I'm Still Here

by Ribe_FireRain

Rainbow's Proposition

Some considerable time had passed by since Rainbow's visit to the hospital, and especially so after the encounter she had with Scootaloo, whom she found in the waiting room in an awful condition.

Albeit, after a full examination for any other injuries other than her broken leg, which she admitted to getting from a scooter stunt that went southward, Scootaloo was discharged from the hospital with a few small plasters on scrapes and small cuts on her sides and barrel, and a sling to support her leg.

Now, both she and Rainbow were back at her cloud palace back in Cloudsdale, which, during the journey, with Scootaloo on her back, the scene at the hospital was repeating itself over and over, like a constant video loop that kept bringing her back to the same question: ''Where are her parents? Why was she all alone? Just...why?''

First, though, the only concern in her mind was watching the filly and making sure she was comfortable.

When they arrived at her home, Rainbow decided it was best to set her down on one of her comfortable sofas, all the while thinking about what she was going to do with her.

To be honest, she didn't know what to do, or if it would even make any kind of difference, given the circumstances. True, she has known Scootaloo for a very long time, and even hung out with her once or twice, yet she couldn't recall one single time she had seen her with her biological parents.

She could have only assumed at the time that they were busy working, but given what she saw in the young filly's eyes, it was clearly more than that. She seemed to cringe heavily and tear up whenever the word 'parents' was said around her.

A pang of pity and sympathy hit Rainbow's heart hard at that thought.

Snapping from her thought bubble, Rainbow looked back to her sister, sat on her haunches on the sofa with her arm still suspended. From her own experience with having to wear a sling after one of her own accidents, she knew that it could ache after a while.

Quickly scanning through the room, Rainbow spotted a small, blue cushion with a winged, yellow thunderbolt sewn into it and grabbed it, asking Scootaloo to raise her arm slightly so that she could position it beneath her sling for extra comfort.

''Well, Scoots, I guess you're gonna have to stay with me until I find out what's going on with you and your parents.'' Rainbow said, noticing a disheartened atmosphere appear around the filly, seeing her slump slightly. She didn't bother to look up, instead keeping her eyes anywhere but at Rainbow Dash. She felt small underneath her gaze.

Seeing her like that made Rainbow's insides tighten with hidden guilt. Thinking as fast as a lightning bolt, Rainbow gained an idea, one she knew would at least distract Scootaloo's mind from her troubles.

Without warning, Rainbow picked up the filly in her front hooves, placing her lightly atop her back and began trotting away, ignoring the protest from her back legs.

Even though the cloud surfaces of her house were plush and bouncy, they were reinforced with specialized smart-material that was held in place through magical enhancement, a sort of trick that made the material think it wasn't a liquid, but a solid. Whereas on any ordinary cloud without the reinforcements added to it to make it extra sturdy, it would feel as if her hooves were not any different than normal.

Rainbow mentally cursed herself for having the installments. She only bought the installments because of the weight of her house being a risk to the caving and collapsing of the foundations, should a harsh barrage of weather hit and end up having a devastatingly crush-effect on the house.

''W-Where are we going?'' Scootaloo asked in pure confusion. She heard Rainbow give a small chuckle from below her.

''You'll see.'' Is all she said, plain and simple.

This was actually the very first time Scootaloo had seen the interior of the house of her idol and big sister, and it was beyond words.
It was designed in the traditional construction method to the many cloud homes in Cloudsdale, but had a more...royal and grand vibe to it. That goes especially for the decor and paintings that hung about the place.

As Rainbow carried Scoots along, she took time to observe and take in the atmosphere around her, and some part of her brain told her that Rainbow was doing this to show off her possessions and life. Typical Rainbow.

From what she saw and knew already, it was clear that Dash's heart belonged to the Wonderbolts, with their flags and iconic winged lightning bolt symbol pretty much slapped on just about every surface and wall, plus a small mantle piece and shelf with autographed pictures, both framed and laminated.

