Blackace's Back story

by BlackAce

Cutie mark

Canterlot School's
11:45 a.m.

8 long years after my parents death, and yet I still feel nothing, even during the funeral, as I looked upon their bodies I could feel my emotions draining away. Alas, even being in this orphanage I still feel nothing and I don't think I ever will again.

"Well well well, if it isn't little acey all by his lonesome."

Forget that last statement for here come the source of my nightly anger and crying, Nick. As soon as I was put in here he's been harassing me day in and out. And as many have said the teachers just refuse to look or care at all.

"Come on acey aren't you going to fight, or are you just going to cry again like every night."

I stop breathing for a second, how did he know that I cry at night I'm not that loud am I? "What do you want Nick?" I say with a hint of anger.

"To laugh at you what else could I be doing." Nick was a Pegasus, and being one makes him think that he's all this and that because of this "Pegasus pride" I keep hearing about from him and others. To me this "pride" is a waste of time, but nonetheless it's because of this I get to deal with him all damn day.

"Just let me be today Nick I'm not in the mood for your crap today." If it were any other day I wouldn't care. But today, really, sure the loss of my parent's doesn't hurt as much. But really today of all days, he would never bother me in the past on this day. "Oh is little acey sad about the loss of his parents." I swear if he says anything involving them again today I will kick his ass. "Oh so sad that you lost that pathetic mother and father of yours."

"That's it you want to fight, you got one lets take this outside!"

Canterlot School's Playground
11:50 a.m.

Well time to show this guy what I'm made of, sure its just a snowball fight but I will win. "Ready to lose to the king of snowball fighting blank flank." "Only if you are." That should set him off a little I mean after all his cutie mark is a snowflake. Soon I hear the first snow ball fly by my fort, based off where it came from I can guess where he is, so I take a random shot. Plop Ugh off by a little I'm guessing. I'm not moving my head unless I need to, I don't want to get hit. Then 5 more snowballs fly by.

"Come on and just stand up already, you know you can't beat me, your weak just like pathetic parent's were."

Ok that is it, I get up and start throwing snow balls at his head as hard as I can. Of course him being a Pegasus he just start flying around making him a hard target to him. I get back down and think. Ok if I just fire in front of him I can hit him. I grab what feels like a snow ball without looking and jump up and aim for his head, putting all my power into the throw I aim just a little above his head and some to the left, and add a little push with my magic.

Splat I look up and see something I thought I never would see in all my years alive, a pony with a rock embedded into their skull. I just stand there in shock. D-Did I just do that to him? Soon he falls to the ground and starts twitching. I just keep standing there unsure what to do, I'm sure I grabbed a snowball not a rock, but yet here he lay twitching from the rock in his head. Unsure of what to do at this point, and not wanting to get caught I just start running off somewhere into the city. After running for a few minutes I saw the castle in sight and started to panic for if the royal guard found out what I did I'd be put in jail in no time at all. Soon I see a empty ally way and head down it, after finding a box to hide in I start to collect my thoughts. Wh..what just happened. After what feels like hours of crying there i fall asleep.

"Mam, have you seen this colt anywhere?" My head shoots up at these words, looking out of the box down the alleyway I see a mare with two cops who are holding a piece of paper. I already know what the paper is, no question is a picture of me.

"Um yeah I think I saw him run down this alleyway a few hours ago." says the mare. My eyes widen at these words, seeing the cops starting to walk my way and out of options I re hide in my box hoping they don't check in the box. I hear their hoof steps coming closer and closer I hold my breath not wanting them to hear me breathing, then they stop right in front of the box.

Silence, complete and utter silence. It scares me more and more with every passing second. Soon the cops start walking away, I breath a sigh of relief and look down the alley way as the cops leave, I knew the royal guard was bad but the cops too. After a two hours I leave the alleyway and head for Canterlot gate knowing when I get there I can leave the city, but what then. Stopping to ponder what I will do once I leave Canterlot I failed to notice the shadows behind me, soon I'm blinded and knocked out.

I awake to pain and Still blinded, then I hear voices in another room and I start to panic soon realizing I'm tied to a chair somewhere. Then a metal door opens with a loud groan and I hear hoof steps coming my way, next they pick me up and start taking me somewhere.
I'm placed down on the ground and the blindfold is remove causing me to go blind from the light for a few seconds, after my eyesight comes back I see I'm in some warehouse. Then I see a stallion on a chair in front of me, he gets up and walks up to me. "What is your name young one?" I refused to answer his question which I soon regret for one of his friends slugs me in the gut. "I will only ask one more time, what is your name." After getting my breath back I choose to tell him. "Bl..Blackace sir." I say with fear in my voice, next he starts walking around me. "Hm interesting cutie mark i haven't seen to many like it."

My head has never turned faster then that, I look at my flank and see what looks like a cross hair from a scope off a gun. Yeah a gun, not to long ago some griffins had made a device called a gun. Well after we pony's heard we wanted to use it as well, we worked with the griffins to make multiple styles of guns. Such as automatics, long range, and close range, on these long range ones we added a item called a scope, which had some cross hairs to see where the bullet would go. "You might still be useful after all." Then I'm knocked out again, just before I black out I head a deep loud laughter, then silence.