World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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Question, do we have to show pictures of the weapons? 'Cause if not, I would like to link articles about the Ku-Go Death Ray! Able to kill stationary rabbits within five minutes!


The Grand Slam Earthquake Bomb! 22,000 pounds of quaky goodness!

And again,

The British Bouncing Bomb Depth Charge, a destructive device that helped us destroy many-a-dams.



Heres the Volksmaschinengewehr vmg-27

3281239 snipe the gunner between the eyes.


I watched a thing on the sub pens at Lorient and they brought that bomb up:rainbowkiss:

3281280 got rid of many of them in Rising Sun.


The German MG 08 was a derivative of the Maxim gun developed by the Germans in 1908. The Germans fielded this gun in WWI and in limited numbers in WWII. The gun was also used by the Ottoman Empire/Turkey not only during WWI but also during the Turkish War of Independence. The Chinese also obtained examples of the gun and used them during the Korean War. The gun was also fielded by the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam war, but at that time it was outdated.


The Japanese type 24 heavy Machine gun


THREAD NECROMANCY:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

the Pzb. 39 anti-tank rifle

3212056 The Owen is good but so is the Austen

Taste the american freedom of the M2 Browning.


How about M2 Flamethrower the was used by the US? This thing is overkill, imo. I chose this because in any game that has a fire weapon, I became a pyromaniac.

"Flamethrowers....we'll burn 'em out."


Thread necromancy :P

The flamethrower doesn't count?


No it does dontnworry...

Oh ok, because you said "thread necromancy" I thought I post something wrong.

The Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) anti-tank weapon. Because who needs rockets?

The 88 pak 43/41 the king of all tank killers during the war.

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