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SP//dr: An organization in new york dedicated to protect the city and its civilians. This is the first pilot who died.

(Excuse me for the tiny image) This is Peni Parker, the daughter of the previous pilot for SP//dr. Her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are scientists for SP//dr. The way she became the pilot for their mech is that she was bit by the Spider who the previous pilot had a telepathic link to, she was chosen for the task to keep New York safe.


Mysterio may have been a villain who's mind was altered by chemicals of this world but is actually a big fan of SP//dr.

Her dad was also best friends with this world's Daredevil, now 5 years later she has a friend to help her fight off the evil that comes to New York as Mysterio tipped them off about a dealing going on while they bond as usual.

Be it as she has had her usual routine in her city, she is a target of Morlun and the other Totem Hunters. Luckily? She her allies from friendly and not-so friendly neighborhoods arrived first.

Spider-Ham and The Last Stand Spider-Man arrive to recruit her. She even knows that she is a soldier, but she is willing to die like a soldier... Liker her father. And do whatever it takes to protect innocents. Every Spider is gathering for war, who will survive and who will bite it? Either way, this will be an epic showdown for Spider-Man fans of all ages. And they will do what they do best.

This was the best take on Spider-Man for me. She is now on my list of favorite spiders besides Noir, 2099, Mangaverse, Miles Morales, and Mayday Parker. I just hope she doesn't get killed off as I would really like to see if she is the next Spider to get a series. Plus the Anime/Cyberpunk vibe they gave off was very well done and I would very much love to see what else Gerard Way would have in store for her.

God Speed, Peni Parker. I'm gonna prey for you.

3711047 Interesting; I particularly liked this version of Mysterio. While I wish he could rely on something a little more creative than hallucinogenic gas, he still manages to display much of what makes Mysterio cool without looking as ridiculous as most versions of the character. Still, why is it that fifty years after Amazing Fantasy #15, we still see poor spiders being radioactively contaminated? And I thought Last Stand Spider-Man was dead.


Guess its a different timeline he didn't die in yet.

I would definetly love to see what the SP//Dr version of Venom, The Goblins, Rhino and other Spidey villains would have looked like. This concept really could develop into something more if they make at least a limited series out of it.

3711047 3711154 Okay... PLEASE tell me I am not the ONLY one who saw the Neon Genesis Evangelion cast in that school shot!!


Well Gerard Way did wanna go for an anime vibe, so why not put a few easter eggs? Also Simon from Gurren Lagann is in one of the classroom panels. And the cast of Ghost in the Shell. And Kaneda's gang from Akira.

3711513 Oh I saw Simon, just pointing out the BIGGEST elephant in the room... Okay I think I just found an easier way to do Marvel/anime crossovers. :rainbowderp:

3711440 Sorry; not a huge anime guy. :twilightblush: The extent of my experience is a minor intrest in Astro Boy, Speed Racer, and Dragon Ball Z.

3711613 Eh, no problem :ajsmug:

Can I say thought I LOVE the Last Stand costume?


Its very stylish. The jacket is really the coolest part of the costume.

3711654 It's got kind of a Pulp feel to it. No overall intricate designing like webs or anything, just the colors the logo and the mask.

3711645 Oh, it's very cool. I just didn't notice as much because I was paying too much attention to Spider-Ham. :pinkiehappy:

Spider-Ham & Last Stand Spidey will be teaming up again to recruit Ben Reily in Spider-Verse team-up #1.

Which might also lead to my personal most anticipated Spider-Verse mini tie-in, Scarlet Spiders.

I am SO pumped for this event.

3711744 Really wish I lived near a good comic stand. Maybe I need to get some subscriptions.


You can also order single issues online if ya ever get the chance.

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