//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Into Her Mind We Go! // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// I’m sorry for this, Pinkie Pie. But I can’t stand seeing you like this’ All Crimson saw, from the moment he looked into her eyes, was pain. Pain that was being covered by a mask, a mask she wore for many years; laughter. Both his fingers, index and middle, were placed on Pinkie’s forehead and glowing red with his magic. Then, his fingers glowed brighter as he focused more of his magic on his fingers and let it slowly seep into her mind; along with him. Once he was inside her mind the first thing he saw was a hallway, with a few doors facing opposite of each other. On each one of the doors was a sign that said something. “Now where is it?” Crimson said as he started walking down the hallway. Each door he passed said a different thing. Personality. Dreams. He stopped when he came to the door he was looking for. Memories. “Bingo” He said as he grabbed hold of the doorknob and opened the door slowly. As soon as he opened the door, music started playing. My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!) And I am here to say (How ya doin'?) I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day! Crimson slammed the door shut and then leaned against it; heart beating hard against his chest. “O-Okay,” He stuttered to himself, “Let’s try this again” After pulling himself together, Crimson pulled himself off of the door and opened it slowly. When it opened what he saw inside was...interesting. The ground was a healthy grass field with lollipops, flowers and trees sprouting from it. The pathway was a sidewalk that was made up of giant dominos. On Crimson’s left and right, there were floating teapots pouring fruit punch into some teacups on a table. Flying above his head were butterflies, but instead of wings, they had kites. “Curiouser and curiouser,” said Crimson as he walked down the pathway. The further he walked, the stranger things got; Angel drinking punch with Winona, Twilight eating a book, Pinkie Pie with yellow hair...wait what? He took a step back and looked again to where he saw the smiling, yellow-haired Pinkie Pie. When he looked he saw that she was still there. Curious as to what would happen, he waved at her. In doing so, she waved back. This yellow-haired Pinkie Pie had a skin tone that was lighter than the beige skin tone the other Pinkie Pie had. She wore a blue short-sleeved shirt, blue shorts, and black sneakers. Unlike the other Pinkie Pie, this Pinkie Pie had violet-colored eyes. Sticking out of her back were a pair of white wings. “Hi?” He said to her. As soon as he said that, he was tackled by her. When she tackled him, he fell backwards and landed on his back; hard! He found himself once again on the ground, on his back, with Pinkie Pie on top of him. Only this time it wasn’t Pinkie Pie. “Hello!” Said the stranger who suddenly tackled Crimson. “In case you’re wondering, which I bet you are, my name is Surprise!” If Crimson could hold up a question mark right now, he would. “And in case you’re also wondering, I look like Pinkie Pie because I’m one of her personalities!” When Crimson heard this, he raised his eyebrow at her. “One of them?” He asked her, “Exactly how many does she have?” “There are two!” She told him, “Unless you count Pinkie Pie, then there are three!” Hearing this got Crimson more interested on the subject. “Three hu?” He said, “So if Pinkie Pie is the first one, and I’m guessing you’re the second one, then who is the third one?” After he said that, Surprise turned her head away from him with a grim expression on her face. Seems like he shouldn’t have asked that question. “Hey hey, cheer up!” He said to her, “How about you show me around?” When she heard this, Surprise’s expression immediately changed. In an instant, she went from depressed to cheery with a big happy grin on her face. “Okay!” She said. Without needing to be told so, she hopped off of Crimson’s lap. After she got off, he stood up and dusted himself off. “This way!” She started walking down the pathway with Crimson following behind her. While the two walked down the pathway, Crimson spotted something ahead of them. “Surprise?” He said, “What’s that up ahead?” She didn’t even bother to give him a response as she continued her walk down the pathway. Crimson asked her again, but once more got no answer from the girl. He decided to just continue following her instead of asking her for the third time. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached their destination. All around them were huge domes; each containing what looked like people inside. “Welcome to Pinkie Pie’s Memories!” Yelled Surprise with her arms spread far apart in the air for dramatic effect. Crimson had to quickly cover his ears when she yelled. After her announcement, Surprise walked up to one of the domes. Crimson, after he recovered, followed right behind her. Surprise came up to a dome that had a sign that read, “One Pinkie Pie Band” . Below the name was the date, which read December 17, 2010. When Crimson looked inside the dome, he saw Pinkie Pie playing a bunch of instruments at the same time while she marched down a pathway that leads away from Ponyville. Following behind her were a bunch of bouncing different colored insect-like creatures. When she, along with the creatures, were gone they both moved backward fast; as if it was a video tape being rewound. When they went back to the