If Scootaloo thought that was amazing, she hasn't seen anything yet. Trotting through a corridor, Rainbow stopped at the entrance of a large, very spacious room. It was almost like the inside of a cloud church, behemoth in capacity and roof up high, specialized glass skylights built into the ceiling to illuminate the room in an angelic aura.

At the far end of the room, two large, wooden doors stood, almost similar to the ones on Twilight's castle, but made from a rich, dark black-brown wood with golden trims that ended in curls and wisps, gently and smoothly caressing the borders and around the door handles.
Lined up perfectly parallel to each other with generous gaps inbetween, large, glass display cases proudly showed off both collectibles and the most expensive and cherished Wonderbolts merchandise, while some housed personal possessions of Rainbow's.

Scootaloo stared on in pure awe.

With a smug smile, Rainbow asked, ''Like what you see, squirt?''

Scootaloo answered with her mouth hanging agape. That was good enough for Rainbow.

''Ha, thought so.'' She said before trotting off. ''Come on, let me show you something.'' She said, looking up to the filly on her back before continuing with her trotting towards one of the many display cases occupying the room.

''See this?'' Rainbow said, motioning a front hoof to the item inside the case, illuminated by a soft, warm light built into the top.

When Scootaloo looked at the item on display, she knew right away what it was.

It was a sleek, blue Wonderbolt jumpsuit, complete with the signature symbol of the flying team and yellow zig-zag lines that mimicked lightning strikes that trailed from the neck down to the flank region of the jumpsuit.

It was fitted onto the frame of a ponyquinn, a snug fit, completed by the special-issue wind goggles strapped comfortably around the head of the ponyquinn.

''I-Is this your jumpsuit, Dash?'' Scootaloo asked in awe. She heard Rainbow give a proud, light-hearted chuckle.

''Sure is, kid.'' She could sense the beaming smile of pride emerge upon her lips. ''It'll be staying put while the Wonderbolts are on break for the season, but when the time comes, it's gonna be coming back with me.''

''Say, Dash, what's that?'' Scootaloo pointed with her uninjured hoof towards another display case, it too housing a ponyquinn in a firm standing position, its front left hoof raised in a saluting gesture.

Instead of Wonderbolt attire, this ponyquinn was adorning an old-styled, pale-navy coloured military uniform, the standard colour of the Cloudsdale Air Guard. Atop its head was a Commander's cap, also of the same colour with a smooth, shiny black brim. In the centre of the hat, a pair of golden wings extended out to their full lengths at either side of a thunderbolt of the same material, the symbol of the Air Guard.
On the uniform, a small, silver badge read out the name 'Commander Rainbow Spectrum'.

Scootaloo eyed this curiously. ''Rainbow, who's that?'' From below her, she could hear the voice of Rainbow at whisper level. Although she didn't catch it completely, she could easily make out the words ''I love you, Daddy.''.

Oh. Right. Rainbow's Dad. Ah, that explains a lot.

''That, squirt, is my Dad's Air Force Commander outfit. He worked that job since even before I was born, and rose through the ranks like a knife through butter. He's the reason I became what I am. I remembered that I always wanted to be like him as a kid, but now look at me, I'm a Wonderbolt.'' I still wish he was here to see me perform with the team... ''Anyway, that's not exactly what I brought you here for. Let me show you what it is I wanted you to see.''

Taking a turn towards the large doors at the end of the room, Rainbow Dash headed towards them, lightly pressing a hoof against the body of one of them and pushing it open with little to no effort.

When the door opened fully, Scootaloo could finally see what was hiding behind the doors. It was an overly-large room, fixed up with a skylight dome that was raised high from the ground and two expertly sculpted support pillars located just in front of the door, holding up a cloud arch with equal expertise.

In the centre of the room was a large oval bed, big enough to accommodate even the biggest and tallest of ponies. The sheets were blue-grey with a shiny embroidery of Rainbow Dash's cutie mark in all of its harmonious glory.

One could tell from a simple glance that it was crafted with great care and expertise, much like most of the palace was. The stitching was top-notch, the colours were of high-quality and most of all, the softness was way off of the charts!

