RariTwi, Rarilight, Twilight x Rarity 1,116 members · 478 stories
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Sam Cole
Group Admin

Once again, I’m calling all artist, authors, geniuses and maniacs. It’s time for Round Two of the RariTwi Creation Contest! Last year, we saw 7 fictions roll into our archives, into our hearts, and one that rolled us all into counseling (I still love Cocktails, Casinos, and Chaos). So let’s kick off 2014 right, and propel TwiRity to the tops of the shipping world, amigos.

To start, let’s introduce our judges for this time around, and thank our previous judges for their awesome work. First up we have FlameingToast, author of Love Sick.
Second, our randomly chosen group member Triforce of the Gods (All readers sitting at home, the answer is yes. Step up, or I will volunteer you for things.)
And our third judge, co-winner of Round one, YourBronyGod.
A Big thanks go out to The Abyss, Bookish Delight, and MLPField3 for their help in the last contest. Former judges, I decided to let you all be free this time around in the hopes that you will all partake, seeing as how I do love all of your works.

Also, I have decided to step back (not down, but back) from judging so others can user me as a tool and a resource because all I want to do is help others enjoy creating something, anything. So if you have questions, comments, ideas, slander, or whatever, come talk to me. I will be assisting the other judges, but am trying to take a more back seat approach to the contest this time to jump start the groups participation. So enjoy, and create like I know you all can (seriously, I've been looking through the member list. We have one hell of a talent pool, and I would love to see all our members without any stories yet take a shot at this. You will have my fullest support if you wish to try here today amigos.).

Now for the rules. As most of you will note, the rules are generally the same, with a few minor differences this time around.

Rules for contest:

1. It cannot be a fiction already uploaded to fimfiction or another site. That would defeat the purpose of a writing incentive program. There is nothing against a fiction that has been in the works in private though, so if you’ve been looking for a reason to get into writing or to finally launch that secret fic, this is it.

2. No plagiarism! A plagiarized work will result in disqualification from the contest and a ban from the group. Sorry, but that’s getting off light if you ask Knighty.

3. Besides a Raritwi story, there are no rules. It does not have to be a romance between the pair either, just featuring the pair as your stories focus. Nor is there a set format. Artwork, comics, pmv’s, songs, radio plays, and animations will be allowed, and depending on the amount of entrants, will determine the prize bracket for those specific entries. Just link them to the group either in this post or a new forum. Animations will fall under different rules and regulations because of the complexity of those entries.

4. You do not have to submit a completed story, but just know that if you post more of a story, it might increase your chances. Sometimes, it’s the epic multi parter that captures the heart. Sometimes it’s that perfect idea for a one shot. Submit wisely.

5. Proofreaders are not required, but encouraged. The easier your story is to read, the better the reaction from the judges.

6. There is no limit to the number of entries one can make. But one entrant cannot hold all five final slots, there must be at least two, maximum of 5.

7. The time limit for the contest will be 8 weeks from launch date to end.The contest will close at 0000 mountain time, 8 weeks after the initial launch. Late submissions will be accepted till 0800, but this is not encouraged. Punctuality will be taken into account.

Needless to say, only authors or artist in the group are eligible to compete, because that’s how you submit your stories to the group. If you join one day before the contest ends, you are allowed in, provided you submit your works on time. As for submitting, just add your stories to the new Contest Entries Folder (Round Two) to be entered. The round one folder is closed, so if you get an error, pick the other folder. Artworks other than fictions can be posted to the group in a separate forum, or linked back to this forum. Either way is fine, as long as you follow the golden rule of submit it to enter.

Rules the judges will follow:

1. The judges will not be making decisions based on stats. It does not matter how many faves or upvotes you get on your submitted works. We will be objective in all entries. They will be judged on content alone.

2. The three judges are allowed to submit. I cannot because I’m hosting the event, and buying myself the prize is just rather pointless.

3. Judges are allowed to be contacted as conceptual consultants. It will be noted that judges may not be proofreaders though. That would create a bias, and makes it rather unfair for others. If you pester a judge to try and get special favor or help, we will be super critical on your work. Like Rarity of her works before a fashion show.

4. The judges will be rating all entries on whatever scale or method they choose. If we have too many fics with perfect scoring, and I do hope we do, we will talk about it among ourselves and narrow it down to just five. If you are not selected, please note I’m not looking forward to it, and may just cave and give the group even more stories to vote on.


All voting will be completed in one week from the close of submissions. Anyone that misses the vote in that time, sorry. The winner will be announced and contacted the following day with their creations displayed proudly on the group home page as features.

After the judges have narrowed it down to the top five stories, the vote will be turned over to the group to decide the grand prize winner.


Animations is hard. Trust me, I’ve done it. So because of the complexity of the field, animations will receive their own prize bracket. The animation can be of whatever you like, though we ask that if you choose to animate a fiction or the like, please obtain author permission first.

Prizes for fictions:

Prizes will be decided by number of entrants into the contest. Note entrants refers to the number of people participating, not quantity of actual entries. If one person submits 100 works, they’ll be counted as 1 entrant. Each submission counts as a different entry though, and all entries are open for winning. You will not be limited to just one of your submissions, though if it's just a flood from less than 20 people, rules for level one apply. Prizes will default to the next lower stage if we get enough to move up. Ie, the prize for >20 will become second in the 20-50 category and so on. Also, note the lack of straight up cash prizes. That’s because we can’t offer that. Fan based parodies are strictly non profit. Sorry to say, but that is how the cookie crumbles.

