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okay... this is a big one. next to the equines, dragons are the largest group in the world. however, unlike equines, the majority of dragons and dragon relatives (pseudodragons) are not sapient.

there are several hundred members of the Draconidae order of reptiles, all descended from a species of Jurassic monitor lizard

this is only a HOOFFULL of the non-sapient species in this family, and already you can see how diverse it is!

moving on, the Draconidae can be divided as thus

Dragons: Dragons, Wyverns, Wyrms, and Drakes

Pseudodragons: Hydras, Basilisks, Cockatrices, and others

Sea Serpents

okay, we've established Dragons have a big family. however, very few are above average animal intelligence, most having an IQ comparable to a dog or parrot. the Hydra family of Pseudodragons is closest to sapience because of their multiple brains, but is still only marginally smarter than a dog.

Sapient dragons have been around since the Eocene age, and have diversified since then

Dragon Languages

the "Main" dragon language is Ancient Draconic, but several dialects have evolved


the go-to "Northern" dragon language, Dovah words are often laced with magic.


this Eastern language is sung rather than spoken, and often sounds like attempting to mimic copper pots clanging together.


Spoken by more serpentine dragons, this language consists of various hisses and bird-like screeches


the "Western" Dragon language, based on Ancient Draconic


the sea serpent language, which sounds like waves, bubbles, and whalesong


actually a dialect of common Equestrian, Hodag Drawl is often harder to understand than a jumpy rattlesnake in a barrel of cider on a Wednesday Mornin'. Wait. What?


the typical four-limbed dragon, having two wings and two legs, the wyvern family is the largest group of all the "true" dragons, having evolved into a variety of forms to suit nearly every possible niche. not all can breath fire, but all are poisonous to a certain degree.

Northern Wyvern

the largest of the wyverns, Northern Wyverns (Dovah) are the creators of the Dovah language, and therefore the Dragon shouts which they use in combat.

Relations between the Dovah and the other inhabitants of Northrim are strained, but an uneasy truce has been made.

Prehistoric Dragon

unchanged for 65 million years, the prehistoric dragon lives as it always has, establishing its territory, defending its territory from rivals, and gathering mates. to be honest, this is dragon culture in general. the only thing that sets sapient dragons like this apart from bestial dragons is their intelligence.

Common Wyvern

standard for the species

Mountain Wyvern

poisonous, capable of launching spikes, and stinging, these pugnacious wyverns don't breathe fire.


very unusual, these flightless dragons are more pony-like than dragon-like, having hooves. they often even go so far as to have tattoos marked on their flanks, like a cutie mark.


Argonians, or Saxhleel, are native to the large and marshy province known as Black Marsh (Argonia), a region of Northrim. Enigmatic and intelligent, the Argonians are experts of guerrilla tactics, and their natural abilities suit their swampy homeland. They have developed immunities to diseases that have plagued many would-be explorers in the region, and they are capable of easily exploring underwater locations due to their ability to hold their breath for several hours. Argonians make proficient thieves, due to their superb lockpicking and sneaking skills. They are also very capable warriors and archers due to their constant use of guerrilla warfare against Warring Tribes or Dark elf slavers.

Argonians have a wide variety of cranial features such as fins, ridges, spines, spikes, or horns. Female Argonians have been known to pierce their cranial features.

Marital customs among the Argonians is one of the few widely-known aspects of Argonian life. In Black Marsh, it is customary to present a lover with an Argonian Wedding Band, which is crafted by the courting member. Each ring is unique and has personal meaning to the creator and the recipient. The actual ceremony of marriage is very long and complex, and involves unique rituals, spoken in the native language of the Argonians.

However the part of their culture which is fully known to any outsider of Black Marsh, is the Argonian's expertise in Guerrilla Warfare. Centuries of cruel Dunmer (Dark Elf) slavery has caused the Argonians to rebel many times. Though Argonia as a whole throughout most of its history could never enter a full war with the Dark Elves. Instead they have mastered the way of ambushes and hit and run tactics to achieve their political aims.

