The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

1927043 I know that feel, brony. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

I don't lurk, I skulk. There's a difference. And it should be set up Monday.

Flip the world the bird, say "Fuck you", and get on with life. Works for me.

Group Admin

Heyz, guess what? I have sat here for the past hour or so (which means WAY more than an hour) doing nothing but listening to music. I could be writing, but I wasn't feeling like it. So I felt like stealing. I am stealing this prompt. MINE!!:twilightangry2:

Group Admin


Prompt: Question
Length: 237
Time Spent: 20 Minutes

It’s like she’s entrusting me with her future. Well, technically, I guess she is. Wow. This is huge. It’s funny how one simple question can change the course of one’s life forever. I can’t believe she finally asked me. Wow. After everything, after all the time we have spent together, she finally asked me. I should probably answer her. She may be getting the wrong idea, or be getting uncomfortable or something.
“Yes, Octavia,” Vinyl said, a smile lighting her alabaster face, “I would LOVE to take care of your double bass.”
“Thank you, Dear.” Octavia smiled after the retreating unicorn, who seemed to have an extra pep to her step. “I have been lugging that case around all day. I am so sore. I think I- DON’T YOU DARE DROP IT!”
Something caused the grey cellist’s mind to think of all the times her marefriend had made jokes about her ‘dropping the bass’ whenever she used a double bass. That would explain why she seemed awestruck when I asked her.
“Pfft! What? Pshaw! Octy, babe, you really think I would do such a thing?” Vinyl asked as she made it back to the living room. She sat next to Octavia on the couch, her blue tail mixing with the earth pony’s black, and removed her purple shades to rub her eyes. “I am accosted. Truly hurt. I…”
Octavia turned her head, raising an eyebrow. “Really, Vinyl?”

New prompt: Hero (which is the name of the Skillet song that is currently blasting into my brain)

Group Admin

I was scrolling through to tag everyone, and saw this comment.

Go fuck yourself, Kody.:ajbemused:

It made me laugh. The conversation was you claiming the next prompt and me saying no.

Group Contributor

Old good times :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

I miss them so much. Me and Simply were talking about me stabbing people with his shinbone the other night.

Group Contributor

Ah, the sharpest weapon~

Group Admin

And it is my favored weapon.:ajsmug:

2064153 A: good story!

B: I have the Enrique Iglesias version stuck in my head now. Bastard. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

A: Thank you.

B: I don't know it. But I love causing people harmless discomfort.:twilightsmile:

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1925040 1058765 1357409 1490831 1144731 1058789 992857 935274 939363 933388 2064153
Fuck it, I've got no excuse to not be able to write this. Half an hour max, and I'm not even in school. I'll claim this one.
Next Prompt, in case anyone's getting into the writing spirit, will be "Boo!"

Group Admin

Don't you wish there was an easier way to tag people? And if nobody claims it by time you post, I'll take it. An idea popped into my brain instantly.

Group Contributor

1931600 1058765 1357409 1490831 1144731 1058789 992857 935274 939363 933388 2065438
Prompt: Hero
Time Spent: The length of half an hour on Pluto.

