//------------------------------// // II // Story: Re-engineering // by dark ganymede //------------------------------// "Hey! Hey you alive?" A voice asked. There were a few whirs and clicks and finally, a sigh. "Good. Now just stay there and I'll get a gem for you." "There we go! I'll just put this here..." Spark's eyes flew open, and began to glow. "Can you speak now?" The voice was replaced by a brown stallion who he found was staring him directly in the eye. "Yes." Spark said in a heavily robotic voice. "What happened to me? Where is my body? Where am I?" "You were just re-engineered. By me." He smiled. "I was...re-engineered?" He looked around the room. Bolts, screws and glass panes were scattered around, all looking fairly old. There weren't any telescreens or glass windows, just black walls, a filthy floor littered with dust-bunnies, wire lights hanging from the ceiling, and a door. The tubular lights letting off a dull buzz as the electrical powering keeping the room alit flowed through them. "Yes, do you remember getting shot?" The building collapse, being shot, it was all clear as day. "Yes." "Excellent, as for your other questions, you're in my shop and your original body is about to be cremated. You're a very lucky pony, that bullet ricocheted off your horn and just about tore apart your face. Your brain is perfectly fine, no hemispheres or lobes damaged." He lifted Spark's head of the table and revealed it's underside. There were arms, legs and a torso. The pieces contrasted heavily with the condition of the room, and Spark could see his reflection in the light gray parts, along with the rest of the room and the stallion holding him up. "As you can see you're fully put together and your power source is in place. Well power amplifier really." "Amplifier?" "Yes, usually unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies who are re-engineered don't need it, but considering your situation I figured I’d give you one. Been laying here for centuries probably." The gem was embedded in the chest of the cybernetic body, in the shape of a six pointed star. "Let's get you hooked up, we can talk later." He placed Spark's head on the table and started to attach his limbs. The stallion worked with incredible speed, and utmost caution to avoid damages. After a few minutes only one part was missing, his head. The stallion lifted Spark up, and attached the various cables that lined the inside of his cybernetic body. With one final click his head was mounted and the gem on his torso glowed. "So this is what it's like to be re-engineered..." Spark said in his normal voice, filled with awe. "It’ll take some adjusting on your part. Like your glowing red eyes for example. Why don't you come back later, you’ll need some time to break in that shell anyway." "Thank you." "No problem. Door’s over there." Without another word between the two, Spark walked out of the workroom. Hearing the door close behind him, he gazed upon the rest of Subscape. It was exactly .803 miles to the ground floor. He climbed over the edge of the building and let his body hang. With a deep breath he let go, and plummeted off the side of the building. Rapidly picking up speed he leaned towards the building and placed his hooves on the glass. Surprisingly he stopped, and was suspended along the building. I guess all these buildings here really are magnetic. Putting all his weight onto his front hooves and breaking through the glass, he landed inside the building. The servos in his new body squealed, virgin to the new force placed upon them. After managing to land upright he scanned the room for company. After spotting the door on the opposite end of the room, he concentrated his magic and separated it from the wall. There was a brief moment where the hinges binding the door resisted, squealing like banshees as the telekinetic magic pulled. Satisfied, he walked through the now gaping hole, and into a rather unexpected surprise. Two stallions were sitting directly across from one another, playing go-fish. “Got any sevens?” “...Go fis-” They looked up just as the doors flew off, and were spellbound to see a cybernetic pony standing before them. And without a skin at that. “Umm...Jack? I think I forgot my meds.” “Nah I see it too Frost.” Spark stood and stared, a bit shocked as the two older earth ponies stared at him. “What are you doing in my apartment?” Jack asked. “Yeah, what are you doing?” Frost mimicked, walking closer to the cybernetic felon. “I just happened to fall, that’s all. I’ll leave you alone now.” Jack and Frost exchanged looks and laughed. “You’re funny, but you don’t seem to get it. That door wasn’t cheap, and neither was that telescreen you just broke. You gotta pay for them.” Jack stood face to face with Spark and put a hoof on his shoulder. “So, how you gonna pay? Wait, I think I see a nice little gem there.” Frost examined the star-like gem and grinned. “I don’t plan on giving that to you, and you shouldn’t try to take it either.” Spark said coldly, speaking with about as much emotion as a stone wall. “Oh? And how exactly are you gonna do that?” Smirked Frost. “I know magic.” “Well I know bullets.” Jack pulled out a .44 caliber black elongated revolver and pointed it at Spark’s face. “Now give us that gem and you go free.” Frost smiled. Before Spark had the time to whisper no, a blade sprung out of his fore leg and two cyberlids covered his eyes. He could see Jack’s heart rate, as well as his imminent threat level which read 20 percent. “He’s a feisty one huh Jack?” “Yeah, he’s just got a little scissor not much he can-” Spark drove the foot long blade into his throat, and kicked him sending his body into another window and out to the ground below. “What the fu-” Frost never got the finish that sentence as a hole opened up in Spark’s front right foreleg exposing a small dotted muzzle. A mare’s voice purred in his head. Ammo selected: .35 Hollow point. “What the hay-” he never got to finish that sentence as the roar of machine gun fire ripped through his ear drums, effectively silencing any and everything with it's sheer volume. For a moment, Frost held a shocked look on his middle-aged face. His silvery eyes opened wide as the muzzle began to flash. The hollow point rounds ripped through his body like BB pellets through Swiss cheese. From what Spark could see, several rounds had gone through the stallion’s chest cavity. His visor switched to an X-ray mode, and showed the stallion’s different organs, muscles, blood vessels, and tissue fibers as the bullets ripped through them all. In those few moments, hundreds of shell casings littered the floor falling out of a rectangular slot in his fore leg. Target heavily damaged, threat level: Zero percent. As the voice whispered the force of the bullets threw the old stallion off his hooves and through the window. At least Jack wasn’t alone. Almost instantaneously, a crowd started to congregate around the two disfigured bodies. There were murmurs about the identities of the two stallions, as well as theories on how they could have died. Then a mare screamed. Her voice pierced his ears and garnered his attention. A mare ran up to the body and cradled the upper half in her hooves. She had a light grey fur coat that was worn with age. She looked up, spotting him, staring out from the broken window. Instantly her face transformed from a mask of despair and tears, into a fierce scowl of anger and hatred. “You! You will pay for this you, you monster!” Her hoarse voice cried. Spark heard the roar of a SCOOT-Tech Aviali C class Hover-car, a massively produced police cruiser, and watched as it rose up from the ground and fixated it’s headlights on him. He knew that more would be coming, it was only a matter of time. The hovercraft rotated, revealing a rather large turquoise pegasus with a Gatling gun. The 6 barreled cylindrical contraption began spinning up with a shrill drone as the pegasus gave him a savage smile. Using his magic he vaporized the officer leaving behind only a helmet and shoulder pads. Magic use detected. Amplifying. The gem glowed a bright purple and a wall of flame appeared, decimating the crew of the Aviali and scorching its interior. For a moment, Spark cringed as he saw one of the pilots try in vain to swat at the flames consuming him, the skin and hairs blackening. Without any crew, it floated like a corpse in water. Spark just managed to leap inside the craft, and the seemingly alien interior felt like a second home in minutes. Brandishing his foreleg blade, he stabbed the control deck of the cruiser and preformed a cybernetic take over. Without a touching a single joystick or switch, the cruiser flew off to the Subscape badlands, sectors 170 through 200. He looked back and realized not a single soul had even attempted to follow him. They were quite wise to do so.