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Now it's been pointed out to me that Convergence was made with the intent to be a "goodbye tour" for DC's Old 52 Universe.... I'm saddened by that fact, but I decided to look on the bright side. Namely, all the ways DC can use this event to FIX the New 52. If you won't bring back the Old 52? Make the New 52 more palatable. As such I've come up with a list of changes to the universe as a whole that I believe will work


Trying to merge Wildstorm universe with the DC Universe is liking trying to merge the Marvel Universe with the DC Universe! A SMALL number of characters is fine, but the entirety of the New 52 has felt like EARLY Wildstorm from day one, partly due to Jim Lee being a major player in BOTH universe's creation. Wildstorm doesn't mesh well as a whole with the DCU. It was already it's own fully functioning universe that played by a DIFFERENT set of rules than DC or even Marvel. They had their own Superman, their own extended history. If anything Wildstorm was as close to an Ultimate Universe as DC ever had! That being said, chuck out the influence.

2: Replace New 52 Superman

Well replace is a strong word, more like... Merge traits together. In short take Earth One Superman's origin, add the idea of New 52's first big supervillain fight being Braniac, make him more like the DCAU Superman who was a BETTER merging of traits with the Golden Age and Modern Superman(A bit more action oriented, but still knows when to try diplomacy) and give him Earth One's costume,

3: Establish Superheroes LONG BEFORE FIVE YEARS!!!!!

Part of the problem with the New 52 is the lack of history and it all being CRAMMED into a 5 year time span.... That's just idiotic and pointless and makes the ENTIRE universe seem so unbelievably rushed it's not even FUNNY! I suggest using a take on the Seven Soldiers of Victory, a superhero team that did NOT have any members with superpowers. This way, Superman can still be considered the first superhero as he is the first one to have superpowers in this universe.

4: Keep Earth 2 but... Fix it.

And by "fix it" I mean make it like this

In this new Earth 2, superheroes have been around for DECADES, and in many respects the universe is almost identical to the Old 52 Universe. The major differences being that the Justice Society is the ONLY superhero team. It's been that way since it's inception in the 1940's and on into the newer decades of the universe. Even make individual series based in this universe with Earth 2 versions of characters to do a lot mor world building, Power Girl comes to mind instantly for this.

5: The Teen Titans or should I say... Titans?

Basically the Titans are this universe's version of both the Teen Titans and the Titans AKA the older team of the original Titans. To compensate for the lack of the JSA being an active superteam, the Titans are another team alongside the Justice League. Initially founded by Dick Grayson after he left his role as Robin and became Nightwing, along with Wally West a speedster who took the name Impulse, the Amazon empowered Donna Troy AKA Fury(Always liked that name for her), the Atlantean Garth named Tempest with the magical power to summon and control water, and Roy Harper AKA Arsenal a former partner to Green Arrow. The team is later joined by several new members such as Cyborg who eventually moves onto the Justice League, Raven, Starfire, and many more.

That's all I got for now, but please post your own ideas for what should happen after this event is done



So I can have my favorite Amazon take on wonder woman and give her the smackdown of a life time. :pinkiecrazy:

That and she is potential incarnate after demon knights ended.

3877279 This a tough one.

Let see, Superman is one I Think needs a real solid reboot back to his Post Crisis (early to mid modern age, specifically with some alteration I think should have happened) Self. Mostly, I'd have him as the only survivor of krypton and much less about being Superman and more Clark. Have Kara be the one who survives Zods' rampage in the alternate universe instead of Martix (and de-age her to 12, simply because it would make her need Supermans' help more than an Adult Kara would. Plus, it'd make a hell of a lot more sense). I'd Have Bizarro be a failed Clone of Superman that simply wants to help, but is more hindrance than help. Have the Atomic Skull (Joseph Martian Version) be the first villain he fights.

And I give a good reason that the U.S government would trust him. I have a Team of scientist and soldiers be tracking his ship when it hit the Kent farm, and after an agreement was made (plus tested to make sure he wasn't something that was sent to kill them all), Clark would be adopted by the Kents and made a natural born us citizen due to his age when found.

I'd go with Brainiac as the one who is responible for Kryptons' destruction (Jor-El inform council of Destabilized planet core, and recommends using and alternative till the core is stabilized. Brainiac Convinces them to ignore the warning, and that ultimately screws the planet. Jor-El, Sends Kal-El to earth with Brainiac 5 to save his son and the history/knowledge of Krypton. Brainiac 1 escapes the destruction and destroys the Phantom Zone in the process).

