The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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Two weeks, huh? Guess it's time to jump start this thing again.

Just need an idea...


(I may have double-tagged a couple of you. Sorry!)

Prompt: Adventure

"Stalking through the underbrush, Daring Do move ever closer to her target..."

Octavia watched Vinyl slip between the racks. The grey mare seriously considered leaving right away.

"She knows her quarry can't be far away..." The white mare peered around a display of cardigans.

Octavia didn't proclaim to the whole store that she didn't know this pony, but only just.

"No treasure can stay out of Daring Do's hooves for long!" Vinyl didn't shout it, much to Octavia's relief. Still, the cellist had had enough of this.

Octavia stomped between the clothes. "We are not stalking through the jungle, we are at Nordstallion's buying scarves! This is not an adventure!"

"It is if we want it to be! Two star-crossed lovers, held apart only by their lack of winter clothing, set forth on a quest to--" Vinyl began.

"Will. You. Be. Quiet!" the bow-tied mare hissed.

"You're no fun. Oh, and the scarves are right there." Vinyl wilted under her marefriend's glare.

"Hmmph! Come on then, let's get them and get out of here before you embarrass me any more." She grabbed two thick, woolly scarves off gthe top of the table, not caring about the colors.

Vinyl grabbed them with her magic. "Not those. These." The DJ picked up a two-toned blue scarf, sky blue and azure, and another pink scarf with white fringes. She draped the pink one around Octavia's face, covering her snout.

"I'm going to offer to pay with tales of adventure!" Vinyl laughed.

Octavia's stare could have melted all the snow in Manehatten. Most of Caneighda, too.

Okay, not my best work, but I'll post it.

Next Prompt: Pets.

Incidentally, I also tagged myself.

Aww, everybody left it. May I lay a claim?

Group Contributor

As long as you lay down the tags I don't see why not. It might even revive this thread.

Time-37 minutes
Length-600- something words

“No. No as in No Way,” Vinyl stated.

“But, Vinyl, PLEASE? He just looks ever-so-lonely and I need someone to keep me company at night when you’re DJ-ing. Please?” Octavia begged.

“No, Tavi. We are not keeping it. There is NO WAY I’m letting that THING stay here! I am the only one who can be lazy around here, and that DEMON won’t change that! So, for the last time, Tavi, NO!”

“Fine! I’ll just keep him in our- I mean MY room! Go ahead and be lazy- on the couch! Come on, Mr. Snuggles. Let’s go to bed,” Octavia grumped. With an angry "Goodnight" spit at Vinyl, she pounded up the steps.


Hours later, Vinyl sneezed and sneezed while trying to get comfortable on the couch. That damn cat… She was pretty sure Octavia knew she was allergic, but seeing as how they only had one other instance having a cat in the house, and they hadn’t kept it very long (it attacked Vinyl’s face very grumpily, then they called a REAL cat-sitter for it- that is, after Octavia had stopped laughing long enough to get out the phone book), they didn’t have much experience around them.

Vinyl rubbed her eyes and sat up, about to sneak back upstairs to hunt for some allergy medicine. Crawling up the steps was hard- they were creaky, and, from experience, Vinyl knew Octavia was a light sleeper.

Opening the door to the bedroom carefully, trying not to wake her, Vinyl snuck in the bedroom, in complete Daring Do stealth-mode until she arrived in front of the bathroom door. She glanced behind her, her eyes resting upon the grey mare, who was undoubtedly the loudest snorer she had ever heard. Stifling a giggle, Vinyl pushed the door to the bathroom open, slipped in, and then pushed it shut. She flipped the light switch and walked over to the cabinet. The allergy medicine was at the back. Using her magic, she pulled it out and opened the bottle. ‘Ugh, cherry,’ she thought. ‘Do medicine companies really not know what fruit tastes like?’ Choking it down, she put the bottle back, and turned around, stopping only to flip the light switch off.

As she made her way through the room, she paused, hearing a groan. ‘Oh, she’s just stretching in her sleep,’ Vinyl sighed to herself. ‘She really is beautiful when she’s sleeping. I’m a lucky mare,’ Vinyl babbled in her mind.

She started crawling down the steps again, very, VERY carefully. For some reason they were louder going down than going up. ‘Hehe, going down,’ Vinyl snickered to herself.