> 20- level one- shirt of choice from welovefine or redbubble.

20-50 entrants - level two- shirt of choice and $25 prepaid gift card to use as you see fit.

50+ level three- grand pony prize pack including messenger bag, blind bag ponies picked at random cause my toys-r-us is unreliable, one funko figure of choice from the regular line, and 2 shirts of choice, or a $100 prepaid gift card. Pick the one you want.

Prizes for artworks or other creations:

Because we cannot guess how many of you will make art or music or whatever for this contest, the winner will be contacted and get to choose what they would like.


Some of you may feel creatively challenged when it comes to writing. That’s okay. If you like, you may use any prompt from the RariTwi Group Collab as inspiration. Again, avoid plagiarism, and enjoy.

Woo~! Get creating so I can judge you all! I'm just kidding. I'm actually really excited to judge everyone's stuff when they get it up.

Rarity's actually the only one of the mane six that I haven't included in a shipfic.


I think it's time to remedy that.

I can't wait to read and judge a bunch of awesome RariTwi stories! So, get to writing everyone, hopefully there will be even more stories entered this time.

2603966 I need to finish C.C.C. RL/other things got me distracted. Don't worry, I have the ending hashed out, and it's only two more chapters. Might tune up the story a bit, but it was stupidly vulgar and fun to write. I just like how good of a couple they can make. Thanks for the mention, it really means a lot that I can make people like you laugh, it really does. That's the pleasure of writing more than just about anything. Satisfaction is nice too. Ardenfax's story was ten times better than mine.

No rules? Aww... I like rules! They pushed the story into what it was before. Not that I can't just wing something up, but I like rules! It forces me to stick to something. Heck, it's those - formerly - enforced rules that might make me write something for Twi/Dash/Jack contest. I have too many damn ideas and not enough damn time...

I'll consider entering. Again. For real.

Well, I've had an idea for a RariTwi story for a while. I don't know if I should do it, or write something new. I really like this pairing, but have yet to write anything about them. I would like to enter the contest. Now, all I have to do is have an idea! I'm going to be in the TwiDash challenge and this challenge, so I'm challenging myself. Puns!


What these guys said. BRING ON YOUR STORIES! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Ponywubs deleted Jan 15th, 2014
Sam Cole
Group Admin

2606625 Rule two does not apply to me copy and pasting my own rules to save times. I can't plagiarize myself after all, now can I?

Comment posted by Ponywubs deleted Jan 15th, 2014

2603966 so I have an idea for raritwi ship but i olny have the beginng planned, also i need help with the planning i mean i want twi to develop feeling for rarity over three or for chapters, but don't know how to do it. could you help me?

Sam Cole
Group Admin

2606743 Of course. Shoot me a private message with the details. I'd be more than happy to help.

2603966 Might as well try something. Let's see what will come out of my insane mind.

I guess I'll have a go, not crazy about the prizes, but I don't win anyway, so it'll be fine. Time to add another contest to my list. :ajsleepy:

I was already semi-working on a RariTwi fic anyway, so I'll probably enter that! This is going to be fun :twilightsmile:

Sam Cole
Group Admin

2607485 If you don't like the prizes, I'm open to working with you on that. And never say you won't win. That's a rather defeatist attitude about things if you ask me. Best of luck amigo :eeyup:


He's right. Never say you can't win. I didn't even write my story FOR the first contest. I lost the one I wrote it for and ended up doing this well in this one. You never know what kind of things judges may like. Take a chance and write something you wanted to. Go for it!

:twilightsheepish: Okay, thanks. I've got other things I need to do, but I'll try to at the very least get out a one-shot for this, more if I have the time.

2603966 I'm entering.

Yes. I mean that.

I'm slightly drunk at three A.M and the idea is just too good to not do. It's the perfect slice of life/romance/KiltedKey comedy and I want to write something less... insane.

By less insane I mean they don't go on a world saving and wreaking adventure. And less sex and swearing.

'Less' being the key word. Rarity going British pub on someone is just a one way ticket to my pants getting wet. I'm glad you, Sam, and Ardensfax approve of British Rarity.

Oh god. Chapter one is already nearly done in my head...

Sam Cole
Group Admin

2621042 I am legitimately more excited right now than I should be, and also a little drunk myself. Cheers Kilted.

2621109 And reason I can find to make Rariry say British things and get angry I'm a happy person. I also love writing the two and this story will focus on them far more than C.C.c did.

I've written two stories for the contest! The Spark (the one you read) and The Little Things.

Group Admin

I just realized this ends in basically three weeks, and I'm still not halfway through the story I entered. Looks like I gotta crank up my writing speed a little. :rainbowdetermined2:

Sam Cole
Group Admin

2923585 Lol, some people from our first contest still have unfinished works.

Right, 2621740 ?

2934829 Yeah, and I won't have it done for the second contest either. Real life, a few hospital visits, school, and other things got in the way of this contest...

I do plan on finishing C.C.C and revising it. I am a few thousand words away from dropping the massive revision bomb on E.E.E

Sam Cole
Group Admin

2934957 If you ever need a some help, I'd be more than happy to lend my efforts amigo.

2934986 I'm fine. I just had an incredibly rough last two months that required a few hospital trips. First time in years, but... my problems are in my head, nothing more. I'm doing pretty damn well now. I'm okay! I promise. It's why I haven't been writing much. Kinda busy and on far stronger drugs. I'm better.

You can pet me. I don't bite. :pinkiehappy:

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