//------------------------------// // 7. The Dragon Princess // Story: The Undesirables // by I Caboose //------------------------------// Princess Ember could feel the heat rise upon her back, evidence that the sun had long since risen into the air to begin the day anew. Shifting about atop the rocks she was lying upon, the Princess gradually rose into a sitting position, her neck stretching upwards to dispel the lingering uncomfortableness she felt. Her eyes drifted towards the colossal mountain stretching high in the distance; a city protruding from its side, it's gleaming golden shine visible even from the distance she was at. Her journey towards Canterlot was almost complete. Ember clicked her fangs, her feelings of uncertainty rising once again upon realising just how close the time was; the time the Dragon Lands made personal contact with the ponies of Equestria for the first time in recorded history. Princess Twilight Sparkle had been instrumental in making this happen. Her and Ember exchanged letters occasionally, mainly to discuss their differing cultures and histories. Twilight however had taken the initiative, requested that Princess Ember visit the capital city of Canterlot in order to ‘formalise’ the dragons now allied relationship with the ponies since Ember had been christened the new Dragon Lord. Her father Torch had been less than pleased when she had told him. The dragons were mainly a solitary race; keeping to themselves, pillaging on the outskirts and were all around rather demeaning towards anything not like themselves. Former Dragon Lord Torch was an ancient being and he elected to distance the dragons from everyone else in only to avoid potential conflict purely for the sake of convenience, previous Dragon Lords had not been so fore-thinking. Ember did not intend to emulate her predecessors. She wanted to be the Dragon Lord who united the land. Unfortunately for her, it would be downright impossible to sue for peace if the race you represented didn't want peace in the first place. As Torch had so rigorously informed her of. Hence why Dragon Lord Ember had yet to inform any dragon that this meeting with the ponies was being undertaken. She doubted they would take so kindly to her should she ever be found out. Ember was not a typical dragon. She was intelligent, she was small and compared to every other dragon she was relatively weak. Yes, being Dragon Lord made a lot of those drawbacks irrelevant to a lot of dragons, but she would only continue to demand their respect should she continue to act in the favour of all dragonkind. And dragonkind, quite simply, did not want to be at peace with the ponies, as ponies were weak, weak in both body and soul. Dragons didn't care about anything that was weak, weakness just made you an easy target. If Ember showed weakness, her status of Dragon Lord would mean nothing at all. Ember growled through her teeth, smoke pouring from her nostrils as gripped her bloodstone sceptre close to her chest and took flight, speeding towards the city in the sky, her leathery wings flapping relentlessly. Dragons were just so stubborn to the point of idiocy sometimes, Ember just couldn't understand why they could not just get over themselves and realise that conflict with the ponies gained them nothing substantial. Greed was the cause and their curse. Greed towards the ponies for their gems and jewels and envy for their general way of life, even Ember was not immune to these feelings, pondering just why, even as the Princess of the Dragons, she had to sleep upon rocks rather than a bed. Ember then wondered if Spike ever felt like this. Regardless, Ember had a job to do, whether any dragon wanted her to do it or not. This Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria may be able to help her achieve her goals, if Twilight was to be believed they were even older then her father! Surely then they had some solution? Someway to persuade for peace for both their races? Ember would soon find out for the city of Canterlot was growing on the horizon. She held her sceptre firm as she sped towards the city, drawing herself high into the clouds as she neared, after all the ponies were undoubtedly unaccustomed to dragons, believing them to be simple minded monsters if Twilight was assumed to be correct. Ember could hardly blame them for that assessment, in the same way the dragons couldn't be blamed for deeming the ponies as pathetic and weak. Ember sighed as she realised she really had her work cut out for her, for even she wasn't immune to those prejudices. Focusing on the nearing castle, Ember slowed her approach. She'd heard about castles; giant houses made of silver and gold, in sizes so large they could be seen from the clouds. Ember could not deny that she was somewhat awestruck at the sight, her cave in the Dragon Lands was hardly as impressive as the Canterlot Castle or even the city itself. It was so transfixing that Ember slowed herself even further just to appreciate it all more. It wasn't so hard now to see why Spike was so comfortable with the lives these ponies led if this was the result. The castle was her destination so Ember drew closer to it, gliding in on the breeze. Twilight told her to be on the lookout for a ‘royal welcoming party’ or something like that, though Ember did not quite know what that would entail. As she passed over the castle walls however, Ember felt her jaw drop wide upon realising just what Twilight had meant. Armoured guards stood in rows, holding flags, standing still or blowing instruments. A red velvet carpet had been lined out from the castle’s entrance