Luthor, I'd try to keep him like his DCAU and his Post-Crisis self, with some "Smallville" Lex thrown in.

How that?

3877279 for me I am not sure what changes I would like them to make. Mainly beacause the whole thing is just rather bad. Don't misunderstand me there are a bunch of good New 52 titles but usually they are not good BECASUE of the new 52. They are just good because they have talented writers and artists. I mean most of the great New 52 titles could have easily worked in pre new 52 universe. I mean look at Batman, Batwoman, Aquaman, Animal Man, Green Lantern (they just straight up continued the pre new 52 story), All Star Western.

When they go ahead and make full use of New 52 what we get is: Teen Titans, Captain Atom, Suicide Squad, Green Arrow (pre Jeff Lemire), Hawk and Dove, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Legion Lost, Superman and ETC. Needless to say most of these titles suck big time and are a waste.

So it basicly goes this way: Either we don't change much and continue doing stories like New 52 never happened and we get good stories, or we make full use of reboot and cripple great characters. This begs the question...why do we even need a reboot when the best parts of it are usually the ones who ignore it?

To tell the truth I was not as angry when New 52 started and I was eager to try out new titles and see where this is going. Little did I know that the reboot will be such a mess. The more I read it the more I want to stay as far away from it as possible.

Still there is one thing I want to thank reboot for. I am was a rather hardcore DC fan and mostly read only DC comic books. The reboot was so bad that it drove me away from reading DC comics and I fell right into Marvel's hands. I discovered that I actually like Marvel more than I thought I did. Just recently read some Indestructible Hulk and some of Dan Jurgen's Thor run and now am continuing reading post One More Day Spidey (talk about reboots). Yeah One More Day was straight up awful but at least the post-reboot spidey stories are not that bad.

So here is a short list of things I want them to change:
1) Make Wally Likable and cool. (pretty much near impossible as of now)
2) Make Superman more heroic and likable
3) Return Question to the way he was before the reboot (the changes in his character are dumb and unneccery)
4) Burn and forget everything about New 52 Teen Titans and make one of my fave DC teams likable and fun to read again
5) Earth 2 stuff.

These are the most hot ones on my head right now.

3877279 The real issue with the Wildstorm influence is that those characters aren't really doing anything. If the two universes were fairly combined, people like Midnighter, Apollo, and Majestic would be on the frontlines of Cross-Company crossovers and consulting with Supes, Bats, and Wondy on a regular basis. By trying to combine the two without actually changing the status quo to make them work, the Wildstorm characters have been massively marginalized.
Also, as someone pointed out before, after the Zero Hour reboot, DC made a timeline giving the founding members of the JLA ten years of experience. And that was with twenty less years of storylines to compress into that timeframe than we have now.
I really wouldn't mind their new Earth 2 continuing if they just put the Justice Society back into the mainstream timeline.

3877580 Who is this character? I haven't seen her before.

3879169 How was Indestructible Hulk? It sounded interesting when it came out but I haven't had the chance to take a look.
And amen as to the Question! Particularly if we could get his successor, Renee Montoya, to come back too.

3879872 Look the main reason those DC's reboots in the past felt right was because they actually DID something! Reboot to the Silver Age? We got Barry Allen and Hal Jordan. Totally new takes on classic characters of The Flash and Green Lantern. Post Crisis? We got to see a DC in a way we've never seen before a totally new frontier if you will and genuinely interesting takes on characters, we got characters added like Captain Atom, The Question, Blue Beetle, along with Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family that all totally changed the universe in majors ways.

In short? They GAVE something! New 52? Was actually in a position to do something unique with the Wildstorm characters. The most done was instead of continuing the fan favorite Gen13 series, we got Teen Titans which felt like they were TRYING to go for a Gen13 feel with them but that doesn't work for the TItans... I find that baffling since they have ALL MEMBERS OF GEN13 PROMINENT DURING THAT GODAWFUL CULLING STORY!!!! JUST PUT THEM IN A SERIES FROM THE GET GO!!!

Another thing, apparently Mr. Majestic DOES exist, I've seen scans of him in the New 52, only minus the cape.... And WHY isn't he a more major player? I mean with him around we could have Superman be more Superman-like and still get the edgier kind of Superman in Majestic, as it's always been. Superman seems to be pulling double duty as well... Himself and a stand-in for Majestic, DESPITE Majestic still existing!! I actually was kinda excited for the Wildstorm characters coming in because I legitimately wanted to see what Superman and Majestic's dynamic would be.

