//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - Help // Story: At the Edge of Hope and Reason // by Emily Brickenbrackle III //------------------------------// Twilight, Starlight, and Moonflower all stood waiting before a large desk in a stark white room. Though she had wished to stay along with them to see the registry process through to the end, Princess Luna did unfortunately still have royal duties to attend to and was forced to take her leave, though not before wishing Starlight her very best. As per the diarch's request, the psychiatrist that had treated her had been assigned to treat Starlight as well. The unicorn couldn't help but think that more than a few strings had been pulled for her in order to do so, but was quietly thankful nonetheless. "That should be everything," the nurse behind the counter chirped as she took the paperwork that Twilight had spent the better part of two hours filling out. "You're all checked-in, Miss Glimmer. Welcome to Fairhoof Psychiatric." "What now?" asked Starlight, her ears pressed back flat against her head and her eyes searching the floor for nothing in particular. "Now," said a voice from somewhere behind them, "would be a great time for introductions, as well as a small tour of our facilities." Turning around, the group found themselves facing a middle-aged pegasus stallion with a cream-colored coat and gray mane. His friendly blue eyes and the slight bags beneath them were framed by a small pair of rectangular glasses. He wore a white coat with a red tie and, while looking very professional, seemed to exude an aura of approachability and kindness. "Doctor Wellheart," the stallion stated, flashing a fatherly smile. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances. I take it that this is Starlight Glimmer, our newest guest?" "Y-yes, that's me," the unicorn answered quietly. "The Princess filled me in on some of the smaller details ahead of time, but we can talk about that later," Wellheart said with a nod. "I'm going to be your psychiatrist during your stay with us. Any time you want or feel like you need to talk, my door is always open. It's my policy." Unable to stop herself, Starlight let slip a sarcastic, "Always, huh? Doesn't sound like you'd get much sleep that way." Blushing brightly, she immediately clamped a hoof over her mouth. "Don't worry about it," he laughed, brushing the quip off with a grin. "Besides, it's true, I really don't get that much sleep these days. I suppose it just comes with the territory. All in all, I consider the trade-off between my sleep schedule and my patients quite worth it in the end." "See? He didn't mind at all. All he's worried about is your well-being; a little remark here or there isn't going to change that." "S-so," Starlight said, shaking herself out of her embarrassment, "you said something about a tour?" "Ah, that I did!" Wellheart replied cheerfully. "If you'd all be so kind as to follow me, we can get this show on the road!" ~ w ~ And so the day wore on. Starlight followed closely behind the kindly doctor, with Twilight and Moonflower close behind her. They went from common rooms full of board games and books, to courtyards where patients milled about under the watchful gaze of nearby caregivers, to cafeterias boasting freshly-made foods that most hospitals could scarcely hope to compete with. There were rooms where full groups of patients could all enjoy some form of therapy together, such as craft-making or watching films, as well as more secluded areas where a patient could meet with their doctor one-on-one and speak privately. Despite the sterile white walls and polished tiled floors that seemed mandatory for all medical institutions, the place still managed to give off a calming sense of peace and safety. The nurses, doctors, and orderlies that they passed along their way all went about their work with good cheer, the smiles that they wore never seeming forced or a mask to cover some secret resentment. As they went from place to place, Twilight ticked boxes off of a checklist that she seemed to have materialized from nowhere, no doubt ensuring that the facility was as perfect as perfect could be. Eventually, however, the tour came to a close and the four ponies all found themselves standing outside the door to Starlight's assigned room. Apprehension and anxiety returned in full force as the unicorn mentally noted that this meant Twilight would likely be leaving soon. A pit quickly formed and sank heavily in her stomach. In a sudden rush, her nausea returned. "Don't think like that, Starlight. She'll be back. You know she will." And she did. ... Didn't she? "Of course she'll be back. All of your friends are going to visit. You have to trust in that, in them." "What do you think?" asked Twilight. Shaking her head, Starlight quickly coughed into her hoof and turned to face her friend. Somewhere behind them, Wellheart and Moonflower were talking. "I-it's... uh... very nice," the pink mare said with a grin that was much too wide. This didn't escape the purple princess, nor did the trembling that had overtaken her student's whole body. "If this all seems like too much to handle, Starlight, please tell me," Twilight urged, nuzzling Starlight's neck. "If there's anything I can do to make this easier, I'll see that it's done. Is there anything you'd like?" Returning the nuzzle, the unicorn took a shaky step back and answered, "N-no, it's alright. I'm just... you're going to have to leave soon, aren't you?" To emphasize her point, Starlight motioned towards the window and the setting sun outside. Her eyes downcast, the lilac alicorn nodded her head and said, "I'd stay the night if I could~ "I can," came a sudden interruption. Both ponies jumped slightly and turned to see Moonflower standing right next to them. Doctor Wellheart had apparently taken a short leave for the restroom. "I know you don't really know me, at least not yet," the Night Guard stated, offering a small grin before puffing out her chest, "but I really am here for you. I've got direct orders from the Princess to be the best bodyguard and friend I can be!" Starlight giggled at the bat mare's display, returning her grin with one of her own. "Besides," Moonflower added, placing a hoof on the pink mare's shoulder to show support, "any friend of the Night is a friend of mine. When the Princess brought up your situation to our unit back at the castle, there were actually a few of us who met the qualifications, not just me. I volunteered. I chose to be here. I don't know if that helps any, but... it's true." "You see? You may not be too familiar yet, but you've still got a friend here. This won't be so bad. You'll be okay." By way of thanks, Starlight closed the rest of the gap between them and gave the batpony a hug. Somewhat surprised, Moonflower nonetheless returned the embrace tightly. Twilight watched with a misty-eyed smile. Her student was in good hooves.