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True on both accounts. For that, you shall recieve this picture.

Also, how do you think Twilight will react to the alternate Chrysalis?

3153451 Well, Cadence looks more grimdark now, eh. :pinkiehappy:

I think Twilight would be too shellshock to react much to Chrysalis, eh. :rainbowlaugh:

3153451 Well, Cadence looks more grimdark now, eh. :pinkiehappy:

I think Twilight would be too shellshock to react much to Chrysalis, eh. :rainbowlaugh:

3153796 Valid point. Still, how do you think the main universe Cadence would react to seeing her alternate version? I bet alternate Cadence and main universe Chrysalis would get along well...

3153826 More then likely that's going to be where the fanfics come in. The mirrorverse opens up a realm of possibilities. (The mirrorverse: Where good is bad and vice versa. Everything you know is wrong when it comes to who's who.)

Too bad I don't accept the comics as canon, huh?

Comment posted by Chaos51268 deleted Mar 28th, 2014
Comment posted by Chaos51268 deleted Mar 30th, 2014

3154649. True indeed. Who knows, maybe Vinyl Scratch would be into classical music in the mirrorverse, and Octavia is the dj.

3154842. Why don't you accept the comics as canon?

This shit, this shit is why.



I'll admit, I was not expecting that.

Not just that, but most of the characters seem... off. They just don't feel genuine and the comics seem to be nothing but fan-service and Katie Cook/Heather Nuhfer's personal head-canon. I'd sooner accept Equestria Girls as canon before I'd ever even think of accepting the comics as canon.

3156630 No matter what weird stuff goes on in the comics they are canon whether we them to be or not.

3156687 Ok. That's just your opinion. It's not my right to question you.

3156690 Ok. Also, what do you think Twilight will do when she sees her evil self?

I disagree. The comics are only licensed by Hasbro. That's like saying the toys produced by Hasbro are also canon. Does this look like Celestia to you?

3156704 Im not trying to get into an argument here. Look it up if you don't believe me. Everything in the comics is in the FIM universe. It is canon.

3156693 Probably try to befriend. She'll probably go on a rant about all the knowledge two Twilights could gain by working together. Then evil Twilight will snub her. But its just a guess.

*cough*The comics have never even been referenced in the show.*cough*

3156943 They are "Secondary Canon". Meaning that they take place "between seasons" according to the writers of the comics.

That still doesn't explain why the comics haven't even once been mentioned in the show. You think Nightmare Rarity is just something that they'd push under the rug? C'mon, guys.

FYI: Don't take my arguing negatively, I hold no Ill-will towards anyone. I simply enjoy debating with people.

3156774. Ok. Actually, now that I think about it, what would the alternate Discord be like?

3158853 I've read a fan comic where he is Concord the spirit of Harmony. Maybe in the alternate universe he was corrupted by mane 6 and brainwashed to do Celestias bidding.

Comment posted by Chaos51268 deleted Apr 1st, 2014

3159866 That's a scary thought. Also, have these pictures.

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