The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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Group Admin

Not to be a dick, but the prompt was everyday, not every day. Yes there is a difference. Look it up if you need to. Just figured I would point it out.

EDIT: Oh, but the story was great.

Group Contributor

I know; I wanted to write sth about everyday life, but then thought that it'd make too simple a story... On the other hoof, it really was 'everyday', not 'every day'... Dayumn. What do?

Group Contributor

I'm doing this from my phone, and tagging people is a nightmare. If I missed someone, oh well.

Prompt: Secrets
Words: 489
Time: Some amount of minutes.


The heavy bass coursed through Octavia’s body, violent vibrations stemming from the headphones upon her ears. Her hoof tapped and head bobbed with the beat, not by choice, but by the force of the music pushing against her. The thump pounded against her consciousness, only growing with each bar as she allowed herself to be lost in the music. She could feel her breathing get more and more ragged as the sounds increased in intensity.

Her head bobbing and hoof tapping soon evolved into hip swaying. As the intense sounds continued to scale a summit, her body continued slide into a new plane, where the only things existing were her movements and the music she was moving to.

She knew it was coming; she could hear the signs that a climactic electronic explosion was just on the horizon, and her moving body would be along for the ride. At this point, Octavia was dancing; it wasn’t the proper ballroom waltz she was used to, but true feeling and emotion translated into a passionate flailing of limbs and graceful chaos.

The headphones barely stayed secure as she spun, preparing for the peak of the music. She could feel her heart pounding in anticipation. The synthesised instruments increased in pace, and she was ready to be blasted with the cacophony of heavy bass and dirty, yet beautiful, melodies. The pitch continued to rise, as did her wild movements, until-

“‘Tavi! I’m home!”

In one swift motion fueled by adrenaline, Octavia grabbed the headphones and slammed them against a nearby wall, wincing as they broke apart into little pieces. She tossed her mp3 player to the side as well, this time careful to make sure it wasn’t destroyed.

She could hear Vinyl coming up the stairs; she had to come up with an excuse for her sweat drenched body, but what?

The door to her room opened, revealing her marefriend. “Hey ‘Tavi. What’s u- Whoa. Why are you all sweaty? Were you m-”

“No!” she quickly interrupted. “I was... exercising. Yes. Getting a good workout. A lady has to look her best.”

Vinyl looked skeptical at first, but then shrugged. “Alright, whatever. You shouldn’t worry about your weight so much, though. I like your butt just the way it is.” She smiled and turned to leave, but stopped. “Oh, have you seen my headphones?”

Octavia passed a nervous glance to the ruined pair on the opposite wall. “N- nope. Haven’t seen them...” she gulped.

Vinyl shrugged again. “Alright. Well if you do, let me know. Oh, and is it alright with you if I go to a party tonight? I would invite you, but I know you don’t like that ‘awful and dirty electronic scene’.”

“I- it’s fine with me, Vinyl.” She watched as the mare turned away, taking in a deep breath. “Wait.” Vinyl peeked back into the doorway. “This time... this time I think I’d like to go with you.”


Next prompt: Belly-rubs

Edit: for the record, Vinyl was about to say "Were you making pancakes?"

Group Contributor

So amazing. Just perfect. And, of course, you couldn't write a story without the word 'butt'. :raritywink:

Group Contributor

Thanks! And yes. The word 'butt' is the glue that keeps my stories together.

Group Contributor

Of course it does, because it's sweaty.

Group Admin

You do realize it is one word prompts, correct? (Nice story though)

Group Contributor

Belly-rubs. I fixed it.

Group Admin

That is incorrect. Not a real word. 'Belly' is the noun while 'rub' is the verb. It is a phrase, not a word. Now, you could turn it into a compound modifier with the hyphen, but you would need to change it to 'belly-rubbing'. (Yes, this is just me being a smartass, and yes, I do believe I am a little bit high (I have been cleaning my bathroom for over two hours, and, even with the door open and window cracked, the fumes end up getting to ya.), and no, I don't really mind.)

Group Contributor

If my goal was to do things correctly, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction :raritywink:

992589 :rainbowderp: that was... You are strange.

