//------------------------------// // Arrival on Earth/A Strange Meeting // Story: Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth // by Dinodisneylover1 //------------------------------// Nighttime. All was dark on Earth. Only the street lights were on. It was very silent. There was no one around for now. But it doesn't take long because the silence is broken by the wind and a bright light. The light became bigger and bigger forming sparks of energy. The light made one big flash and there are our heroes. They shot into the air and landed hard on the ground, screaming while it happened. Twilight opened her eyes and grunted. She began to stand on her legs while the rest of her friends did the same. "Is everypony alright?" Twilight asked. "I'm okay." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm dandy." said Rarity. "I-I think I'm alright." said Fluttershy. "I'm fine." said Applejack. "Me too." said Spike. But they looked around to see somepony was missing. "Where's Pinkie?" Twilight asked. "Girls." Pinkie said. They heard the voice, but they couldn't find her. "Pinkie, where are you?" Twilight asked. "Look up." Pinkie answered. They all looked up and saw Pinkie was hanging with her tail on a tree branch. "Hi, guys." Pinkie said while still hanging. "Little help, please?" Twilight's horn began to glow and Pinkie was surrounded in a magic aura. Twilight focused hard and brought Pinkie safely on the ground. "Thanks." Pinkie said. "Wow, guess Discord's spell really did work." "It surprises me too. I don't even have to walk on two legs and pick up things with hands." Twilight said. "Wow, our first time in another world. How cool is that?" said Rainbow Dash. "It sure is." Applejack said. "It might be...if it weren't so dark and scary." Fluttersy said while she felt uncomfortable. "It's nighttime. Just like back in Equestria. Come on, girls. Let's go." Twilight said. "Uh, Twilight. Shouldn't we look for a place to sleep first and look for this Spectrus guy in the morning?" Spike asked. "That's a good idea, Spike. But where can we go?" Twilight asked. "I guess we should walk until we found something that suits us." Spike said. "Don't expect me to sleep outside." Rarity said. "Let's go then." Twilight said. The six ponies and the little dragon began to walk on the streets for an hour, they still didn't found anything. They were stopping at a dark alleyway. "Uhn, this is like going on forever. We've walked for an hour and still haven't found anything. Not even some bad guys. Twilight, you know this place more than we do. Maybe you know somewhere we can go." Rainbow Dash said. "You're mistaken, Rainbow. I don't know this place." Twilight said. "What are you talking about? You've been to this place like three times." Rainbow said. "That was on a school named Canterlot High. Twilight is right. I don't know this place either. And from where we are know, we don't know the way to the school." Spike said. "Are you saying we're lost?" Rainbow said. "It could be. But don't panic, every cloud has a silver lining." Twilight said. Suddenly, there was a growling sound. The ponies stood still. "Pinkie, I hope you're hungry." Applejack said. "It wasn't me." Pinkie said. The growling became a bit louder. "I don't think that sounds good." Fluttershy said. Suddenly, two dogs came out of the dark alleyway. They growled and barked aggressively at them. The ponies just stood there. "Okay, everypony don't move and they won't see us." said Pinkie. "What do you think they are, Pinkie, timberwolves?" Applejack said with a raised eye brow after what Pinkie said. The dogs barked louder. The ponies were very careful. "Alright, little doggies. It's okay. We're not here to hurt you." Applejack said while reaching out her hoof to try to touch one of the dogs. But suddenly, the dog aggresively bit Applejack's arm. She yelled in pain. Twilight shot a magic beam at the dog which send him flying against the wall. "RUUUUUNNN!!" Twilight yelled and all the ponies except Fluttershy ran away. Fluttershy just stood there, but Rainbow came back to pick her up. "Come on, Fluttershy." Rainbow said. "But..." Fluttershy said. But before she could answer, they flew very fast after the others. The dogs began to pursue them. "Keep running, girls. We need to get rid of them." Twilight said. They kept on running and running. Applejack also ran though it was a bit difficult with her front leg being badly injured. She saw a garbage can and came with an idea. She ran towards it and bucked it with her hind legs. One of the dogs got hit, but the other kept following them. "They keep chasing us." Rainbow said. Twilight had an idea. "Everypony, come close." Twilight said; The girls and Spike came very close to her. Her horn began to glow and suddenly they disappeared in a flash. The dogs were totally confused, but they began to sniff trying to look for them. Twilight and her friends were teleported to another dark alleyway. It was filled with garbage cans and all that stuff. "Good thinking, Twilight. Now those dogs will never find us. They didn't know what came to them. Ha ha!" Rainbow Dash said while laughing. Twilight looked over at Applejack. "Applejack, you're hurt." She said worriedly. Applejack's front leg was badly injured. There was even some blood coming out. "It's okay, Twi. Unfortunately, that's