Something made the steps creak. Freezing yet again, about halfway down the steps, Vinyl Jerked her head backwards. The cat had followed her. ‘Goddamnitallthatstupidcatfollowedme!’ She seethed. Glaring at the cat, she quietly hissed, “Shoo! Get away! Go back upstairs!”

The cat, obviously ignoring her, started purring and started rubbing against Vinyl’s hooves. Her mouth was a small ‘o’ as she realized how soft and fluffy the cat was.

Still making her way down the steps, they white mare smiled to herself. She actually liked cats! ‘There is no way I am letting Tavi know about this,’ Vinyl said to herself. Collapsing on the couch, whispering “Here, kitty, kitty,” Vinyl started drifting under sleep's spell. Mr. Snuggles (as named by Octavia) jumped on top of her and curled into a ball while Vinyl unconsciously pet her until they were both asleep.


Octavia tucked the two sleeping bodies in and turned out the light, heading back upstairs. ‘I knew if she got to know him, they would be best friends.’

She went to sleep, a smile upon her face.

Comment posted by Beatrice Wilde deleted Jul 25th, 2013

>> ForlanceAbice>>1040271>>1040259>>1040173>>1018525>>1001557>>1001444>>1001387>> Lynked>> AcreuBall>> oberon

I dunno how to tag *embarrassed* I copied the tags that I just put from other comments :fluttershysad:
New Prompt: Movies

Comment posted by Beatrice Wilde deleted Jul 25th, 2013

Trying but untimately failing to tag.

Group Admin

Your tag for me worked. And I see you used my little header thingy I did for whatever reason I did.

Nice story. 'Twas cute. And I couldn't help but notice the refence to my one prompt. It may just be the fact it's two in the morning (I am VERY giddy at this time), but I can't seem to stop laughing about that (I reread it the other day. I'm not a vain guy, but I found it pretty funny).

I haven't had internet for over a month (one month, three days, twelve hours, and approximately thirty-two minutes (add thirty minutes for cable), but whose counting? Not me!), and I wasn't tagged in the last one, don't think, so that is my excuse for why this is dying. Glad you are attempting to bring it back. And I would love to claim that (blood is pumping from listening to Death Punch's new song, so I can't sleep (more than normal)), but I am stuck on my phone.

Also, I say unneccisary thingies when I am up late, as you may have noticed.

Group Admin

Tagging becomes bothersome when there are multiple pages. It doesn't tell you who you tagged after you post or preview. Sometimes end up multitagging peeps.

And I know the whole allergic to cats bit. I have an allergy to cats (doesn't always bother me. Completely random), but I can't stay away from them.

It's two in the morning. I'm running on a fudge-pop and pizza. I need sleep, too, but I'm too lazy to... Weird, huh? Who woulda thought someone could be too lazy to sleep? Seems counter-productive.

I grew up with a cat. Cats normally irritate me... I don't have allergies, but those grumpy, lazy, cats that normally don't let people hold them makes me dislike them.
Thank you for your praise, by the way. That actually means a lot. It's the first actual short story/prompt (piece of writing) that I've shared with the world. 1356952

Group Admin

I usually lie in bed for an hour or two before falling asleep. Even if it is two in the morning and I was working all day (I'm a contractor, so my work can be taxing). Though, that has only happened once (generally go to bed fairly early (relatively speaking) when I have to work). Went to bed at ten, got up for some water and it was two. Then back up at eight. Usually in bed at ten, out at midnight (when working).

Group Admin

Good work deservse praise. Your gammar was good, your comma usage was good (some people (Josh) use commas... extensively in the wrong areas and it... bugs me), spelling, well written (few parts coulda been flushed out a bit better (nothing that hindered), but when writing prompts some things get overlooked and they are little things that didn't hurt anything), etc.

For your first posted thing, it was really good. You can only improve.

That's confusing. I usually just do internetz when I have free time. Just finished up with school stuff, moving, visiting family. Found some time to just be on internetz. Chose to stalk look at some pony-related stuff that I hope to find more Josh-related stuff in. -_- He quit, and it's makin' me have feels, y'know? Sad, frustrated feels... Shedding-liquid-pride-feels.