Scootaloo found this out when Rainbow set her down on the top of the sheets, her weight causing them to sink slightly inwards around her haunches.

Taking in her surroundings of the pristine, well-kept room, Scootaloo noticed that the room had, like most other rooms, Wonderbolt memorbilia and racing-based items and collectibles. Along one of the walls on the right side of her from the bed, a large, grand frame with a golden border dipicted the Wonderbolts team in all of their glory, wings spread and haunches raised in the start-off poistion with their faces showing nothing but pure determination and the promise of success to their onlookers.

The ones in the picture were, starting from the bottom up, Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot. Noticing something on the shoulder of Spitfire, Scootaloo squinted her eyes a little, focusing on it, soon realizing that it was an autograph from each of the three in the picture. A chill of fangirlism zipped through her spine at the sight.

Rainbow took notice and gave a left-sided smile at her. ''So, how'd you like it, Scoots? Comfy enough for ya?'' Scootaloo smiled happily, indicating her answer to her idol, much to Rainbow's amusement at her giddiness. ''Ha, knew you would.'' Rainbow smiled before taking a seat next to her, sighing in relief at finally getting the chance to remove the aching pressure from her bandaged-up rear hooves.

Slowly pulling herself around from her sitting position into a laying position on her belly, Rainbow Dash cringed slightly as her injured wing brushed the sheets before curling herself around so that Scootaloo lined up with her midsection.

''Scoots? Howcome you never told me about them?'' Rainbow's eyes took on a hint of hurt. With all that they've been through together, even after that night at Rainbow Falls when they went camping and became 'sisters', she still didn't want to talk about it? While it did hurt Rainbow on the inside, almost like the feeling of a hoof clutching her heart, she can respect why she didn't talk. She only wished that she knew sooner rather than later.

Scootaloo didn't say anything for a few moments. With her head hung low, a small duo of tears managed to escape her eyes and stroke down her cheek before dripping off of the end of her muzzle and onto the bed sheets.

What did I get myself into? I thought I could hide it from her, but why now, of all times? Celestia, help me...

A heavy rollercoaster of thoughts rocked around in Scootaloo's brain, causing her to feel slightly light-headed. She could sense the hurt radiating from Rainbow's body, and she would be lying if she said she didn't feel the least bit guilty.

True, she did trust her, but that was only when it was necessary for her to give out her trust to her, such as when the derby race came up and she asked for her assistance with building a cart. But this? No, it wasn't necessary. She knew in the back of her mind that she couldn't badger Rainbow for every little need she had, especially in this case, but what were her options at this point in time other than to crack her own ice?

With a sad, slow sigh through her nostrils, Scootaloo eventually spoke. ''R-Rainbow? Pr-prom-promise you won't get m-mad, okay? Please?'' She began uneasily, finding herself struggling to get her voice to leave her lips.

Rainbow nodded once, waiting patiently for her to continue.

''Truth is, I-I d-don't... ha-have any p-parents...'' She said the last few words quietly, barely above a whisper. Even the very thought of the word transformed her blood into flakes of ice and her heart to cringe.

Rainbow's eyes went wide with shock at what she was hearing. She sincerely wishes that her ears were simply playing tricks on her and that it was really something not as awful as what came out of the filly's lips. No parents? As in...she's an orphan?

Rainbow's mouth opened a few times, but closed just as soon as it did. Across from her, the disheartened expression behind Scootaloo's eyes deepened. Eventually, after moments of silence and a small sniffle from the filly, Rainbow pulled her in closer for a hug, resting her chin atop her head, losing her muzzle in her frazzle of scruffy purple.

''Jeez, Scoots, I-I had no id-idea.'' Is all Rainbow said as she comforted her sister. ''Why didn't you tell me?'' She pulled away to meet her eyes, and for once, she looked embarrassed as she softly scratched the back of her neck with her uninjured hoof.

