World-Building Alliance 2,165 members · 848 stories
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Professor Plum
Group Admin

Ahoy there, Worldbuilders!

It looks like it's time for another one of those silly writing prompts we insist on doing. I guess we'll learn sooner or later. But until then, ponies non-ponies!

Now, we recognise that this time of year's pretty busy for a lot of you guys. Going back to school, starting college, all that sort of jazz. So, we're gonna keep it pretty simple this time round, but hopefully no less interesting.

This month's prompt is: Brotherhood

And before it's asked, no, that doesn't have to be male-only. Sisterhood works fine too. What we're looking for is an exploration of the feelings/bonds you associate with the word, whether it be literal siblings or band-of-brothers style thing. How you interpret it is your choice entirely.

Now, we occasionally like to set challenge races for you guys to work with. This time, however, we're breaking the mould. If you're up to it, we want you to write about interspecies brotherhood. Which species? Completely up to you. Just so long as we see some barriers being broken down, we'll be satisfied.
Reminder: This is completely optional. Choosing to write about any other species won't negatively impact your chances of winning in any way. It's just for those who like a challenge.

Any questions? Post 'em below!

Once you've finished your story and submitted it to FimFic, post here in this thread the following information:
Genre Tags:
Please provide links where necessary.

Same rules as before:
- 5k word target. We'll stretch to 5.5k, but any longer than that and the fic will be shunted over to the "longfic" category, with separate judging, etc.
- No rating restrictions, but bear in mind that excessive gore/sex/whatever might not be to everyone's tastes, least of all the judges.
- Deadline is the last day of the month. That will be the final day for submissions. For those of you in different timezones, if it’s the final day, make sure to also post what time it is where you are.
- Ponies may be present in your story, but they shouldn't be the focus of it.
- Only stories submitted to the site during this month will be accepted. That means your story from August of 2012 won’t be accepted.
- Judging will aim to be finished around the end of the first week of the next month. Expect the results to come up sometime in the first fortnight, complete with the final scores for each story. It will also have a description of how the judging works and how the winner is selected. Important stuff for you to know beforehand is that we look at five categories: Plot, Characterization, Mechanics, World-Building and how well it fits with the FiM universe.
- Winners will have their story promoted on the front page of the group for two months, as well as being given a shout-out by Wanderer D (and any other sufficiently moved admins) in a blog post.
- And finally, all site rules are in effect. If you’re not quite sure what they are, see link.

Cheers, and happy writing!

~ The World-Building Alliance Admin Team

Fun fact: This prompt was entirely written while listening to this song on repeat. Can you tell?

Group Admin

Writing I shall commence! :derpytongue2:

What we're looking for is an exploration of the feelings/bonds you associate with the word

Group Admin

Zebra. Or maybe griffin. Or both. Or neither...

Hmm...some ideas have come to mind. In the Skype chat it was suggested I use non-sphinxes for my example of Brotherhood just keep it within the universe....

Now my idea is a couple of creatures living under the tyranny of the Sphinx Empire. I could utilize some other desert dwellers for this.

Camels and Crocodiles!

Professor Plum
Group Admin


[00:39:03] Professor Plum: Have it set in the same universe, fd
[00:41:32] Professor Plum: Crocodiles
[00:41:38] Professor Plum: Why haven't they been done?

I hereby claim responsibility for any and all stories you produce. Now go write me a winner!

Nile crocodiles, do it.


Feelings: Ooh, pretty crystal! Let's figure out ways to make more of it! Crystal babies for everyone!

Butt stallion to the rescue!

*laughs uproariously*

Well, guess I'll finally have to write that one story of mine :rainbowlaugh:

Gonna try my hand on the qilins this time. o_o

(Sorry flutterdash1, the crossover fic still needs some tweaking before I continue working on it. :twilightblush:)

What, I'm first? Here we go then...

Name: Mistershield
Title: Another Identity
Genre Tags: Slice of Life
Race: Crystal Pony (I count Sombra as a crystal pony), Buffalo, Diamond Dog, Dragon, Griffon

Group Admin

Okay I have it. Saddle Arabians. Maybe a camel, depends how the idea develops.

Well, I had a supposed awesome idea, but found out (once again) it won't fit the prompt. So back at the "I have no ideas" phase :ajsleepy:

Group Admin

Name: Archonix
Title: Desert Rose
Genre: Sad, Adventure
Race: Arabian Horse and Camel

And unfortunately it's just the first chapter of a potentially three-part fic, because the concept wouldn't fit in any less. Word count on gdocs is 5009 words.

Name: Nobody of Importance
Title: Dragonslayer
Genre: Sad, Slice of Life
Race: Buffalo and Dragon

Finally finished one of my submissions ^^

Name: Educated Guess

Title: The Lucky Ones

Genre Tags: Slice of Life

Races: Sea-pony, Griffon, Pony

Coming in under the wire, as always. I feel like it's structured weirdly, but hey, an author is always his own worst critic.

Man, only four entries. I hope that's only because everyone is starting classes or something. That's why I couldn't join this month. It'd be a shame to see this contest disappear. :pinkiesad2:

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