Royal Canterlot Library 992 members · 638 stories
Comments ( 283 )
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Pinkie Pie reconnects with a few of her old friends.
Ebon Mane · 7k words  ·  774  8 · 13k views

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TSunset Shimmer's Ordinary Afternoon
Sunset Shimmer spends an ordinary afternoon and evening at home.
MythrilMoth · 7k words  ·  541  40 · 12k views
EDancing in Melancholy
Adagio has one last song in her, but no voice to sing it with.
forbloodysummer · 6.1k words  ·  56  3 · 2.2k views

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Group Admin

One story per post, lest the voting get messy. Break 'em up.

TQuiet Boy and Moon Horse
A young man falls in love with the beautiful dark alicorn who moves the moon. But she's a fictional character … isn't she?
horizon · 6k words  ·  676  20 · 8k views

I was going to nominate Hard Reset, but somebody already beat me to that punch. So instead, I'll go with one of my other personal favorites:

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.
Darth Link 22 · 88k words  ·  2,312  57 · 30k views

Everything that makes this fandom special can be found within this story, and at a pretty high quality at that. The headcanons, the deconstructions, the reconstructions, the heartwarming moments, the sad moments, the funny moments, the extra dosage of darkness, the shipping, the ship teases, Twilight and Spike being adorable, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo being adorable, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, etcetera. It expertly demonstrates, summarizes, and represents everything I love about this show and its fanbase.

I may prove to be alone in this regard, but Families is probably my favorite story on this site. And so, it gets my vote.

I included both because they're two parts of the same story, Ghost Lights is the sequel to Seashell.

Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle's bond is tested by miscommunication and guilt.
device heretic · 160k words  ·  3,080  66 · 42k views
Why was this filly, this Rainbow Dash, wasting her Celestia-given gifts? Would the letters tell me?
The Descendant · 8.1k words  ·  1,021  13 · 20k views
Comment posted by Fenrisulfr deleted Jun 28th, 2019
Fluttershy and Discord have become very good friends lately. Now if only she could convince him that she's not in his imagination...
Obselescence · 4.6k words  ·  1,476  18 · 19k views
TThe Carnivore's Prayer
It is their nature
Cold in Gardez · 9.7k words  ·  782  14 · 11k views
When Twilight is taken by the Nightmare, it's up to Pinkie Pie to rescue her.
Kwakerjak · 29k words  ·  2,638  37 · 30k views
TMood Wings
The body language of wings.
Tchernobog · 9.5k words  ·  4,185  62 · 64k views
EPost Nuptials
The wedding might be over, but emotions are still running high for many that were involved.
Darth Link 22 · 33k words  ·  2,477  67 · 46k views
EThe Diary Of An Evil Pony
Dear Diary. I have selected my new name for this job: "Fleur De Lis." The target's name is Fancy Pants, and he's rich, well-known, and single. This is going to be a breeze.
TheBrianJ · 8.3k words  ·  1,338  15 · 16k views
After his defeat Discord was left alone...but even after months pass one creature can't let go...
The Descendant · 7.7k words  ·  627  12 · 13k views
EWhere Have the Stars Gone?
What does it mean to be immortal? Celestia's memory is very old. It is twisted and confused. She wakes one night to find that she can no longer tell her memories and her dreams apart. She no longer knows what was real and what was only dreamed.
HoofBitingActionOverload · 2.9k words  ·  674  12 · 7.5k views
Twilight Sparkle's friends have lived long and happy lives. Now their time is coming to an end, but Rainbow Dash, at least, will not go gently. Twilight has the power to save her friend's life. Is it worth violating the natural order?
Benman · 42k words  ·  991  134 · 14k views

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TChangeling Courtship Rituals
Twilight accidentally marries Chrysalis.
Codex Ex Equus · 38k words  ·  4,062  70 · 51k views

This here contest needs it some more Cold in Gardez, it does.