Argonian culture in Black Marsh is not fully understood. Some evidence suggests that the Argonian lifestyle is tribal. However, considering references to the Royal Court of Argonia the presence of some form of organized Argonian government is indeed possible.

The Argonians are a very insular race. This is due to the nature of their homeland, but also because most other races typically view them as little more than beasts. Their long history of being captured as slaves has made Argonians very distrustful of strangers, but when an Argonian has made a friend, they will fight to the death to defend that friend.

The Argonians have no true allies among the other races of Northrim. Most relations are neutral, with Argonians not really caring about the affairs of other races or nations. The only clear relations they have are negative, falling on the Dunmer. The long history of being forced into slavery by the Dunmer, and lives spent in harsh treatment on their plantations in Morrowind has left most Argonians with a deep cultural hatred of the Dark Elves.


The Silurians are generally a peaceful race. Their highest laws forbid outright warfare except for defense.

The Silurians are generally led by a Triad, three Silurians who ruled jointly. These Silurians came from different backgrounds and controlled different professions, such as the military and the scientists. Silurians were also split into different tribes. The majority of Silurian warriors appeared to be female, as the females are the more aggressive in some species of reptile.

They worship a Lizard God sufficiently different from the main dragon deities Tiamat or Bahamut, but bearing a resemblance to Bokrug, the great water lizard.

as another interesting note, the earliest editions of the Necronomicon are written in Silurian.


among the rarest of dragons, the gem dragon is the only ten-limbed reptile in existence. they are the most powerful firebreathers among dragons, and can fly the longest distances.



Native to the continent of Khaan, Lung are the most proficient magic-users of the dragons, mostly focusing on weather-based magic and flight magic


the largest dragons, King Drakes are also among the most common.

Greater King Drake

Coming in various colors, the greater king drake is the largest of the king drakes. they are difficult to reason with, but once they make a deal, they never go back on their word.

Lesser King Drake

only slightly smaller than the Greater King Drake, the lesser King Drake is distinguished by the single spine on its head

Purple King Drake

a distinct breed from the Greater King Drake, the Purple King Drake is the rarest of the King Drakes, as well as the most shy and reserved. they hatch without wings

despite their name, these Dragons also come in green

Purple King Drakes are often sought out as mates by other dragons, and are believed to be descended from royalty


Night Furies (Nachbearbeitung) are the fastest of dragons, easily able to break the sound barrier. they are secretive and nocturnal. it is hard to gain their trust, but it is hard to lose once you gain it


Lemurians (Dragon Kings) are a race of flightless dragons who founded the earliest civilization and the world's first empire, shortly after the KT event. to fully understand them, we must look at the entire history of the island.

Lemuria is a large island located between Hosstralia and the Unnamed Southern Continent. it contains a fair population of extant dinosaurs, as well as several non-native mammalian life forms, as well as the Lemurians and an equine race called the Morulak.


Well, the lemurian's ancestors probably wouldn't have started off with superscience. Rather, most likely, they clawed their way up to civilization just like other races did, beginning with pointed sticks and stone tools. We could imagine that they would have done most of the things we did - domestication of animals, agriculture, metallurgy and textiles. They would have moved up to the bronze age and then the iron age, founded cities and then empires.

But there's probably a few things that would have happened differently. Lemuria is an Island continent, isolated. That will have consequences.

Lemuria's closest neighbors were the Unnamed Southern Continent and Hosstralia, both relatively inhospitable, neither particularly close. It's likely that the Lemurians didn't go sea exploring, and didn't discover the rest of the world until extremely late in their history, not until they'd reached a Renaissance level of technology, and perhaps not even until much, much later. And remember, they’d have been a long, long, much longer time than us, getting there, so their culture was likely more settled and less inclined to exploration and colonization.