992695 :fluttercry:

992857 and now all I can think about is sweaty Octabutt.

Group Contributor

No thanks needed. I'm just doing my duty. :duck:

Group Admin

Dude, I had stepped downstairs to grab my computer and that part of the movie was on and that popped into my head. I had to.

994794i know that feeling.

Group Contributor

Hmmmm... A bit too late to start a story right now... If no one calls this prompt by morning (Southern California time) then I'll be taking it. :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

939363 933388 934268 994826 994794 993897 992876 992538 935274
Prompt: Belly-rubs
Words: 682
Time: Time is relative, dependent; you can save it, you can spend it.







Still no response. Vinyl Scratch clung to her fillyfriend, batting a loose strand of Octavia’s mane from side to side.

“Tavi, don’t ignore me,” pleaded Vinyl. “I hate being ignored. I think I’m allergic to it!” The DJ reared back in mock horror, putting a hoof to her chest. “Tavi, I’m going into Analeptic shock. And then I’ll die! Do you really want my death on your hooves?”

Octavia glanced at Vinyl, regarding her for a bit before turning back to her work. “Vinyl, I’m doing some rather serious work at the moment.”

“Work?” groaned Vinyl.

“Yes, work. You know, that thing that keeps a roof over our head?”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t put any food on the table!”

Octavia stared at Vinyl, a single eyebrow raised.

Vinyl stared back, a cheesy grin plastered across her face.

The cellist, realizing that she was fighting a losing battle, turned back to her sheet music. Octavia was able to write about two notes before a certain bored DJ wrapped her hooves around the grey mare.

“Tavi, let’s do something else!”

“No, Vinyl.”

“Please?” Vinyl leaned in towards Octavia’s ear. “I swear I’ll make it worth your while,” she whispered.

Octavia sharply rapped Vinyl’s forehead, just below the horn. The DJ didn’t even blink. “Foolish Tavi, I’ve grown immune to your Striking Hoof of Justice[TM]! Now nothing can get me off of you!”

The cellist rolled her eyes.

In order to prove her point, Vinyl nibbled Octavia’s ear, eliciting a yelp and another quick smack.

Okay, thought Vinyl, that kind of hurt. But she held on, playing with Octavia’s mane and bowtie as the cellist kept up a steady stream of blows.

Octavia was growing redder by the minute, trying desperately to get the unicorn off of her. But it seemed like Vinyl really had built a defense. Why do I try to work at home? It never plays out well.

The grey mare brought her hoof back for one last attempt to dislodge Vinyl, making weak contact with the DJ’s abdomen. Vinyl gave a small squeak and jumped off of Octavia.

The cellist turned, a slightly confused look in her eyes. “Vinyl, are you okay?”

Vinyl was clutching her stomach. “Yeah, just fine. I just… yawned, yeah, it was a yawn.” She gave a dramatic stretch to prove her point.

Octavia was not fooled. “Vinyl, you’re ticklish, aren’t you?” A dangerous gleam shone in her eyes as she slowly got to her hooves.

“No, not ticklish!” Vinyl said with a nervous laugh. “I’m sleepy, and I think I’ll go take a nap! I mean, you have all of that work to do.”

The DJ backed away from the cellist, trying to escape to the sanctuary of her bedroom. But Octavia was faster. The grey mare poked at Vinyl, causing the DJ to twitch. A grin spread across the cellist’s face.

Vinyl’s mind was screaming at her. Abort mission! Abort mission! Tavi’s gonna kill us with belly-rubs! Vinyl's body obeyed, jumping back just as Octavia landed a slightly harder poke. The DJ fell and Octavia followed her to the floor.

The cellist mercilessly rubbed at Vinyl’s stomach, and the DJ dissolved into a mix of laughter and pain. “Stop! Stop!” Vinyl pleaded through bursts of laughter. “Please, Tavi for—BAHAHA—for the love of Celestia, stop!”

But Octavia didn’t stop and Vinyl soon lost the energy to protest. She could only laugh, her entire body twitching weakly.

Only a few minutes had passed before Octavia let up, though it felt like hours to the giggling mess that vaguely resembled a DJ. Vinyl lay panting on the floor, small aftershocks of giggles randomly coursing through her. “T-Tavi. You’re… you’re scary.”