going to leave a mark." Applejack said. "Try to find us now, you mangy mongrels!" Spike shouted. But all of a sudden, the two dogs found them. "Oops." Spike said. "Now what?" Rainbow said. "Oh no, we're trapped." Rarity said. The dogs came closer and they began to drool while showing their teeth. "I guess there's no other way to fight our way out. " Twilight said. They prepared themselves while the dogs came closer. But suddenly... "Wait!" Fluttershy said to her friends. Fluttershy then paid her attention to the two dogs. She went towards them. The dogs noticed that and barked aggresively at her. Fluttershy just stood still. The dogs kept on barking and growling at her. "It's okay." She said quietly while reaching out her hoof to try to touch them. One of the dogs began to bite, but they missed her because she quickly brought her hoof back to the ground. The others began to gasp as the dogs were almost biting her. But suddenly, the dogs were witnessing something they didn't expect at all. Fluttershy's eyes became very wide staring into their souls. The dogs have never seen something like this before. The glare she gave must be the look of the devil, but it gained a different name: The Stare. The dogs trembled in fear on the ground and whimpered. Fluttershy stopped her Stare and came close to the dogs, but they began to slowly walk away from her. "Shh. It's okay." Fluttershy said softly. The dogs were still trembling until they felt something on their head: the pony began to stroke them. The dogs began to calm down and looked at the pony who smiled at them. One of the dogs looked at his leg and showed it to Fluttershy. It was in open flesh. Fluttershy gasped at the sight. "Oh, you poor little baby." Fluttershy said. "Baby?" Rainbow asked with a raised eye brow. "Let me help you." Fluttershy said and grabbed some bandages from her backpack. She grabbed the leg of the dog and wrapped the bandages around it. The dog was very happy about this and licked Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy also gave them an apple and some dog food from her backpack. "Oh, you two haven't such a good life, do you? Living on the streets, feeding on remains and nopony to look after you. Now don't worry, I'll take care of you." She said while hugging the dogs with her wings. She also sniffed at the dogs because they didn't smell good after living so many years on the streets. "And you also need a bath." "Fluttershy, we can't take those strong smelling dogs with us." Rarity said. "They have no one to take care of them. We can't leave them like this." Fluttershy said. "One of them bit my leg." Applejack said. "And they're very sorry." Fluttershy said back. "Come on, girls. Look at them. Living on the streets to survive isn't a life for them. I'm going to take care of them even if it's raining." Suddenly, they heard thunder and lightning. "You just had to say that, didn't you." Rainbow said. "Oh no. My beatiful mane will be ruined." Rarity said in panic. "It's coming close. Uhn, Twilight. Shouldn't we look for shelter?" Spike asked with worry. "Now, now. Listen everyone. It's just some thunder and..." Twilight said. (Music starts at 0:38) But before she could finish her sentence, she got startled by another thunder sound. This time it was louder than the previous one. Little by little, drops of rain began to fall down from the sky. "Quick. Run, everypony. We need to find shelter." Twilight said. More rain came from above. It became heavier. The ponies, Spike and the two dogs were running as fast as they could to find some shelter. "Hey, guys. I see a house there. Maybe we can go there." Pinkie said. "Yeah, I suspect the first thing a human is going to do is faint when it sees talking ponies." Rainbow Dash said. "Do we have a choice?" Twilight asked. "Oh please, let's get inside that house. My mane is getting soaked." Rarity said. Twilight thought for a moment and has decided. "Everypony to that house." She said. They ran as fast as they could and stopped at the door. Rainbow saw a doorbell and pushed the button. The jingle bell was heard, but no one came. Rainbow tried again, but still no one came. "I guess there's no one home." Twilight said. "Well, we can't just stay here. Let's try at the backdoor. Come on, everypony. Over the hedge." Rainbow said. The ponies jumped over the hedge. It wasn't that high. They were in a garden and saw the backdoor. There was no doorbell on it. Rainbow knocked on the door and to her surprise the door opened a little. It wasn't locked. "Come on, guys. It's open." Rainbow said. "I don't know, girls. Isn't that burglary?" Fluttershy asked. "We don't have much of a choice, Fluttershy. Come on." Twilight said. "Come along, you two." Fluttershy said to the dogs. The thunder became louder and lightning could be seen, so they quickly ran into the house and closed the door. While they were inside, they shook the water from their bodies like dogs. (Music starts at 0:56)They looked at their surroundings. It was pretty dark. The only things that are visible are their eyes. "Is everypony here?" Twilight asked. "Everypony's here." said Applejack. "I can't tell if my eyes are open or closed. Do you, Angel?" Fluttershy asked her bunny. Two tiny eyes appeared in the dark. "Angel?!" Everypony asked while their eyes widened in a cartoonish