“Onwards, Tavi! Onwards for great justice!”
Vinyl Scratch struck a pose, her hoof pointed dramatically forward as she threw her cape behind her. Her bright purple half mask, the same shade as the shades she normally wore, slipped down over her eyes.
Octavia Philharmonica glanced up from her book. “Onwards for what, Vinyl?”
“Justice! Great Justice! The kind that can only be served by Super-P0N3 on Nightmare Night.” Vinyl turned around, trotting back to their bedroom. “Don’t worry, you have a costume too.”
Octavia blinked, turning back and forth between her book and her marefriend. “A costume,” she muttered to herself, “great.”
“Seriously, Octy,” came Vinyl’s voice, “I saw this and I thought of you. It’s awesome.”
“Wonderful.” Images of spandex and too-short pants danced through Octavia’s head. She shivered slightly.
Vinyl returned, toting a grey business suit in her magic. “I had to sew up a couple buttons and stuff, but there wasn’t anything too bad.” She floated it over to Octavia. “And it should fit. But put it on, just in case.”
Octavia blinked at the floating ensemble. “It’s a… suit.”
“It’s a… rather nice suit.”
“I guess. I don’t wear a lot of suits.”
Octavia turned her gaze towards Vinyl. The grey mare’s brow knit itself slightly.
“Oh yeah, I forgot!” The magic surrounding the suit dissipated as Vinyl ran back to the bedroom. Octavia had to lunge to keep the rather nice suit from hitting the ground.
Vinyl was already jauntily trotting back, a pad of paper and a quill floating before her. “Can’t be a reporter without these.”
“A reporter?”
“Well duh. Want kinda superhero doesn’t have a reporter as a special somepony?” Vinyl paused. “Okay, most of them don’t, but Supermare does! And that’s the only one that really matters.”
Realization struck Octavia and she smiled. “I was half expecting a Robin the Colt Wonder costume.”
“What, with those green panties?” Vinyl laughed, then a dangerous smirk came over her. She pulled Octavia closer and whispered, “That’s for later.”
Octavia turned pink, and smacked Vinyl in the side. The DJ reeled away, clutching at her ribs as she chuckled.
“But you are gonna put it on, right?” asked Vinyl.
The cellist turned even redder. “Vinyl, so help me, I’ll feed you to Nightmare Moon if you--”
“The reporter costume!” said Vinyl hurriedly. “Not the panty one.”
Octavia glanced at the suit, then at her abandon book. “Trick-or-treating, Vinyl? I haven’t celebrated Nightmare Night in ages. And aren’t we a bit too… mature for treats?”
Vinyl gasped. “No! Hell no! C’mon Octy! A bit of trick-or-treating, then we’ll go see Lyra and Bonnie; they always throw awesome parties! It’ll be fun!”
Octavia gave a half-smile.
“I didn’t wanna have to resort to this.” Vinyl pulled off her mask and turned towards her marefriend, unleashing the power of puppy dog eyes that had been polished over the years. “Please Tavi? For me? I really want to be your hero, even if it’s just for tonight.”
Octavia tried to meet the eyes head on. And failed miserably. “Alright, Vinyl. Just give me a moment to get ready.”
“Yay!” Vinyl took the suit in her magic, then trotted towards Octavia. “Trust me, it’ll be awesome. I’m the best hero ever.” She lightly kissed her marefriend, then pushed the suit in front of her.. “Now go put your sexy flank into this!”
Octavia rolled her eyes. “My hero.”

Next prompt is still: Boo!
Yeah, it's a bit of a bitch. We should get people to moan at Knighty about it. Because that normally works.

Group Admin


Prompt: Boo!
Time spent: ‘boot an hour

“Vinol, stop scawring me like that,” a little grey earth pony filly pouted to her white unicorn friend.
“Aww, come on, Tabi. Whiten up,” Vinyl said, pulling off a white sheet. “It’s my sponsatility to scawr ponies. It’s Nightmare Night!”
“Well, I don’t wanna be ascareded. I don’t like it.” The grey filly hung her head in shame, her black mane covering her eyes.
“You don’t have to!” Vinyl squeaked, rushing to her friends side.
“But what ‘bout all the scawry costumes?” Vinyl looked into her friends lavender eyes and smiled.
“I will pertect you from them, so you don’t have to be ascareded.” As she finished, she stuck what she thought was a heroic pose.
“Really?” Octavia asked, looking hopefully at Vinyl.
“Of course. Stick by me, Ottabia, and I will pertect you.”
“For four evers?”
“Yup. I’ll be your internal pertector,” Vinyl proclaimed, glad she could use the big word.
“Internal? What’s that?” The grey filly looked on in confusion.
“Daddy said it means ‘for all time’. So I guess it must be longer than four evers.” Vinyl smiled, revelling in the fact she was teaching somepony something.
“Thanks so much, Vinol.” Octavia wrapped her friend in a hug.
“You’re welcome, Tabi.”


