Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 51 - 100 of 79
Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294688 So, hows the success with this group treating you?

Group Admin

1294690 I am starting to become an attention whore. :rainbowkiss:

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294695 I've see a few of your posts. Fame catches everyone one day.

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294724 Don't cry! I typed it as a good thing!

Group Admin

1294749 Oh.

Well, at least I have 109 followers. :coolphoto:

Group Admin

1294769 I comment a ton.

A ton.

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294797 I don't comment a ton.


Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294815 That can't be your brand! You have special eyes!

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1294845 I'll return your lel for a bigger LEL!

1294869>>1294855dagnabit, you guys, I didn't even see that:flutterrage:

Group Admin

1295434 Fun fact: I had just sent you a PM when you commented. :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

1295441finky fact, I just responed when you commented.

extra: I'm making a new tread on the forum

Group Admin

1295455 Fun fact: Uh, I'm outta facts.

  • Viewing 51 - 100 of 79