archway towards the outer gate along the white brick wall, to which Ember found herself timidly lowering herself on to. It was only after she landed that Ember took notice of the two ponies stood at the end of the carpet, a tall snow white pony and a shorter blue and black one, both with wings and horns, confirming to Ember that these were those Princesses she had heard so much about. Ember was surprised by the scale of her welcome beyond any doubt. Dragons saw their royalty more like ‘gamekeepers’ than actual leaders, destined to provide and manage the scale of dragon activities rather than actually influence it. These ponies however worshipped their Princesses, and by extension the royalty of other races also if Ember’s welcome was any indication. Walking forward with her sceptre in hand, Ember felt somewhat awkward upon realising just how much she towered over the ponies, their heads barely reaching up to her chest, the feeling was diminished somewhat upon finding that the two Princesses were significantly taller than the rest, almost matching Ember in height. The regality and modesty of the two Princesses prompted Ember to grow anxious, realising just how much she didn't know about being the Dragon Lord. She had no idea what she was doing, she was just here because apparently it was the right thing to do, paving way for a better future for both their subjects, subjects which really didn't care about their future if it meant having to compromise with ponies. This was all just so confusing for her. At some point Princess Celestia began to approach Ember, her legs lifting high as Ember halted in her stride, standing there with her claws around her sceptre, growing rather agitated by the stares lingering on her from all around. Princess Celestia soon halted herself, greeting Ember with a bow and a smile to which Ember somewhat jerkily returned. “Dragon Lord Ember, I presume? Welcome to Canterlot, I trust your journey over wasn't too hectic?” Small talk, small talk, Twilight said she likes to small talk Ember thought rapidly, going over Twilight’s instructions in her head. Apparently diplomatic talks were meant to be ‘civil’ which involved small talk. Dragons don't do small talk. Dragons aren't civil. “Yeah… No, it was all good. I meant ‘no’ as in it wasn't hectic, I was saying yeah to being Dragon Lord though you can call me Princess if you want, or Ember, I don't really care. I'm making sense aren't I?” Celestia began to laugh, which Ember could tell was probably a bad sign. Who laughs at a visiting dignitary? That was a pretty rude thing to do, so rude in fact that Ember could feel a fire burning in her once more. “It is perfectly fine to feel nervous, Princess Ember, I myself was an utter mess during my first diplomatic assignment when I was just a bit older than you. Tensions in Equestria were high that day I can tell you!” The other Princess approached, who Ember deduced to be Princess Luna, wearing an ever growing smirk. “Celestia, being the rambunctious young mare that she was, took a liking towards the chief stallion of the tribe we were attempting to ally with… His betrothed was not at all happy about that.” Ember stifled a laugh, covering her snout with her sceptre to disguise her smile. She refused to laugh in front of these ponies, after all dragons were feared, dragons had a reputation to preserve, laughing in front of ponies would ruin her credibility without much haste and word would undoubtedly spread back to the Dragon Lands with time. Yet these two were attempting to one up would could embarrass the other more, with Celestia proceeding to tell Ember of a time Luna had become so drunken she declared several wars against lands they hadn't even discovered yet, which only resulted in Ember covering yet another laugh, with much more difficulty. Ember didn't understand. These ponies had no idea who she was, had every reason to fear her, every reason to mistrust her but instead they were open towards her immediately, sharing stories which, if Ember was in their position, would never see the light of day. Whatever was going on was something Ember could not have anticipated, so with minute reluctance she decided to veer them all back towards the topic of the occasion. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Ember stated with a air of confidence, drawing the two bickering Princesses gazes back towards her. “I was wondering if we could get down to business? This meeting is really important to me.” Ember then though her next sentence with hesitation, wording herself carefully. “And I'm needed back in the Dragon Lands.” Was all she said next, refusing to dispel the fact that Ember wasn't even meant to be here in the first place. In an instant the two pony Princesses returned to their prior stances of regality, their manes flowing in sequence which each other. That was actually the first time Ember took note of their manes, growling perplexed at how they continued to sway despite the lack of any wind. The two directed Ember to follow them in towards the castle proper, where they intended to speak in relatively more comfort. Ember followed behind the two, flanked by several stallion guards who every so often looked up towards Ember with an expression akin to worry. Ember didn't know how she felt about that; the evident fear in these ponies eyes, how they shied away as they neared would make any other dragon proud of themselves. As far as Ember was concerned however, any hesitations on both sides was nothing if not detrimental. Walking through the castle hallways was a new experience for the dragon for certain. The