The Marvel/DC Co-Fan Club 719 members · 571 stories
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We all have that one item that, as a nerd, we just have to get our hands on. In the show Comic Book Men they referred to it as ones holy grail. Well I'm proud to say I've got mine. It is the Amazing Spider-Man volume 1. A collection of the characters first ten issues in his own series plus Amazing Fantasy No. 15. For those of you that don't know, this was Spider-Man's first appearance ever. The reason this is now the greatest part of my admittedly small comic collection is because this guy is my absolute favorite character of all time in anything. And its not really Spider-Man I'm such a fan of. As a nerdy guy, who has trouble with women , a good sense of humor and has trouble finding direction in life sometimes it's very easy for me to relate to Peter Parker. Believe it or not these are actually the reasons that the wall crawler was almost not created. Stan Lee's partners in Marvel were all against the idea of a teenage super hero with average looks and a seemingly scrawny build. It was our good fortune that on the final magazine of Amazing Fantasy, No. 15, Stan Lee was told he could do whatever he wanted. So with the mindset that it was the magazine's last issue and the publics response to the content didn't matter, he got together with Steve Ditko and they made our favorite web head a reality. Little did Stan realize, the publics reaction to this character did matter. Because they loved him. Soon after Spidey was given his own book and the rest is history. I admit it was Toby Maguire's portrayal of the character that first caught my interest, but that has never lessened the impact of just how easy it is to relate to Peter Parker, especially for the target audience. Since then my love for the character has only grown. I am sad to see him leave the comic book universe, however I understand that given a lot of the screw ups and injustices done to him it is for the best to retire dear old Peter Parker. Well that's enough about my holy Grail of comics. What are your's?

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2117715 I have a photo of David Gilmour, guitarist of Pink Floyd, and another of Richard Wright.

Along with a Derpy vinyl figurine.

2117715 My holy grail of comics? Well, there can only be one!!!

Crisis on Infinite Earths!!!

The mother of all Crisis Crossovers. Really: the original. Appeared as a 12-issue mini-series, lasting from April, 1985 to March, 1986.

As a child, little Marvin Wolfman wanted to do a big series where every hero in DC Comics, ever, would team up to fight a cosmic villain called "The Librarian" (hey, he was 10). Then Marvin grew up and became Marv Wolfman, the man who managed to make the Teen Titans successful.

By this time, thanks to years of Alternate Universe stories, The DCU was teeming with different worlds. There was the main universe (Earth-1), the universe of the Golden Age heroes (Earth-2), the morality-switched Mirror Universe (Earth-3)... The Powers That Be thought it was getting confusing, and turning off new readers. So, in 1985, Marv got the go-ahead to clean it all up.

So, there's a Multiverse, which is just the unified set of all the different universes. The Multiverse is guarded by a Cosmic Entity called the Monitor, whose powers are related to positive matter. But his Evil Twin, the Anti-Monitor, who guards (naturally) the Anti-Matter Universe, has discovered that his powers can increase if he destroys positive-matter universes, and proceeds to destroy the entire Multiverse. Trying to stop him, the Monitor is pushed back and knocked into a coma. Awakening, the Monitor sees that the multiverse has been cut down to just the universes we've seen before. Panicking, he gathers a group of heroes from the Earths of the remaining universes, and sends them to hold back the Anti-Monitor's minions.

2117715 My first comic about Venom. Venom: Lethal Protector. I honestly first saw him on Spider-man: The Animated Series but ever since then he has been placed as the most dangerous villain, or Anti-Hero however you see him, on my mind ever since. He is every dark thing about Spider-man including the fact that Spidey doesn't kill but that is what makes him so bad ass, he's willing to go the extra mile to make someone pay. I hate it when someone just portrays him as a monster or psycho when he never really was. I see why they would think that but I mean the guy is just looking for a chance to prove himself as Spider-man's superior and this is why Lethal Protector appeals to me as it shows off the truly heroic side of Venom even though he still has the urge to eat people's brains. This is my Holy Grail dude.

2117732 Awesome. NoT a big Floyde fan myself, but I understand the feeling of having an item like that.

2117734 That actually sounds pretty epic. Still confusing, but epic.

2117783Oh you have great taste sir. Venom is my favorite Spidey bad guy. Might be my favorite bad guy. I'll have to think about that, because the joker is awesome too. I need to get the rest of the Spider man books.

The death of Superman collection.

The 1960's Spider-Man series on DVD.

My limited edition super-ultra rare Thor the Frog of Thunder Heroclix. (Oh my god I love this thing.)

The list goes on and on...

2118057 *sigh* Venom is not a real bad guy. How many times do I need to explain this. If he was a bad guy he wouldn't care about any civilians he hurts but he does! (I'm looking at you Avenging Hobbits. Trying to pull a Sam Raimi Venom it disgusts me.)

2119239 He definitely started out as a bad guy. You mist be talking about the Flash Thompson Venom, which is my least favorite. Marvel was kinda pandering to the Venom fans by making him a good guy. When he got his start in the 80's he was definitely bad though. Eddie Brock was the best Venom.

2119510 Eenope. Lethal Protector Venom.

2119646. No sorry. Flash is basically just wearing the symbiote. The symbiote is Venom. When it was on Eddie, the symbiote was the one calling the shots most if the of the time. Apparently the symbiote is brain dead now, so whoever's wearing it can use it instead of it using them. On top of that Eddie Brock is the OG Venom. He would make Flash his bitch.

2121438 I meant I was talking about Eddie in Lethal Protector dude.

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