Octavia smiled, walking back to her sheet music. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Vinyl nodded weakly, and her head thumped back to the floor. A few moments passed in silence, only the sound of Octavia’s quill sounded through the room.

“Hey, Tavi?”

“Yes, Vinyl?”

“I don’t say it enough, but I love you.”

A smile and a blush spread across Octavia’s face. “I love you too, Vinyl.”

Group Contributor

Next Prompt: Concert
(I didn't forget the prompt... Who does that?) :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor

Awesome short, but you forgot the TM. :trollestia:
On the Striking Hoof of Justice [TM].

Group Contributor

I knew I was missing something! Added :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

Now that's cool! After all, I didn't trademark it in An Island for nothing! :pinkiehappy:
Spoiler: I didn't.

Group Contributor

That was beautiful. Bellies are made for rubbing. Especially when they're likely to be soft and fluffy as Vinyl's probably is.

Group Admin

That was sweet.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

Taking Concert, but I gotta go out, SO HOLD IT (not like it's going anywhere).

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

Claimed Prompt: Concert

Octavia breathed deep, letting out a sigh and glancing at herself in the mirror, adjusting her bowtie for the umpteenth time that night. Everything had to be perfect. She couldn't blow it. Her appearance was fine, but her nerves were shot. She didn't know if she could do this. They were agents out there! Agents! And now, here she was, supposed to perform Beethoofen's Moonlit Sonata flawlessly?

"Madame Philharmonica?" a tall thin pegasus mare questioned, glancing at the nervous cellist. "I realize this might not help, but you're on in two minutes."

Octavia nodded simply and swallowed. This was it. Her moment to shine, and hopefully make it. She could do this, couldn't she? She had known this piece since she was a filly, it was the first melody she had ever mastered. Why, she could play it backwards if she tried! ...But then again, stage fright was a sneaky little devil.

"And now, ladies and gentlecolts, our final performance of the night, may I present the young and wonderfully talented Miss Octavia Philharmonica..."

The announcer's words rang throughout the earth pony's head like a mantra - young. Wonderfully talented. Final performance.

'Oh, as if the pressure wasn't enough.' she thought bitterly.

Everypony had set through those other magnificent performances, and now, she was supposed to top those? She would probably have a better chance of sprouting wings right now and flying out the nearby window.

...But nonetheless, on shaky hooves, Octavia went onstage, looking through the entire crowd and now, she could barely stand up to play her cello as she saw multiple gazes completely locked on her and only her.

And yet, in the back row, waving her hooves like a mad mare, with a million dollar smile plastered on her expression, sporting her typical ruffian look, was none other than the one and only pony that could lift Octavia's spirits right now.

'Thank you for coming this concert, Vinyl.' she said to herself, as a small grin formed and in that moment, the beautiful melody wove from the cello strings and enraptured each and everypony in the hall.

It didn't matter if Octavia got that record deal now. Not if it meant each and every concert had that insane disk jockey in the crowd.

New Prompt: Language

Group Admin

I was actually coming to write whatever was up (to help get my creative juices flowing), but, I guess I ain't now, am I?

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1016618 Spoke too soon, my good man.

Group Admin


Moonlit Sonata flawlessly?

Isn't it "Moonlight Sonata"?

Great story kiddo. Claiming the next.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1016669 Gah, whatever - but thanks for pointing that out. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

'Tis what I do.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor


(I'm sorry - but I had to.)

