Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara Talk

by Kskskskksks


I'm an idiot. Diamond Tiara had been running, running for a long time. She had no idea where she was, but she didn't care. Nothing even mattered. She didn't know what she wanted anymore.

Earlier today, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had finally gotten their Cutiemarks. They never would have found out their true talents if it wasn't for the pink filly, and she felt rather proud about that. But what bothered her was that she had needed help. Diamond had always seen herself superior to the CMC because of her Cutiemark, but she had never really understood what she was good at, and who she was meant to be. She had gone on for so long unable to understand herself, she would have been better off a blank flank.

Still now, she didn't know where she belonged. What did her family think of her now? Diamond knew that being rich and popular wasn't everything, so she had certainly learnt something today, but she should've known that from the beginning.

In the end, did Diamond know her purpose, even now? The more she thought about it, the more she realised that, in a way, the CMC had gotten their Cutiemarks before her. They were happy with what rested upon their flank... the former bully could not say the same. This is pointless.

Applebloom was walking slowly, her eyes staring into the distance. Getting her Cutiemark had not been what she had expected... how was her special talent even finding how ponies needed their Cutiemarks, when it had been up to Diamond Tiara to discover Applebloom's destiny for her? Special? The land pony doubted it now.

In the distance, she spotted a tiny pink figure. Her heart skipped a beat when she realised it was Diamond herself. The school pony's expression, from this far away, was indistinguishable, but she was probably a lot happier and better of than Applebloom... just like always.

Applebloom yearned to speak to her - she never really thought about what hide behind Diamond's rude and bossy exterior, but now she had found out... and wanted to know more. But would somepony like Diamond really engage in conversation with a foolish commoner like Applebloom? Sure, Diamond had appeared friendly earlier, but would she act the same now?

Come on Applebloom, don't be shy now, she's just like you...

"Hey, Diamond Tiara!" Applebloom called, scurrying over to her 'friend's' side. Diamond looked up, and surprise glinted in her eyes.

"B-blank flank?" she stammered. "I mean, Applebloom? What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"Ah could ask the same for a pony like you," she replied. "Shouldn't you be at home eating some fancy dinner or something?"

"I decided to skip..." She murmured, her orbs becoming clouded and murky. Applebloom was confused. Why was Diamond sad? She didn't know what to do in a situation like this, so she whispered.

"Are you okay?"

No reply.

Diamond Tiara stared at Applebloom. Why can't she just leave me alone, like I've always been? She makes me so angry... The filly bit back a sharp comment. That pathetic land pony... who had taken so long to discover who she truly was... believed she had any right to know how Diamond felt? That talented... kind... friendly filly, who was so much better than her?

"Uh, Diamond Tiara?" Applebloom spoke again, concern in her gaze.

"I'm fine." She replied bluntly. Applebloom smiled a little.

"Mai sister's the Element of Honesty. Don't lie."

Diamond sighed. "You're so lucky to have a caring big sister like Applejack. I always preferred being alone, though..." Applebloom rolled her eyes.

"Answer mai question." The beautiful filly took a deep breath, and then screeched.

"No! Of course I'm not okay! I'm not special! I'm meant to be so better than you, but you're getting all the attention! If anyone's the blank flank, it's me, and I hate it! You didn't make me realise who I really was - you made me feel a whole lot worse about myself!"

Applebloom was shocked by the outburst. For a few moments she was silent, allowing Diamond Tiara to calm, then she murmured. "Ah don't understand."

"Of course you don't understand," Diamond trembled. "When has pressure ever been put on you? When have you ever been scared, worried?"

"Many times." Applebloom had faced numerous problems over the years, (namely Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...) and that had frightened her. In the end... she was very young - yet so much had happened, it was painful. Life had been no easy ride for Applebloom... things had to better for Diamond, right?

"Whatever," Diamond growled. "I don't care, anyway."

Applebloom took a deep breath. "Ah know what your family's like, but... ah want to know more. Ah understand if you don't want to tell me..."

"That's my business, not yours!" Diamond hissed, glaring at Applebloom.

"Fine!" she exclaimed. "Ah'll leave then. Best wishes, Diamond Tiara!" And Applebloom proceeded to trot away. She was nearly out of hearing range when she heard the filly call. "Applebloom... come back!"

Applebloom turned around, and found herself staring straight at Diamond. She made her way back slowly. "Yes?" She asked, a little timid.

"I'll tell you..." Diamond whispered. "You should feel honoured. Excluding Silver Spoon, you're the only pony I've really had the courage to open up to."

How do I start? Diamond Tiara shifted her hooves awkwardly, feeling way out of her comfort zone.

"Aah, Diamond Tiara? Ya planning on telling me anytime soon?"
"Yes," Diamond trembled. "Right now..."

