Cthulhu in Equestria

by SenialHobo

Cthulhu goes to the royal wedding (Part 1: when plans go awry)

Part one: when plans go awry

On the train, Cthulhu sat in the back of the car, bothered by the differences between the episode and actual Equestria. Everything so far had seemed the same, so why would this be any different?

"Ugh! Where are Pinkie and Rarity? The train's about to head out!" Twilight said.

"I don't think they're going to make it Twilight. Just send them a letter, they can take the next train." Cthulhu said.

"I suppose you're right. I've told you about your jobs right? AppleJack, you're cooking, Fluttershy has music, Cthulhu has security-" Twilight was cut off.

"Yes, you've told us all plenty of times now Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"Why am I on security, anyway?" Cthulhu asked. "Shouldn't Shining Armor be doing it?"

"Normally he would, but apparently he recently went missing..." Twilight said sorrowfully. "So, uh… sorry if I seem distracted."

All the ponies went over to cheer her up, but Cthulhu just couldn't. He had too much on his mind. Could the changelings be behind this? If it was so different, could it be an entirely different threat?

Something was up. The train pulled away from the station.


"What do you mean AppleJack is missing?" Cthulhu asked groggily, as he had been napping.

"She's gone! She went to go to the bathroom, and never came back! I just walked the entire length of the train to make sure, and she wasn't anywhere!" Twilight said.

"Twilight! Relax! She's probably just hiding to mess with you or something… Let me go back to sleep." Cthulhu said.

"No, we're almost there, get up." Twilight said.

Cthulhu groaned, sitting up. "Where's Fluttershy?"

"She was just here a minute ago!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Why would everypony be disappearing?" Cthulhu asked.

"I don't know, but I know we need to do something about it - Rainbow Dash, fly to Canterlot and tell Princess Celestia what's going on!" Twilight said.

"Don't worry Twilight! I'll be right back!" Rainbow Dash said, jumping out of the window.

Cthulhu went over to the window, and looked out to Canterlot. "Twilight, isn't there supposed to be a bubble…?"

Cthulhu waited for a response, then turned around, knowing what to expect.

Twilight was gone.


"Identification!" the soldier barked.

"I don't have any identification! I'm not even a pony! I was with the elements of Harmony, but now they're missing, and -" Cthulhu tried to explain.

"Likely story. You're coming with us!"


Cthulhu was shoved in front of Cadance.

"So you're the… monster... I've heard so much about. Isn't it a little odd that all the ponies in your group have gone missing, and yet you remain?" she asked.

"Well, I… I honestly have no idea where they are…" Cthulhu tries to explain. Suddenly he has an idea. "I think they were kidnapped by the changelings!" he said, watching Cadance for a response.

"Changelings? What in Equestria is that?" she asked, not responding visually to the name.

"They're a group of pony-like creatures that are coming to feed off of Equestria's love! They could be anyone! Even… you." Cthulhu said, then began with a simple song. "Sunshine sunshine… ladybugs awake… clap your hooves, do a little shake?"

"How do you know that song? Did Twilight tell you it?" Cadance asked, mystified.

"It doesn't matter right now! We need to get a force field up, and I need to meet the groom, and make sure he isn't a changeling - I don't think they can change into humans, but we need to be sure! If their queen isn't disquised as you, she has to be around here somewhere! Get Luna and Celestia, and any other alicorns together immediately!" Cthulhu said, beginning to run off.

"Wait! There… may be a problem with that…" Cadance said.

"What do you mean?" Cthulhu asked, turning around.

"Both of them are missing too…"

"Exactly how many ponies have been reported missing so far again?" Cthulhu asked.


48 ponies missing. Could it possibly get worse? "Excuse me guard? Where is the groom's room? I can't seem to find it..." Cthulhu asked.

"Well of course you aren't going to find it in here! He's sleeping outside the city until we can get a place big enough for him!" the guard said, as if it was obvious.

"... Big enough for him?"