//------------------------------// // The Curse of the Avatar Spirit 01 // Story: The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer // by ratedoni //------------------------------// It hurt so much. Every bone in her body hurt like never before. Katara once knew the way the world worked. Fire Nation were the evil guys and she alongside her brother would help the Avatar save the world. Now everything was just screwed up beyond measure as she tried to crawl in the direction of Sokka whose eyes were wide open, unmoving. The young girl tried not to whimper at the empty look on her brother’s face, knowing that he would never smile back at her in his usual goofy way. But now the eyes were empty, just like mother. Now she was alone. That’s when she heard the laughter, it was quiet and controlled. The scariest thing was the laughter, it send shivers through her spine. It was a sound that scared her to the core, as if she were an animal being hunted and the only thing left was to run; sadly there was nowhere to run. It had started so simply; a man with regal deep blue robes had appeared at their camp and asked for their help. Aang was the first one to jump up and say he would help. That’s when the nightmare began. The man simply smiled softly before the air around them seemed to shift, to thicken and make it almost impossible for her to breathe. Then they felt pain and next second Sokka was already dead on his back and Aang was hanging on the air, with the man’s hand on his neck strangling the young child. “Do you have any idea how long I was looking out for you? Quite the little rascal, with your adventures and your oh so important mission to save the world, such a shame that the Avatar chose such a naïve boy as a vessel. But no more” the man said before placing his free hand over Aang’s arrow and then pulled. Aang’s screams would probably be heard around the forest they had landed on. As the man pulled Katara would swear there was a second Aang, one made out of energy. It seemed to be exactly what the man was looking for because his smile grew into a savage grin. “To think that the protector of this world has nothing better to do than to lie asleep as the world suffers around it. Hiding behind a little kid? Is that what you do these days?” the man said calmly as the energy Aang was completely pulled out of the flesh and bone. He then released Aang and this one felt into the ground. Katara didn’t know much about spirits and the Avatar, but she would swear from this day onwards that what was in that man’s hands was the Spirit of the Avatar itself. And I decide that this will be no more. He is not the right vessel and I won’t let him do what he wants in one of my worlds. And with that the Spirit of the Avatar begins to blur, almost like if it were glitching much to the shock of the dangerous man. “No, no! I was so close! You cannot take this away from me!” But I already did. And just like that the world blinked out. Katara opened her eyes and she saw that everything was back to what it was before the man. But not everything was the same. At her sides Aang and Sokka began to cough as they were capable of breathing once again. “What did just happen?” the ponytailed warrior tried to remember why he felt so tired and out of breath. “We died” Aang answered back. His voice had noting of his usual exuberance and he seemed as sad and angry as the day they found his old master’s body “he killed us” “Aang, what are you talking about?” “We died Katara, I saw him… I don’t know what was that helped but… he told me he had to do something but the corruption already started” “What corruption, Aang, you need to tell us everything you know” Sokka said in one of his moments of complete seriousness. “I was in the Spirit Realm. Or maybe it wasn’t, I don’t know. But there was this presence, and it told me the guy’s name. He is Noche” “What kind of name is Noche?” “He is from far away, and he is some kind of… parasite, he feeds on the energy of others and then corrupts them, infects them with something” “Then we will defeat him; you can do it Aang, you are the Avatar” “Not anymore” the pure distress and pain in Aang’s voice made Katara’s blood turn into ice. “What do you mean?!” “Noche wanted the power of the Avatar Spirit, that’s why he attacked us… this presence, it couldn’t defeat him, just push him away, says that my body was infected by Noche, that he had to send the Avatar Spirit to someone Noche could never infect or take the power from” “We are doomed, we are just doomed!” “Sokka!” “What? You heard Aang! Before starting this trip I had never seen or heard about spirits, now we cannot go one week without tripping over some kind of man-eating monster! And now you tell me there is a guy out there that can take someone else bending?! Not only that, but apparently we need to find this person that is supposed to be the new Avatar or something like that?” “There is something else” “Oh great, what now?” “That… presence said you wouldn’t like it Katara, that the person he found would not be nice to you” “Please don’t tell me is Prince Zuko” “No” he said making Katara sigh in relief, sadly it didn’t last when Aang gave her the rest of my instructions “but she is a firebender” at another time I would enjoyed listening to Katara rage like that but now is not the time. Now I can only witness what HE can do, and what will happen if he is allowed to run free. I just wish Sunset will one day forgive me.