//------------------------------// // The Darkness Within, Chapter 1: Radiant Hope // Story: The Key to the Light // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// Radiant Hope. She is a keybearer I met yesterday. A keybearer! I couldn't believe it! Not only that, she's a crystal pony, a race of ponies whose furs glisten like jewels. The name 'crystal pony' doesn't give those ponies justice in terms of their fur and mane. Anyways, I must say it is so comforting that I finally found a true keybearer. I must find out more about this wondrous weapon! -Starswirl, Report 49 "Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon I presume?" the tall purple unicorn asked, her fur shining like a thousand gems. Her long mane sparkled like jewels as the blasting wind of the blizzard swirled around the mountain. She presented her hoof and slowly beckoned the two fillies with a big smile. "Please, come in. I suspect you two do not want to stay out in that freezing weather a second longer." The duo looked at each other for a second and then quickly gave the mare a rapid nod. The mare motioned them in with her left hoof. "Then come in! Quickly now!" A few minutes later, the fillies found themselves inside, a warm breeze embraced them as they patted off the snow from their clothes. Spike slowly popped out of Twilight's mane and shook off the small flakes on him. Radiant's horn shined and a small fire spell surrounded the duo, drying them off. After a minute, the duo were completely dry as Radiant Hope stood there humming, still casting her fire spell. The spell soon extinguished as the duo began their trek inside the walls. It wasn't long till Twilight and Trixie soon began admiring the insides of the walls. Inside that giant white fence walls was two large green grassy yards filled with flowers. A long checkered pathway presented itself between the yards to all the way to the pagoda like castle in the middle of the walls. The two quickly noticed that the only real thing inside the walls was the castle and one other pathway leading to the right. "Wow..." Twilight gasped, a long exhausted sigh following her surprise. "How is this place so warm? Why isn't it freezing in here?" "Oh that? The explanation is quite simple." Radiant Hope said as she patted the filly and pointed to the walls. "This whole area is enchanted with a very special and very ancient spell. Those walls are aligned with a barrier styled magic designed to keep out most elements and creatures." "Really? Wow..." Twilight could feel a little drool as she thought about learning an ancient spell. "That's amazing." "Yes. It helps keep out most creatures that lurk in these mountains. That and the blizzards." Radiant replied as she closed the door behind them. "Now, Celestia asked you two to come here, correct?" "Yes. She said you could help me with my keyblade and Trixie with her uh...her uh..." Twilight said as she fiddled with her hooves. "Um..." "Go ahead and say it Sparkle." Trixie said with a hiss. "It's the truth, isn't it? Trixie is here because the princess says you could help Trixie control the darkness in Trixie's heart." "But Trixie, you know I didn't mean-" Twilight stuttered as she shook her head. "I'm sorry Trixie, I-" "Be quiet! Trixie knows she needs help and she doesn't need to be remind-" "Enough!" Raidant yelled as she stomped her hoof down. "That's enough you two. I don't want my first meeting with the both of you to turn into an argument. You two are here for my help, correct?" The duo glanced at each other and nodded. "Good. Then let me show you inside." Radiant said as she began to walk towards the castle, a big goofy grin on her face. "Don't worry, you two are going to love it here!" "Okay..." they both gulped as they followed the shining unicorn. As they followed, the duo looked at each other, their eyes talking to each other. They could both tell they agreed this unicorn had a very different presence from Celestia. While Celestia would always show a side of radiance and kindness yet plenty of prominence...but this pony was different. Though her coat shined like jewels, they could tell this unicorn just looked...happy. As they walked down the main pathway to the castle, Twilight could already see hesitation in Trixie's eyes. Oh Trixie...I didn't mean that. Twilight thought as she walked a bit closer to her new friend. She slowly leaned in and whispered, "I'm sorry about before Trixie." Trixie just gave her a deadpan glance before speaking, "It's fine Sparkle, Trixie knows you didn't mean anything." "Do you want to talk about it?" "Well..." Trixie began to stare at the ground as the continued to walk. "No." "Okay...I understand." Twilight relied as they walked into the castle. Twilight could only look at the blue filly with a sad frown. Gosh, even though I can finally talk to her, she's still sad. Even after I was able to make her smile three days ago. Three days ago... "This isn't working princess..." Twilight said as she had another meeting with Celestia. "No matter what I try, she won't come out of her room." "I know Twilight." Celestia said as she sipped another cup of tea. "The maids are having trouble feeding her. Apparently, all she does is sit in a corner of her room and shake like a leaf. And when the maids walk in, they quickly leave due to the face she gives them and the aura of darkness around her. The poor filly keeps switching between being scared of everything and a being of darkness...this