''I just figured it wasn't your problem, Dash. I know we're not bio-whatchamacallit, or anything, but to be honest, you're the closest t-thi-thing to f-f-fam...family that I-I have.'' A burning, rose blush arose on her orange cheeks with embarrassment. She never was one for mushy stuff or any form of expressing affection.

Dash didn't blush. Instead, she did what any loving sister would do, related by blood or not. She wrapped her up in a hug and didn't let go. Scootaloo squirmed in surprise at first, but later settled into it, only managing to get her own free hoof barely half way around Dashes neck as she attempted to hug her back.

The warmth radiating from Rainbow's body and transferring to Scootaloo's made her forget about her own coldness, and for the first time in a long time, she felt peace and comfort. She had Dash as a sister, and that was one thing that could never be taken away from her. Family was something that you're not just born into, it's your bonds with other beings, how your chemistry shares similarities, much like love of a different kind. It's who sticks by you and where your loyalties lay.

Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty. She defines 'Loyalty'. What she had to say next was something that completely caught Scootaloo off guard.

''Listen, Scoots, it doesn't matter if we're related or not, but I wanted you to know that I'd have you as a sister, any day. We both have our differences, sure, but the real reason I brought you up here is because I couldn't leave you alone down there.'' Rainbow said firmly, a warm radiance behind her magenta orbs. ''There's just one thing that I want to know first, squirt: how long have you been alone, and where have you been staying?''

Her body visibly tensed and for a moment, her breath seemed to catch in her throat, cutting her voice to silence for a brief moment before she took in a long, heavy breath and spoke up. ''F-For about a couple or so years...''

Rainbow's ears shot up straight. ''W-W-WH-WHAT!?'' Rainbow exclaimed, eyes almost shooting from her sockets in pure and utter shock. WHAT?! B-B-But why didn't she tell anypony?! Not even me, nor her friends?! I can't believe what I'm hearing right now! How in Equestria could nopony have known about this?!

Scootaloo flinched hard at her outburst. ''Why didn't you tell anypony?! Not even Sweetie or Apple Bloom?! Where have you been all this time?!''

Scootaloo eventually caved, her eyes bursting with hot, streaming tears as she exclaimed, ''Because it's not their p-problem, okay?! I cou-couldn't have a-asked the-them for h-help! I j-just couldn't! Not even you!'' She sobbed uncontrollably, barely able to contain a single tear. ''Not Applejack, not Rarity, not Twilight, not even Fluttershy! Especially not you! It's not right! I co-couldn't ask them!''

Rainbow could not believe her ears. The normally spiffy, confident and tenacious Scootaloo that she knew was now reduced to tears and left with a broken, heavily saddened heart. Seeing her like this now hurt worse than the truth. How was she supposed to know? More importantly, how did Scootaloo survive on her own for so long? She looks just as well as any other pegasus filly her age, and she seemed to be healthy, so what's the story there?

''Scoots, you are my problem, kid! You're my sister, and it's my job - no, my responsibility to watch out for you! I can't just leave you like this! What kind of bearer of the Element of Loyalty would I be if I did something like that, eh?'' She said, holding Scoot's shoulders. ''I need you to listen to me, okay?'' Scootaloo nodded. ''Alright, good. Scoots, when I became your sister, I said I would watch out for you and keep you safe. That makes you my problem. Where have you been living, kid? Not under a bush, I hope.''

Scootaloo wiped her eyes and snout. ''N-No, of course not. I-I've been living in the c-clubhouse.'' She said, her nerves slightly calmer. ''It's not very warm during the winter, but I had no place else to go, so what other options did I have?''

Seriously?! You mean aside from AJ or Rarity, or anypony else you knew, the clubhouse was the only option to you, kid? That's crazy! What if you fell ill with a cold or the flu or something, or worse?! Rainbow rolled her eyes. ''You have friends, kid.'' Is all she said, nudging Scoot's shoulder with her muzzle. ''I honestly can't believe what I'm hearing, squirt. What you did was dangerous and you basically were risking your life over a proper home with a solid roof and constant warmth for a clubhouse. What were ya thinking, kiddo? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you out there? What if somepony came along and kidnapped you, or worse?''

