The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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Sorry I forget to tag you, I thought I had everyone... :| But yeah, you remember me, don't you? (I hoped people would miss me :fluttercry:)

Group Admin

I actually went and reread some of the entries for this thing and read some for the first time. One that I read for the first time was your 'Morning Coffee' one. It was sweet. I liked it. Glad you're back on our writing staff.

Haha, thanks :)
I've changed my style a little bit, so there's going to be things that sound a little bit different, but hey, I don't have enough of my writing on this site for people to tell the difference quite yet :D I'm surprised that this thread is still going, actually. It's a pleasant surprise.

Group Admin

Style is ever-changing.

It was comatose for a while, but I brought it back... slightly. And I can only hope your prompt is still up when I get up. I know some people who will be asshats with a prompt like that.

>:) I only tossed it out there so people COULD be asshats with it!

Group Admin


I could EASILY make a happy story with that.

As could I, BUUUUT---

We need FEELS not HAPPINESS with this prompt. :'D

Group Admin

But we have already had some prompts that we about leaving (not the prompts themselves, but the stories from the prompts). And happiness is a feel.

Happiness is a weak feel compared to hear-wrenching despair or infuriation. >:)

I'm feeling evil. Octascratch will split up in the 'leaving' prompt! It will!

Group Admin

Citizen, that sounds dangerously seditious. If I had time for a re-indoctrination, I'd take care of that for you. Sadly, I have to get to bed, so you'll have to perform you own indoctrination. Now, to begin with, you'll need a cage that can fit over your head and a sack of Mole Rats...

Unless I decided it doesn't. DUN DUN DUUNNNNNNN!!

I shall be the first to say... Why the Mole Rats??


Dammit... Have you written it yet??

Group Admin

I wasn't claiming it... Plus, I went to bed after that last post and worked today. If nobody has claimed it by the time I have gotten home from work tomorrow (or before I go to work possibly), I'll write it. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and had an exhausting day today. My mind isn't in the mood to be used in-depth.

Oh, I'm sorry :( I hope it all gets better tomorrow. I know you didn't claim it, but you DID say that you would write it if nobody did... and I can't... This isn't going to go as planned for this prompt!

I just... I can't even... I was working on my story and I was almost done with the next chapter... My computer decided to reboot and... Gone.

Group Admin

And that, my friend, is why I use GDocs. Though, GDocs did delete a bunch of my files once. Most were in the trash, but still. Starting on the prompt now.

Here is a song for your problems.

Group Admin


Prompt: Leaving
Length: 311
Time spent: Unknown. Lost my internet for a few hours halfway through.

“Please, Vinyl, don’t go!” Octavia sat on the sidewalk, her lavender eyes dripping with tears. “I’ll change. If you don’t leave, I’ll… I’ll listen to your music and not criticize it. Please, Vinyl, don’t leave!”
“I’m sorry, Tavi, I have to. I…” Vinyl’s words caught in her throat. She tried holding her own tears back, but was unsuccessful. She tried to keep from making eye contact with the crying earth pony.
Octavia stood up and took a step toward the white unicorn. “I’m sorry I broke your favorite vinyl. I.. I’ll get you another one.” Placing her hoof under Vinyl’s chin, Octavia looked into her red eyes, which were filled with both sorrow and sadness. “I love you,” she whispered.
Vinyl finally broke down. She wrapped Octavia in a bone-crushing hug, whispering “I love you, too” into her mane.


Two full-grown unicorn mares sat on a bench, watching their daughters crying into eachothers shoulders.
“I’m sorry you have to move to Manehattan for your work,” one said, turning her eyes from the fillies to the other mare. “Octavia seems to think it is her fault you and Vinyl are moving.”
“I have to support me and my daughter, and that means having to move.” Looking down at her hoof, Vinyl’s mother sighed, realizing their train was leaving soon. Standing up, she pulled the other mare into a hug. “We’ll try to visit often.”
The mares pulled apart, each wiping a stray tear from their eyes. “I’ll make sure to explain to Octavia it isn’t her fault.” Both mares laughed and walked to the fillies, who had to be pulled apart. Vinyl clung to her mother as they boarded the train.
Vinyl was pressed up against the window, wanting to see Octavia for as long as she could. As the train departed, Octavia waved to her friend for the last time.