So, we have a relatively intelligent species on a very small continent slowly climbing up the path to civilization? What happens? they probably screwed it up a lot. history is littered with dead and failed civilizations. Of course, most of our dead civilizations were mugged by other civilizations. The lemurians probably don't have that, or at least not as much of that. Their civilizations were probably a lot longer lasting. On the other hand, other civilizations and cultures have a good record of driving other species into extinction, wrecking the environment, spreading diseases, and using up all the available resources, or simply overpopulating their territories. All these things probably happened to the lemurians, and probably lead to their civilizations collapsing fairly regularly. But even when they didn't collapse, I’d bet that these reverses probably drove their civilizations back and left them reduced and impoverished for long periods. the likely model of lemurian civilization would be initial brilliant flowering until they screwed up somehow, and then a long period of decline and poverty where they just hung on, largely because there wasn’t anything to finish them off.

Finally, of course, the question becomes how far could they get, and what sort of technology they might produce. We can assume that they developed relatively sophisticated metallurgy. We can also assume that they probably discovered and developed electricity and steam power, from what evidence has been found. They almost certainly found their way to some grasp of chemistry.

But how much further? A lot of that depends on the resources available. Think of something as simple as rubber, for instance. Think of how essential rubber is to modern technology. But rubber originates from Tapiri. If Stirroppean civilization had never discovered rubber, well, it might have made do, but it would have taken a lot longer, been a lot costlier and more difficult, and there might be some things we'd never do. the Lemurians were not exploring the world. If Lemuria didn't have rubber at home, or some reasonable substitute, they were out of luck for most of their history. So who knows what absences might have held them back. So if Lemuria was unlucky, which is likely, it might not have had much in the way of accessible fossil fuel sources. Which means that the Lemurians might never have developed the sort of industrial society we developed, or if they did, limitations on resources meant it either didn't get very far or didn’t spread nearly as widely. Or for that matter, who knows what advantages in local plant or animal or mineral resources might have sent them catapulting ahead in directions that we never explored, or didn’t exploit until much later.

Take quartz, for example. there is a very interesting quality to quartz called piezo-electrics. Essentially, what this means is that if you run a current through a piece of quartz, you can make it vibrate. Alternately, if you hit quartz with a hammer, or induce pressure or vibration, you can produce electricity WITHOUT MAGIC. now suppose that the lemurians had better or more bountiful resources of piezo-electric crystals. Supposing that their resources of crystal were far better quality or more effective than we’ve found. Supposing that they encountered it earlier in their history and had fewer other opportunities or resources, and so were highly motivated to develop this technology in ways and for effects that we either can't accomplish nor, or can accomplish through other means. Supposing that their technological culture, from early on, was built on generating and manipulating small amounts of electricity in subtle ways.

it's safe to say that it took them far longer. Perhaps ten or twenty or a hundred times as long. It's likely that their technology and civilization paralleled equine's, broadly, but just as likely that it may have done different things in subtle or grand ways. At some point, however, we have to assume that the Lemurians built up a substantial civilization, one with the technological prowess to explore the rest of the world. What happens then? Well, if they were anything like other colonizing species, what happens then is that they screw things up the way others screwed things.

This probably happens with the Lemurians. Except that Lemuria's merely an Island. The parasites, the local flora and fauna are all pretty much tailored to the island continent and not terribly robust away from home. But foreign animals, foreign plants and foreign parasites.... particularly the ones from that big, robust biological Stirropean and Khaan continents would be all set to wreak havoc. The Lemurians, coming from their tamer and limited biosphere, wouldn’t have any idea what hit them until it was too late. They just wouldn't see it coming.

Some species would be deliberate introductions. useful food animals, herbivores, are possibly willfully introduced. Particularly if the Lemurians have already killed off species and made some holes in their ecosystem. Lions and Bears might be introduced to prey on runaway herbivore populations, or they might be imported for other purposes. The long and the short of it is that the formerly Dinosaur based ecology of Lemuria starts to get overrun with mammals, and in many areas, the Dinosaurs find themselves on their way out the door. There’s a risk of internal or insect parasites or diseases as well. The Lemurian island has been isolated for 60 million years, so the life forms there, and particularly the Lemurians themselves, may be very vulnerable - fleas, ticks, mosquitos, tapeworms, ringworms, bacteria, viruses may well devastate the population. Or it may devastate vulnerable aspects of their culture - a new kind of fungus or crop blight might well produce famines or even social collapse.

