//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: There's Something Screwy Goin' On Around Here // by No1MporXant //------------------------------// Then everyone in Ponyville comes out cheering for Screwball, even Rainbow Dash says "That was Awesome!". The Mane 6 come on screen and give Screwball a group hug, and Fluttershy says "Oh Screwball, Thank you for getting rid of that Monster for us". Then Screwball says "Well I figured I should have done something anyways seeing as how I'm the reason that beast even come here in the first place". Everyone who was hugging Screwball then has their eyes open really wide in shock. Then with a close-up of Twilight we see her make angry eyes and says "Wait", then she pushes herself away from Screwball, looks directly at Screwball and says "What?!". "OK, Confession Time" says Screwball. Then Screwball takes out a projection screen from behind her back, then she places a weird looking helmet on Twilight's head that has the parts of a film projector on it, then Screwball presses a button on the helmet and suddenly Twilight's eyes light up as if the helmet turned Twilight into a film projector. We then see a bunch of video clips on the projection screen depicting what Screwball was doing to cause all of this to happen in the first place, we then hear Screwball say "I took some short-lasting Bicorn Pheromone and sprayed a trail of it leading from a Bicorn's Lair to Ponyville, hoping that a Bicorn would show up by at least the middle of this episode, yep I pretty much had this whole hoopla planned out from the very beginning". Then the video on the projection screen begins picture jumping at a fast pace & then rips apart, then we look at Twilight, who's eyes are shown spinning up going into the top of her eye sockets & coming out from the bottom at a fast pace, then Twilight shakes her head to remove the helmet & get her eyes back to normal, then she looks at Screwball and says "Why in the name of Celestia's Mother would you Purposely want to bring a Bicorn to Ponyville?!". We then get a close up of Screwball who says "Well Duh, for a Dramatic Plot Twist of course!". Screwball then floats close to Twilight and says "The viewers just love to watch the heroes taking on Monsters & Villains". Then Screwball grabs Twilight by the face with her hooves and says "And what better a Monster to add to our Rogue's Gallery then a Bicorn?!". Suddenly another Screwball comes out & breaks the 4th wall by sliding the screen upwards so she can speak to the viewers, then she uses visual aids to better help with her explanations while she says "Also because I wanted to show all you viewers out that according to European Mythology the Bicorn is an evil meat-eating monster that is part-Cow & part-Panther, don't worry though, like all mythological creatures they don't exist in Your World, even though they do exist here in Equestria, but my point is that despite it's name, the Bicorn is NOT by any means a 2-Horned Unicorn, (loud whisper tone)but that's something else for another time". Then the scene shoots up like a window shade rolling back up, then we return to Ponyville with a close-up of Screwball, then we see Rarity say "Well, I do hope you Plan on cleaning up this atrocious mess that You caused here". "phfftt, No Problem, I'll fix it lickety-split" says Screwball. Screwball then readjusts the camera to be facing all of the currently trashed Ponyville, then in the Foreground we see Screwball's forelimb as she sprays a strange sudsy fluid all over the screen, completely blinding the scene, then we see Screwball's forelimb holding a squeegee as she streaks it across the screen horizontally a few times going from the top to the bottom. And suddenly all of Ponyville has been fixed like nothing happened to it, the scene then switches to Screwball, who is floating above the ground, wearing a window cleaner's belt, still holding the squeegee in one hoof and says "There you go, good as new". The Ponies are awestruck by how Screwball repaired all of the damage that the Bicorn caused in such an unusual way, we then get a close up of Twilight & Screwball's faces as Screwball says "And as a special bonus, I even took care of all of the stuff on your list of things to do in preparation for the Blue Moon Festival". We then see all of the Blue Moon Festival stuff that Screwball said that she did as she continues to say "Which should put you a Whole Day ahead of schedule". We then return to Twilight & Screwball as Screwball continues to say "There by giving plenty more