"This is so much fun!" Diamond Tiara whinnied, scampering around in circles happily. She was so lucky to have kind parents like her own, who spoilt her and gave her whatever she wanted! Then again, probably most ponies had parents like that... Diamond didn't know many mean ponies. Suddenly, the filly heard her name being called:

"Diamond Tiara! Come downstairs! I need to talk to you!" That was the voice of her mother, Spoiled Rich. Diamond scampered to where she found both her parents waiting.

"Now, Diamond Tiara," that was her father, Filthy Rich. "We've been hiding a lot from you."

"What do you mean?" The filly asked, her eyes huge and confused. Spoiled Rich narrowed her eyes, her expression cold.

"Look outside the window, daughter. What do you see?" Diamond trotted to the window. Outside there were many ponies of all shapes and sizes, varying from earth ponies to unicorns to pegasi.

"Ponies," she replied. "And lots of them."

"And do you notice anything about them?" Her father asked, exchanging a glance with Diamond's mother.

"Umm, no," Diamond replied sheepishly, cocking her head to one side. Was she disappointing her wonderful parents if she said this? She trembled a little. "Was I meant to?"

"No, you weren't," Spoiled Rich growled suddenly. Diamond froze, this mare wasn't the kind, generous mother she knew and adored. What was going on? "Those, dear, are commoners. Their only purpose in Equestria is to work. They do not enjoy the same luxuries we do, for they are foolish and weak."

"That's bad," Diamond whispered. "Shouldn't we help them?"

"No!" Spoiled Rich exclaimed. "There's no saving them now. We just wanted to warn you, with school coming up, to stay away from ponies like them." Diamond had no idea what to do. What her parents were saying, just sounded so wrong. The other ponies seemed so friendly, but now that she thought about it, her family had never really communicated with them much. Her mind was spinning.

"So... I should just keep myself to myself?" She asked, her tail brushing the ground. She could no longer meet her parents' eyes.

"Of course not!" her mother gasped. "That would make you appear a loner, no better than the common ponies. I want you to meet Silver Spoon, she's the daughter of a very rich couple. We're close with her parents, and they've had the same chat with her. She should be arriving any moment now."

For a few minutes, all three ponies sat in silence. Diamond didn't feel good. She didn't like this. Well, either way, she should at least meet Silver Spoon before choosing between her family and what she believed was right. Either way, she had less respect for her parents than she had before. She doubted they should be treating other ponies like this, after all.

There was a knock on the door, which Filthy Rich answered to. "Why hello, come on in!"

In stepped three ponies, but the one Diamond was immediately drawn to was the grey filly, who wore blue glasses. She looked sweet, and friendly, and Diamond felt a rush of hope - maybe they could be friends. As the parents of the two fillies settled down to talk, Diamond drew the other pony away. "Hi, I'm Diamond Tiara!" She had to force a smile after all that had happened today.

Silver Spoon was trembling, her face was flushing red. Diamond didn't understand. "Uh, hello?" Finally the filly spoke, shuffling her hooves. It hit Diamond. Was this shyness? Either way, Silver acted nothing like Diamond's parents... or was she just hiding her true colours, like Spoiled and Filthy Rich had been doing?

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Diamond Tiara knew she just had to be polite.

"You too," Silver murmured. "We're going to be seeing a lot of each other at school."

"That should be nice," Diamond smiled. "We're going to be best friends." Best be optimistic.

Silver averted her gaze. "M-maybe." She squeaked.

The conversation was undoubtedly boring. Diamond had no idea what to think as the earth pony and her parents said goodbye and left.

It was a week later, and Diamond Tiara was bored. She wanted to play with her fancy toys, but she felt somewhat guilty using them after realising not all other ponies had the same. She had an idea - she would go get to know Silver Spoon better. Her fellow filly had given her address before leaving. Diamond knew she was going against her parents, but why should she obey them? She was going to find Silver.

Silver Spoon's house was close. She knocked on the door, and was answered by the parents. She gulped, just a little. "Hello, Diamond Tiara." The father said, a slight smile on his face. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I wanted to play with Silver Spoon." Diamond Tiara smiled awkwardly in reply. The parents exchanged a glance, and the mother narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Do your parents know this?" She asked, a little coldly.

"Yes!" Diamond Tiara replied as convincingly as she could. The father nodded.

"Then you are welcome. Silver Spoon is inside."

The house was huge, just like Diamond Tiara's, and just like she used to expect everypony's house to be. She trotted upstairs, and slowly opened Silver Spoon's bedroom door. She was very confused by what she saw - Silver, using spoons to make music. What a weirdo! But she smiled fondly instead. "Hi, Silver."

Silver Spoon dropped the spoons at once - one of them shattered on the floor. She begun to sweat a little and shoved the fragments into a corner. "Eek! Diamond Tiara! What are you doing here?"

