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For me The most badass I can think of is in The Worm series when Taylor/Skitter has her secret identity reviled and is surrounded in a school by the heroes and she bluffs her way out of danger.

I gotta say the Eragon books. In general.


Like a boss

That physically hurt to read.

Just read the chapter "M: Animal Inside" from Tatsorou's story: "The other hatchling"

5150395 it's down but several chapters of Crystal wolves the new skolos was so bucking epic


Star Wars: The Old Repulbic Imperial Intelligence Agent Story Quests, Chapter One Ending. There's an option for the Agent that lets her talk down the second most ruthless Sith Lord in the empire, and she isn't even force sensitive, she literally just talks a freaking SITH down, one who's power is second only to Valkorian!

5150411 The question isn't about games, just fanfictions/published books.

Fanfiction? Too many to count.

Published fiction? There's a scene in Stephen King's Duma Key in which a character by the name of Wire man walks into the main character's house in time to see said character getting attacked by a sort of ghost / demon / something from the ocean. Seeing this, he grabs an iron candle holder and says something like "Get back you son of a bitch!" (In spanish.) It is real net if you read it.

5150395 Fanfic- Reunions are a bitch - Thor's speech. Nuff said.


Hmmm... Well then...

Imsgine if you will, a space battle, with the most badass music you can imagine playing in the background...

Mass Effect/HALO Fanfiction 'New Origins V2'. The final battle, the UNSC fleet, the RSN armada, the various council races navy's, the True Geth, the New Rachni, 100 Forerunner dreadnoughts retrieved from the Ilos dyson sphere, and the entirety of the Marauder forces, against the ENTIRE Reaper species, which has been upgraded with Forerunner technology and given a complete overhaul...

1,000 badass points to the Reapers for managing to holdout as long as they did against every last military ship in the entire galaxy, most of them using Forerunner tech almost as advanced as what they themselves have been upgraded with. 100 Trillion baddass points to Shepard/Noble 6 for single handedly killing Harbinger before it could 'release direct control' of it's pawn, destroying to mind when the possessed body died,effectively rendering it brain dead and, causing the Reapers minds to shatter leaving only automated shells, destroying each other making it possible for the combine Galactic fleet to destroy them all. That badass enough fanfic content for you?

my favorite is when Ash from A Wolf Among ponies killed five intruders in his house with a crushed tea cup.

5150432 Can't let you do that, AlucardJr6969!

Links to M-rated stories aren't permitted in groups without the (nsfw) label, I'd advise you to remove that link.

Forgot the fanfic's title but it was based around a human x poni love triangle.

He took a long hard sniff of her asshole.

It's not a Fimfiction. But Embers, a ATLA fanfic, has a scene where Zuko fights plague spirit. Said plague spirit manifested because of a very cruel death followed by an improper burial. Warning: Embers is a monster of a fanfiction that cannot be read in a day.


Warning: Embers is a monster of a fanfiction that cannot be read in a day

You presume to think that large fics do not exist on Fimfic as well? :trixieshiftright:

It stands at 757,722 words and 91 chapters. Take in mind I'm not counting it's before fic "Theft Absolut" which is much smaller at 751 words, one chapter. To shamelessly broadcast it, Ember's is still both the most well researched, and longest completed fanfiction that I have ever read. I can happily say that it killed many of my years, seeing as I started reading at chapter 45. Taking those thoughts in mind, Embers is a monster to read.

Then again, I know there has to be fic's on this site that are well over 1 million words.

5150699 There are 11 fics on this site which exceed one million words each, 1 of which exceeds two million words.

Again. It's the longest completed fic that I have ever read. I never said that it was the longest fic or story ever. Anyway it was just a warning. The majority of people are not willing to read a 2 million+ word fanfiction.

5150735 You'd be surprised actually.

The Chase, the fic with over two million words, currently has 1,914,453 views.

It's newest chapter has only 627 views. Just because 1,914,453 people viewed it doesn't mean 1,914,453 will read it.

It comes as an entire story; Conversion Bureau: Unlucky Day.
Basically, Jason Voorhees versus the Conversion Bureau.

5150759 Still, that's a really large number for a fic that has gone on as long as it has.

You'd think there would be a drop-off of views after a few hundred thousand words or so, because of reader attention and having time to read it all as it comes out, but not in this case apparently.

Group Admin


It's also a piece of shit.

5150745 You do realize that the total views is counting the views for all the chapters combined, right? Meaning, one person reading through all the chapters gives the story 900+ more views.