I'd say that it would be more like a Goku and Vegeta kind of thing, one good natured and friendly guy and one hard nosed warrior kinda thing. But nope!

3879873 That is Exoristos. One of the best new characters out of the new 52. She was once a resident of Themyscira, the home of the Amazons. She lived there with her other sisters until an event left her exiled from the island forever. She wandered around the world for several years living out her dishonorable life until she came to a bar in Camelot, where she met the merry band of misfits who form the team: The Demon Knights. Made up of Etrigan the Demo , Madame Xanadu the Immortal fortune teller, Horsewoman the best Bow & Arrow wielding Horseback rider of legend, Vandal Savage the Immortal, Al Jabar the mathematician scientist, and Ystina the Shining Knight.

3879910 Exactly. I can't say I ever wanted to see Wildstorm as a part of the mainstream DCU, but if they are, at least have them do something! Whenever something like Trinity War or Forever Evil happens, these incredibly powerful heroes are nowhere to be found! Not even Stormwatch has gotten involved in these things!

3879929 Huh; intriguing. It's nice to see the Amazons have more of an impact on the DCU, even if it's a bit of a baby step. They never seem to show up unless it's explicitly for a WW story.
About that line-up, I'm not a huge fan of that Shining Knight, (visually, she creeps me out) but I'd love to see how Etrigan and Savage interacted. That'd be very interesting.

3880399 Hell Stormwatch is CANCELLED! So is Grifter! I was one of the few people who LIKED the New 52 Grifter comic! It felt pretty damned interesting and a cool take on Grifter and how they were implementing the Daemonites into the DCU! But nope! Soon as Grifter was cancelled NO WORD on the big evil Daemonite plot! Hellspont showed up.... Like ONCE in a Superman comic as the villain of the issue...

I mean there are SO many things they could still do! Have The Authority come in! Merge it with the Elite! Or better yet, have The Authority still kill villains, but be more restrained with it and The Elite being the trigger happy ones and have them fight! That would be something I would PAY to see!

3880416 It was actually really weird as a guy with little to no experience with Wildstorm to keep seeing Grifter show up with no explanation of who he is or why I should care about him. Like, why does he show up in Future's End when few to no other Wildstorm guys did?
Anyway, I personally was a bit underwhelmed by Grifter's comic. It was one of the original New 52 titles I almost immediately dismissed, like Voodoo was. It's still a rather messy from a continuity perspective for that to just up and disappear though.

3880500 I'm not saying it was GOOD, just that I was liking the direction it was taking. Had a good take on Grifter, good way to introduce the Daemonites, it worked.... Voodoo was just abysmal.

3880569 What was even the point of Voodoo? Was that based off of a property I just wasn't familiar with? That wasn't anyone's brand new idea, was it?


I will always remember Voodoo as this lovable person, not some Jane doe who was an alien.


Also the Tony S. Daniel art can be a bit choppy, but the interior makes Shining Knight look MUCH better for the eyes.

Also overall: Demon Knights was the best New 52 book amongst the first wave. The sense of Adventure it gave out was very good and the writing + art making it superb. Its worth at least checking out.

3880616 It was essentially that movie Species.... If Species was in the DCU

3880619 Oh, now that's much better to look at! And that's one of the most brilliantly awkward exchanges I've ever seen.
Really? The best? I heard it was pretty good, but you're saying it's better than Flash or Batman were at the beginning?

3880620 I have no idea what that is, either. Fortunately, there's Comic Vine for situations like this.

3880645 in ranking for me? This is tied with my love for Scott Snyder Batman because Paul Cornell wrote this. Flash being a very good second and Swamp Thing being a magnificant 3rd.

3880648 Fair enough; just playing devil's advocate. :twilightsmile:

3880646 Species is horror movie about a group of scientists who try to track down and trap a killer alien seductress before she successfully mates with a human male. She looks human... But is a deadly alien predator.... Think Alien with even MORE sexual undertones.... Okay they're not even undertones in this movie series. Yeah there's more than one. It's essentially if a Xenomorph looked like a hot chick. That's it

3880670 So we exchange phallic imagery for female erotica? Alright then. Can't be any worse than your average art museum. :pinkiecrazy:
In all seriousness, though, how in the world does it take an alien seductress so long to find a guy willing to knock boots with her that a team of scientists have time to track her down?

