//------------------------------// // Rosario+Pony 02 // Story: The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer // by ratedoni //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer put the final touches to the bow at the front of her shirt in front of the mirror with great care to avoid any problem with its position, then when she was finally satisfied with the way it looked she took one last look at her whole attire. Knee high socks followed by a green tartan skirt that barely reached her tights and a combination of a white shirt and a blue suit jacket finished the ensemble. Looking at the reflection Sunset had to smile at how well she looked in the slightly perverted version of a normal high school uniform. If she ever found out the guy that decided to use such a short skirt then she would feed him to piranhas, or she could transform once again and run him through. Remembering what had happened Sunset lost all good humor she had that morning while walking in the direction of the school. Since her redemption at the fight against the sirens and her fight with the dark version of Twilight, she’d never had a callback to her own dark version; it should have been destroyed by the elements. And yet, there it was, Satan Sunset once again appeared on her life although with Sunset in full control of her actions. The situations in which her darker form made an appearance were like day and night. The first was fueled by her desires of more power and own darkness. The second -although fueled by her desires again- came from her wish to help her friend. Her fight with that asshole has shown that even though she wasn’t a slouch in the physical department, her own strength was not up to notch with a school populated by monsters. Knowing that she didn’t have enough information to create a hypothesis for her sudden transformation, Sunset finally put attention to the road and how every single pair of eyes was placed upon her. Students were looking at her, some in awe and others with obvious heart shaped eyes. The attention was nothing new. Back home she was always at the center of the rumor mill, but never before had she been the target of so much adoration. Well, except for that time tree Hugger’s strange new age club thought she was the Second Coming, with Sunset having no idea what was that. Just as Sunset was getting a little restless more gasps could be heard and she could see why every boy –and some females- were acting like that. Moka was practically shinning and her hair and smile seemed to be strong enough to bounce back whatever sunrays they had that morning to create the glitter effect. The beautiful vampire then smiled even wider as she saw her friend and with quick steps latched upon the redhead’s arm much to the enjoyment of the male students. They were a little jealous of the way both girls got along but the simple fact of seeing two beautiful girls in the morning was enough for them to feel joy. Although apparently others had different ideas with being jealous of one of the two girls, and others going into the complete opposite direction. It was until Sunset faintly hear someone say the word yuri when she wondered if fate was playing with her. Thankfully classes at Youkai Academy were not too heavy, mostly consisting of things she had already studied. Although considering the kind of material she and Twilight tended to read she could probably go for Tokyo University already. Once they had some time to relax among themselves Sunset and Moka took a walk away from the masses, finally finding a place where the two could talk about what had just happened the other day. “So all your power is usually sealed?” “Yes, I use the rosary to keep it contained; is not a problem and the chain is supposed to be extremely hard to break, it is a seal after all” “Maybe it got damaged when you were fighting Saizou, maybe it was something else. Did you try to get a hold of your family? Maybe they have some ideas” “I couldn’t get in contact with them; besides, I wouldn’t want my family to find out of the rosary breaking, I could get into bigger problems” Moka said slightly shivering at the idea of her family -specially her sisters- finding out of the inner Moka coming to the surface. “Well, seems like the only thing we can do is to keep on going, hopefully it was just a onetime deal” Sunset said holding out a hand to help Moka sit up. The vampire girl took the offered hand and she heaved herself up, and in the action she took a whiff of Sunset’s aroma; a delightful combination of cinnamon and spices, but beyond that there was the most beautiful smell. So beautiful that she threw herself at Sunset’s neck and began her breakfast. Sunset’s reaction was pretty predictable, quickly jumping back from Moka’s fangs and placing a hand over the two small holes in her neck. “Moka! What the heck?!” “I’m sorry Yuya, but you smell so nice and you taste so well, I just cannot help myself, I think I just became addicted to your blood” She said with a dreamy smile on her angelic face, but instead of making Sunset feel better then only thing it did was infuriate the redhead even more. “I am not you