Human in Equestria 16,943 members · 17,119 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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Why? Just why?


2342036 It's not like that for me:unsuresweetie:

2342036 i know right i hate the changes they are making this website

On me phone. :rainbowkiss:

Because reason also magic... and your browser probably bucked up!


See that little thing at the bottom right corner where you type the body?

Try clicking and dragging it.:pinkiecrazy:

2342036 you can stretch out the box at it's corner (of the part where you type)

It magically stretches

2342036 Huh. Would you look at that...

Thank you so much!

At least it's not as bad as it is on youtube.

2342192 You don't have to be here if you don't want to... :facehoof:

I really wish Knighty would just make up his fucking mind. It's one thing to make an unpopular change -- I can adjust to that -- but it's quite another for something to be different every single goddamned time I check in. Especially when things are moved AND have their icon changed to something completely different. It's just fucking trolling at that point. No question about it.

Please place the open barrel end of the butthurt device to your head and pull back the anti butthurt lever.

Kindly grab a fistful of razorblades and go fuck yourself with it.

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