What was wrong with it, specifically, so I can see what I could've done better? 1357015

Group Admin

I was suppose to start college this month, but losing internet hindered that (have a bunch of work lined up I can't back out on so I was gonna do online courses, but it's kinda hard when I don't have internet).

Eh, he lost his interest in a hobby. Happened to me plenty. He may get it back, may not. Only time will tell.

He is my favorite author. Yes, I think he deserves the title "Author" because his work is just that amazing.

Group Admin

Be glad I am in the mood to procrastinate...

Stifling a giggle, Vinyl pushed the
door to the bathroom open, and then pushed it

She pushed it open then pushed it shut. Small, but obtrusive (that the word I want? Meh.).

cherry,’ she thought,‘do medicine co

After thought should be a period.

Small things like that. And using one word a few too many times in close proximity to each other when it could have easily been substituted.

Would point more out, but my phone doesn't like me going back and editing my typed messages. And it needs to charge and I can't use the keyboard while it is. As I said, it was really good, just a few small, easily fixed and avoidable for next time, thingies.

I'll go back through and find things. Mostly punctuation?

Methinks it's slightly better. Let's see how others react to it. You laid claim to the next prompt (movies)?1357073

Group Admin

No. Your punctuation is pretty spot on. Its small thigns that would be easier to point outfrom my computer (and I have neverbeen to good with criticism. Ask just about anyone).

Let’s go tobed,”Octavia grumped. She started
pounding up the steps.

Here is probably the biggest. The way the second part is written, it seems as thogu something will follow, but then it ends. It would have been better if it were combined and changed, like so:
Let's go to bed," Octavia grumped, as she pounded up the steps (or Octavia grumped, pounding up the steps). Maybe even add smething about Vinyl's reaction (...steps, leaving a bewildered Vinyl standing alone).

And the first thing I pointed out (about the bathroom), you only had her open and close the door. She never entered the room.

Group Admin

No. I would, but I can't typue a story from my phone. It is still open.

1357161 You are forgiven for your many errors in those last few comments, seeing as how it's three in the morning and your phone is a butt and dislikes being used for this website (?).

Group Contributor

1356957 You're telling me.

Prompt by Beatrice Wilde: Movies!

Word count: 2,013
Time Spent: One and a half American Dollars


"Your movies suck."

Dusty disks flew through the air, found wings, then discarded them in favor of flopping to the floor.

"Vinyl!" Those are classics!"

"Yeah, well there's a reason ponies remake classics."

Another disk flew into the air like a frisbee, a sparkling sail catching on the humid air and landing in the lap of one peeved earth pony.

"Vinyl, please stop throwing my movies. We don't have enough space in here to warrant throwing things around, unless you want to paint over another set of scrapes in the wall--"

"I said I was sorry for that!" Vinyl turned on her hooves, narrowly avoiding grinding a copy of a Charneigh Chaplin anthology to nothing underneath her. Octavia winced once, then twice as Vinyl beat against the floor with a strained look of accusation. "I said I was sorry, and you forgave me." She turned around, stuffing her face back into the cabinet. "I don't like it when you bring old stuff up."

"Alright. I'm sorry."

The apology dulled Vinyl's sharp tone. "It's fine. It's not your fault. It's not my fault, either. It's the stupid apartment's fault for being so damn small."

"What have I told you about cursing?" Octavia knew that Vinyl had taking to ignoring lectures as a hobby and dropped the jest in favor of an issue much more pressing. "And what don't you like about the apartment?"

Vinyl turned again, this time conscious of the old Chaplin disk sitting perilously close to her hooves. She brushed it away into the center of the room. Octavia breathed a sigh of relief, but just as quickly found the wind stolen from her lungs by a violent inhale from her partner. "I hate," Vinyl began, "that I can't walk three feet without stubbing my hooves on a couch or coffee table or whatever that vase-thingy is in the corner. Everything's so close together, it's like we're suffocating ourselves in style."

"It's a vase, with a soft 'A'," Octavia murmured, more to herself than to her fuming friend.

"I hate that we don't have central air. I hate that it's so damn hot I can't breathe unless the door's thrown wide open, and that just invites bugs in. I hate that every time I turn around and try to find something I'm either knocking you over or sticking my rear end in your face--and I hate that there's no room for anything that hasn't been vacuum-packed and crushed by an anvil. I hate that I can't give my favorite coffee mug the decency of a cupboard because it's too tall to fit into any of the shelves we had. It's gonna grow mold if it sits in the sink for a day longer, and then I'll have lost two of the things that would have otherwise made this place a tiny bit more like home."