Group Admin


Prompt: Language
Length: 449
Time Spent: ‘bout 22 minutes

“Come on, Vinyl. Please?” Octavia had been pleading with her fillyfriend for a good half an hour, to no avail.
“I already said no, Tavi. How else can I say it? ‘Shut the fuck up and leave me alone cuz I ain’t gonna do it’?”
“You could say it in Fancy,” Octavia replied, a little hurt at Vinyl’s outburst. Even though it wasn’t directed at her, it still hurt.
“Look. Tavi.” Vinyl took a deep breath before continuing. “Why should I waste hours, if not days, of my life on something I will never use? I don’t go to fancy restaurants all the time like you, or fancy parties. I don’t interact with the crème de la crème of society, so it would just be a waste of my time.” Vinyl felt as though she rationalized pretty well.
“Oh, so you need to get something you want back to do anything, huh?” Octavia said, a bit of venom in her voice.
“Tavi, that’s n-” Vinyl began, but was cut off by the grey mare.
“So you won’t do it just to do it? Just to say you can? You wouldn’t do it so my friends don’t think less of you, or make fun of you when they think I’m not listening?” Octavia’s eyes began to water. Her voice dropped to a near-whisper. “You wouldn’t do it for me?”
Vinyl went to wrap her hooves around the crying mare, but, when she reached out, Octavia turned away, causing Vinyl to sigh.
“Look, Octavia, I... When I was a filly, my mother’s boss spoke Fancy. He... wasn’t a very nice pony. He made her work the hardest and longest, since she was a ‘no good, worthless earth pony’. He would get mad at her for mistakes she didn’t even make. Nopony would do anything about it, because he knew people. He made our lives miserable and would force my mom to do... things to keep her job.
“Whenever I hear Fancy, I think of him.” Vinyl looked Octavia in the eye and gave a small smile. “But, if it really means so much to you, I will learn how to speak in Fancy. On one condition.”
Octavia jumped up and wrapped her hooves around the DJ’s neck. “You don’t have to if it brings back bad memories. I’m sorry I have been so pushy about it. I didn’t know.”
Vinyl pushed her back and held her shoulders, looking into her eyes. “On the condition that you will teach me and give me good memories for it to remind me of.” She pulled the grey cellist forward, locking their lips in a loving embrace.

New Prompt: soulless (no, gingers wasn't in mind when this came to mind... <_< >_> <_<)

Group Admin

I love John DiMaggio.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1016796 Awww, that was so bittersweet. :heart:

1016614 I'm trying to develop a theory on what makes for a really good prompt-tag story and this one fits the early version perfectly :twilightsmile:

1016796 aaaaand this one breaks it wide open. :raritydespair:

But they're both so good! Dammit, back to the drawing board...:fluttershysad:

Octavia Philharmonica?
I cringed so hard...

Group Admin

What, you got a problem that I used the fannon name instead of cannon? You also got a problem that I ALWAYS have Vinyl's eyes as red, not maroon?

Nope, just that it sounds... odd.
I'm fine with Vinyl's eyes as red, and I don't understand why people wouldn't.
The last name kinda... rhymed.
The prompt was good, but I had ta facehoof at that part.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1040150 Well, don't say that to Kody, take it up with CoffeeGrunt - he's the one who made up the name.

I have no problem with the name, other than the odd rhyming.
I'm new to the FiMFiction scene, and I have no idea what I'm doing.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1040162 Well, welcome to the site, but again, like I said, don't tell Kody that the name is odd - he didn't come up with it.

Group Admin

Well, that's cool. That has been her fannon name since... she became a character, really. Until her last name is said in the show, I really don't care. Even then, I probably won't change what I use. And I never really caught that it rhymed.

I had no idea she had a fannon surname.
Though, now that I think about...
I vaguely recall reading it somewhere else.
I'm not sure why, but I feel like giving her the surname 'Jones'.
Anyhoof, didn't mean to sound prudish.
Nice prompts...

Group Admin

Eh, it's cool. I didn't either. Just got up and I can be a bit dickish for a good hour. But thanks.

Mm, understandable.
I'm dead until I get my coffee.
Well, I'll stop distracting you with this conversation.
Carry on.

Group Admin

You can take the next prompt if you feel like it. Just scroll up and find what it is, claim it, and write it.


... You basterd. What the hell am I suppose to do with THIS!?
*Sigh* Oh well, prepare to be boarded and eye castrated scum. I shall now demonstrate on what NOT to do when writing a tragedy.

Weep as your eyes are butchered here and now.

Prompt: Soulless

Length: Unknown.

Time Spent: 20 minutes approximately.

"No..." Vinyl couldn't believe her eyes. Her heart beat accelerated dramatically. Her hooves were frozen to the ground, paralyzed in shock.

"No, this isn't happening. This is just a dream. A really bad nightmare."