walls, the ceiling, the windows, everything was constructed in such a beautiful and specific way, in a way dragons could not even comprehend. Dragons relied on the earth and their strength to provide for them, with their individual might being their greatest asset. The ponies were different, the ponies cooperated, learned from their mistakes, worked with each other to make something better. Dragons had yet to accept all that as truth, Ember included, even though she was staring at the results. A set of wooden doors swung open with a flick of Celestia’s horn, something else Ember realised she was unaccustomed to seeing. The trio walked through alone while the guards positioning themselves along the hall as they entered. Inside sat a crystal circle table, the room similarly circular but adorned by stone walls and gleaming windows. Three cushions laid upon the floor, and even Ember had to admit that the softness against her scales was a feeling that while unfamiliar was certainly not unwelcome. Princess Celestia then floated this… Thing over to Ember, but she did not know what it was. It was some weird white thing about the size of her claw with a hole in the top and a handle on the side. Whatever it was was then filled up by Celestia with some steaming liquid from another white thing with a handle and a lid. Ember was so perplexed she could not help but voice her confusion. “Sorry, what is this thing?” Ember said as she grasped the thing’s handle. Celestia raised an eyebrow at that, before it quickly morphed into understanding. “I'm sorry, force of habit on my part. Would you care for tea? That's what's in your cup.” Tea? Cup? Such strange foreign words was Ember’s thoughts on the matter, but she pushed her concerns aside upon watching Celestia take a sip of the ‘tea’ from her ‘cup’ which prompted Ember to do the same, pouring it down her throat in one quick gulp. She didn't know what the fuss was about, it just tasted bland to her though for some reason Luna and Celestia looked rather mortified as a result, drawing Ember’s befuddlement. “What?” Was all Ember could think to say. “Nothing, just… Forgot you were a dragon for a second, tea is often served hot.” Celestia said as she took another sip, Luna would had done the same but was currently soothing her burnt tongue. Ember accepted that explanation, if only because she didn't understand why drinking something hot would cause them to grow concerned. Maybe ponies don't like things that are hot? But then why are they serving something hot? Rather than let her questioning thoughts overcome her, Ember decided to get a move on, not wanting to be here any longer than necessary. “Right diplomacy,” Ember said to herself, looking up to the Princesses with determination. “Right, Princesses, I know you're not use to the idea of negotiating with dragons but there's really nothing else I want at the moment then for us to overcome our grievances, especially in light of all the dragon related… Problems you've had over the last few years.” Celestia relinquished herself of her tea, meeting Ember with a stoic stare. “I agree, it is about time that dragons and ponies begin constructing a working relationship together, there is after all much we have to offer each other. You are simply the first Dragon Lord willing to agree to terms. However…” Celestia’s stare then hardened, as did Luna’s instinctively. “Dragon culture does not permit you to be accepting towards others.” Ember knew Celestia was correct, but still could not help but curse at how easily she had picked up on that fact. Perhaps these ponies were more knowledgeable about dragons then she first thought. “While that's true, I could say the same thing about ponies. You haven't exactly had the best track record of building relationships either,” Ember replied with a small smirk, remembering Twilight’s lessons of the three tribes and Equestria’s foundation. Celestia was quick to rebut. “True, ponies are often quick to judge and slow to change, but change is possible. You are well aware of Spike are you not? There is not a pony alive who treats him as less than an equal. In time Equestria can learn to accept the dragons, but trust must go both ways and I mean no offence when I say that Equestria’s experiences with dragons will impede that.” “None taken,” Ember responded with a sulk, her enthusiasm to continue somewhat deterred. “I just hoped that… Together we could be better, you know? New horizons and all that! It's just, I don't know how to do that.” Due to her looking away, Ember did not immediately notice the smile Celestia then held towards her. “You can do it by leading by example. Dragons flock towards the strongest of their kin don't they? They will follow you into whatever you choose if they believe in you.” Ember was certain that if she had been a pony Celestia’s words would have been encouraging for her, but she was not a pony, not even close. “But that's just the thing! The very idea of peace between dragons and ponies goes against everything every dragon believes in! If it were my father doing this they would follow in a heartbeat because he commanded their respect, but I'm not him! I don't have the respect he had because no dragon believes that I'm strong enough to lead them and that would only get worse if I told them about this! No dragon even knows I'm here! Even then, ponies to dragons are like wild animals; not worth our time,” Ember finished dejectedly, leaning her arms on the table. Celestia and Luna looked to each other in concern, before turning to Ember with their prior smiles displayed full force. “Ember,” Celestia soothingly