isn't going be easy." "So..." Twilight's head tilted sideways with a frown. "What do we do?" "That's what I was going to ask you, my pupil. What do think would help open that shell of hers?" "Um...." Twilight scratched her chin response. "I have no idea princess. I just wish I could just get her to talk to me. That or do something fun." "I agree." Celestia said with a nod. The two just stood in silence for a while, not knowing what to do. That is, until Celestia realized her tea had run out. "Blast it, I need another cup." she said to herself as she put the cup down. "Um princess?" "Yes Twilight?" "Why do you drink so much of that stuff? Isn't it not very healthy?" the innocent filly asked, slightly nervous about her own question. "I drink it because it's tasty my student. Like that honey you brought me." Celestia said with a slight snort. That and it helps me keep my last bit of sanity. "Oh yeah, the honey..." as Celestia's last statement floated throughout the room, the two immediately stared at each other in sync. "The book!" they both said in unison. "Maybe we could use that!" "You did say that book opened because I can use the keyblade right?" "Yes." Celestia nodded. "Perhaps you should show Trixie that book and tell her that." Celestia said as Twilight nodded. "I hate to say it but...the keybalde is one of the few things she is interested in." "Yeah...maybe I can get her to come inside the book! I bet she would like Pooh. That little bear likes everypony!" "Indeed." Celestia said as she ascended from her throne and proceeded to her study. Her protégé followed her as the two entered the room. "Here it is." Celestia responded as the book floated towards Twilight's hooves. "This might be the magic we need to open that scared little heart." "Yeah...just might be it." Twilight said as she put the book on her back. "I'll go try it right now princess!" As the filly left the room, a small grin shined on the alicorn's face. Oh Twilight...I'm so glad you want to make friends. She looked at a certain tapestry in her room, the picture displaying a dark alicorn on the moon. I'm just glad she's looking for friends now, the studies I would have had her take would have taken up all her time to have friends. Maybe I should change some of my training regimes... The Present... It did eventually work...with some minor problems. But, it still worked. she thought as she followed Radiant inside. The duo watched the unicorn with skeptical eyes, especially since her skipping around like some preschool filly. "Come, I will have dinner served shortly." Radiant said as her magic opened another set of the castle's doors. "We'll start by sitting in the den before having dinner." Twilight and Trixie just looked at each other again, wondering why the unicorn was so cheerful with everything. That or she likes to rush things. A few minutes later, all three were sitting in a warm wooden room. A small fire was lit in the fireplace in the back of the room, the warmness of the flames embracing everypony. The trio all sat on soft cushions as Radiant let out a small cough. "Sorry about sounding so...well, fast about everything. It's just, it's been a while since I've had any visitors." "Trixie can understand that." the blue filly scoffed. "After all, you live on top of a freezing mountain in the middle of nowhere." "Trixie! Don't be so rude!" "Its the truth Sparkle." "But-" "Its fine Twilight." Radiant said with a raised hoof. "It is the truth after all." Twilight just gave downed look until Radiant clapped her hooves, getting the attention of the unicorn. "Now...before we get to dinner, why don't we fully introduce ourselves?" The duo looked at each other for a second, unsure expressions on their faces. "My name is Radiant Hope. As you are probably wondering, I have experience in dealing with the keyblade and the Heartless." "Yeah...Princess Celestia said you used to be a keybearer." Twilight replied, curiosity now showing on her face. "She said you used to use one almost a thousand years ago...and you never tell her anything." "Indeed. That is definitely the truth." Radiant said with a chuckle. "Though I will say that I haven't used a keyblade in over nine hundred years." "Wow. But you're not an alicorn. How did you live that long?" "That...is a story for another time." Radiant said as she rubbed her left front leg. "Why don't we get to your introductions?" "Oh right...I forgot." Twilight said with an embarrassed blush. She gave a small semi-bow as the keyblade appeared in her mouth. Spitting it out, she presented the weapon with her right hoof. "I am Twilight Sparkle, the new keybearer." She then pointed to her small sleeping companion on her back. "This here's Spike the Moogle. I hatched him and now he's my little helper." "I see. Been a while since I've seen a moogle." Radiant giggled as she watched the little creature let out a tiny snore. "He sure is a cute little guy." "Trixie is...Trixie Lulamoon." Trixie said in a deadpan tone. "Trixie is here to learn how to control the darkness within her." "I see, I see." Radiant said as she slowly got up and patted Trixie's shoulder. A calm smile flowed from her face. "Please do not be sad my little pony. I am here to help you." Trixie looked up with dead cold eyes, eyes filled with despair. Even Radiant's smile couldn't calm them. "Um...thanks." Twilight hugged the blue filly, "It'll be okay Trixie, she's here to help us! The Princess said so!" "Yeah...sure." Radiant and