way and a horn sound could be heard while they're doing it. "You took Angel with you?" Rarity asked. "He wanted to come. He only did it because he wants to help us." Fluttershy explained. "When will you learn to stand up to that bunny? He's controlling your life." Rainbow said while her eyes gave an angry glare. "Everypony, be quiet. Rarity, help me shine some light." Twilight said. Twilight and Rarity's horns began to glow to shine some light. "There must be a switch in here." Twilight said and luckily she found one. She clicked on it and the lights began to cast the darkness away. Their horns stopped glowing. "Wow. We're inside a human's house. Check it out." Rainbow said in excitement. "I still feel guilty about this." Fluttershy said. They all looked around the house. They were quite amazed that they were in the house of a creature from a world they don't even know. They saw many things that they also use back in their world, but there were also things they've never seen before. They began to show interest and looked with curiosity. "Look at all this stuff. It's like we're back in Ponyville." Pinkie said. "There are some stuff here I've never seen before." Applejack said. "These humans sure have some interesting things." said Rainbow while looking closely at every object. Pinkie was sitting on a couch were four or five humans or ponies can sit in. She looked at the little table in front of her and grabbed something she has never seen before. In the human world, it was known as a remote. She pushed the red button and a strange device went on. It showed some kind of images. A grey cat was shown. At that moment, the cat's tail began to burn. The cat just stared at it. When the fire burned it's whole tail, it's eyes went wide and began to scream in a funny way. Pinkie looked at it in amusement and began to smile a little. "Hahaha. Hey, girls. Come here. This is funny." Pinkie called for her friends. Applejack, Spike and Rainbow Dash came to her and watched the strange device. "What is that thing?" Applejack asked. "Hey, it's like watching a movie, but at home." Rainbow said. They watched and saw that the cat was trying to sit on a bucket with ice, but a mouse replaced it with an oil lamp. The cat was unaware of this while he sits on the oil lamp. "That poor cat must be suffering." Applejack said. "Are you kiddin'? It's appears to be something you can laugh at." said Spike. "I like that mouse. Haha!" Rainbow said in amusement. They continued to watch the cartoon and suddenly Pinkie accidentally pressed on another button. The images disappeared and were replaced with other ones. This time it showed a group of humans. Four males and one female. "Hey, what happened?" Rainbow asked in confusion. "I don't know. I pushed another button and suddenly this appeared." Pinkie explained. The people on the screen began to talk. "So how about it, Sheldon?" asked the female. "I don't know. If you're my X-Men, what are your powers?" asked one of the males. "Okay. Well, I'm gonna take you shopping, get you a nice suit, might give you more confidence." the female answered. "That's not exactly a mutation that will get you into 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, but go on." the same male answered back. When that happened, some invisible people were laughing a bit with the situation. "Should I press another button?" Pinkie asked. "Wait a minute. Let it be." Raibow said. In the mean time, Rarity was looking at some beautiful paintings in a hallway. There was one with the face of a beautiful woman and another one with melting watches. "Oh my. Look at the structure. The way those humans made it. These must all be masterpieces." Rarity said in interest and excitement. Her tail even wiggled a bit. Twilight looked at some pictures. There was a man with a beard and a moustache holding a baby. That must be his child. There was another but the baby was a toddler and another one when he must have been 6 years old. And there was another were the same man was with a beautiful woman. Suddenly, Twilight found something that caught her interest. A large closet with books, some tiny boxes and comic books. "The owner has some very interesting books. The Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter? He has a lot of collections." Twilight said and looked further. "Some of the titles are also on these strange little boxes. And I'm sure Spike would be jealous about the owner's collection of comic books." AJ, Spike and Rainbow were still watching the strange device. They were laughing at the funniest moments. The people on the screen were talking again. "So, what do you say, Sheldon? Are we you're X-Men?" The female asked. "No. The X-Men were named for the X in Charles Xavier. Since I am Sheldon Cooper, you will be my C-Men." The male said. With that, the invisible people were laughing their asses off. "C-Men? Hm?" Rainbow was thinking until her eyes went wide open and a smile began to appear on her face. "Ooooh, I get it!" And with that, Rainbow fell on the ground and began to laugh uncontrolably. "Well, if this place looks nice and has all this fun stuff, it can't be bad." Applejack said. "Now it's my turn to change." said Spike and snapped the remote from Pinkie's hooves. Meanwhile, Fluttershy went upstairs and found a bathroom. "Come on. You two could use