"I hate that the walls are so thin! I'm terrified whenever we have to talk about something important because I think our neighbor's gonna overhear us talk about our finances or our social security numbers or--God forbid, something intimate. Who knows, they can probably hear us shouting now!"

"You're not shouting. But that doesn't mean you can't lower your voice--"

Vinyl's voice cracked as it flattened out at the top of her vocal register. "I hate that we didn't have enough space to keep my records, but we had enough room for that stupid vah-ze. I hate that between the both of us gigging our asses off for three months we couldn't even make enough money to keep the one place we finally had the nerve to call a home--"

Vinyl slumped into a thick seat of silence, her breathing the only sound in the room. The mare on the couch seemed an eternity away, pushed like a toy boat into an ocean by the strong arms of profanity.



"No, really. Fuck." Vinyl threw her hooves up, spent. "We lost, Octavia. We tried our best, but hey! Our best wasn't enough. We're not even good enough to keep a steady roof over our heads. Nope, first we had to hop around every motel that took credit until we even found this stupid place and now we're here and there is never enough space and I'm gonna lose all my records and they're gonna sell them for two bits a bundle because nopony wants to buy records anymore. Really, I don't know what other word to use other than 'fuck'! Because that's what we are. We're fucked. We're fucked because we have to live in this ratty apartment even though we're rubbing hooves with ponies who have financial security through their fifth generation of grandfoals every day. We're fucked because even with all the scraping and the gigging, we might have to go back to motel-hopping, again. That's why we're fucked. Really, it's the perfect word for this exact situation. Profanity's got a messed up sort of eloquence to it."

"You could try a word that doesn't hurt me as much as that one."

Octavia's reply seared Vinyl's tongue with a hot poker, shriveling it in an instant. A long moment of nothing passed. Each droplet of humidity clinging to the air became an intangible horn, screeching and belting every symphony and every sharp note at the same time yet still playing nothing at all. It transformed both of them into fuming fillies once more, filling their heads with malice and recycling it out in a mad effort to find words somewhere between the waves of hot air.

"You curse too much when you're angry, Vinyl." Octavia's tone carried no malice. Only stuttering sadness on the brink of being fully comprehended and given the gravity it deserved.

"I know."

"You scare me when you curse like that."

Vinyl's voice shattered. A broken, alien, "I know," trickled from her mouth.

"You don't curse unless you're really angry."

"It's just--" something vulnerable slid down Vinyl's cheek an instant too quick for her hoof. It brushed along her narrow cheeks before it had the sense to drop down towards the littered floor and catch it in its tracks, smearing a thin streak of grey on the bridge of her muzzle before she worked up the nerve to finish it off. "I bought a few of them with my allowance, back when I was a filly. My mom told me never to waste my allowance--she said it was important that I be careful with my bits, because money's gonna be a really important thing to manage when you grow up, and you gotta know how to handle money well if you don't want to end up sleeping in a motel for the rest of your life." She stiffened, but her eyes did not break from their stoic glare at the floor. "I don't want to waste them."

The room grew smaller, if that was even possible. The walls warped like plastic held over a fire, molding itself around the two mares and squeezing a sigh from Octavia's lips.

"We still have the records?" she finally asked.

"Yeah. You were gonna take them to the donation center tomorrow and sell them. I was gonna stay here and do... I don't know, something."

"We could put the records in a milk crate, then put the vase on top of it." Octavia cast a glance at the ornament. It seemed to throw its arms up in surrender to her compromise.

"We could do that." Vinyl's eyes never left the floor. "We would need to put something flat on top of the carton so the vase wouldn't fall."

"Like a pane of glass."

"But we'd need to be able to take it off, so we could actually get to the records."

"We could do that."

Vinyl shifted, this time pawing nervously at the disks still scattered about on the floor. A lump of indecision stuck in her throat and held her tongue, but she swallowed it in a moment. "Whose idea was it to watch a movie again?"

"Mine, Vinyl."

Vinyl nodded. "Did you want to watch Chaplin?"