It's likely that for the Lemurians, world exploration poses a very mixed bag - lots of wonderful stuff to discover and bring home, and at the same time, lots of hidden horrible surprises. It might be that in the long run, they just figure its best to stay home. And this is why Lemuria's got such a strange mixture of animal types.

But the most interesting thing for the Lemurians is probably their discovery of Hipparion. A clever, useful, smart three-toed equine with all sorts of potential applications. Look, let's be fair here: Pretty much any time that any civilization went out and discovered a less advanced culture, the first thing they did was usually enslave them. They did it from the beginning. They did it small scale. They did it large scale. And they even continue to do it today in parts of the world.

Indeed, there might be advantages. If the Hipparion slaves were primarily vegetarian, and the Lemurians were primarily carnivorous, then it would change the dynamics of society. A basically carnivorous society would have a population limited to the amount of meat it could sustainably produce. And sustainable production would be governed by the muscle and power of those carnivores. On the other hoof, a carnivorous society of dragons sustained by a population of vegetarian "butlers".... Well, you could support a lot of Hipparion with a vegetarian diet. And if they were at work raising meat for you, you could sustain a lot larger population of Lemurians. So we might actually see some pretty rapid social transformation, as Lemurian society embraced equine slavery, and in fact, larger communities of dragons and much larger communities of Hipparion around them. large shifts in cultivation, urban centers, a shift to plantation economies.

But let's look at where this would have probably gone. We've had the benefit of our own chaotic and complex history, the rise and fall of empire after empire, kingdom after kingdom. And we never learn our lessons. The Lemurians, stuck on their Island, with more limited resources and a history of fewer and longer lasting civilizations, probably never see even see it coming.

Here’s how it probably went: The Lemurians finally get off their continent and go exploring. It's too late in their social history to really go into serious colonization, and historically, colonies have always been an expensive and time consuming proposition. But when they go out into the wide world, they suddenly gain the benefit of new species, new resources, new food animals, new substances and potential new slaves in Hipparion. We see a great flowering in Lemurian civilization, population and technology expands dramatically. Then the crunch hits. Invasive new species screw up the ecostructure, plant diseases and funguses wreck agriculture, there are new plagues, and as the overheated bubble of expansion slows and stops, the Lemurian economy goes into a depression. The society goes into its usual spiral of poverty and decline following dramatic expansions as they overrun their limits.

But this time, there's all these useful equine slaves. The slave population grows dramatically, as a source of cheap and easy to feed labor. The Lemurians use them to cushion their recession and thus humans become common through Lemuria. The Lemurians breed them to improve the form. Inevitably, of course, some of them go feral retreating to the wilds and mountains where they cause trouble. The Lemurians breed the Morulak to keep them down. But then the inevitable happens. The slaves revolt. Or perhaps enough escaped slaves and wild humans congregate and manage to start their own city. Either way, there’s suddenly a Hipparion ruled city, Nemedis. This is followed by Yb, Yaodar and Althaar. Either Hipparion crafted cities, or Lemurian reptile cities now ruled by equines. This is where the Lemurian equine civilization comes from. They've pretty much stolen or inherited it from the Dragon Kings.

By this time, there are at least four great Hipparion cities, and we can presume that the Hipparion are directly pressing on the Dragon Kings. The dragons have backed away enough, they've decided to make a stand. It doesn’t appear that the Dragon Kings had much of a unified government. From the few hints we have, they appear to have organized themselves as loosely federated city states. Initially, they were successful in their war, laying siege to the Hipparion cities. But sieges are expensive things, and likely a lot of the Dragon King cities forces eventually went home. The Hipparion outlasted the Dragon Kings, and eventually, in a decisive battle at Grimstrand Firth, the allied Hipparion broke their enemies forces. This began the thousand year war, a long period of off and on low intensity conflict in which, one by one, most of the Dragon King cities and fortresses fell, and equines took over the balance of Lemuria. I suppose this makes the "Dragon Kings" seem rather feeble. But then again, they had the head start, the population and the technology, all the advantages were theirs. But still, they lost. In the end, I think that we can assume that they had the same inherent flaws that we do, that while smart, they were no smarter than us, no wiser, no more thoughtful.