Scootaloo felt ashamed and gave a helpless sigh. ''I'm...I-I'm sorry, Rainbow...'' She said quietly.

Rainbow wiped her eyes. ''Don't be sorry. You're safe now, and that's all that matters. You're staying with me.'' Scootaloo's ears shot up and a spark of disbelief entered her eyes.

''W-What?'' She squeaked out, causing Rainbow to chuckle.

''You heard me kid. You're staying with me.'' She playfully nudged her shoulder. ''What, you think I was just going to toss your flank back into the cold? No sister of mine is gonna suffer if I have my say about it.'' She said proudly, and Scootaloo wasted no time in latching her hoof around her neck and hugging her excitedly.

''Y-You mean it?! I get to s-stay with you?! Here?!'' She practically squealed in delight, all sadness and glumness instantly vanishing from her system. ''Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Rainbow Dash!'' Scootaloo beamed happily. ''But, uh...where am I gonna sleep?''

Rainbow chuckled. ''This used to be my old room, kid. You can consider it your own, from now on. I'm only down the hallway from here and to the right, so don't worry about the cloud-crawlers.'' She snickered behind her hoof jokingly, and Scootaloo pulled an unamused face as her lips pulled into a mock frown.

''Seriously, Dash, come on. I'm thirteen, not four. Cloud-crawlers don't exist, they're just an old, made up creature from a story parents tell their kids to scare them.''

''Oh, really? Then what's that behind you?!'' Rainbow pointed a hoof and gave a frightened face, causing Scootaloo to gasp in fear and snap her head to face behind her only to stare at a blank wall where nothing was apart from a few small boxes of personal belongings of Rainbow. With a laugh, Rainbow fell into a laughing fit, clutching her chest as she did so. Scootaloo only gave her an angry glare of unamusement.

''That...that wasn't funny!'' She retorted, much to her sister's greater amusement and entertainment.

''Looks like somepony got proved wrong, sis!'' She continued to laugh.

Rainbow laughed for a good few minutes before she eventually calmed down and wiped her eyes with a hoof and ruffled the filly's hairy playfully, furthering her unamusement. She glanced up to the night sky through the glass dome above her head, watching the stars twinkle and gleam with their unique beauty alongside the white lantern of the moon lighting the way for them, a majestic sight to behold. ''Well, it's getting late, Scoot. I think it's about time we go to sleep.''

''Aw, but I was having fun!'' She protested. ''Do we really have to sleep, now?'' She complained further. Her answer was a nuzzle behind her ear and the flick of Rainbow's multi-colour tail as it wisped around her flank and waist, almost like a protective cocoon. From the warmth she felt in her idol's embrace, she couldn't help but feel herself slowly settle into it, resting her head against Rainbow's midsection, her head turned in a way that her cheek was pressed lightly into the silk-like forest of her sister's mane that hung by her neck. For the first time in what seemed to be forever, Scootaloo finally felt warmth and comfort.

Within mere seconds, she found that her eyes were starting to slide shut under their own heaviness. It was only now that did she realize how tired she actually was. It wasn't too soon that she began to let out short, soft breaths, indicating her departure into dreamworld.

Curling her head around to face the now departed Scootaloo, Rainbow saw her lips curve into a cute, small smile as she slept peacefully. With a mental sigh, Rainbow turned her attention up to the sky, peering out through the glass and to the stars, her thoughts running rampant in her mind like a plaque.

She thought back to what she had heard from the filly earlier, about what she meant by ''I don't have any parents''. What could that possibly mean? Her mind was cloudy as to exactly what she meant by that. Are they no longer among the world of the living? Did she ever know them? Any and all questions she may have had buried in her mind after their talk, she aimed to find out the true answer. Not just for her sister's sake, but for her sake, too.

When tomorrow comes, Rainbow made herself a promise that she was going to go and talk to somepony about what she had discovered tonight, and to be specific, that somepony was a certain farmer pony, one whom Rainbow was going to have to have more than a few words with.