began. “You needn't worry, you are the Dragon Lord. You've already gained the respect of your race, but what you must do now is even more difficult, you must place your trust in your subjects to do the right thing, and the right thing is whatever you decide. Some rulers use their powers for greed or to satisfy lust, but as long as you work in your dragon's best interests they will follow you, now, sooner or later.” “Later is too late,” Ember shot back. Celestia suppressed a sigh, before looking up towards the windows, seeing her sun glide its way by. “It is getting late. How about we continue these talks in the morning when we are all well rested? Your journey was long and I wish to show you our hospitality while you are here.” Now that Ember pondered it, she was very tired, the most tired she had been since the Gauntlet of Fire. The flight from the Dragon Lands had taken days, with Ember stopping to sleep whenever was convenient. Perhaps accepting Celestia’s proposal was her best option, continuing their talks in the morning when they were all in a better state of mind. Ember accepted Celestia’s offer, who then escorted Ember out through the doors into the hall. Luna resided to stay behind, her smile shifting upwards as her thoughts turned to contemplation. The night passed at a slow pace, and Ember had only been able to drift into sleep for a few hours at the most. Her thoughts continued to plague her, her thoughts towards just how utterly useless these efforts had been so far. Not even this bed she laid in could smooth her. Maybe Celestia was right, maybe the dragons would not abandon her, maybe the ponies would accept them, maybe everything would turn out great and Ember would be remembered as the dragon who brought about a new age of progress. Maybe, maybe not. Ember grunted, launching herself to her feet, the carpeted floor feeling alien to her. This room was grand, sparkly, almost tempting Ember to eat the jewels off the walls. It was also constricting, suffocating, reminding Ember of the ponies, reminding her just how fruitless her efforts so far had been. She carried herself towards the open balcony, preferring to have the doors open so the air would remain fresh; it reminded her of home, the open skies of the Dragon Lands, to the draft of her cave, she longed for it that night, more than she ever had before. Ember had always been eager to follow in her father's steps, to become the Dragon Lord and make him proud. She had yet to succeed in doing that, and if she continued spiralling down this path perhaps she would only end up disgracing him, dirtying his legacy by her conspiring with the ‘pathetic’ ponies. Yep, things had really gone her way. “Beautiful isn't it?” Looking up startled. Ember found herself on edge as the form of Princess Luna descended from the sky, landing herself upon the edge of Ember’s balcony with a wide smile upon her muzzle. “I sometimes enjoy watching from my tower; the lights, the stars, it is very much a pleasure of mine.” Her tenseness lessened and Ember relaxed back into a slant against the railings, looking down to Luna with a stoic expression and hardened features. “Yeah it's nice,” she drolly replied before her thoughts turned to questioning Luna’s presence here at this time of night. “Why are you here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?” At this Luna laughed, snorting out a response. “Hardly, the day may be my sister’s domain but I command the night.” Now Ember remembered, Twilight had once told her of Princess Luna after her return from banishment. She possessed many titles amongst its populace; The Night’s Guardian, The Princess of the Night, The Dream Walker, Nightmare Moon, all very ‘night’ orientated now that Ember thought about it. Luna was said to guard against creatures that sought to attack Equestria, fighting them off often by herself in repentance for some misdeeds she had once committed. If Ember was entirely honest, she had been expecting more. Regardless, Luna was here and Ember would prefer that she wasn't, if only so she could wallow in solitude. “Look, Princess, I'm really not in the mood for talking right now. We can do all that tomorrow, for now I just want to sit here.” Luna was persistent however, much to Ember’s continued aggravation. “Ah, but I believe what I have to say is something you would like to hear,” Luna said with a playful smile. “After all, if pony-dragon relations are as important to you as you so claim then perhaps I have a solution which can meet both our ends." Ember shot up, her wings spreading themselves out as she stared down to Luna with widened eyes, more than enough to indicate she wanted Luna to continue, who did so with vigor in her tone. “Dragons value strength do they not? Strength is what demands respect. Power and exceptionality prompts cooperation. If you display your power you demand the respect of you populace, correct?” Luna’s smile only widened at Ember’s nod. “Then perhaps the same could be said for ponies? Perhaps if you demonstrate your prowess alongside us in battle we can sway the dragons to your cause?” Strength and power, the pillars of dragon society. If you were strong you were followed, if you were weak you were cast aside. Ember was in a peculiar position; the most influential of all the dragons as the Dragon Lord but physically rather weak amongst them. The ponies were similar, weak but talented, and if they could together prove that they were more than the other thought them to be… Dragons would flock towards a dramatic display of power. “Okay, Princess Luna, I'm listening.” Dragon Lord Ember said with a smirk.