time to do fun things with you friends". Pinkie then says "Wow! You have Got to teach me That trick". Screwball replies "ehh That's kind of an Advanced Level trick, how about we just focus on getting you to graduate from the Moderate Level for now alright". "(exhale) Oh Okay" says Pinkie. Twilight left speechless by Screwball's actions then says "I don't know what to say Screwball, you completed a whole day's worth of work for me in just a few seconds". Screwball then says "eh, I was planning to just do that for you anyways seeing how we're friends and all". Twilight then asks "But if you Were going to all of that for me anyways, then why didn't you just do it sooner instead of driving me crazy all day long with your over the top zany antics?". "And leave this episode without any Unexpected Surprises?" asks Screwball. Screwball then places her hoof under Twilight's chin and says "Oh come on now Twilight, Where's the Fun in That?". Twilight is then left with a confused look in her face. Screwball then looks at her wrist which is full of like half a dozen different looking wrist watches(including one that's square, one that's triangular, and one that's even helix shaped) that weren't there before and says "Wow episode's almost over already". Then she floats out in front of everypony and says "Well everypony this has been a great experience for us all, (fast paced) We Sang, We Danced, We Joked, We Referenced, We Defeated an Antagonist, We pretty much had a happy ending. Then Screwball takes out her Trans-Dimensional Doorknob and says "(regular paced)But it's getting late", then she opens a door out of nowhere while saying "And I have a lot of other places I have to be", then she walks into the doorway and says "So I'll see you all later", then closes the door & it vanishes. "Whoo, Well maybe now we can have some peace & quite for a while" says Twilight. Suddenly a Door opens on the ground right in front of her, and Screwball comes out and says "Whoopsie Doodles, I almost Forgot". Screwball then pulls out a medium-sized gift-wrapped box and hands it to Twilight while saying "I wanted to give you a little present to apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused you". Twilight sighs and says "Well knowing you Screwball it'll probably be something that blows-up in my face, but What The Hey". Then Twilight uses her magic to pull the ribbon off, then the box bursts apart to reveal a wooden barrel that was so big that it shouldn't have even fit in that box, a label on the barrel has the words "Barrel of Laughs" printed on it, the barrel then squats & blows it's top, and it erupts with a flurry of purple-ish pink bubbles, we then see a cloud of bubbles loom over all of Ponyville. Then one of the bubbles pops on Twilight's Horn, then Twilight begins to snicker, then she says "Oh No", then she snickers again, then says "Not This Ag-g-gin", then she giggles while trying to speak and says "N-not Lah-lah-lah-ha Laughing Bubbles!", then she breaks out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, because Laughing Bubbles are like a more magical, harmless & more kid-friendly equivalent to Laughing Gas, which simply makes you laugh out loud & uncontrollably without causing any negative side effects. Then the rest of the Mane 6 and everyone else in Ponyville begin to laugh uncontrollably, even Cranky Doodle Donkey is seen laughing like he's happy, the metephor for this is that Laughter is one of the greatest Gifts one can ever give someone else. With everyone else laughing we then see Screwball from behind and she doesn't seem to be effected by the bubbles, she then turns to the camera and says "The most important rule of Screwball Comedy is that you always leave 'em laughing, of course if they don't really share you're sense of humor, it's always good to have a back-up plan(snickers goofily), so until next time, this is Screwball reminding you all, to stay Pony my friends", then another Screwball's hoof comes out in the foreground & slides the screen to the left, and we then see the ending Credits. During the Credits everything is going just as it would with standard end credits, except we hear Screwball singing along rewriting the lyrics to her own, & making her own vocal music as she sings "Doo doo doo My Little Screwball, doo doo-doo doo da doo-doo My Little Screwball, da da dee da doo doo da doo dee-da, be da be ba, doo-ba-dee, ah ra ba dee ba, zoo bo dee ba, za da boo ba da bee ba deh bo, dee ba da boo ba da ba da, My Little Screwball & Friends (giggle & snort). THE END.