"I'd prefer if we did, yes." The earth pony paused. "Though, if you still wanted to watch that new action movie with that handsome griffon on the cover you rented from the library, that would be okay--"

"No," Vinyl cut her off. "No, Chaplin's fine. Like your friends say, I need to get some culture into me if I want to make it as the marefriend of a refined lady as yourself, or I'll get culture-shock when I'm making out with you and die."

Octavia giggled. The walls burst into joyous smiles upon hearing the subtle laugh for the first time, straining to give the mares a few extra inches of space as a reward. "That's not what they said, you liar."

"Totally is. You have the weirdest friends."

"I know." Her forelegs stretched towards Vinyl, the call of a siren beckoning her lover towards her, a look sincere need on her face. "Get it started, and then come over here and keep me warm."

Vinyl saluted, mashed a few buttons on the television set. "Uh, the disk--"

"Left rear hoof, don't step too far back or you'll be buying a new one."


In a flash, Vinyl had cleared the fog around her head and thrown the disk into the try. She beat it back to the couch, settling into the cushions and letting loose a contented wheeze similar to that of the couch underneath her.

Something, fragile like porcelain and obtrusive to the eye in such a casual closet as their apartment, still made Octavia's eyes sore. "Vinyl?"


"Do you really hate the apartment? I know it's not the best. But, do you hate it?"

The question slowed Vinyl's frantic padding the couch as she tried to get comfy. "Do I hate it?"

"Yes. Do you hate it?"

"Yes," she replied without a second thought. "For all the reasons I stated earlier, I hate this place." She finally found a soft spot in the cushion, sinking into it with sigh. "But home is what you make of it. And I guess it's not entirely fair that I haven't been making very much of it."

Octavia leaned back from Vinyl, confusion written on her face. "But, to say that would be to imply you thinking--" Her eyes exploded with hope, frail yet growing quickly, nurtured by the opening credits bursting onto the screen before them in boisterous grey-scale. Without a sound, she leaned back into the center of the couch, pawing at her partner's side until she found a place to rest her head. As the opening credits retreated back into the top of the screen like a rising curtain, she felt the soft rhythm of drums accompany the new faces on-screen.

Counting a steady tempo to the movements on screen was the greatest conductor of all, the steady beating of home held secure in her partner's chest.

1357283 Yes. Just yes. Amazing. Next prompt? Tags?

Group Contributor

1357302 Next prompt: Morning Coffee.

Ahh, I lay claim. Haha, funny thing is, my favorite picture of Octavia is in the morning drinking coffee.

Prompt-Morning Coffee

Sitting down at the pale green table, awaiting her coffee, Octavia sighed.

She had once been a well-respected, wealthy mare. Now she was practically nothing. She was practically nothing due to the fact that nopony wanted HER type of music when there was that awful DJ PON3, Vinyl Something-Or-Other. She was barely scraping by, doing little errands for people when she could. Because Vinyl's "modern" music had kicked her music out of society.

I'm out of date, the cellist sighed.

Before she could get into more self-pity, the bells chimed at the door of the practically deserted coffee house (Octavia's favorite ever since she discovered, well, coffee). Glancing up, not really curious, Octavia blinked, then blinked again, trying to register what she thought she was seeing.

Anger replacing confusion, she fumed, taking deep breathes, trying to hold herself together before she made a scene. Vinyl. Was. Here.

Disbelief came about as Vinyl slid into the booth opposite Octavia. Octavia was just blinking, words deserting her.

"Hey, baby, how's it goin'?" Vinyl winked at her. "Just strollin' through here, thought I would stop and check out the view," She let her eyes travel to Octavia's flank.

Sheesh, she's most uncouth, Octavia thought. Clearing her throat and gathering what was left of her mental state, she spoke. "Hello. What brings you here, to, ah, MY table?" She was trying to be discreet about laying hints. It wasn't working. Being discreet just never was Octavia's thing. She liked to be blunt, normally kind and polite about it. Not with this mare.

"Like I said, the view brought me here," Vinyl repeated with yet another wink.

"It's amazing you can see anything with those atrocities upon your eyes," Octavia stated, observing the purple glasses Vinyl was never without.

"Woah, what's with the hating on me? What did I do?" Vinyl said, actually shocked that Octavia didn't like her. She doesn't even know me! Vinyl cried inside her head.