start, they were both going down the pathway in the same order they did before. “They’re parasprites,” said Surprise from behind Crimson. “Annoying little things that will eat anything in a matter of seconds. If it wasn’t for Pinkie Pie, Ponyville would not still be here today” They walked over to the next dome which showed Pinkie Pie standing under a giant cotton candy cloud that rained chocolate milk. “What the…?” Said Crimson as he watched the memory play. Then it got more confusing as it changed and showed a different memory. It showed Pinkie Pie skating around on a long trail of soap with a disgruntled look on her face. In both of those memories, Pinkie Pie’s colors were a bit gray; literally. It changed again showing Pinkie Pie, with her regular colors back, standing with her friends. She and the rest of them were wearing golden necklaces that had a big jewel in the middle of them in the shape of their cutie mark. Everyone except for Twilight; she wore a tiara. They were all standing in the middle of...Ponyville? Everything around them was so out of order that you couldn’t even tell whether or not it’s Ponyville. There was upside down floating buildings, long-legged rabbits, houses of cards built with huge playing cards, and everybody was acting like it was opposite day! “Oh...this again?” Said a voice coming just a few feet away from the Mane 6. Floating in mid-air was a grey wooden throne with antlers on the top of it. On the inside of the throne was red, soft padding. Sitting on the throne, with a glass of chocolate milk in hand, was the very same one who brought down each and every one of the Mane 6. His name was Discord! Master of Chaos! He sipped away his chocolate milk only to end up drinking the glass instead as if it were liquid. With just the solidified chocolate milk in hand, he tossed it over his shoulder. As soon as it hit the ground, it exploded. Why? Because it’s Discord. “What...What is this?” Asked Crimson as he watched Discord’s hand glow bright yellow. As it did, Applejack’s necklace glowed bright orange before it was pulled towards Discord by his magic; Applejack being dragged along by the necklace. The entire time he was pulling her towards him, Discord had a mischievous look on his face. As soon as Applejack was in the air in front of him, he pulled up the others. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were now up in the air with him. “What’s he doing? What’s he gonna do to them?” Asked a very confused and a very worried Crimson. As the memory continued to play, it showed Twilight using her magic as she creates a protective bubble around her and her friends; breaking free of Discord’s hold on their elements. Once they were safely back on the ground, she released her hold on the spell. When she did, the bubble disappeared. “I’ll tell you what we’ve learned, Discord,” Said Twilight, “We’ve learned that friendship isn’t always easy. But, there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for!” When he heard his, Discord groaned. Not wanting to see any more of this, Crimson walked away from the memory and moved on to the next one. While he was walking he was constantly looking left and right. “Are you okay?” He stopped when he heard her. Acting calm, he turned around to face Surprise. The distance between him and her was a foot and a half. “I ask this because you looked pretty sad back there,” said Surprise as she took a step towards Crimson. “Do...Do you want to talk about it?” He didn’t give her a response. Not even a nod or a head shake. “Actually…” he said, “I want to ask you something. I’m looking for a particular memory and I need to find it. Do you know where it is?” Out of nowhere Surprise pulls out a brown fedora a puts it on her head. After a few minutes, a lit light bulb pops out of her fedora. When it did, an audible ding came out of the fedora. “Aha!” She said, “I know!” She reached up and grabbed something. When she pulled it down, Crimson immediately found himself in front of another huge dome. Except this dome was slightly bigger than the other ones, and was surrounded by grey clouds, withered trees, and...blood? “Surprise?” Said Crimson, “You’re sure this is the one?” When he looked over to her, he didn’t see her usual cheery attitude; it was the opposite. “Yes…” she started, “It is. This is the one” She raised her hand up and pointed towards something above their heads that was etched into the glass. When Crimson looked, in big letters it read ‘Pinkamena’ . “Pinkamena?” Said a quite confused Crimson. “Who’s Pinkamena?” When he looked back over at Surprise, she still had a solemn expression on her face. “She’s a monster,” She said, “A monster that should never have been born! A monster who has been hurting Pinkie Pie for years! If I didn’t show up back then, Pinkie Pie would be a monster! If I didn’t show up, Pinkie Pie would-” “If you didn’t show up, Pinkie Pie would be mine!” Both Crimson and Surprise whipped their heads towards the dome, where they heard the sudden appearance of the third voice. When they looked over at the dome, inside they saw...Pinkie Pie? “Surprise?” Said Crimson, “What’s going on?” The girl that they saw in the dome looked like Pinkie Pie, but it couldn’t have been. They were in her head. The girl had long, straight dark pink hair with a few strands hanging off of her shoulders. She wore a dirty, dark gray dress with black boots on her feet. In her left hand, she held a bloodied vorpal blade. “Who...Who are you?”