Octavia sat on the couch, clutching a photo album in her hooves. Her mother had given it to her, but it had gotten lost in her disorganized house. She found it when her and Vinyl were packing her stuff so they could move in together. And life had been good since.
She looked to her side, where her marefriend was sitting, but found the seat vacated. Realizing she must have zoned out into her memories, she sighed and closed the book.
“Damn it, Vinyl!”

New Prompt: Candy (Wow. We seem to be going all Halloween on this bitch)

Like the ability to follow certain threads and get notifications whenever a comment is made on a followed one. And group send messages. And be able to make it so you can make an admin only thread and what not. And I think asking/making a valid argument would be the best way.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

(Not claiming.)

Group Admin

Oh, nice story, by the way.

Group Admin

Aww. I'm sowwy.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

2065761 But I died from cuteness, so I went out with a bang. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

Well, at least one person I killed was on accident (and she enjoyed it).

Group Admin

You missed Pretty Princess Lynked, but she is... gone for a while. Think you got everyone else.

Group Contributor

This is amazing. I dunno why but this little vignette (you spell it like that, right?) really struck a nerve with me. Makes me remember old friends and what-not. Thank you for writing this. :heart:

Group Admin

Had to see which one you were talking about at first (have yet to go to bed). You're welcome. You are one of the ones I wrote it for (I wrote it for anybody who was willing to take time to read it, and you're my homie). Glad you liked it.

And that is a universal phrase, just not one I use. Didn't even know what it was till I just searched it (wasn't it with you I discovered that 'till is incorrect and till came before until).

Group Admin

Oh, you missed SS Brony. 992857 Got him.

Group Contributor

Thank you again. Glad to hear that. :twilightsmile:

And that is a universal phrase, just not one I use. Didn't even know what it was till I just searched it (wasn't it with you I discovered that 'till is incorrect and till came before until).

Which one do you mean? And yeah, it was a nice Gdocs chat during an old good editing session when, IIRC, you had to correct the same mistake throughout the whole text: something I spelt wrong and kept spelling wrong. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

I was referring to vignette. And there were multiple times like that. All be it (which isn't a phrase) is something you like to use in place of albeit, and I HAVE to fix it. You do that in EVERY chapter of EVERY story.

Group Contributor

Because that's how I was taught to write that!

Group Admin

Well, it is wrong. They taught you wrong.

Group Admin


Tavi disliked holidays in general.

Me, too.

Occasions such as Thanksgiving , or something like that, were excusable, and rather easily avoided by those who chose not to partake

ARE YOU IN MY FUCKING BRAIN! Christmas is the worst though. I fucking HATE the way people get around that time.

Nice story. I am gonna give others a chance to claim it. I like how we're keeping with the Halloween theme. And fuck annoying people. If ya want, I can come and shut them up for ya. It's what I did for friends in school (nobody ever took me up on it, but I was more than happy to bust skulls for a friend)

Group Admin

More people in Tennessee were inclined to scream and shout until a principal got there than actually throw a punch. They knew that. They also knew I wouldn't intervene in a fight unless the odds were unfair or someone (either side) was taking it too far (kicking the other while they were on the ground surrendering) and would more than gladly step in so they didn't have to fight. What can I say, I enjoyed enjoy a good fight.

Group Admin


“But I don’t what to go to that!”

Yeah, you see it.:trixieshiftright:

Do you damnable people expect me to take them all? I am trying to be generous and share stuff (and not my fists). FINE! motherfuckers :ajbemused: And again, doing it with NO SLEEP! Because... I have insomnia and don't get tired till 6 in the morning, when it is too late to go to bed.

