//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Moonflower // by Lux //------------------------------// Chapter 9 The night seemed to drag on as Professor Nebula allowed the class to simply watch the wonders of the meteor shower lighting up the sky. You couldn’t focus on the sky, however, with Moonflower sitting next to you. You stare at her like somepony else would look at some priceless art, her body illuminated by the moonlight overhead and the occasional flashes of the meteors passing by. She seemed not to notice you staring intently at her. Instead she merely stared fixed at the sky, although there was something else with her expression. It was as if she had seen nightly displays like this before, as if stargazing was a common routine for the mare. “Alright class, I’ve kept you here long enough,” Professor Nebula finally said breaking you out of your own gazing, “Class is dismissed for tonight. Next time we will go into the origins of the universe. If you wish to stay and watch the meteor shower, feel free to do so. I will make sure that the door stays unlocked for some time.” With that the rest of the class and Professor gone from the roof, you waited by the door to see if Moonflower wanted to leave the roof or stay. You glanced at her shilouette as she sat unaware that you had since gotten up. She was looking up at the moon with a longing as if the satellite meant more than just something to study. As you drew closer towards the mare you noticed that tears were welling up in her eyes, each drop like a bright star falling. “Moonflower, are you ok?” you said trying not to upset her further. “Oh…” she said looking around as if not knowing where she was until her eyes met yours, “Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” “You were crying,” you said. “I wasn’t crying,” she said as her blue cheeks suddenly filled with a tinge of red. “There was… something in my eye.” “Moon, come on. I know you were crying. You don’t have to hide that from me. It’s ok to cry.” “Fine,” she said with a sigh, “I was crying, ok? Before you ask, I don’t want to share why. It’s too painful.” “Ok, no asking you why,” you said even though you wished you knew, “May I ask you something though?” “I guess so.” “I can tell that something about the moon made you upset. So why…” “Why do I attend an Astronomy class that I know will mean me looking up at the night sky?” “Yeah,” you said honestly. “You have to understand, I do love the night, the moon included. What you saw, my crying, it doesn’t happen all the time. It’s only certain moments when there aren’t many ponies around that I look up and cry. Please don’t ask me anymore about this. I’m not ready to talk about it to you or others. I only feel I can talk to my sister about this.” “Moon, I care about you, and if asking you about this makes you upset then I won’t bring it up. I will say though that, at least for me, talking about things helps me to at least clear my mind rather than having all my thoughts and feelings bottled up inside.” “I will take that into consideration. Perhaps one day I will tell you and others, but not right now.” “Got it,” you said with a smile. “Can I ask you a question?” Moonflower asked. “Uh…sure.” “Why do you want to be a friend to me?” “Well, everypony deserves to have a friend,” you said although you were thinking that you perhaps even wanted more than just friendship with her. “I’m not asking why I should have a friend. I’m asking why you want to be my friend. You’re nice and smart and funny. You can be friends with anypony here in college or even all of Canterlot if you wanted. So why me?” “The truth is… I don’t know why,” you said in the most honest or replies, “But when I saw you walking there it was like I was meant to talk to you, and it seemed you were meant to meet me. I don’t know if I believe in fate, like we were meant to meet certain ponies in our lives or do certain things, but it seemed like that.” “Soulmates,” Moonflower said softly as if meant to be for her ears only, although you clearly heard it on the empty rooftop. “Soulmates?” “Yes, soulmates. It’s not fate but the belief that certain ponies knew each other from the past or are otherwise drawn to others. I’m not saying it has to be romantically although someponies like to believe that is the case. It can be siblings or friends too. So, maybe we’re soul mates, meant to find each other because we share some inner spark, like the way magnets are drawn to each other.” “Hmm, maybe,” you said not knowing what else it is, “I don’t know much about soulmates, but I do know that this feels right being with you.” “Yes, it does feel nice. I like spending time with you when I can.” “Yes, I like you,” you said before realizing what you said. “What did you say?’ she said staring at you. “I said that I like it too?” “You’re a horrible liar,” she said leaning forward, “Now, come on and fess up. What did you say before?” “That…I like you Moonflower.” “Really,” she said with a smirk, “You know, I’ve heard ponies say that around here often. Some I hear say they like a certain part of another. So tell me, what part of me do you like?” “Well, your eyes and the way they seem to glow at night. Then there’s your mane and tail, how long and full they look.” “Funny, because all the time you were saying what you liked, you were not looking at my face,” she said gesturing to her chest before crossing her arms in front of them, “What do you have to say about that?” “Uh…they’re nice too?” you said sheepishly. “Well, if you think you’re going to see any more than now, keep dreaming. Still, it is nice to think that you see me as pretty. Anyway, you said something about this night club we can go to?” “Oh, right, it’s just a block from here, do you want to go tonight Moon Flower?” “I believe tonight is the perfect night,” Moon said as she opened the door to the stairwell with her magic, “Lead the way, soulmate.”