the orange unicorn was sitting on a bench in the Equestrian National Park, resting after a long, busy day of resting. Regaining energy through sitting and lying is a hard work and serious business, after all. The bench she was sitting on was located under the shadows of trees, hiding from the burning rays of sun, as for it was a hot day of summer. For a long time, the pony was staring blankly at the ground, not noticing a very obvious fact - the fact that Fluttershy sat next to her about ten minutes ago. After a few moments, she got a weird feeling of being stalked. Finally deciding to turn her head around, she saw the yellow pegasus next to her, which really surprised and scared the unicorn. - Don't you ever startle me like that again, Flutterbutter! - she said loudly, facing Fluttershy. - Oooh, and I like frogs, by the way. - 'sup Amber, umm-umm, I just wanted to, you know, ummie-ummie, ask if you could answer, ummc-ummc, my question! - the pegasus was shouting, but it didn't really impress Amber. She has experienced worse things in her life that pink-maned ponies trying to creep you off. - I think I coul-- - I am dangerous! Fear me! Will you fear me, Amber? You're going to FEAR ME! Fear me. Please do, Amber. - I think I got it, but... - the unicorn hestitated for a while, fishing for a right question - where are the turtles?! Fluttershy's eyes widened. An icy-cold shiver of horror went through her spine. She calmed down and sneezed before answering. - Well I don't exactly know, but I think they are-- She didn't finish the sentence, because a meteor shower interrupted their conversation. SWOOSH! SWOOSH SWOOSH! The huge, fiery space rocks started falling down everywhere around them. The ground shattered under this great power. Amber didn't really notice this. She has experienced stanger things already. What has surprised her, however, was a loud laughter coming from the sky. She stood up and started intensively thinking about that sound in order to identify it, when out of fucking nowhere, Applejack appeared. The earth pony seemed to enjoy the beautiful scenery of rocks falling down and fire. - Howdy, Amber! Howdy, Fluttahsha! Such a nice day we're havin'! - her voice was hard to hear among the roars of wild animals gathering around them. A lion jumped out of the bushes. - Hey there, Applejack! Do you recognize that sound! The laughter! Do you recognize it! - Amber had to shout in order to make her voice recognizable, as the roars and shatters were getting louder. Some of the words were still very unclear, though. - Cannot hear ya, I'm asleep! ZZZZZZZZ! - AJ suddenly lay on the ground, snoozing peacefully. A big hen fell from the tree. Fluttershy picked it up and put it on sleeping Applejack. The hen transformed into a blanket; a talking blanket. "Kitchens are awesome", it whispered. But then, something amazing happened. High above the clouds, above the treetops, was Granny Smith on an aeroplane. But she wasn't alone. There was something weird about this sight. She was holding a gun. A gun that was about a hundred times bigger than herself. It shot meteors... or were they meteors? - Ah-ha! Granny Smith! I always knew YOU were the one behind it ALL! - Fluttershy yelled, looking up. - Haha, are ya seriously thinkin' ya can stop me, mah lil' filly? - Granny shot a meteor from the gun, but the ponies managed to dodge it. - Amber! Let's fire the power of friendship! - shouted the yellow pegasus. Amber obeyed. BAZAPP! A huge thunder, formed by the magic of friendship, hit Granny's plane. It burst into pieces and fell down, but the evil Granny didn't. - Ha! ha! Ah was prepared for that kinds o' situations! - she yelled, taking out a jetpack from her backpack and putting it on. Then, suddenly, Applejack woke up. The earth pony gasped and started running around with panic as she saw what's going on. - GRANNY!!! Ah told ya not to play with Papa's gun collection! Now look at what ya did! Granny Smith looked around. In fact, yes, she caused a fine destruction. - Uhh... She saw trees burning and wild animals running around with fear. - Ehhh... She saw the ground shattering and Celestia firing thunders all over Equestria in despair. - Well, actually... She saw ponies screaming and houses collapsing. - Okay, sugarcube, ah really didn't know playing around with guns and meteors would cause so much trouble... I cannot see so well, ya know... And then, an army of buffalos started rampaging the town. "FREE THE SALADS!", they shouted. Most of them were carrying ancient columns on their backs. - I need some serious fish! I need fish, and I mean it! - shouted Rainbow Dash. - Dashie, would you please kindly stop singing that annoying song. I'll just delete princess Luna from our database. - 'kay. Amber started eating her mobile phone, because when you're bored, there isn't any way of entertaining yourself other than eating mobile phones, preferably with sugar. --- MEANWHILE, IN ANOTHER PONIVERSE - Wzbzorg, wzabna zongg tanzga? - Bzorgz bzz ubzatnozbs! --- Applejack acquired a magnet. - Hey Fluttahsha, look at mah new magnet! - Is it a little critter? - No, you are, Fluttah! - Are you a tree? And then, out of nowhere, Gilda sings a song! She started playing the drums. And Amber likes when Gilda plays drums. The melody fills her nostrills and she can see it. Sweetie Belle got banished to Venus, but there are no free cutie marks on Venus, so she just sat down and teleported to another reality. THE END