Group Admin


Prompt: Costume Party
Length: 695
Time spent: an hour maybe?


“Aw, come on, Tavi. It’ll be fun.”
“No.” Octavia stood her ground, metaphorically.
“Please,” Vinyl Scratch begged.
“No.” Octavia remained where she stood.
“But,” Vinyl said, walking up to her marefriend, “fun.”
“For the last time, Vinyl, no.” Octavia looked into the unicorn’s ruby red eyes, which seemed to light up suddenly.
Vinyl lay upon her back and start to wiggle around, eyes locked with Octavia’s the whole while. Octavia continued to scowl down at the adorable mare.
“But it’s ouwr fiwrst Nightmawr Night as a coupwe, and it would bweak my wittle heawrt to go awone.” Vinyl stuck her bottom lip out and began quivering it.
“Vinyl, I sa--”
“You said that was the last time you would say ‘no’,” Vinyl cut her off, not moving from her place on the floor. Octavia’s face went blank. “So, in a technical manner of speaking, you have to say yes.”
And without breaking her facade. Wow. “Fine. I’ll go. But I am going to go as whatever I please,” Octavia said, unable, or unwilling, to counter the turntablist’s logic.
“Oh, no ya don’t,” Vinyl said, hopping to her hooves with a grin on her face. “It was part of my invite, which you said yes to.”
Octavia approached the bathroom, her face set in a scowl. “I will get you back for this. And it will be in a way you will not be able to think of it as remotely sexual.”
“Sure ya will, Babe,” Vinyl said with a smirk. “Now, let’s get you all prettied up for the party.”


Lyra was standing in one of the few clear areas of the room. Bon Bon was saying something about how she needs to be more careful about spilling stuff because it could cause ponies to slip, but Lyra wasn’t listening. She just wanted to raid the refreshments table again.
“Have you heard a word I said?” she heard an irritated Bon Bon ask.
“Yeah.” She didn’t look away from the snacks.
“And what did I say?” the skeptical earth pony said.
“‘Have you heard a word I said?’” The green unicorn grinned and shifted her eyes enough to see her marefriend’s eyes widen and her nostrils flare. Before she could get yelled at, Lyra saw Vinyl approaching them. “‘Sup, Scratch?”
“Ah, nothing much. You?” The turntablist looked over her shoulder.
“Same Bonnie, different day,” the lyrist said with a shrug, ignoring a hoof to the ribs. “So, where’s Octavia? Were you not able to get her to come?”
“Oh, I was able to get her to come,” Vinyl said with a smirk, raising a suggestive eyebrow. Lyra snickered and Bon Bon just shook her head at their friends crude humor. “So, what are you two suppose to be? This is a costume party, and I don’t see any costumes.”
“Well,” Lyra began, “I am your everyday mare.”
“And I am a confectioner,” Bon Bon replied. “What are yo-- OH MY GOD! Where’s your horn?! Were you in an accident?” The sudden outburst caused Lyra to jump.
“Her horn? It’s on her head, silly. See,” Lyra said, pointing at her friends head, “right… there.” The confectioner and lyrist stood in stunned silence.
“What? You forgot the horn? And we would have been able to go the whole night with them fooled. Good going.” All three mares turned to see Octavia approaching them.
“I told you I wasn’t going to wear that stupid cone on my head,” Vinyl said, but with Octavia’s voice, raising her glasses.
“You weren’t calling it a stupid cone the other night,” Octavia, who now had a horn, said, but in Vinyl’s voice.
Octavia, who the other two mares realized came dressed as Vinyl, blushed as the two unicorns laughed and Bon Bon shook her head, but couldn’t hold back a smirk.
“Wow. Great costumes,” Bon Bon said. “I think it’s really cute.”
“Yeah. Props. And I am surprised you said that, Octavia,” Lyra chimed. “You really nailed Vinyl.”
“Yes,” Octavia said, flicking Vinyl’s signature shades back over her eyes, “I did nail Vinyl.”
The other three mares stared at the normally reserved cellist. “Oh, god. What have I done?”

