//------------------------------// // 2 - Party Favor - Abused // Story: Trapped // by ShadowsOfThePast //------------------------------// Tick. Party Favor's hair was a mess, all over the place, unorganized, and he was even missing chunks. Tick. He gasped for breath as he lay on the ground. Tick. Blood ran from his forehead, right next to his horn. He was lucky the shot had missed. Tick. The passed out drunk mare that lay before him had hooves soaked red. Tick. The grandfather clock in the corner of the room showed the hour hand on the 12 and the minute hand on 6. Tick. He stood up, gasping in pain as he lifted up his broken back left leg. Tick. He hobbled outside, leaving drops of red wherever he went. Splash. He tried washing the word 'faggot' and 'useless' written on his front leg in permanent marker to no avail. Ka-ching. The cashier pretended not to notice his injuries as Party made his purchase. Rustle. The rope made from balloons swung over the branch, rustling the leaves. Wheeze. Party Favor gasped for breath as he hung from the tree, even though he knew this was what he wanted. Pop. Party Favor gasped as he hit the ground, taking in large breaths as the balloons popped. "Your Cutie Mark seems to say you like parties." Party Favor looked over to the Unicorn and spoke softly. "There's no reason to party when there is no happiness to ever be found. I wish I didn't have this Cutie Mark. I never want to throw a party ever." "I think I have a place for you, a place where no one would ever be mistreated." Party felt himself smiling. He could finally stop being abused.