Author’s Note: That was truly the last time Octavia waved to her friend. Two miles down the track, a herd of buffalo robbed the train. There were only two casualties: Vinyl and her mother. Have a nice day.:pinkiehappy:

New prompt: Treasure

P.S. The authors note was a joke.

Group Admin

Don't know if me adding the tags in after posting worked.

2187503 don't think it did, as I only get one notification. nice story, great A/N. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

I didn't think it would. Thanks. And she said she wanted it to be sad...

Not heart-wrenching despair.
But decent.
Also, :(
Also, also, pet was already a prompt :P

Group Contributor

You! I remember you. You're that girl who writes good horse words.

You. You just made me feel acknowledged in this world :')

Group Admin

I wasn't going for heart-wrenching despair. And I wrote it while watching football. And otherwise distracted. I didn't expected it to be much more than decent. And I didn't realize that... um. Howsaboot: Treasure!!

It was brought to my attention that 'Pet' has been done recently. The new prompt is TREASURE!!!!!

Oooo! Shall I claim this prompt? It's possible...

This prompt is hereby claimed by me.
Let it begin.

Group Admin

THANK YOU!:rainbowkiss: 'Bout time.

Workin' on it now, but my teacher has decided to play Thanksgiving-themed videos all hour.
And it's grating on my writing ability.

Group Admin

That can get really annoying.

It doesn't help I forgot my headphones today, so I can't drown it out with music.
It could be worse, I suppose.
She's only playing the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving thing.

Group Admin

I never went to school without mine. In my computer class, the kids were loud. My teacher also didn't make me do my work with everybody else, because she knew I would get it all done at the end of the nine weeks (and I always did. My list of missing work was always massive, but I usually had it done before everybody else), so I just played games and listened to music and downloaded fics to read at home (didn't have internet on my computer at the time).

Sounds about the way I handle myself.
I vary what I do, though.
My brain doesn't let me focus on one thing too long, which gets really annoying.

Prompt: Treasure
Length: 358
Time: 40 minutes


“Vinyl, as happy as I am that you’ve started to take a liking to reading, even if it is fiction, I’m beginning to think that you’ve taken this ‘Daring Do’ thing a little too far…” Octavia said, looking around nervously at the dense jungle surrounding the duo. “I mean, purchasing a bit of paraphernalia is one thing… But going so far as to track down an actual lost tomb?”

Vinyl, decked out in her newly purchased Daring Do costume, simply rolled her eyes and grinned. “Aaaw, c’mon ‘Tavi! It’ll be an adventure!”

“Remind me again how you managed to talk me into coming with you? I was planning on relaxing all weekend, and instead I’m out traipsing through the jungle with you! There’s so much dirt!” Octavia complained as she stopped next to Vinyl, who had stopped to check her map and extensive notes.

“Let’s see… If we haven’t veered too far from my intended path we should be about here…” Vinyl muttered to herself, pointing to a spot on the map and ignoring Octavia’s protestations.

“Uh, Vinyl…”

“So if we alter our course like this…”


“…should be able to shave off a few…”


Sighing in exasperation, Vinyl turned to face the gray mare. “Yes, ‘Tavi?”

“Is that what we’ve been looking for?” she inquired, pointing with a hoof in the direction of a rather large and difficult to miss step-pyramid in the distance.

Vinyl blinked slowly before looking to her map. “Hmm…”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Is it, or isn’t it?”

Vinyl glanced back at the temple in the distance, before again checking her map, then the position of the sun, then back to her map.

“Is it?”

“Octavia…” Vinyl drawled out slowly.

The gray mares eyes widened slightly, Vinyl never used her full name. Had she done something wrong? She didn’t think so, but maybe she had?

“I have no idea why you were complaining so much, you’re a natural!” Vinyl exclaimed, grabbing Octavia in a head lock and giving her a noogie.

“Vinyl, stop it!” she made a half-hearted attempt at escaping. “You’ll ruin my mane!”

“Mane, shmane! Let’s get us some treasure!”


Bleh, this didn't turn out at all how I had intended it to.
Good practice, I guess.
Anyway, new prompt time...


Group Admin

I didn't get a thing when you tagged me. It was a nice story though. Good job.

Turkey is grooooosssss though!

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