"Vi-... Vinyl?" The white unicorn's heart leaped into her throat as she cradled the cellist in her arms. Blood pool around them on the concrete below, soaking both Vinyl's and Octavia's fur in crimson water. But that was the last thing on Vinyl's mind as she desperately tried to stop her flowing tears, her voice cracking as she hugged her beloved mare tightly.

"Yeah Octavia?"

"Could you... Tell everyone in Ponyville that I-"

"No! Don't you even think about that Tavi! You are going to be just fine, you hear me!? You are going to tell them that you are just fine, you got that?"

"Vinyl? I will always love you... Vin-" Octavia never got to finish as a crossbow bolt cut right into her throat. Her eyes momentarily shrunk into pinpricks as she gagged for a brief moment.

Then she was gone.

A numb coldness took Vinyl as her beloved vanished before her eyes. The mare that was once Octavia Staccato laid dead. Slowly however, she felt rage coarse through her veins. She looked up and snarled.

"You soulless fucking basterd." She rose to her hooves, bristling with anger, agony and sorrow, all bundle into one. Her target smirked as he reloaded, magicking another bolt to his weapon.

"All in a day's work Vinyl. You shouldn't have crossed me. Now you have paid the price." As to further mock her, he casually flipped the murder weapon and balanced it on his nose, before grabbing it with his tail.

A red veil shrouded Vinyl's vision as she released a war cry, charging her assailant. She felt her hooves turn into a storm of fury.

Then there was a loud "splurgh".

The laughing had stopped.

And slowly, Vinyl crawled back to her cellist, laid her head on Octavia's chest, and sobbed through out the night.
And that is what I call shite without emotion! Please never replicate this gentlemen.

Next prompt!


I think I'm going to claim this one against my better judgement.

Prompt: Guilt

Length: 430 words.

Time spent: around half an hour.

“Look, I said I’m sorry, what more do you want?” I cried, vainly trying to overpower the hair rising tinkle of ceramics on the linoleum. My marefriend, my beautiful, perfect marefriend, simply ignored me, as she had or the past hour. My belongings littered the floor around her, the area a minefield of broken glass and carelessly discarded paper. All I could see was her long, silky black mane, as she dug through our cabinets, carelessly tossing aside anything of mine in her search for the things she wished to take with her.
I again cried out to her “You can’t be leaving! What about all the good times we’ve had! You won’t actually throw it all away over such a trivial issue!” My only answer was the slamming of the cabinet as she came out clutching her mother’s china. She again avoided my gaze as she sauntered into the bedroom, and secured the dishes within her rapidly filling suitcase.
I slumped to the floor, softly murmuring “I know I screwed up, but please don’t leave me. We can get you a new cello. Please. I need you…” I saw a flicker of doubt in her, as she briefly glanced my way out of her eye’s corner. The moment was brief before the steel resolve returned to her eyes and she turned back to her possessions, giving her pillow a vicious blow to fit it in.
“Look,” I begged “Please stay, I’ll do anything you like. We can go to those fancy restaurants you like every night, we can go to those boring operas, and I won’t even fall asleep! I promise! I’ll barely even blink!” my hooves around her legs as she arranged her clothes into the bag exactly right, and closed the lid. She began her transit to the door, stepping out of my grasp. I merely stayed on the ground, silent sobs escaping me as I could barely muster the enthusiasm for another plea.
The creaking of the door echoed in the otherwise silence. I heard a quiet voice drifting back towards me, too quiet to know for sure, but I could have sworn it said “goodbye” before the door clicking back into its frame shattered the stillness for a brief moment, and all was quiet again. I collapsed to the floor in tears, shaking with my grief. The splinters of the shattered cello littered the ground around me. An impossibly deep chasm opened up all around me, trapping me from all sides. I was alone. I was alone, and had no one to blame but myself.

Next prompt: Adventure

(Curse it Preto, this is why we leave writing to writers)


Aaaaand I forgot to tag people. :facehoof:
Just do me a favor and look at the post above this one. :facehoof:

Not bad, but I am filled with massive amounts of pseudo-hate for you.
I had a brilliant idea for this prompt, but I missed it.
Oh well, neat.

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