a bath. Oh, I hope the owner of this house won't be angry." She said. The dogs went straight in the bathroom. Fluttershy went inside and closed the door. She started to fill the tub with water. During that time, Pinkie and Spike were fighting over the remote. The strange device showed different images each time they pushed a button. "It's my turn!" Spike yelled. "No, it's MY turn!" Pinkie yelled. "Wheel of Fortune!" Some people on the screen said. *zap* "I'm king of the world!" A man on a ship said. *zap* "All the single ladies. All the single ladies." Some women began to sing. *zap* "F*CK YOU, BOGDAN! F*CK YOU AND YOUR EYEBROWS!" a man with glasses said. *zap* "Someday my prince will..." A young girl sang. *zap* "Mommy, I'm scared." A little girl said. *zap* A giant dinosaur like creature began to growl. *zap "Let it go. Let it go. Can't hold it back..." A woman sang. *zap* "D'oh!" a yellow man said. *zap* "You know nothing, Jon Snow." A woman said. She seems to be naked. "AH! Don't look, Spike!" Pinkie said while she covered Spike's eyes. "Hey!" Spike said while his eyes are covered. While they watched, Twilight also went upstairs, Fluttershy was finished washing the dogs. They looked as good as new. The dog with the wound had a new bandage. "There. Didn't that feel nice?" Fluttershy said sweetly to the dogs. "Hey Fluttershy. There's a bedroom here." Twilight said. They went inside. It was a nice room. It was filled with posters and items they've never seen. Some posters included a man with a breathing mask with some humans in white armor and what looked to be like guns., a skeleton on a hill, a couple sitting on a carpet with a large blue guy and a man with a staff looking angry at them, a group of people with weapons, some kind of giant mechanical creatures and a group of strange people that would have reminded Spike of the Power Ponies. Just to name a few. Some of the items were a ring with a strange inscription on it, some kind of lightgiving sword, the sword had on autograph on it, a wooden stick (actually a wand), a dinosaur monster and many other figurines and things. Many of them were unknown or strange to the two ponies, but some of them reminded them of some things. Fluttershy began to touch the dinosaur monster figurine with curiosity. But when she pushed something on it's tail, it made a terrifying sound. Fluttershy jumped with fright and began to hide behind the door. Twilight also got a bit startled by it, but she calmed down quickly. But there was something that caught Fluttershy's attention. There was a ragdoll cat sleeping in a basket. The cat wasn't too young or too old. It surprised her that the cat didn't wake up by the noise. Maybe it woke up a little and then went back to sleep without noticing the ponies in the house. "Aw. Look at the cute little kitty. Be nice, you two. Hm. I still need to think of a name for both of you." Fluttershy said. "Whoever this owner is, he's got a lot of things." Twilight said. Suddenly, Twilight saw a light shining outside. She looked outside and saw something big and strange stopping at the house. The lights went out and someone was coming out of it. "Oh no. That must be the owner. We must warn the others." Twilight said to Fluttershy and they quickly went downstairs. When they were downstairs, Spike and Pinkie were still fighting. Twilight used her magic to grab the remote from them. She pushed on a button and the strange device went off. "Hey, we were still watching." Pinkie said. "No time. The owner has arrived." Twilight said. The ponies began to panic. "We must..." Twilight said further. But before she could finish, she heard a noise coming from the front door. The owner was about to come in. "He's here." "Oh no." Fluttershy said in panic. "What do we do?" Spike asked. "Hide. Hide everywhere. Where he can't see you." Twilight said. And they all ran around the house trying to hide, some of them went upstairs. Fluttershy took the two dogs with her and Twilight turned the lights off with her magic. The door went open and the light went on again. The owner revealed to be a man or a boy around 20 years old. He had a tiny beard and moustache, he wore a T-shirt with a hairy creature on it and he was not bad looking. He seems to be exhausted. "Man, that was one heck of a party. Well, I'm back." The human said. He then looked outside at the rain. "Gee, what a terrible night." He placed his umbrella on the coat rack and went to the kitchen. He began to gasp. The door was open. "Oh, Nathan, you buffoon. Forgot to close the backdoor again. Sooner or later you're gonna have a criminal in this house. I must remember that from now on." He said to himself while he closed the door with the key. The cat came down the stairs because it heard the door open and close. It knew what it meant. It went happily to its master. The human named Nathan saw his cat. "Hey, Thea." Nathan opened his arms and the cat jumped to him. He hugged his cat and the cat licked him on his face. "How are you, girl? Did you sleep well?" He putted the cat back on the floor and looked at her feeding and drinking bowls. They were empty. "I'm going to fill those up for you, but no late night snacking. Okay? We don't want to have a tummy ache, would we?" Nathan said. The cat meowed in response. Nathan grabbed a box with catfood and filled the feeding bowl and puts the drinking bowl under the tap of the sink. He opened the valve to release the water. Both the bowls were full. He placed them back on the floor and the cat began to drink from the drinking bowl. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower. It's been a long day." Nathan said. He went upstairs to the bathroom. However he was unaware that a certain yellow pegasus pony was hiding under the kitchen table. Fluttershy saw everything and began to grow curious. Suddenly, one of the dogs made a small bark and Fluttershy quickly covered its mouth. The human stopped for a moment. Fluttershy thought he heard it, but instead he began to sneeze and went further upstairs. He reached the bathroom and opened the door. He didn't know that behind the curtains of the bathtub, another pegasus pony was hiding. Nathan began to take his clothes off while humming a song. "Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sirree. I've been looking forward to this all month." He said to himself while he opened the valve for the shower. Rainbow made sure she wasn't seen. Nathan grabbed everything he needed and stepped in the tub. Rainbow flew silent but fast to the door and opened it. "OH!" Nathan yelled. Rainbow was startled and went to the ceiling and still made sure she wasn't seen. Nathan stepped out of the tub and went out of the bathroom to the bedroom to get something. A few minutes later, he returned to the bathroom. "I can't start my shower without some music. Let's see, we're going to start with a song. This one." He brought an mp3-player and connected it with some speakers. He pushed the button and the first song began to play. While the music played, Nathan began to sing along. He stepped back in the bathtub and closed the curtains. Now was the chance for Rainbow to get out of the room. She slowly opened the door and went into the hall. She slowly closed the door and went to search for her other friends. "Guys. Guys." She whispered. "Shhh." said Twilight who came out of nowhere. She pointed at the couch and Rainbow saw exactly what she meant. The cat was on it. Rainbow flew slowly to her friend. "What are we going to do now?" Rainbow asked. "If that cat spots us, we're screwed." Twilight said. "Come on, Twilight. Rarity has a cat." Rainbow said. "Yes. But THIS cat has never seen ponies like us before." said Twilight. "Then what do we do? A human and a cat are in the house and it's raining outside." Rainbow said. "We'll wait till they go to sleep and think of a plan later. Make sure you're not seen." Twilight said. The cat was just minding her own business playing with a little toy. Rainbow sighed. "Fine." Rainbow said. "I'll tell the rest." Twilight said. A few songs and music pieces later, Nathan stepped out of the bathroom all fresh and clean. He already wore his pyjamas. "Thea! Are you coming? We're going to sleep!" Nathan called. The cat came upstairs and followed her master to the bedroom. The ponies, dragon and dogs came out of their hiding places. "So, have you come up with a plan yet?" Raibow asked Twilight. "I have, but it's risky. We should go back outside." Twilight said. "But it's still raining outside." Applejack said. "That's why I'm going to summon an umbrella big enough for all of us and keep it that way until we found another place." Twilight said. "You hear that, Rarity? Now you don't have to worry about your mane getting wet." Pinkie said, but when he looked around she didn't saw her. "Hey, where's Rarity?" Meanwhile upstairs, Rarity fell asleep on the bed of the owner. Suddenly, she heard the door going open. She woke up from her sleep and heard someone talking. It was the voice of a male. She recognised the voice as the owner of the house. "Oh no, what am I going to do? Maybe if I lay still, he won't see me." She thought to herself. She pushed the pillow out of the way and lay still in it's place. The owner came inside with the cat in his hands. He kissed it on the forehead and placed it back in her basket. "Sleep tight, Thea. Tomorrow is another day. Though I'm still thinking what we're going to do." the human said. He went under the covers and began to lay his head on the pillow. But he doesn't realise that it wasn't a pillow, but a unicorn pony. Rarity felt his head on her back. She felt uncomfortable, but tries her best to make no sound. "Hm. That's strange. This pillow feels a lot different. And much more softer. And..." But before the human could finish his sentence, he fell fast asleep and began to snore. Because of that, Rarity placed her hoof on her cheek and looked at the camera with an unamused look. Suddeny, the door went slowly open. Making a peeping noise while it does. Seven heads popped out of the opening. Spike opened Fluttershy's hair to see better. They slowly began to walk towards the bed. Twilight's horn began to glow. They all had to whisper to speak. "Well, I'll be." said Applejack. "Oh my." said Fluttershy. "Wowie." said Pinkie said. "I can't believe it. A real life human. And we get to see it from up close." Rainbow said. "I know. But we ain't here for sightseeing. We gotta find Rarity." Twilight said. Suddenly, they heard another voice whispering. "Girls. Girls." said the voice. "Rarity? Is that you?" Twilight asked. "Yes." said the voice that belonged to Rarity. "Where are