Native to the jungles of Tapiri, the Amphiteres are a secretive race of dragons, and more solitary than other dragon species. they are also potent aeromancers.


Flightless, wingless dragons with four legs, these dragons also often have no breath weapon

the Inhabitants

Inhabiting the Nameless City, an ancient ruin in Heliopolis, the Inhabitants are a semi-aquatic race that are very territorial. the above picture is a priest or ruler, in charge of governing the city.

the Warriors are the reason no one enters or leaves the now-buried city alive.


blind, territorial, and rude, skullions are a northern species who use their claw to rip open prey.


Long, serpentine dragons, sometimes with no limbs, sometimes up to as many as twelve. all are venomous


Found in Coltland/Glascolt, these dragons cannot breathe fire, but are expert burrowers


Fireworms are among the smallest dragons, ranging about a foot in length. they cannot breathe fire, but can superheat their skin. they work in groups, making them very dangerous.

this is a fireworm Queen. the queens average up to 20 feet in length, and are the center of a fireworm community.


a two-legged Orm, the lindorm lives in forests and deserts. they are wise, but very shrewd.


Native to Cheval, Guivres are amphibious dragons with a potent poison. however, they are also very modest.


the only Orm with any non-poisonous attack, beithirs can shoot lightning and manipulate electricity. they average about 50 feet long.


The ouroboros is a snake-like dragon with a thick body that was only discovered to be sapient quite recently. The ouroboros' spine is protected with large, over-lapping plates of bony armor (refered to as osteoderms). Unlike normal snakes whose bodies are thickest at the middle and become thinner at both ends, the ouroboros has roughly the same thickness throughout almost its entire body, though the tip of their tail becomes very thin and flexible. The ouroboros has a very unique mode of transportation, as they will wrap the tip of their tail around their neck and form a rigid circle with their body (roughly the same size diameter as carrige wheel), rolling along in a manner similar to a hoop. No one is entirely certain how the ouroboros is able to control the direction and speed of its movement, or even why this creature isn't dizzy all the time from moving in this manner. However, they are able to reach incredible speeds with this manner of locomotion, allowing them to be one of the fastest living things to travel across the ground (only locomotive trains and the lightning-enhanced Pronghorn couriers are able to outrun these creatures).

These dragons are also well-renowned for their healing venom, which is used to make arthritis medication, healing potions, and happens to be one of the few existing substances that can neutralize Basilisk Venom. According to legend, the healing properties of ouroboros venom were first discovered in the early days of Equestria by an Earth Pony named Asclepius. Today, many hospitals keep one or more live Ouroborii on hoof for the producing of some of the best medicines not made by Zebras, as this dragon will gladly donate a vial of its miraculous venom in exchange for an offering of food.


most likely descended from Orms, Sea Serpents, as their name implies, make their homes in the ocean and other large bodies of water. Unlike their dragon cousins however, most sea serpents are quite friendly, and are always willing to help if they're needed. The only downside is some tend to be a bit vain about their manes, and one can often find a sea serpent gazing at their reflections in the water.

Sea serpents follow the rule of an "Empraking", who resides in the waters around the country of Eponia.

His Royal Majestic Highness, the Fashionable Empraking Julius Mercury, is the humble and modest Empraking of all sea serpents in Eponia. He is the the Guru of Groovy, the Swami of Style, the King of Khaki- Wait, no. Scratch that out of his title please. His Highness refuses to be associated with such a thing.


essentially the basal four-legged, winged dragons

Common Dragon

often confused with the king drakes, these dragons are not as large as their cousins, but are just as varied in appearance and color, and unlike the king drakes, often have horns

a crèche of common dragon hatchlings, all from the same clutch of eggs

Swamp Dragon
Weylon Jones, aka Killer Croc

one of the smaller dragons (still towering over most ponies), swamp Dragons are aggressive and territorial, as well as one of the few fire-breathing water dragons

a Swamp Dragon confronts an intruding thestral in the Manehattan sewers

Sapphire Dragon

very rare and beautiful, "Sapphire" dragons also come in Topaz, Ruby, Opal, Lapis-Lazuli, Emerald, Amethyst, and Diamond forms. they are only found on a chain of islands, the largest of which is called Del-tora, "Land of Gems"


secretive and pushy, this mountain-dwelling dragon uses its long horn to gore intruders before roasting them.


