
by ShadowsOfThePast

3 - Night Glider - Rest

She wanted to sleep so badly. She wanted to take a nap and not wake up in darkness.

Yet her Cutie Mark said otherwise.

She pushed with all her strength, moving the great black orb away from the moon.

Yet it always floated right back.

Her village wasn't called Eclipse for nothing.

Yet she had to keep pushing it away. She wasn't even completely sure what it was, just that this black sphere wanted to make sure no light ever reached her village.

She had protested, begging somepony else to do it.

Yet her Cutie Mark said she had to.

She felt so weak, and tired, and she wanted a good night's sleep.

Yet no other pony in the village had the ability to move the black mass- She was the only Pegasus.

She pushed with whatever remained of her strength, trying to stay awake.

Yet she failed.

She closed her eyes, only to scream in pain as she crash landed into the ground, and sobbed softly as she watched the town go dark.

Yet two purple/blue eyes appeared in the dark. "You don't seem to be liking your job."

Night Glider cried out. "I hate this! Because of my Cutie Mark, I have to keep that stupid black thing away from my village. I can't sleep, because in the day I have to go to school and work and do chores."

Yet the eyes had a different idea. "How about you come with me to my village? You don't have to worry about a no-end job that you hate, you can relax."

Glider sighed in relief and started to smile. She knew she could finally get to rest.