AppleDashLight 610 members · 62 stories
Comments ( 124 )
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Group Admin

I'd reverse that order of posting, actually. I think the mutual teasing between Twi and Dash is fairly obvious. AJ and Twi has a little something, and AJ seems more concerned for Dash than anything else.

Your task is to change that, sir! :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

Yknow, I just realized.

The cutie mark earrings as wedding bands idea that appears in some fics?


One ear per cutie mark for each other partner! :rainbowkiss:


I certainly would.

Group Admin

Is certainly cute (and doesn't clash with appledashlight, which i great), but I doubt I'd be as active in it as this or appledash, naturally ;P

I seem to be writing the start of my Appledashlight fic instead of writing any of the other projects I had planned to write first.

I think I'm okay with this.

Group Admin

I still want to see this. The earlier the better! >_>


"Eh, I feel like pokin' at this right now" turned into "800 words in less than an hour," so there's a good chance it'll be sooner rather than later.

I agree with Tchernobog. I, too, am more than okay with this latest development.

Group Admin

Though i really meant it in a

fashion. Prereading, brainstorming, anything! XD


Well, I hit my daily writing quota of 1200 words on it already. I think I'm gonna be kinda blasé on this one compared to some of my other longer ones, writing chapters as I feel like it and updating it randomly.

As for prereading, I'd love the extra set of eyes. Though it might be more Clopnobog's sorta thing.

Group Admin

I'll tell him~ :P

Editing is done on the first ~9300 word update of my Appledashlight story.

Now to draw cover art for it.

Group Admin

I already asked Tcherno, what pairing does your story start with?


Do you really have to ask, knowing me?

Twidash. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

Tcherno is doing TwiJack and you're doing TwiDash

Won't somebody please think of the AppleDash


Convince Wabbajack to keep going on Preening until it's a fullblown triad; it could work.


I'm working on one as a sequel to Pick Me up at Seven. :rainbowdetermined2:

Sequel/Prequel/Side Story, actually. Should be fun.

Group Admin

I actually meant AppleDashLight that starts with AppleDash but any AppleDash is good :rainbowkiss:


That is, in fact, what I'm planning. At least AppleDashLight in the canon ending. I'll likely include an AppleDash/TwiSomepony alternate ending to appeal to a wider audience.

Group Admin

I look forward to it


There was a competition?

What's my prize?

Group Admin

Can't wait to read more!
Mine's definitely taking a different path. :rainbowlaugh:

How did I not see this get uploaded?

I'm really glad you guys mentioned it here because I totally would have missed that. On tonight's reading list for sure!

Group Admin


It's even featured! huzzah for feature box AppleDashLight!


Tis a good day for Appledashlight.

Group Admin

Indeed! And I'll likely nab a spot whenever I decide to post mine. Which will be a while yet, mind you.


Inb4 I finish mine before you put any of yours online.

Group Admin
Group Admin

So now that the appledash contest is drawing to a close (as soon as peregrine sounds off on his judging, whenever he gets around to that)... should we give thought to an appledashlight contest, as was discussed in the appledash thread?

I have copies of Bioshock 1 and Civilization 4 on steam that are extra (i've got both games already), so I can easily put those up for rewards. Civ 4 probably as higher reward as it's the more expensive of the two...

We do need a theme as well, imo!

I'm still game for organizing one, and I even have a good idea. I think.
I liked the idea of following in the hoofsteps of the TwiDash group and their abandoned fic contest, but I think we all agreed that reading the same 2-3k words for every fic got tedious.
So instead, what if we gave everyone a single paragraph instead of a chapter? We could have a list of paragraphs that people could choose from to kick off their stories.
As for rewards, I'll offer up my art once again to the winner.
(And hurry up, Peregrine. The wait is killing me.)

Group Admin


...for some reason, I want one of the paragraphs to be drama >_>


The abandoned fic entries were quite nice and varied; it did its job in providing an interesting basis for stories.

However...I'm aware that a lot of folks thought about entering and ultimately didn't based on the prompt. Either because the prompt didn't speak to them or the thought of re-editing the prompt to fit their story was too exhausting/a turn-off.

Additionally, that prompt wasn't too long ago, and if any folks who entered the Twidash one were interested in writing for an Appledashlight contest, they might just 'nope' right out of here at the thought of doing something similar right away.

I'm kinda blanking on alternatives, though. It's so hard to write poly that's not novels, you know? So much stuff to cover. :applejackconfused:


Have you looked at the word counts of our letters?

Even if you cut out everything except the correspondences between AJ, Dash, and Twi among each other (which leaves out bits and pieces where the insanity leaked over into what was going on with everyone else), add them together with the...five side stories we've written for it, and it's well over 40,000 words by now, I'm sure. And we just got to the damn L word!


Unless the theme magically fits my already started fic, I probably won't be up for writing another contest so soon (I'm not even sure I'll get anything in for the TwiDash contest), but I would be willing to put up a prize, say any steam game up to $25 or $30.

Group Admin

I figure we'll need some time to plan, regardless. Probably worth waiting a month-ish before starting another contest. :rainbowderp:


I haven't actually, but if each letter averages out to 500 words (which I think it probably low), we have 68 letters between the three of us: 34,000 words.

Add the roughly 14,000 from the two Las Pegasus side stories alone and we're longer than Hitchhiker's Guide.

ETA: Actually did the math, actually little over 61,000 words for the Appledashlight. :rainbowderp:


True enough, but given that I already have a story in the works regardless, I think I'd rather sweeten the pot for other people. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Someone should compile the AJ/Dash/Twilight letters in a fic and we could then add it to this group

Group Admin

That's already being planned!

Group Admin

So I usually try to get the feathermarking thing from artists, when they have requests going and whatnot (as a matter of fact, I have one pending from Furor...). However, kits, in the channel I hang out in with him, is rather anti appledash. So when he said he does drawing requests, he'll twist any AppleDash request into something "else".

...cue this.

Woo, progress! The AppleDashLight has been hogging my attention lately when I should be working on a promised rewrite. Not super fast, but 500 words a day (or so) is pretty good, considering my usual pace of sod all for weeks at a time. Two chapters (5600+ words) are complete, which is roughly half the buildup to the start of the trio itself. (Also, it's too much fun writing scenes of a previous story from a totally different perspective.)

We've got a TwiDash adding AJ, and a TwiJack adding Dash, I'm looking forward to eventually completing the trifecta with an AppleDash adding Twi fic. :moustache:

Comment posted by DbzOrDie deleted Sep 12th, 2013
Group Admin

Squee! Looking forward to the trifecta being complete!

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