at sixty feet long and close to six tons, the ironbelly is one of the largest sapient dragon species. its heavy armor makes it slow in flight, but can deflect even most alicorn-level spells.


often considered one of the more beautiful dragons, this Hosstralian dragon's eyes are multi-hued. unlike most dragons, the ignis magicka (the magic fire that sapient fire-breathing dragons use to teleport items) of the opaleye is brilliant scarlet instead of green.

Onyx Dragon

a more aggressive Stirropean cousin of the Sapphire dragon, this mountain dweller is the most solitary of dragons


this native of Tapiri is one of the fastest and most venomous dragon species, but at 15 feet long, it's also among the smallest.


this northern dragon has a soft blue ignis magicka which it blows through its nostrils. they are more herbivorous than their cousins.


a northern seacoast species, this dragon often hunts dolphins and whales. the females are highly aggressive, even by dragon standards.


"you don't fight a Horntail, you just wait until they're done killing you."

the most aggressive species of dragon. 50 feet long, with a flame length of 50 feet, spikes covering its thick hide, and a flight speed of 150 miles per hour... it's surprising that anyone would dare try to talk to one. however, Horntails LOVE talking, especially when presented with riddles.

Mountain Dragon

a fairly basic, horse-sized dragon that generally lives in small groups, usually of only two or three individuals along with hatchlings. the females have territories ranging hundreds of miles, while the males are nomads, wandering from female to female and helping raise the hatchlings.

Marine Dragon

mostly sticking to coastal waters, this easygoing, flightless dragon cannot breathe fire

Forest Dragon

living in the bamboo forests of Manechuria, this firebreather is a skilled mimic


small, swift, and incredibly magical, Faery dragons are difficult to spot, and more difficult to talk to


cat-sized, these are the most magically inclined of the Faery Dragons, as well as the largest, reaching the size of a cat.

Moth Dragon

arboreal and nocturnal, these tiny dragons are very talkative.


the fastest of the Faery Dragons, but also the most secretive


dragons which are unique for having incredible magic skills and being uniquely in-tune with elemental forces


a swamp dweller with a skull-like head, the black dragon spits a corrosive acid.


Skilled at illusion magic, this desert-dwelling species has powerful electric attacks. they keep fairly well-ordered, hierarchical societies.


this talkative and highly aggressive forest dweller breathes out poisonous gas. They are mean-tempered, cruel, and rude. These dragons love intrigue and secrets. They delight in stalking their enemies and listening in for any information they can gather before moving to attack. They are highly territorial, and will often view any intrusion into their domain, voluntary or not, as a personal affront. They are extremely cunning and duplicitous foes, and love double-crossing others. A traveler who stumbles into a green dragon's territory may be able to bribe the dragon for safe passage, but more often than not the dragon will pretend to agree and then attack the unsuspecting offender once their guard is down.


considered the strongest of the Chromatic Dragons, the Red Dragons wield incredible power over fire. Red dragons are covetous creatures, interested only in their own well-being, vanity and the extension of their treasure hoards. They are supremely confident of their own abilities and are prone to making snap decisions without any forethought. Red Dragons believe that they are the pinnacle of draconic nature and that all other species are impure. They value vengefulness, rapaciousness, avarice and ferocity above other traits and recognize these traits in themselves with pride. They are solitary creatures and care little for news of other types of dragons. They do however, look for news of other red dragons in their area.

If they believe their own achievements and possessions to be greater than these other red dragons then they stay in their caves, smugly congratulating themselves but if they learn that the achievements or possessions of the other red dragons are greater than their own they will fly into a vengeful rage, decimating the surrounding area until they believe that they have outdone their rivals. The dragon becomes much less cautious during this time and much more likely to underestimate their foes.