Group Admin

Tiberium Wars

"Yea verily, though I charge through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am driving a house-sized mass of "fuck you."

-Anonymous Mammoth Tank crewman

Not a fanfic, but the entire assault sequence on the Cerberus object from Revelation Space is one of those things burned into my memory as a real gee-whiz moment of literary excitement.

5150798 Well I'm not judging it based on quality, was just letting him know about the views.

i remember a fanfic about marvel's avengers. when Thor ask Loki why did he did everything thing in the show/movie/comics (i forgot). Loki starts screaming to him that it is for to stop Ragnarok, and when Loki starts saying not just the stuff that Thor knows, He explain that help made the hulk, spider man, most of the x-men and all most every super hero in marvel. Why? because not just one hero can stop it, so he help made more.




Fallout Equestria: Murky number seven- In a forced game of Russian roulette, Murky is faced with the sixth shot, and as the gun is swapped, Murky and Protégé spin the barrel as they push it across the table.

The result: Murky lives. And guess what? That was the Lucky Number Seventh shot.

Total badass.

And then he chases his captor to the top of the building, ultimately ending up pulling the pins on the son of a bitch's grenades, causing major kaboom.

I've never been more tense or engrossed in a story since I read that chapter.

Harry Dresden in Fool Moon:

'Then I drew in a breath, and my renewed will with it, lifted the rod in my right hand, murmured a phrase in a language I didn't know, and blew the tires off his fucking truck.'

My first pick would be Mass Effect 2: Arrival and Shadow Broker
The former because of Shepard's last stand at the Artifact and refusing to die - the radio chatter just makes the whole scene - and the latter because of that EPIC hovercar chase, and Shep's and Liara's banter.
Another would be a Planetary Annihilation Multiverse crossover story on Sufficient Velocity, in which the protagonist is stuck with a unit cap of 30 and has to make do with a couple Super Star Destroyers (seriously, the casual treatment of one of the most powerful ship classes in Star Wars makes the whole story arc) so he takes those into a MASSIVE construction yard. All 30 of them. After a long description of the radiation emanating from the operation of the structure, a lone vessel emerges.
The Cry of Gimli
Because it still only counts as one!!!
Then there's the Cry of Gimli Mk II
1500 km long, 800 km wide and 300 km tall
And it has THOUSANDS of Death Star superlasers as TURRETS.
It was used against the Yuuhzan Vong. To great effect, to say the least.

All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and if they catch you, they will kill you... but first they must catch you.

And now for something no one would have expected: unicorns are fucking hardcore.

For an instant the icy wings hung silent in the air, like clouds, and the harpy's old, yellow eyes sank into the unicorn's heart and drew her close. "I will kill you if you set me free," the eyes said. "Set me free."

The unicorn lowered her head until her horn touched the lock of the harpy's cage. The door did not swing open, and the iron bars did not thaw into starlight. But the harpy lifted her wings, and the four sides of the cage fell slowly away and down, like the petals of some great flower waking at night. And out of the wreckage the harpy bloomed, terrible and free, screaming, her hair swinging like a sword. The moon withered and fled.

The unicorn heard herself cry out, not in terror but in wonder, "Oh, you are like me!" She reared joyously to meet the harpy's stoop, and her horn leaped up into the wicked wind. The harpy struck once, missed, and swung away, her wings clanging and her breath warm and stinking. She burned overhead, and the unicorn saw herself reflected on the harpy's bronze breast and felt the monster shining from her own body. So they circled one another like a double star, and under the shrunken sky there was nothing real but the two of them. The harpy laughed with delight, and her eyes turned the color of honey. The unicorn knew that she was going to strike again.

The harpy folded her wings and fell like a star—not at the unicorn, but beyond her, passing so close that a single feather drew blood from the unicorn's shoulder; bright claws reaching for the heart of Mommy Fortuna, who was stretching out her own sharp hands as though to welcome the harpy home. "Not alone!" the witch howled triumphantly at both of them. "You never could have freed yourselves alone! I held you!" Then the harpy reached her, and she broke like a dead stick and fell.

The harpy crouched on her body, hiding it from sight, and the bronze wings turned red.

The last unicorn... yes, I remember the movie fondly. If only the english dub would have been better. Luckily the german one was good.

The book is much better. The movie loses far too much of the nuances of just what being a unicorn actually means. Actually, that gave me an idea for a story. I'm going to post it later, so feel free to give it a look.

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