"I was bored," she replied. "So I came here."

"With your parents' permission?" Diamond blushed.

"Well, no... please don't tell anypony! My parents were out, and they won't be back till later, so they don't need to know!"

"Your parents left you on your own? At this age?" Silver's eyes were huge with concern.

"Well... yes... over the past week..."

They were silent for a while, then, "Your secret is safe with me."

The two fillies decided to play outside. Silver was actually quite fun, and Diamond was growing more and more fond of her by the minute. Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushes, and then stepped out nopony other than Spoiled Rich. The pink filly crouched down to the ground, shocked and confused. What was her mother doing here? Well, either way, it didn't matter. Diamond was going to be in big trouble. "Mother?" she squeaked. "I'm so, so sorry! I shouldn't have run away from home like that!" She bowed her head.

Spoiled Rich was silent for a few moment, perhaps thinking about her daughter's punishment. Diamond Tiara glanced to Silver Spoon, and found her friend examining Spoiled Rich with the most puzzled expression upon her face. "It's okay, daughter," Diamond's jaw dropped. "Just come back with me now, and we can forgive that this ever happened, sweetheart..."

Well... that happened.

"I guess I'll be leaving then, Silver Spoon," she turned to give the grey earth pony a hug, only to realise that she had vanished. "Silver?"

"Don't worry about her, we have to go! Otherwise I will punish you!" Her mother's voice grew urgent, and, with a sorrowful glance back at the house, Diamond walked slowly towards Spoiled Rich.

Then there was a shout - "Stop!" As Silver and her parents emerged, galloping, from the house. Her mother sprang straight at Spoiled Rich, and strongly kicked her face. Diamond was frozen to the spot. After the kick, her mother begun glowing strangely, and in her place was a small, black, bug-like creature.

"As I suspected!" Silver whispered. "A Changeling!"

"A what now?" Diamond asked.

"A Changeling. Father bought me a book on them. They feed off of love, and can disguise themselves as other ponies! I noticed that your 'mother' was acting a little strangely, and went to get help."

She was horrified, and also rather concerned that Silver appeared to know Diamond's mother better than Diamond did. Though, after the way she was being treated this week, maybe ponies were better off not knowing Spoiled Rich.

The Changeling had fled. Diamond heaved a sigh of relief. The parents exchanged a glance, and the father said. "Diamond Tiara... you should probably go home."

"I will," she replied. "But let me speak with Silver Spoon please, just for a few moments."

The parents trotted back inside, and Diamond Tiara gazed deeply into Silver Spoon's eyes. "You.. saved me. Thank you. I won't ever forget that."

"What else could I do? My best friend was in danger."

Best friend. Those words sounded good. Diamond sighed. "Silver... remember how we were told to look down on common ponies? Do you think we should obey?"

"It's what our parents told us to do, so, yes..." She replied.

"If you say so. But we're sticking together. Whatever happens next, I'm going to feel guilty about it," she brushed her tail against Silver's shoulder. "So, promise you'll stay with me, even if I get bossy."

"I swear by all of my expensive jewellery, I'll stay with you!" Silver Spoon smiled.

As the two fillies departed, Silver tripped, and their rumps bumped each other. Silver blushed, embarrassed, then spoke, sheepishly, "That could be our signature move... bump, bump, sugar lump, rump..."

"Where'd you get that from?" Diamond asked, puzzled.

"I kinda just used rhyming words." She replied with a smile.

"Well, I like it. Here's to our friendship!" So they performed their move.

"Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump!"

Diamond Tiara wiped a tear from under her eye. Applebloom was shocked. Talk about a past! But, no wonder Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were so close...

"Diamond Tiara, ah am sorry," Applebloom finally spoke. "Ah never knew you went through all that."

"It doesn't matter," Diamond Tiara growled in reply. "I shouldn't have told you the truth anyway."

There was a long silence, which Applebloom eventually broke. "Diamond... Ahm not forcing ya to, but would ya like to hear about ma past?"

"If I have to." The filly grunted in reply.

Diamond Tiara was secretly filled with interest, but surely no past could be worse than hers. Whatever - she'd let her fellow earth pony try. Applebloom took a deep breath, then begun to speak:

Applebloom was confused. She hadn't seen any of her family all day... where were they? Applebloom was young, and this was all frightening her. She thought back to just a day ago, when her parents, along with Big Mac, Applejack and of course, Applebloom, had been playing together, whilst Granny Smith snoozed in a corner. Couldn't they do that again?

She was about to drop off when she heard hoofsteps, and in came her siblings. Their faces were grave. But Applebloom didn't understand. "Brotha, sista!" She squealed, leaping towards them joyfully. AJ sprung to the side, but Big Mac wrapped his hooves around her in a loving, caring embrace. She gazed up into the stallion's eyes. AJ was a cool sister, but Big Mac meant the world to her. He was always there for the young filly, putting up with her when she got a little crazy, being patient, and playing games.