Twilight looked at each other, concern filling their eyes. They watched Trixie as she kept shrinking in her seat. Twilight let go of her hug as she pat the blue filly on the back. "It'll be okay. You'll see Trixie." "Trixie knows." Trixie rubbed her hoof as she began staring at the floor again. "Trixie doesn't-Oof!" Radiant slapped Trixie's back, a big grin on her face. "That's enough! No more sad face Trixie!" "What are you-" Before Trixie could finish her sentence, Radiant hugged Trixie with a tight vice-like grip. "Cheer up little pony! I'm here to help and I'm gonna make sure that you're happy while I'm helping you!" "But-" "No buts little pony!" A giant magic aura engulfed Trixie as she was lifted into the air. The filly began to squirm as Radiant walked back to her seat, a smile covering her face as she looked at the duo. "Now, let's talk about how this is gonna work..." "Let Trixie down right now!" "Nope!" Radiant stuck out her tongue. Twilight could only giggle at the sight. "Alright, here's how this is going to work." Radiant pointed at the floating filly. "You are gonna be trained directly under me Trixie." "Trixie is?" "That's right." Radiant nodded before turning to Twilight. "And as for you...Celestia told me you're quite knowledgeable in magic, yes?" "Uh-huh!" Twilight replied, her eyes sparkling at the word 'magic'. "I love magic!" "Then you need some basic keyblade combat training." "Huh?!" Radiant's hoof booped Twilight's nose. "Magic is a great tool for a keybearer my little pony. But...a wielder needs to know how to fight with the blade portion as well." Radiant then pointed to a door at the corner of the room. "That's why your training will begin over there." "Behind that door?" "Yes. My adopted son is through there, in the backyard garden." "Your...son?" Twilight gasped, surprised at the information. "That's correct. He'll help you in the realm of combat." Radiant then pushed Twilight forward. "Go ahead and introduce yourself to him and ask him to come to dinner." "But-but-but-" "No buts from you either. Get going little pony!" Radiant said as her magic pushed Twilight even further away. As the filly went sliding down the hall, Spike slightly woke up from his nap. As he opened his eyes, his body fell off Twilight's back, only to be covered in a certain magic aura. "Kupo?" "Good morning my little moogle friend!" Radiant said with a wave. She quickly picked up Spike with her hoof and gave him a tiny hug. "You are just too adorable!" "Kupo kupo!" Spike yelped, surprised by the sudden hug. His little paws shook as he tried to escape the shining unicorn's embrace. "You are too cute! How would you like to stay with me?" Radiant said as she began nuzzling the creature. "Hey! He's my helper!" Twilight's yelled as an aura surrounded Spike, quickly yanking him out of Radiant's hooves. "Don't you dare think you can keep him!" "Awww...but he's so cute! I wanna pinch his chubby fuzzy cheeks!" "NO!" Twilight screamed as she put Spike on her back and walked out the back door. Radiant could only chuckle at the fleeing filly. A few seconds later, she turned to the shaking blue filly, still shivering from being in the presence of a unicorn with so much light. "Now...how about we begin your training as well?" "Now? Weren't you going to give Trixie dinner first?" "Not quite." Radiant sat down in front of the filly as she summoned a small object. "I'm just going to tell you how this little arrangement between you and me is going to work...then we can eat." Meanwhile... "Okay cat, if we end up lost, I'm blaming you. You do know that, right?" said a certain unicorn colt as he let out another sigh. "I know, I know..." The bipedal cat groaned as the duo continued to walk down a dusty desert path. The two had been trotting down this road for the past few days, the duo slowly become more and more disgruntled. The cat let out a yawn as he began to speak up, "Stop worrying so much, we'll find the informant-" "You mean the moogle." "I mean the informant!" The cat said with gritting his teeth. "And then we'll find this keybearer and you'll never have to come back to this place ever again, alright? Now, would you stop complaining?!" The colt merely shrugged as he pulled out a map. He scanned over the locations listed as he started to speak again, "So...I know why the WRO wants the keybearer but...are we really sure the keybearer is on this backwater world?" The cat's face turned red as anger began to rise. "I told you, the instruments don't lie! The keybearer is on this planet and...and...uh..." "Uh what? What are you-" the colt's head popped out of the map, only to see the sight the cat was stuttering about. It was a small group of Heartless staring at the duo. The colt and cat looked at each other while the pony began to put the map away. "Seems we have company cat." "Seems we do." The cat gave a small grin as he began to backpedal. "You do realize I'm no fighter, right?" "I know." the colt replied as he pulled out his boomerang. "That's why I'm here." The pony turned to the creatures as a small flame appeared in his hoof. "Guess this confirms the keybearer is here. Heartless do love trying to destroy the thing." "Yep..." the cat continued to backpedal as the Heartless got closer and closer. "That's not good." The colt stepped in front of the cat as he cricked his neck. A cocky grin popped onto his face as he stared down the monsters. "Now, let's see how I do in this weird unicorn pony form..."