Unfortunately, red dragons can go to extreme lengths to ensure that every other red dragon in the area knows that they are inferior to the red dragon spreading the news. They will often burn down only half a village or let a single adventurer flee from a battle so that word of their power spreads throughout the region. Not only will this anger other red dragons but it is also like a shining beacon to adventurers & treasure hunters.

If a red dragon ever finds out that another red dragon has "lost it", either by getting badly wounded or if they are becoming senile in old age then local red dragons will descend on the lair, stripping it clean and usually killing the owner. They despise the thought of weakness in any red dragon and believe that if a red dragon cannot protect what it has, then it doesn't deserve to have it.

Reds are also highly territorial. Entering an area a red considers its domain is just asking to be attacked, especially if it is another dragon entering the area (even more so if it is a red dragon). Conflict is inevitable if this is the case and it is almost always to the death as neither would dare show weakness to the other. Thankfully, most other species are smart enough to flee if they realize the area belongs to a red dragon. Red dragons can get so territorial that in rare occasions they will adopt a protective yet patronizing attitude towards creatures they consider inferior that live within their self-imposed borders.


Metallic dragons, such as the silver dragon, actually have two breath weapons. in the case of silver dragons, these consist of frost and a paralyzing gas.

Metallic dragons are also less inclined to fight than other dragons, though they still have a typical dragon mindset.

Silver dragons can actually change shape into creatures as small as a pony, and enjoy doing so. matings between silver dragons in pony form and normal ponies never produce children.

Most silvers group together in "clans," a loose organization of dragons who choose to live together as a family. Clans take communal responsibility for protecting and raising their wyrmlings. A senior member of the clan may act as a leader, but no true leader actually exists. Silver dragons do not feel the need for a strict social structure, since they are most content to live as honestly as possible. Silver dragons are extremely rare and elusive, preferring to take the guise of kind and elderly poniess or very attractive and young poniess. They very much like to associate with equines, not necessarily because they prefer their company over other races, but because they try to learn from the shorter lived species.

Silver dragons' favored enemy are red dragons because these chromatic dragons almost always have a talent for destruction. Additionally, silvers and reds favor the same sort of terrain for lairs, which leads to territorial disputes on top of having attitudes and philosophies at odds with the others.


Copper dragons live in deserts and can spit acid as well as a "slow gas" which causes creatures to slow down to where they are barely moving. They are born tricksters and jokesters. They are quite devious and clever, but their intent is purely benign. They do not seek to harm 'lesser' creatures, but merely wish to impress them with superior intelligence and wit, and to fool them with clever pranks. A visitor to a copper dragon's lair can expect to be entertained at length, although the dragon will become angry if the visitor does not appear impressed with her tricks, riddles, and stories. When it comes to combat, copper dragons prefer to avoid it. Rather than fighting openly, they prefer to taunt, humiliate, and tease their opponents until they simply give up and run away. Their ability to dramatically slow opponents often gives them ample time to run away. When forced, however, a copper dragon will fight to the very end, and is an incredibly devious antagonist. Their acid breath is not to be taken lightly. When it comes to open battle, copper dragons are formidable fighters.


able to breath fire and "sleep gas", Brass dragons love to talk, to the exclusion of most else. They love to engage friends and foes alike in hours of long-winded conversation. It is not unusual for a brass dragon to be fluent in several hundred different languages.


Coastal dragons able to discharge electricity and breathe out "repulsion gas" (so smelly to the point the target runs just to get away from the dragon), bronze dragons are often fascinated with battles, especially fighting to defeat evil, though they have strong moral compunctions against killing living beings unless absolutely necessary. it is said Bronze dragons can speak with animals, make fog, control water and weather, and detect thought.

Do Swamp Dragons have a nasty habit of exploding?

Group Admin

2310180 the false swamp dragon does, not the true swamp dragon shown here

Terry Prachett fan?

Group Admin

2310353 cool. same here.

Epic Brony 4 Life
Group Admin



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