you?" Twilight asked. "Over here." said Rarity while waving. "Rarity. Come over here." Twilight said. “I can't.” said Rarity. “Why not?” Spike asked. “Because I will wake him up if I do that. Especially in the situation I am now.” Rarity said. “What kind of situation?” Applejack asked. “Well...his head is on my back and he thinks I'm a pillow.” said Rarity. Rainbow was almost on the verge of laughter, but she tried her best to hold it in. The rest were looking at Rainbow with narrow eyes. “I'm not gonna leave you here. I'm going to find a way out of this.” Twilight said. She slowly walked towards the bed. While they talked, the human slowly began to open his eyes and began to move. He heard the whispers “Please, be careful, Twilight. You don't want to wake him up.” said Rarity. “Don't worry. I'm just going to find his pillow and replace it with you. The question...” said Twilight. “Hide. Hide. Quick, he's waking up.” said Rarity. Twilight's horn stopped glowing and she and her friends began to leave the room. “Is someone there?” asked the human while he looked around. “Must have dreamt it.” He said to himself before he went back to sleep. The ponies and dragon went back into the bedroom. Twilight's horn glowed again. “Okay, I'm going to grab the pillow while one of you find away to get him off Rarity.” Twilight said. “I HAVE A...” Pinkie yelled. But before she could finish, everyone hushed at her. “SHHHHHHH.” they all said. “Sorry.” Pinkie whispered. “I have an idea.” She pulled one of Fluttershy's feathers off. “Ow.” Fluttershy said. The human began to move a little but he still slept. They were all very quiet. “Phew.” They all said. “Um, Pinkie? Could you warn me next time before you do that?” Fluttershy asked. “Cross my heart, hope to fly...” Pinkie said but before she could finish. “Now is not the time. Hurry.” Rainbow said. Twilight and Pinkie slowly walked to the human. Twilight picked up the pillow with her magic. Pinkie placed the feather against the human's nose. The human placed his hand against his nose. Pinkie tried it again. This time, the human got up, his eyes still closed and was on the brink of sneezing. Rarity quickly went to the wall of the bed while Twilight placed the pillow. After the human sneezed, he layed his head on the pillow. “Okay, Rarity. Just stay still.” Twilight said. Twilight used her magic to levitate Rarity towards them. But before she was almost there, the human slowly opened his eyes and saw Pinkie right in front of him. Pinkie looked straight in his eyes. She placed a big sheepish smile on her face. “Heheh...Hi?” Pinkie said. The human got startled and threw his pillow in their direction. Twilight's horn went out and they all quickly stepped out of the room. The human didn't saw them completely because Twilight's light went out. “Thea. There's someone here. A burglar.” The human said. The cat woke up from the noise. The human went to one of his collectibles and grabbed a sword. The ponies quickly went downstairs and went to the kitchen door. They saw they had a problem. "Oh no. He took the key away. I guess I need to use an unlocking spell on the keyhole." Twilight said. "Please, hurry." Rainbow said. Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Okay. Whoever is there, come out. Come out and I won't hurt you." The human said. The ponies went silent. "So, you wanna be difficult, huh? I've got Anduril in my hands and I'm going to use it if I have to." He spoke further. He went into the kitchen and suddenly the dogs came ouf of nowhere and began to bark at him. "Dogs? What are those doing here? Alright. I'm not looking for trouble. Back, you two." He said while holding his sword in front of him. He's not trying to hurt the dogs, he just drives them back. But suddenly, he stood still and saw something else. Seven colored creatures. He just stood there in confusion. The yellow one went to the dogs and placed its hoof on one of the dogs and they calmed down. The human's cat arrived from behind its owner. It a bit scared of the dogs, but it suddenly went a bit closer, because it also saw the seven colored creatures. It meowed a bit. The human placed its sword on the table. "What is this? Six colored horses? And what is that? A purple lizard? I'm sure didn't drink too much, it was only one glass." He said. He kept looking at them and they looked at him. "How did you get into my house?" He asked. "Oh, your backdoor was just open." The pink one said. "Oh yeah. I mostly forget to close that door." He said but suddenly he jumped and stepped back. "OH! You can talk!" "Yes, indeedy." The pink one spoke. "No, no, no, no, no, no." The human said with eyes wide open. "Yeah. And some of use can fly and use magic." The pink one spoke again. "No, no ,no. It can't be. I must be dreaming. Wake up! Wake up!" He said while running around like a fool. The cat followed him too. He went to the sink and let water drop on his face. The cat felt a few drops. While he closed the valve, he lubricated the water all over his face. He began to talk and went straight back to the ponies. "We'll see who's crazy." He said. He went close to the ponies. "Go on. Say something." Pinkie began to smile a bit. "Heheheh. You're funny. Do that again?" the pink one said. The human's eyes went wide again. "You...You really can talk." He said. "Well, duh. Or