//------------------------------// // Start of a Journey // Story: Twilight and the Big City // by Turbo the Brony //------------------------------// For some time, Twilight Sparkle had been doing well on her journey of learning the magic of friendship. Before it happened, she preferred to study 24/7, with the help of her close friend and assistant, Spike the Dragon. Then came the day when she learned of Nightmare Moon’s return, as she then warned Princess Celestia about what was happening, of course this was replied by Celestia to move to Ponyville and make friends. From there, sceptical at first, Twilight realized she couldn’t stop Nightmare Moon alone, and succeeded in restoring Princess Luna to her normal self with the help of her new friends, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy, and, with Celestia’s blessing, stays in Ponyville. Through time, they had many adventures together, and it wouldn’t be until later on, that when completing Star Swirl the Bearded’s spell, her destiny was fulfilled and she became a new Alicorn Princess of Equestria, along side Celestia, Luna and Princess Cadence, Twilight’s old foal sitter who would become her sister-in law upon marrying her brother, Shining Armor. But some time later, nothing can prepare her for the biggest challenge that Princess Celestia had assigned her on. “Wait… WHAT?!” Twilight said in complete surprise at this. “Well?” Princess Celestia asked, “Will you be interested in this task?” “But… I’m not sure about this, Princess…” Twilight said with small worry. “There are many places in Equestria that are undiscovered, Twilight,” Celestia explained as she comforted her former student, “and I know that you’re the only one who could do it. You’ll never know, maybe you’ll make new friends there. Maybe a new kingdom for you to rule over. You just have to let the magic guide you.” While this gave Twilight a small smile, she grew a little worried about this task more and more. ******* ******* Later on, at the Golden Oak Library, as Celestia’s sun was setting, Twilight was nearly done with packing for her journey when Spike came in to check on her. “So Twilight?” Spike asked. The new Alicorn looked up to her dragon friend for his attention, “Yes Spike?” The dragon then asked, “So what kind of task did Princess Celestia gave you?” “We’re going to a place where no ponies ever gone before.” Twilight explained. “That sounds awesome!” Spike said with glee, excited about this task. “No it’s not, Spike.” Twilight said, looking a little down, “We’re going to a place of a total unknown origin. Not even Princess Celestia knows what the other side of Equestria looks like.” Spike grew more concerned of his friend as she continued, “All I can sense is the unpleasant feeling inside…” “Then why didn’t you tell Princess Celestia that you’re not too comfortable doing this task then?” Spike asked. “That’s just it, Spike,” Twilight confessed, “I don’t want to let her down… she’s my teacher all.” “You worry too much, Twilight.” Spike said as he got onto Twilight’s back after Twilight placed her rucksack on her, “Even though you don’t feel comfortable ruling a kingdom of your own, Princess Celestia will understand.” “Yes, I know Spike.” Twilight said with a small smile. “Besides, you’ve got your friends too, right?” said Spike, “They will always help you out when you’re in trouble, and you also have me. Spike the number one assistant.” “Oh, Spike.” Twilight giggled. As they were departing, it was now nighttime, and the duo spotted their friends, waiting for them. “Hey, Twilight!” called out Rainbow Dash. “Girls?” Twilight said with curiosity. “Hey, Twilight,” said Applejack, “we’ve heard you’re going on a mission.” “…And that’s why we’re here to go with you on this journey!” Rainbow added. Rarity then came up as she showed what she packed as well, “I also everything we needed, darling. I’ve got a comb, a brush, toothbrushes, make-ups and a mirror, just in case my mane looks a bit messy.” “Ohhh~! I’m so nervousited!!” Pinkie cried out with glee. Applejack walked up to the pink pony as she said, “You do realize that’s not a real word, right?” It was then that Princess Celestia arrived to see Twilight off. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She said. “Princess Celestia!” Spike and the Mane 6 cried out in surprise. Having heard what the Twilight’s friends said, she had to give them the bad news, “I’m afraid I can’t let you go.” “What?” cried Rainbow, “Why not?!” “I want Twilight to experience this on her own.” The Princess of the Sun explained, “As a Princess, she must learn to blend in with her new peers while still being able to find new friends along the way.” She then turned to Twilight as she continued, “Along this journey, Twilight, there will be lots of friends to help and protect you when you get there.” “Yes, Princess.” Twilight said, as she understood, nodding as she did so. Celestia then turned to the young dragon as she said, “Spike, you’re the number one assistant of Twilight. You have my permission to go along with her.” “Yes!” cried Spike, as he felt excited to go with Twilight, only to quickly regain his calmness as he then politely said, “I mean, uh… thank, Princess Celestia.” “Also, Spike is the only one who can help us keep in touch with Twilight.” Celestia then explained, as the ponies understood that Spike was very able to deliver letters via magic dragon breath, “Are you