//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Dark Secrets // by SwiftShad0wWing1 //------------------------------// A little filly of about 10 was playing with an old beat up stuffed rag doll. It was a dragon with green scales and red spikes. She was smiling as shew flew around the throne room with the toy pretending to be fighting off evil monsters. When suddenly her ear twitched and she looked towards the darkest corner of the room. "Dad would never know..." She told herself as she trotted over to it. She tilted her ear towards the ground and listened. Soon the conversation the in War Room flowed through her mind. "But sir, it would be suicide to attack Canterlot. The Solar Sisters are much more powerful than their father was. We must train more, and acquire more soldiers if you wish to proceed," General Shockwave's voice sounded first. It sounded like they were discussing another war. She didn't understand why her father was so bloodthirsty. It seemed as if he started another battle every day. "Then get more soldiers and train harder! We must strike soon, they will not be expecting it. Celestia will mostly likely believe us to rest after out victory against the Gryphons. And once you finish here come to the throne room, it is time for Rainbow's daily lesson." King Sombra did not sound happy as he snapped at his General. The filly let out a groan of annoyance at the mention of her lessons. The king thought she should have lessons on combat and battle strategies. She was extremely skilled in combat and rather good at strategies, but her father still thought she needed to improve. She walked towards the center of the room as she heard the dark unicorn's hoof steps outside the door. "Why do we need another war so soon? We just won a war, let the soldiers rest!" Were the first words she spoke when he entered the room. "Were you eavesdropping? Do you need to be reminded of what I do to eavesdroppers?" "I'm just asking why you insist on spilling so much blood!," she was rather smart for a 10 year old, and she knew that there was no reason for war. "It needs to be reminded to everyone that the Crystal Empire is the strongest and will remain that way!" "Everypony knows how strong we are! You don't let them forget! One day your thirst for war will get you killed," her crimson eyes burned brightly in the dim room as she glared at her sire. His equally red eyes stared right back. "To your room now. Your lessons are cancelled. I will send an escort to get you once you have thought about your actions." Rainbow Dashe let out a snort at his words, but listened anyways. She remembered what happened last time she disobeyed, the scar on her flank wouldn't let her forget that mistake. * Rainbow sat up in bed. She glanced around the room wondering where she was at, then remembered she was back in the Crystal Empire. Sunlight was filtering in through the window and birds were chirping outside. At least it wasn't a particularly bad memory, she thought as she pulled herself out of the bed. She shook out her coat before opening her door and walking to the dining hall for breakfast. The cyan pony then ate a heaping plate of pancakes and hay-bacon before trotting to the throne room to wait for her friends. Once there she sat in the same corner where listened in on her father talking to General Shockwave all those years ago. She decided to focus of ridding herself of her magical trace. That way if she used her magic again, which she had a feeling that she would, no pony would be able to tell it came from her. Although she doubted they would believe that a daredevil pegasus could have magic just as strong as, if not stronger than, an alicorn princess. Dash closed her eyes and went inside her own mind to feel for her magic. It didn't take much considering she still hid the presence of it. She remembered the lessons of her magic instructor who taught her how to hide her magical essence. She pictured a large clear bowl of water. The top of the bowl had clear water that represented normal pegasus things; flying, weather work, the usual. But currently it had darkness billowing within its crystal depths and that symbolized her magic. Black magic, much darker than normal unicorn magic. She focused her breathing and took deep even breaths. Slowly she concentrated on sending the black liquid to the bottom of the bowl, hiding the presence of her magic from others. Of course she could still call upon the power if she wanted, but now others wouldn't be able to tell she had done so. Slowly the darkness sunk until it was just a thin layer on the bottom of the bowl. She opened her eyes just before her ear twitched and she heard laughter from down the hall. The laughter alerted her that her friends were arriving so she removed herself from the corner and sat next to the window and waited patiently for them to enter the room. She could relax a little now that she didn't have to worry about the magic being traced back to her.