else, we wouldn't have this conversation." The pink one said. "Well, it wouldn't have happened in the first place if you didn't scare him." the blue one said. The human just stood there. Then he broke the silence. "Who and what are you?" he asked. The purple one looked at the others and stepped forward. "Pardon us if we scared you. My name is Twilight Sparkle. We are a special race of ponies from the land Equestria." Twilight said. "But...you can call us the Mane Six." The blue one said. "Mane Six." The human said. "Can I touch you?" Twilight was a bit confused by this. "It's to make sure I'm not dreaming." The human said. "Well, uh, okay." Twilight said and she stepped forward. His hand came close to her. She flinched back a bit and so did his hand. He brought it slowly to her face and felt the soft fur. Twilight found it rather soothing. "My goodness." He said. "Can you believe it, Thea. Colorful ponies from another world. And they talk." The cat looked up at him and back to the ponies. "Wanna say 'hello' to Thea?" the human asked. "I'd love to." Twilight said. She extended her hoof to the cat. The cat flinched back a bit, but suddenly let the pony reach her. Twilight stroked the cat and the cat found it soothing. "Looks like someone likes you." The human said. "Howdy, human. Pleased to meet your acquaintance. I'm Applejack." The orange one introduced herself while shaking his hand. The human felt she had a strong grip. The white unicorn pony approached. "Good evening. My name is Rarity or Miss Rarity." she said. "Pleased to meet you." The human said. And he kissed her hoof. She blushed a bit by that. The little lizard became a bit jealous. "Hiyah, name's Rainbow Dash. Bestest Flyer in all of Equestria." The blue one said. "Well, looks like someone has a very great opinion of herself." The human said with a smirk. Then the yellow one came to him. She touched him and he turned his attention to her. "Um, he-hello, Mr. human. I'm Fluttershy." She said. "Are you okay? Hopefully I didn't scare you too much with my performance and all." The human asked. "Maybe a teensy bit, but It's alright. I'm usually shy for meeting new ponies. Or humans in your case." Fluttershy said. “And this is Spike.” said the pony named Twilight. “And for your information, I'm not a lizard. I'm a ferocious fire breathing dragon!” He said with pride. “A dragon? I expected a dragon much bigger.” The human said. “Don't be fooled. He's only a baby dragon.” Twilight said. “Nice way to bring me down, Twilight.” Spike said. “Sorry if I called you a lizard. I didn't mean to be offensive.” The human said. “I get that a lot. Why do someponies or people see me as a lizard? I don't do that tongue thing.” Spike said, but his tongue made a hissing sound just like a lizard. “I guess you already met Pinkie Pie.” said Twilight. “Pinkie Pie?” The human asked. “Yepperooni. Pinkamena Diane Pie is my full name, but everyone calls me Pinkie. And also because I like that name better.” The pink one said coming out of nowhere. “It's so nice to meet a human.” Pinkie began to hug the human until he almost choked. He began to gasp for air. “Too...tied...Need...air.” He said between breaths. “Um, Pinkie. You're kinda choking him.” Applejack said. “Oops, my bad.” Pinkie said while releasing him. “And those two dogs. Do they talk too?” The human asked. “Well...that's a funny story because they're not from Equestria...They're from this planet.” Twilight said. The human looked at them with confused eyes. “We found them in an alleyway. They began to attack us, but I kept them under control. I decided to keep them. They eat from garbage cans to survive and one of them got hurt badly. That's no life for a dog.” Fluttershy said. “And one of them bit me in my leg when they attacked.” Applejack said. She showed the human the wounded leg. “Is that from the dogs?” The human asked. “Yes.” Applejack said. “Can I look at it?” The human asked. “Um, sure.” Applejack said and put the leg in front of the human. He looked closely at it. “That wound is in need of healing. An animal bite can be dangerous. I'll take you upstairs. We don't want you to have rabies...or worse.” The human said. “Hey, what are you...?” Applejack said. He began to grab Applejack and carried her in his arms. “Man, you're light for a pony. The rest of you, make yourselves at home until I'm back. And don't worry about Thea. Unlike some cats, she likes company.” he said. "Wait! We haven't got your name yet." Pinkie said. The human turned around. "The name's Nathan. Nathan Holloway." The human said. Applejack just looked at her friends while she's being brought to the bathroom. Meanwhile in the bathroom. Nathan brought out the first aid kit and brought out everything he needed to heal Applejack's wound. "Are you injected against Tetanus?" Nathan asked. "Sure am." Applejack said. "Good. First, we're going to wash that wound." He said. He grabbed a wash cloth and let it fill with water. He rubs the wash cloth along Applejack's leg carefully. "Does it hurt?" Nathan asked. "A little." Applejack said. "You'll get used to it." Nathan said. While he was washing the wound, Aj broke the silence. "So what's a human like you doing all alone in a house like this." She asked. "Oh. Just usual things. Make fun, go to work, go out with friends, making sure everything's