sure you’ll be alright, sugar cube?” asked Applejack. “Yes, I’ll be fine.” Twilight replied with a smile. Pinkie then came up to Twilight and gave her quite a big hug, “Ohh~! I’m gonna miss you, Twilight!” “Pinkie, I’ll still come back!” Twilight said, as she trying to not get the air knocked out of her from the hug. “You take care of yourself, okay, Spike?” Rarity asked the little dragon. “I will Rarity,” Spike said to his (not-quite-so) secret crush, “Uh… want me to get you some souvenirs…?” “Why sure, darling.” Rarity said happily, as she patted Spike on the head, “But only if it’s not too much trouble for you, hmm?” “Take care, Twilight.” Fluttershy said. “If anything pops up, don’t be afraid to shoot of a letter.” Rainbow Dash added. “I will girls, don’t worry.” Twilight said, before turning to Spike, who had climbed back on her back, “Ready, Spike?” The dragon happiliy replied with a “Yep!” “Alright, girls,” she then said, “I’ll be on my way!” As the duo set off, they heard their friends call out to them. “We’ll be waiting for your return.” “Good luck!” “Good luck, my faithful student.” “Take care!” “Be safe now, y’all hear?” “Don’t forget to write!” Soon, as they said goodbye, Twilight and Spike ventured onward, deep into the Everfree Forest. Two hours later, as it grew darker, several black clouds begin to cover the sky, with the sound of rumbling coming from above. “Twilight?” Spike spoke up. “Yes, Spike?” asked Twilight. “Looks like a storm is coming…” Spike replied. “Really?” asked Twilight. Right on cue to answer her question, a single raindrop, dripped on her nose. Seconds later it began to pour down, much to her annoyance, if only she brought an umbrella with them. “Wow!” cried Spike, “It’s pouring!” “Hang on, Spike,” said Twilight, as she began to gallop faster, “we’re going to find shelter!” Unfortunately, it was quite a bit dark, so Twilight was unsure where they were going, or where they could find shelter at, just then, as a far off lightning flashed above, Twilight spotted something not far off, as she got a little closer, it looked like a train track, with train that had just stopped for a moment. When she took a closer look, she had a good eye on the carriages, as they were really boxcars, though they didn’t look like the ones she seen before on the Friendship Express. Knowing that there was no time to loose, Twilight jumped into one of the boxcars that was open and got inside. “Quick, Spike,” she said to her dragon friend, who had just got off her back, “close the door!” After Spike had done just that, the duo got some time to catch their breath, as Twilight took off her bags, she had a look at herself and Spike, they were quite well soaked. “Urgh!” groaned Twilight, “I’m all wet!” She then began to shake herself like a dog, to get the wet rain off her. “Ah! Stop it, Twilight!” cried Spike, as he was kind of in the way, “I don’t wanna get wet as well!” “Oops, sorry.” Twilight said with a nervous grin. After Spike got himself dried off, he and Twilight had a good look around at where they were. “…Uh, Twilight?” asked Spike, “Don’t you think this train is, uh, kinda different?” “Hmmm… must be a new one.” Twilight suggested. “I don’t know…” Spike said, as he had a good look at the boxes, packages and crates that were stored in where they were, “it says “To New York City” on those boxes.” After hearing this, Twilight had a small thought, until suddenly, something clicked inside of her, as she had just got big realization. “Spike! I know what’s going on here!” she said to Spike as she explained, “I read about an invisible barrier inside of the Everfree Forest, a barrier which acts as some sort of gate between Equestria and another world… we must have passed it!” Meanwhile, outside, the cargo train that Twilight and Spike were on was waiting for a green light so it can get on it’s way. As the light changed from red to green, the train gave out a loud honk from it’s horn, before to started to move, unaware of the new passengers that had just hitched a ride. Soon the carriges started to shake a little as they were moving, the same happening in Twilight and Spike’s cart, as they felt the shake, which almost got them to fell over. “Whoa! The Train’s moving!” cried Spike. “Quick, Spike,” said Twilight, “We’re gotta get out of here!” But as Twilight used her magic to open the door, when the duo looked to realized that it was too late to get off now. “Whoa.” Spike said, as he looked at the view of the forest as it began to pass them pretty fast. “Yeah. It’s dark, the storm is brewing and the train is picking up speed… I guess we’re stuck in here…” Spike said as he turned to Twilight. “Yeah,” Twilight nodded in agreement, until she had a small thought, “perhaps, we should catch some sleep and wait until next morning…” Deciding to do just that, Twilight and Spike got themselves comfortable on the train floor. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” asked Spike. “Don’t worry, Spike,” Twilight said with a bit of hope, “Do you see those boxes over there? They’re labelled with “New York City”, I suppose that’s where the train is heading to. We can figure out how to go on when we get there.” With that sorted out, the two friends were soon sound asleep, the train still on it’s way to the big city of New York, for when it will arrive there, Twilight and Spike’s extraordinary adventure in a whole new world will definitely begin…