//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Stellar // by RainbowFreakingPony //------------------------------// The leaves rustled, and the sun was shining. It was a nice spot that Chimera found a bit outside of Ponyville. A little peace and quiet from what strange things seem to happen in that little ville. The little foal ran ahead of her parents, and they meandered into the clearing with the picnic basket in hoof. Her sand colored coat and bubblegum mane disappeared amongst the grasses and reappeared elsewhere. Her dad Buford watched in adoration of their only child bounding around. Things couldn't get more peaceful and normal than this. Stacey picked a flower with her unicorn magic and held it up to Buford. He smiled and set down the basket he was carrying. With the blanket unfurled over the wild grasses, the two adults sat down and waited patiently for their daughter to join them. A piercing scream set both of them on their hooves. "Honey?" The mother said tentatively, and Buford was already heading in the direction of their daughter. "I- I was just startled..." Chimera explained. When they questioned by what, she simply pointed toward some nearby brush. The parents turned the corner, not expecting what they would find. Behind the brush was a tiny filly, slightly older than their own. Their confused faces turned to frowns of worry and approached the hunched up and disheveled pegasus. "Hello?" Stacey approached first and laid a gentle hoof on the frail body. The pony turned her face up at the small audience that gathered. Her large eyes opened up to reveal a lightning-blue colored eye and a stark purple eye. Her tiny nose scrunched up, and she didn't seem to know what to do with the new company. "Erm, where did you come from?" Stacey inquired. The small pony just shook her head. "Well it won't do for you to lay around in this dark place. Come over here, we are about to have a nice picnic." Stella was slow to get up, but followed the two adult ponies. Chimera walked alongside of this new guest and started making seemingly one-sided conversation. Stella acknowledged her new acquaintance, but said little and left questions hanging unanswered. Chimera didn't seem to notice, and continued talking all the way to the picnic spread. "You poor dearie, do you need a bite to eat? We have plenty." The silver-coated filly answered what questions she could, but could not answer where she came from or where her parents are. Getting more and more convinced that she suffers from amnesia, the adults' worry grows and they have a brisk walk around for any clues... or any fraught parents. Finding pretty much nothing except a little doll, the parents hoof the doll over to the little lost filly and intend to take her home. She obliges, and is starting to get along with the perky daughter of theirs. "My name is Constellation Night, but I like to be called Stella." She likes to call her new friend Chim, and the parents are Buff and Spacey. They approach the small cottage, and Stacey shows Stella to the modest guest room. "It's not much right now, but we would gladly help you make it look like home!" "Home?" Stella asked. Stacey paused for a little. "Em, make our house comfortable to you, like you would at your... Oh, I see." She hugged the small pony, "Make it so you feel safe here, with us." The gray mare brightened up. Chim entered the room, and the mother let the two put their heads together to make the room more friendly. Chim brought her toys and Stella had her doll. "Don't stay up too late now." She chuckled and left the two to their own devices. Eventually, both fell asleep on the bed with their dolls clutched tight. Stella woke up with her face buried deep in a pillow. "Murrph!" She rolled over and fell off the bed, her wings flapping so she would land on her hooves. She stumbled upright, and shook the sleep out of her head. She could hear the bustle from the kitchen, so she followed the sound. "Oh there you are sleepy-head... I made salad for us all." Buford pulled a stool up for Stella to join the table. Stella uneasily tried to copy how the rest were sitting. A little wobbly, but she managed to sit up. "So how did you all sleep?" Buford made small talk. "Like a rock!" The small bundle of energy was already recharged and bouncing around. Stella was a little slower to answer and simply said, "It was nice." The table went silent for a bit while each pony made away with their salad. "I stared at the stars for a bit." Stella broke the silence. "You like the night sky?" Buford was quick to keep the conversation up again. Stella nodded and said, "It comforts me most nights, but last night was very nice because I was warm." Stacey acknowledged and said, "It was very nice that you could join our small family." Her and Buford talked late last night about what they are going to do about the poor filly. If she is indeed an orphan, they would happily keep her. But for now Buford is going to ask around at his mane salon, as it is well trafficked. If anypony knew about Stella, word would arise during the mane-do gossip. Stacey would be able to bring up their situation to her boss at the clinic, and hopefully would bring the youngster back to her rightful house. Chimera spoke up and said, "The moon is my favorite! And Luna is my favorite princess!" Stella turned her head to Chim, "Who's Luna?" Chim guffawed and said, "You don't know Princess Luna?! She's the alicorn that enters your dreams and keeps the nightmares away!" Stella still looked a little confused. "Is an alicorn like a unicorn? And what type of pony is a nightmare?" Chim just stared at the confused filly for a second, mouth agape. Buford chuckled a little to himself and looked bemused. "We will have to show you to the school, Cheerilee would be happy to answer any questions you have." Chimera practically screamed, "Stella is going to join my classes?!" Her voice squeaked from the stress it goes through, "I'll show you all my friends!" "That sounds like a stellar idea, honey." Stacey gave a tiny cough at the slip-up of her words, but Buford was the only one who seemed to catch it. The yellow and bubblegum colored rubberband ball that was Chimera attempted to fly off the stool and actually bounced on the ground all the way to her room. Her parents seem used to it, but Stella look with a puzzled face at where the high-octane filly went. She came out of her room with her school bags and almost tore Stella off the seat. "C'mon, c'mon, if we get an early start we can talk to Cheerilee!" Stella looked to the parents, and without seeing any argument, followed behind. On the quite lengthy road to school, Chim started singing nursery rhymes and bouncing with all four hooves leaving the ground. They lived far out, but they never have minded the longer transit. It keeps them away from the hustle and bustle. Oh and the occasional monster that always happens to gravitate to the modest ville.