right. And you ponies?" Nathan asked back. "The same as you humans do I guess. It depends on the way we do things." She said. "Okay, the wound is washed. Now to disinfect it." He said. He grabbed some alcohol and puts a few drops on a cotton ball swab. "Now hold still. This might sting a little." He said. Applejack nodded and prepared herself for the worst. Nathan rubbed the cotton swab on her leg. Applejack twitched a bit now and then, but she did her best to ignore the pain. " And just in case, some antibiotics." He said while he grabbed a box with antibiotic pills. "Take two of these. Too much antibiotics is bad." Applejack placed the pills in her mouth. Nathan gave her a glass of water to swallow them down. She drank the whole glass. "And now the final touch: bandages." He said. He grabbed the bandages and wraps them around Applejack's leg in a delicate and soft way. "There we are. Within a few days or weeks, those wounds will be gone in no time." Nathan said. "Thank you, Nathan. I don't know how to thank you." Applejack said. "It's okay. I'm always here to help. Whether they are humans or ponies from other worlds." He said. Meanwhile, the ponies were sitting on the big couch. Fluttershy was playing with the cat, she really enjoyed the pony's company. The two dogs were sleeping on the carpet. Finally, Nathan and Applejack came downstairs. Applejack's leg was covered in bandages. "How do you feel, Applejack?" Twilight asked. "Much better. Thanks to Nathan's skill in First Aid." Applejack said. He saw the dogs on his carpet. "Uh, I don't want to be rude, but I can't let dogs who come from the streets sleep on my carpet that I just cleaned up." He said. "It's okay. I washed them by using your bathroom. I hope you're not angry for using it." Fluttershy said. "I just have one question. Why are you all here?" Nathan asked. "It's a long story. Maybe you better sit down and take something to drink because we have a lot to tell you." Twilight said. "Does any of you want something to drink? Water, Cola, Cola life. Perhaps some beer. Now that I think about it, beer isn't exactly a good drink for the night." Nathan said. The ponies all looked at each other because they heard some strange names of the drinks he mentioned. "I think we'll stick to water." Twilight said. "I want a Cola, please." Pinkie said. Nathan nodded and went to the kitchen. "Pinkie. How can you want a drink that we don't even know?" Twilight asked. "How can you know it's tasty if you don't try?" Pinkie said. When Nathan came back with the drinks, they all sat on the couch. Pinkie drank from the cola and began to like it. "This is delicious." Pinkie said. "I'm glad you like it. But don't drink to many cans or you'll get hyper and such stuff. I'm ready to listen." Nathan said. With that, Twilight told him all about Equestria and its inhabitants, Princess Celestia and Luna, Princess Celestia's birthday, the assault and the strange human known as Spectrus. Nathan listened to every detail and was even surprised a human was raised by a pony princess and all of a sudden turned evil. But he was mostly surprised to hear that there realy are other worlds. One of them filled with magical ponies. "This Spectrus guy sounds like serious trouble." Nathan said. "According to the princess, he is. Princess Luna said we might be at war." Twilight said. "A war? Not again." Nathan said. "Again?" Rarity asked. "Let's say, we humans have experienced war a lot. And believe me, there's nothing fun about that if you want to stay alive." Nathan said. "When we arrived on Earth, we were about to find him. But the storm is against us. That's how we came here. To find shelter. We're sorry if we came into your house uninvited." Twilight said. "You're forgiven, Miss Twilight. If you want to, I can let you stay for the night and we'll see the rest in the morning." Nathan said. "Really? You let us stay?" Twilight asked with her eyes wide open. "Cross my heart." Nathan said. "Where's the rest of the Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asked. "Pinkie Promise?" Nathan asked. “It's a special promise that's invented by Pinkie.” Applejack said. “It goes like this: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie said while finishing her moves with her hoof in her eye. “Ow.” Nathan said as he watched her hoof in her eye. “And you must never break a Pinkie Promise. Because losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.” Applejack said. “FOREVER!” Pinkie said while appearing next to Nathan. Nathan became a bit scared. “Okay, that's going to keep me awake all night.” Nathan said. Nathan prepared some matrasses on the floor and some blankets and pillows. They could sleep on the couch and on the matrasses. "I don't know if there's much room in my bedroom, but for now you can sleep here." Nathan said. "Thank you very much, Mr. Holloway." Twilight said. "Hey, don't mention it. Oh, and Mr. Holloway was my father. Call me Nathan." He said with a smile."And don't worry about the two dogs, I'll bring them to a vet." Twilight smiled back and went under the covers. Spike was already asleep. The dogs were laying their heads on Fluttershy. Also Thea the cat slept with Fluttershy. Nathan had to smile at the sight. He went upstairs to sleep in his own bed. For tomorrow, the real work begins for the ponies.