My Kaiju-sized Ponies

by OtterP

Chapter 4

Susan looked at her companions and they nodded one after another. Susan sighed and turned to look at Twilight again, having to crane her neck up so that she could look at her face. “We are ready but are we supposed to…” She spread her arms, not sure how Twilight was going to do this.

”Oh, it is not a problem.” She said happily. “I will lift you on my back and then I will open the portal.” She said as it was nothing.”

But Susan swallowed and she could hear that the others had similar reactions. Jacob stepped forward. “Lift us? How?” He asked.

Twilight let out a small giggle, making Susan think that this was almost like play to her. Twilight grinned a bit. “With my magic. Like this.” She said and her horn started glowing.

“Woah!” Susan gasped when Jacob beside her suddenly started floating upwards, and strange, faint glow around him. Susan was about to say when she too felt very slight tingle around her skin and then her feet left the ground as if gravity had disappeared. She could only stare with her mouth open as this giant levitated them all up and up, seemingly with no effort at all.

Even laying down her back was still as high as six-story building and as soon as Twilight set Susan down on her massive back, she instinctively grabbed her thick fur for support and being frightened being so high from the ground. The soft purple fur was deep enough that she could bury her hands in it. Wow… She smiled a little. This feels really nice… She thought, feeling the coat.

Twilight turned her head to look at all four of them had a firm grasp. “Now I am going ask you to hold on.” She said. “But if you fall, I can catch you, so don’t worry too much.” She said gently.

“O-okay…” Susan said, nodding and suddenly the ‘ground’ beneath her started to move and shift. Twilight got up, which felt like a rollercoaster ride for the tiny human on her back. She turned around and walked to the place where she had come out of the portal.

“W-wow…” Jacob stammered as he hold on with Twilight’s fur and looked around, he estimated that they were maybe fifty meters from the ground and hoped that Twilight really could catch them if any of them would fall off.

Twilight’s back shifted and moved as she walked; making the tiny humans felt uneasy but fight now all they could do was hang on. With smile on her lips, Twilight concentrated and opened the portal and then stepped in it, without giving much time for the tinies to prepare themselves.

Susan instinctively held her breath and closed her eyes as the gloving wall passed her. She opened her eyes, and gasped, her mouth hanging open. Without any kind of transition they had appeared in what seemed to be a very large room. Susan regretted that she had closed her eyes, her scientist mind wanting to see how they had travelled here. Other seemed similarly stunned looking around and mostly up, as the walls of the room could be at least several hundred meters high.

“Is this your home, Twilight?” Susan asked.

“No, no.” Twilight slowly shook her head, looking back at the tinies. “I live in a small village some distance from here.”

“And what is this place then?” Jacob asked.

Twilight grinned. “This is the Royal Palace of Canterlot, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna live. I will take you to meet them.” She said, smiling widely.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” James said suspiciously.

“They rule over this land and move the Sun and the Moon with their powers.” Twilight explained, and the group tried to absorb what they just heard.

James leaned closer to Susan and whispered. “Do you believe that? I mean moving the Sun and Moon…”

“Yesterday I wouldn’t have believed it but we are on a back of hundred meter tall winged unicorn…” Susan whispered back. “I have to think what I will believe and what not later.” She said.

Susan looked back and saw that in this end, the portal was a huge mirror, but was interrupted when Twilight started to walk again, carrying them with her. Twilight opened the door but stopped suddenly on her tracks. Susan leaned to the side as much as she could and gasped; in front of Twilight Sparkle stood even taller creature, she similarly had a horn and wings but was almost a head taller than Twilight. Her coat was dark blue and her mane and tail had an ethereal look, seemingly flowing even without wind. Susan swallowed nervously as she was also staring at her with serious look at her face.

“Twilight, you are back already?” She said, smiling as she leaned a bit closer. “How did it go?”

Twilight giggled. “It went very well and…” She said and turned a little to show what she was carrying on her back. “Look what I brought with me.”

The new creature leaned closer, bringing her head down. Her eyes widened a bit and her smile grew even wider when she saw the familiar looking tiny beings on Twilight’s back. “Oh my…” She said. “You brought some of them with you.” She momentarily looked at Twilight before returning to examine the tinies.

“Everyone, this is Princess Luna.” Twilight introduced her.

“H-hey…” Susan waved her hands a little as the enormous face came close. “My name is Susan.”

Princess Luna chuckled softly. “No need to be nervous, Susan. It is pleasure to meet you all.” She said and turned her head to others.

“I am Jacob.” Jacob said.

“And I am James, Princess Luna.” James said, standing up on Twilight’s back, his feet buried in her soft fur.

“Sergeant Miller.” Miller nodded at her.

Jacob leaned to Susan. “The description that boy left… Does she look like what the boy said?” He whispered.

“Oh. Yes she does.” Susan whispered and stood up too, trying her best to keep balance on the soft fur.

Jacob raised his hand and quickly whispered. “Wait, it might be better to wai-“

But Susan spoke out loud trying to get Luna’s attention. “Excuse me… Princess Luna? Did you… Did you visit the island last night? And met a small boy?”

Luna nodded, turning back to the group again. “Why yes, I did.” She said but then frowned a bit. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no.” Susan waved her hands. “Well, it was the first time something like this had happened in our world…” Susan said.

“Oh, We are sorry if we caused problems…” Luna started, but Susan continued. “And now that Twilight came too… and I guess much of the island’s people saw her, so word will spread fast.”

Twilight and Luna looked at each other and then back to the group, looking little sad. “I am sorry.” Twilight said. “We didn’t realize that our presence would cause problems.”

“It is all right.” Susan said. “But it is best to work things out as fast as possible now, as back on Earth they have no idea what is going on.”

Luna stood up to her full height. “Yes, We agree, and perhaps it would be best to bring Celestia to meet them too.” She said. “Twilight, wait with them in Celestia’s room, We will be there soon.”

“Okay, Princess Luna.” Twilight nodded enthusiastically and as Luna turned away, she trotted towards the long hallway. The tiny group on her back could only hold on and look at the enormous structures.

A little while later, the group was waiting for the Princesses to arrive, with Twilight sitting beside them. Twilight had floated a pillow for them on the floor and levitated them on it. Susan and Jacob were sitting on it was they waited, while James and Miller were standing, talking about their situation.

Susan slowly turned her head. She had a hard time to understand the enormous scale, the room was huge and luxurious, and seemed to go on for kilometers. A city could have fit in the room. She raised her head towards Twilight. “So Twilight, all of you can use the portal freely?” She asked.

Twilight shook her head. “Not all and not freely.” She said. “Using it requires knowing the spell that only unicorns and alicorns can know. Of course once opened, anyone can enter through it. And since it is in the castle, the Princesses can say who can use it.” She explained.

“I see…” Susan muttered.

“That is good.” James said. “How the ponies come to Earth can be controlled, we don’t want giant ponies starting to appear all over Earth without warning.” He said.

“But how can we-“ Susan started but was interrupted by the opening door.

They watched as Princess Luna stepped in, followed by even taller alicorn than she was. “H-how big they can be…” Jacob muttered amazed.

The new alicorn’s coat was white, with a big symbol on her flank that resembled a sun. Similar to Luna, she too had a colourfully flowing mane and tail.

“That must be Princess Celestia.” Susan said as they all stood up, standing in silent awe as the enormous ponies gathered around them.

“I am Princess Celestia.” She said as she stopped right in front of them, the pillow they were standing on near her hooves. “Welcome to Equestria.”

To be continued...