blood pack! I understand that as a vampire you need blood, but dammit, you could have asked me first!” Sunset huffed before turning around, starting to walk in the direction of the forest. She needed time to control herself, the idea of screaming at her friend hurt her but it was necessary if Moka wanted to get control over her instincts. Taking a deep breath Sunset took a look around the creepy and dark forest; maybe she would have been scared of the scenery but considering the adventures and place she was the forest was practically normal compared to them. With this last idea bringing a smile to her face she then decided to walk back to the building. “Someone, p-please help. I just suddenly started to feel ill” a weak voice came from somewhere close to Sunset. Quickly searching for the source the redhead found a short blue haired girl kneeling down not too far away from her. Helping her up Sunset found out how light the other girl was as she put one of her arms over her shoulder to help her walk up. With the way she had been kneeling before Sunset hadn’t realized the girl had an hourglass figure that was obvious with the way her uniform clung to her body. Sunset also found out how blessed the girl was in the chest department as this one seemed to be pushing her breast into Sunset’s side. “Thank you, I’ve always had a weak body” The girl said and Sunset knew that the girl was making her feel her breasts on purpose. There was no way the girl could be so naïve or not notice how much she was rubbing against Sunset’s body. “Is alright, does anything hurt?” “Yes, my chest just starts hurting all of a sudden, it feels at it would burst, would you held me tight?” The girl said and went from a weak hurt girl to full seducing mode with eyes that were inviting Sunset. She then felt an aura, something emanating from the other girl. Something that felt dark and seductive. Then Sunset blinked and her eyes changed, her sclera becoming black and her iris turning into teal slits. Her body growing in strength as the energy seemed to not only be absorbed, but reversed back into the original source. Kurumu felt herself grow weaker the longer she looked into Sunset’s dark eyes, her legs were shaking and she would have fallen to the ground if she hadn’t been clinging onto the other girl’s jacket. She could feel herself falling deeper and deeper into those eyes. Sunset’s eyes returned to normal once she heard a soft gasp not too far away from her. It ended up being Moka who was looking up at Sunset and the girl; with a look downward she could see why the vampire was so surprised; the blue haired girl seemed to have an iron grasp on Sunset’s jacket while looking completely flustered. Maybe she wasn’t lying about feeling bad. “Look miss, if you continue feeling bad you should check on the infirmary, I’m sure they will be able to help you” Sunset told her and the smaller girl simply nodded letting the redhead go. Seeing this Sunset then walked to Moka “so why did you come looking for me?” “I… I wanted to apologize. I suppose I let my hunger get out of control and I can see why it got you so mad” seeing the downcast eyes of someone who usually seemed so vibrant felt wrong to Sunset. “I’m not mad, just remember to ask me for permission to bite me… wow, that sounded so wrong” she said while both girls began to laugh at the way those words could be taken out of context. Meanwhile, back in the forest clearing, one young succubus went into her knees while clenching her sweater’s front with both hands feeling how her heart was beating at such a speed that it scared her. Never before in her life Kurumu had felt like this and it was at the same time intoxicating and terrifying. Her plan had failed. Originally she had planned to make Sunset look like a pervert in front of her friend, that way both will separate and create strife among them; then she would jump in and gain the number one position among the male students in the school and initiate her plan to turn everyone into her male harem. Now the plan was all but ruined due to one thing that Kurumu hadn’t planned for. Kirameki Yuya was not only immune to her succubus abilities, she could counter them. It seemed that those rumors of Sunset being not only a demon, but one of high rank were confirmed. Kurumu knew she wasn’t the strongest monster in the academy and there was no possible way she could go against a high ranking demon and a pure blood vampire. Kurumu stood up feeling a little lost now that she had recovered slightly from the effects of her own charm. Just thinking on how easy she had fallen into the trance was humiliating; she had become the prey so suddenly that she was sure that if Sunset had asked her to do something she would have done it in an instant. She then shivered at some rather raunchy images of what Sunset could have done to her and then had to shake her head to get out of the daydreaming. Kurumu was sure her mother would be disappointed on her if she ever found out the results of her ill-fated plan. With one last sigh she decided to start anew in her planning against Moka and Yuya, but first she needed to change her underwear.