But Applebloom loved all her family. It didn't matter if she didn't see them often, she knew they thought of her. That was all that mattered. But she couldn't imagine a life without Granny Smith, her parents, and her siblings.

"Big Mac..." AJ whispered softly, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "We should... go tell Granny Smith."

Big Mac was silent for a few moments, holding Applebloom tighter. The warmth of his body comforted the filly. She was disappointed when he replied. "Eeyup." And let her go. She watched as the siblings left, their heads low. This didn't make sense.

After a while, Applebloom came up with a plan - crawl after them! So that's what she did. She had no idea that she was actually making loads of noise. Applebloom heard the voices of her family, or rather, her siblings. Granny Smith's words were always a bit hard to distinguish, and, from a distance, it was impossible - especially for such a young pony like Applebloom.

"Ahm sorry, it happened so fast." AJ was speaking.

Big Mac added in a tone that was surprisingly emotional, "Eeyup..."

Applebloom shuffled closer.

"Big Mac... Applebloom's here. Should we send her away?"


"If ya say so. Applebloom, come here, but keep quiet."

Applebloom trotted over and settled down next to Big Mac. He wordlessly wrapped his hoof around her. There was an awkward silence, before Granny Smith spoke up, rather quietly... "Don't be blaming yourselves. You're young, and ye didn't understand. Ye were just playing. But ye parents will always love ye." She lowered her head, tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks. What was going on?

Applejack rushed to her side. "But Granny! It was our faults! We..." she turned away. "We must stay strong. Applebloom, it's time you went to bed." Applebloom flattened her ears. Something was going on, and she wanted to find out the truth! But her beloved sister, was sending her away. Why?

Big Mac sighed softly, and picked Applebloom up, firmly placing her on his back.

Applebloom cried out, "Please, no!" But her sister and her grandmother turned their backs. Applebloom was shaking all over, but she stayed fixed on her big brother. Applebloom was gently dropped into her bed, and she pulled the covers over her head, beginning to sniffle. She stayed there for a few minutes, her bed becoming wet from her tears. When she came out again, there was no sign of Big Mac - she was all alone.

Applebloom didn't understand - it felt like her family didn't trust her. She had no idea what to think, just a young, innocent filly. Either way, for now, she just needed to sleep.

Diamond Tiara was staring intensely at her classmate. She had a bad fee!ing about this, and managed to croak, "So, what happened?"

Applebloom whimpered a little before replying. Diamond didn't understand - she had never felt this horrible seeing Applebloom sad before. At the moment, it was tearing her apart. "Well..." Applebloom quivered. "Ah found out soon mai parents died. Ah always asked questions, but they were never answered. They always said I was too young, immature and innocent. Even mai sister, the Element of Honesty, would create excuses and lies. It kinda made me angry, though I always tried to hide it. It was only a little while ago that Applejack had the courage to tell me that she and Big Mac caused our parents death, when a huge rock fell on them. I wasn't mad. I never blamed them. I just wished somepony told me sooner."

It hit Diamond strongly. "We were both lied to. We were both unhappy. And we both tried to hide our unhappiness, but in different ways. You always tried to appear cheerful by hanging out with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. I used bullying to hide my true feelings. Applebloom, I never understood... I'm so sorry..." She trembled, wondering what the filly would think.

To her shock, Applebloom simply replied softly, "Ahm sorry too. You weren't the only pony who made mistakes."

There was another silence, as Applebloom gazed straight into Diamond Tiara's eyes. Telling her story had been quite the struggle, and she was fighting against her tears. Suddenly, she realised something. "Diamond Tiara! Ah think ah figured it out! We both made huge mistakes before today, but if we hadn't made them... the point is, we supported each other! Ah needed the fire inside of me to carry on, and the rage ah felt towards you did the trick! And you needed my 'fake happiness' so that ah could encourage you to be a better pony! We were always there for each other! It always make sense now!"

She turned away after seeing Diamond's expression, with the feeling that the pink pony didn't agree with her theory. Suddenly, she felt hooves around her, and the warmth of Diamond pulled her in. Tears splattered violently onto Applebloom as her friend sobbed, and, feeling more relaxed, she released her own tears. The crying went on for ages, and Applebloom's head was spinning by the end, but the heat rushing through her made it all worth it. Eventually, Diamond Tiara let go, a half smile upon her face.

"I'd better get going, Applebloom." And, with that, she cantered away, leaving Applebloom alone.

The yellow filly was embarrassed. Never in her life would she have expected something like that to happen... but she was so glad that it did. "Thank you, Diamond Tiara," she murmured. "This was always meant to be."