"What did you do? Oh, I'll tell you what you did!" Octavia yelled, surprising herself and everyone around her, including the waitress that had just brought her steamy cup of coffee. "Creamer? Sugar? Milk?" She asked innocently, but not without curiosity.

"Just leave the milk on the table, please," Octavia sighed. The waitress set the pitcher of milk down and sashayed back to the kitchen.

Everything settling back down, Octavia poured a decent amount of milk into her coffee when she realized Vinyl was being uncharacteristically quiet.

Looking up, she saw that Vinyl had removed her glasses, revealing her ruby red eyes. they were staring back at her. Blinking yet again, Octavia began speaking like the civil mare she was raised to be.

"You've ruined my career. You've ruined it with your awful, awful 'modern' music. I don't have a home. I barely have any bits. The only thing I can ever afford is my morning coffee. And that has to last me an entire day. So yes, I pretty much hate you, Vinyl Scratch."

"Hey, how about we get to know each other? You've never met me. I've seen you around. I'm sorry for being so slimy, but I've kinda had a crush on you for a while now. I didn't know how to deal with it. It's never happened before. Umm... you like mares, right? 'Cause I don't want to be obtru- obtrus- unpersonal. Impersonal? Oh, you know what I mean, right?" Vinyl babbled.

Octavia smiled to herself. "Yes, I like mares, not that it's any of your business." Damn, she thought. I really should try to be nicer. SHE'S trying to be nicer. Why can't I?

"You wake up early, right? Like, at dawn, or whatever time the sun comes up, right?" Vinyl asked, somewhat shyly. Shy? Since when is Vinyl Scratch 'shy'? Octavia wondered.

"Yes, I wake up at dawn, then I walk down here. Kinda around 7-ish," Octavia said.

"Hey, what's your name, by the way?" Vinyl said. "Octavia," she said bluntly.

"'Tavi, I'll see you tomorrow, around 7-ish when the sun comes up, and we can start anew. I'm buying you morning coffee every day from now on, so we can know each other better." Tossing some bits on the table, she got up and headed for the door.

Just as she got to the door, she turned back and said "I'm sorry, 'Tavi. I really am."

And she was gone.

Until the next day, when she would come back.

And Octavia found herself smiling into her one cup of morning coffee

New Prompt- Nightmare Night (ponified Halloween)

1357283 That was beautiful.

1357409 That was good too.

Group Contributor

1363483>>1357302 Thank you both for the kind words.

Geez, you sure that these are the first two things you've published online?
I think they're pretty dang good, If I may say so myself.
You chose good verbs, like "Sashayed" and "Seethed".
Color me impressed!

1365043Well, yeah, They are my first two things. Just after that I wrote a chapter of a new story I'm writing. ^-^
Thank you for the compliment :3 I read a lot and that's given me a vocabulary that is a little more than average (not to sound conceited or anything, but it tends to be that I'm a walking encyclopedia for some of my friends and my family). If you wanna check out my story, go ahead, I would love to provide a link or something (it's not that good, so I won't be hurt if you're not interested).
Anyway, should we change the prompt?

Umm, so, I'm not sure, but is this thread completely dead?

Group Contributor

I don't think the last user left a prompt, so... yeah.

1388052 Prompt is Nightmare Night (1357423), and these things have been known to lay dormant for weeks at a time until someone picks it back up. So, if you can pick a couple costumes, write a story!

Or call me a hypocrite. I just want attention.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

(I think that's everyone.)


Seeing how no one's picked up on this thread for weeks, yes, I know it's my fault, don't kill me, let's throw out a new prompt?

How about... Classic?

1728282 Haven't seen you in a while... I like the new avatar

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1728704 I know, >_> Bleck. Summer.
Thanks, by the way. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hehe. Your prompt is stil there. I lay- wait. I don't have internet. Still on the phone. Ah, life.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor


Do something with Question, that's easy, yeah?

Group Admin

Hey, young lady, I have been internetless for a while. SUPPOSED to be getting it very soon.

Group Contributor

I'm trying to undie, I swear! But the world is being a grand jackass![](/raritywhy)

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1926464 Ohhh, ok, fine, you haz a valid excuse :P. Was wondering why I haven't seen you lurking around in a while anyway.

  • Viewing 201 - 250 of 344