New thinga-majig: Festivities

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

2099602 Santa's coming, yo. Make them winter-y festivities I be grabbing.

Group Admin

Actually, turkeys come first. Which also means Indians.

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor
Group Admin

It's just festivities now. Happy?

The Princess Rarity
Group Contributor

2099620 :derpytongue2: Yes. (Claimed, btw.)

Group Contributor

I chuckled at that. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin
Group Admin

Thanks, bro. It was fun to write. And what Lyra said is what I usually say. Gender and race changed, obviously. Hey, hop on that doc I sent you if you have a free minute. Me and Josh had an idea while working on our collab. If you can't get on it, I'll just PM the little bit we have to you. And we can discuss it through that tedious method.

Group Admin

Yeah. Didn't check the time or I would have done that in the first place (have yet to go to bed and it is really gloomy out again, so times are blending). I'll shoot ya the little we have. Details have to get flushed out.

Group Admin

One day, thirteen hours. Tick tock goes the clock, even for the Doctor.

Group Admin

The prompt is open. It is festivities.


Group Admin

You missed me...:fluttercry: (and Josh, but pfft!) Glad someone finally claimed it.


Length- 413 words
Time- ... A while... Procrastination...
Prompt- Festivities
New prompt- Leaving

I took a look around me. All the couples looking so happy to be alive, to have each other. This wasn't at all how I wanted to spend New Year's Eve- alone, nobody to share it with. But of course I should be alone, me being the screw up that I am...

I'll be alone with nobody to share a special embrace with when the clock tower chimes midnight. Time to drink away my loneliness.

I trot into the bar and tell the barpony to hit me up with a suicide- or two or three...

Things begin to become blurry and I try and stand. By now it's around ten, I guess. I've been here for two hours. They were having karaoke night- might as well try it out. Nothing better to do. Nopony to gossip with. Nopony to share crazy stories with. Nopony to hold and cherish, even for a night. I'm a reject.

A reject who is going to sing away the drunken pain of this New Year's festival.

I wobble onstage and levitate the microphone to my face, clearing my throat. "Hello, everypony.! I'm Vinyl Scratch, and I'm gonna sing you a song! Uhm- Since You've Been Gone! This is dedicated to my lovely exmarefriend, Octavia Philharmonica!"

The music starts playing and the ponies around the small, circular stage clap some, a few giving cheers.

I wail into the microphone all about since she's been gone and how I'm moving on, and how I get what I want thanks to her. The ponies cheer, regardless. Even me, being as drunk as I was, knew that they were only cheering for the same reason I was singing. Alone and drunk on New Year's Eve- might as well live it up.


I woke up, shuddering, covered in sweat. I hate nightmares like that. Losing Octavia... No. I rolled over and stroked her mane, sighing that she was still with me through thick and thin.

It was almost midnight. New Year's Eve still... Time to not be alone! To prove my subconscious mind wrong! I will NOT be alone!


Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven...

I grasped Octavia's shoulders and pulled her up into a kiss.

Four... Three...

She woke up, startled, then relaxing into my hooves.


I pulled away, and nuzzled her ear, whispering, "Every day with you is a celebration for me, for as long as I have you, I have everything. Happy New Year's, 'Tavi... I love you..."

Heck yeah, I missed you! I encountered some trouble and wasn't able to update my story or pick up on the thread until now :/ But I'm back :) DID JOSH START WRITING AGAIN?!?!

Group Admin

This made me want to find you and back hand you at first. My feels bottle is reaching it's limit. You rectified it though. Or maybe that just made it worse...

Group Admin

I know that feel. Finally got my internet back after four months. Yes, Josh is writing again. And I was referring to you forgetting to tag both of us in your comment. Though, I missed you too. I missed everyone here. I've had so much fun in this group and that four months was dull.

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