
by RainbowFreakingPony

Chapter 5

The ponies, now out of danger, inspected the new cutie mark. Congratulations were passed, and Twilight had an inkling on what Chimera achieved.

"This cutie mark has writing in a language I don't know. But I do know that because you answered the Sphinx's question correctly, you have a knowledge about animals. The scroll is representing a bestiary of sorts, recognizing your ability. Not only you correctly identified Will-O'the-Wisp, but also the Spinx and the Nemean Lion riddle." Twilight could barely supress her excitement, "Ponyville doesn't have a comprehensive bestiary of the Everfree Forest yet. And I've read all of the books in Ponyville. I'm sure all of Equestria could use the knowledge you will find out about these animals." Twilight's excitement on Chimera's destiny didn't compare to Chim's own excitement. She was excited to learn all the Everfree Forest had to offer. And perhaps beyond, to the large expanse of Equestria. She always loved traveling, and seeing sights.
"We have to take the left fork right about... Now. Ok last stretch. We will be able to see the caves soon." The sun almost hit high noon by the time they came up to the caves. The massive yawning caverns loomed oppressively over the huddled ponies. A bone-chilling breeze came out of the cavern, and then stopped. They were stepping forth into the maw of the cavern, and the breeze came again. They froze in their tracks, but as soon as it started, it stopped. Twilight had to turn up her unicorn light only a few paces into the cavern. Sweetie Belle turned hers on as well, and the breeze passed again. Awhile into the damp and large cave, the ponies started recognizing the breeze was consistent.
"It's breath." Stella put the puzzle pieces together. Twilight looked incredulous, and then it dawned on her. They were approaching Ursa Major, of course the massive beast would expel a tremendous amount of air when breathing. The smaller fillies started shaking, not from the cold, but from the idea of how big the creature was that they were about to approach. Slowly, in the distance, the purple haze began to grow to a small hill as they approached it. The purple haze - fur - of Ursa Major fell and the breeze washed over the ponies. They huddled even closer, and Twilight thought, is this going to work? But she recalled her dream last night still so vivid, and put all her confidence in Stella. When they finally could take in the massive looming figure, the group stopped walking. Stella did not stop walking, but slowly kept inching forward. The distance widened between the group and Stella. Twilight couldn't imagine the fear of the ponies cuddled up next to her, but saw the confidence on Stella's face as she approached the bear. Stella came right up against the creatures side, and so close she could count the stars in the creatures glistening fur. She put a tentative hoof up, and the group quietly drew a breath all at once. She laid the hoof on the creature, and it stirred. Its massive body turned over slowly, and after a while its huge face filled up all of Stella's view. Stella smiled when she saw the countenance she recognized.
"Hello, dearest Ursa." Stella smiled at the huge, stellar beast. The beast stared at the small pony that had pet its fur whilst it slept. Slowly, and to the surprise of all the ponies witnessing it, the mouth of the beast turned up in a smile.
"Hello." The huge voice boomed in the cavern. The herd of ponies all sat down, stunned. A massive paw moved from its side and was lifted to Stella. The creature pet the small filly very gently.
"I was wondering when you would come and visit me." Stella beamed at this statement.
"I wanted to find you outside my dreams, and these ponies helped me." Stella's gentle voice barely made it to the Major. The big beast turned to the group, and acknowledged them. Stella went on to talk to Ursa about the friends she made, and how helpful and welcoming the ponies were to her. She talked about harmony, and everything she learned since she was took in by the ponies of Ponyville. As she talked, all of the ponies attention were on Stella's flank. There glowed the new cutie mark.
"Stella, your mark!" Twilight found her voice to speak. Stella looked at her flank.
"Oh my." She hugged the giant creature that watched her with bemusement.

"I'm so glad you found these great friends. I have to say, I never expected much from ponies until I met you, Stella." The Ursa welcomed the other ponies with huge arms outstretched. The Princess made the first move towards the creature and the gang followed right behind. An astonishing group hug later, the ponies made their introductions, and the Princess told everypony about what she thinks Stella is capable of. She told about how Stella could build a bridge between the species, and how harmony would bring everypony - and every species - together. Stella would be the emissary for the pony-kind.
The Ursa listened and nodded in approval, "There are many constellations here in Equestria. I know where Leo the lion is, and he could guide you to the rest. Be careful on your journey, if you choose to follow this. You will be able to call upon the constellations to help you, but our interference in business of Equestria is limited. Keep your pony-friends close, they will help you where the stars cannot." The Ursa picked up something behind her. She brought out a cute blue fuzzy ball. Stella recognized Ursa Minor just as she turned into stars and flew into Stella's left eye. Stella looked taken aback, and her blue iris sparkled slightly.
"There my child will wait. If you ever need assistance, all you need to do is wake her. When summoned, she will embody her corporeal form. She cannot stay active for long, lest she fall asleep. She will return to you when her job is done." Stella couldn't seem to find the words of her gratitude.
"You have always watched over me, I cannot thank you enough." The being chuckled at this, and assured her that there was no need to say thanks.
"There isn't a being in Equestria quite like you, Stella." Stella blushed at this compliment. Isn't that right, the Princess thought to herself. The crowd said their goodbye's to Ursa Major and departed out the cave mouth. It was warmer and each pony squinted at the sudden change in light. It was noon, and they found a clearing to have lunch. The spot was nice and sunny, a good change from the dark caves. The crusaders looked so proud of themselves that they were able to help the ponies get their cutie marks. Besides, it's what they're here for. Twilight and Sweetie Belle unpacked the lunch and laid out a blanket with magic. The ponies all settled in, warming up.