3880694 One of the many plot holes in this movie.

3880709, that's glaringly obvious. I mean, that's Sinestro making the yellow ring in the GL movie bad. And if you'll recall, that plot point was so bad it....
Oh, right on cue. Just mentioning that caused Fluttershy to break again. Rainbow Dash, I need your help!
:rainbowderp:: You know, one of these days you're going to have to figure out how to solve these things yourself.

3880721 Yeah..... Well here's a badass video to take the stupid away

3880774 Well, I wouldn't go so far to say that takes the stupid away, as that movie was pretty stupid. But it is a much, much more pleasant kind of stupid, particularly with that animation, so thanks! :twilightsmile:

3880793 I especially liked that they picked Kenshiro for Arnold's part, that was funny, and that they picked Goku back when Power Levels meant squat and it was all about super human martial arts

3880808 Ah, I was wondering how the heck Goku wasn't massacring everyone in sight. So how powerful was he at the beginning, then? I have a very bare minimum awareness of that franchise.

3880827 Well in Dragon Ball, first series before the Superman level stuff started, he was bullet proof, super strong as he could throw around adults easily, but still within more manageable levels.... You could say he was Spider-Man level back then I guess?

3879880 How was indestrictible Hulk? Well it was really good to tell the truth. A new take on Hulk qnd a pretty good one at that. The series concentrates more on Bruce Banner and his character. Hulk persona still appears every issue as far as I can remember but Bruce seems like tha main star of the show. I enjoyed what I have read but my gripe with the series is art. The first six issues are drawn by...can't remember his name but he drew Superman Birthright and Secret Invasion. I was not his hugest fan but his art worked really good for the series. After 6 issues they started changing artist every 3-6 or so issues. While Walt Simonson's 3 issues with Thor as a guest star were pretty cool to look at, after the first 6 issues the book was not so pleasent to look at for me. Storywise it is good and overall I if you are interested I say pick up the first trade. Plus the series just ended recently.

3880834 Boy, that escalated quickly.

3881130 Yes, I think I heard about it ending. Overall, it sounds interesting. I'll have to add it to my long, long list of future reading material.

3881193 Yeah but Mark Waid is currently writing another Hulk title which basicly serves as a direct continiuation of the story if I remember correctly.

3881146 Well mostly due to training under intense gravity. Also Saiyans get stronger after their beaten to near death so... Yeah important to actually try and finish them off.... But aside from that he also enhances his species natural physical strength with Ki, making himself stronger, faster, and more durable. Then there are the Super Saiyan forms which increases his strength, speed, and durability. Super Saiyan 1 doubles it by 2, Super Saiyan 2 doubles it by 4, Super Saiyan 3 doubles it by 8, and Super Saiyan 4(Though not exactly canon) doubles it by 12.

3881198 Cool.
3881550 See, this is why, even as a guy who has far more love for superheroes than I've ever had for any anime or manga, I can acknowledge that Goku would almost assuredly beat Supes in a fight.

3884896 Then of course there's the Super Saiyan God form.

The power of this form is great enough to allow Goku to fight on par with the God of Destruction Beerus, who had effortlessly defeated Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Ultimate Gohan, Majin Buu, Super Saiyan Gotenks, and a fully powered Vegeta(Essentially 5 of DBZ's strongest characters). As such, it is currently THE most powerful Super Saiyan transformation in the Dragon Ball Universe. This form also allows the user to sense godly ki, and they can absorb attacks by consuming ki. As powerful as it is, however, it also has drawbacks: the form drains the user's energy reserves fairly quickly, thus creating a time limit, although it is speculated by Beerus that this limitation could be overcome.

Now Beerus? He's essentially the DBZ version of Galactus

He's not evil per-se like Galactus, he's just doing his job. He has to destroy planets so new ones can form and thus maintain the balance of the universe.... But he's downright pretty much on par with Galactus. Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, has said that on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of power? SSG Goku is a 6 and Beerus is a 10. That's saying even while FIGHTING Beerus, Goku wasn't that much of a threat in all to him. Goku, in his STRONGEST FORM TO DATE is still far behind Beerus.

3885143 That's frequently been Galactus' motivation as well. He's very rarely explicitly evil.

3885850 Yep.... Also I find it hilarious that Beerus is purple.... Galactus of his universe and is purple....

3885923 Huh....I guess purple and blue are considered one of the evil color sets. Subtler than black and red, but blunter than orange and green.

3887766 Eh, probably. :applejackunsure:

Also, just as a funny sidenote... The Superman references were never stronger than when Gohan, Goku's half-human son... Became The Great Saiyaman

3888497 Yeah, I think I heard about that.

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