TThe Destruction of the Self
Buckwheat would like to be a farmer. But what he wants isn't important, and that's alright with him.
    Cold in Gardez · 6.1k words  ·  594  12 · 5k views
    TThe Spiderses
    the that: spidering when heres?
    Argembarger · 2.7k words  ·  455  67 · 21k views

    Someone had to.

    EEarth & Sky
    Sequel to Windfall, set three years after. Twilight & Rarity invent artificial wings!
    Warren Hutch · 265k words  ·  1,211  28 · 18k views

    I teach at a major University.

    Argembarger was my student. :rainbowkiss:

    TPlease Open The Door
    Following a Changeling attack, Applejack holes up in her home and awaits other survivors. Now the question is whether they're actually who they say they are.
    naturalbornderpy · 28k words  ·  523  14 · 7.8k views

    [Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

    This one has been in my list of favorites for a very long time. Is it the best of them all? I don't know. That's up to the rest of you to decide.

    TExit Interview
    Luna has a very important conversation with a very unimportant pony.
    Cynewulf · 12k words  ·  642  14 · 8.3k views

    Oh, easy one.

    EKindness's Reward
    Fluttershy's used to taking care of all sorts of critters. Grumpy magician unicorns, not so much.
    AVeryStrange · 31k words  ·  1,302  22 · 18k views

    One of my favorite season one fics

    EWax Fruit
    Twilight is called back to Canterlot and Applejack goes with.
    PotatoJoe · 9.2k words  ·  128  3 · 5.8k views
    TA New Dragon in the Crystal Empire
    Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.
    Vedues · 300k words  ·  204  16 · 3.3k views

    I could never decide on one best story to nominate, so from the ones I consider best I'm posting the long and the short one that I feel are the most underrated.

    ETo Be Evil
    Rogi had to hide another smile. Equestria was impregnable. This would be easy. He'd be done within minutes, and happily drunk within the hour. "Well, my Lord. How do you plan to proceed?"
    8686 · 18k words  ·  111  2 · 1.6k views

    I was really surprised to see only a single 8686 story nominated so far. And even one of the earlier ones. I feel they're all great but generally got even better over time.

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    TWoundsalt, Mother Bucker.
    Meet the most cynical pony in Canterlot, who under the latest Princess' orders, moves to Ponyville to meet up with the Mane Six for his own quest to find friends. Many Swear words ensue.
    OneUppington · 98k words  ·  1,224  74 · 12k views
    Luna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – and find the monsters who would threaten our future. I am one such pony.
    JawJoe · 115k words  ·  572  16 · 9k views
    Twilight tries to figure out how rock farming works.
    Kwakerjak · 6.7k words  ·  3,522  49 · 60k views

    Thought I'd add a couple that haven't been posted that I find worth mentioning.

    TRemnants of Rainbow
    After a crash leaves Rainbow Dash with the mental state of a child, her friends look after her. At the moment, It's Fluttershy's turn.
    TheWraithWriter · 5.7k words  ·  276  9 · 3.7k views

    Rats, I did the brackets and everything. Why didn't it work? I think I've forgotten how to use the site :P

    Surround the link with [embed] tags, like this:


    I did that before, but I just realized that there were spaces on either side of the link. Forgot about that haha. Thank you!

    EThis is a Stick-Up
    Many years ago, Ponyville was even smaller than it is now. But not too small to experience its first bank robbery. In distinctly Ponyville style.
    Georg · 5.4k words  ·  881  6 · 8.7k views
    TBreaking Barriers
    Rainbow Dash finally has her chance to try out for the Wonderbolts!
    chief maximus · 104k words  ·  1,121  45 · 15k views

    This one is maybe an odd one, and short, but Crowne Prince puts such perfect weight and poise in every sentence. Possibly the best humorous prose I've seen on this site. Just giving it a shout-out.

    TCheerilee Edits Somepony's Terrible Fiction
    Teacher by day, editor by night.
    Crowne Prince · 1.5k words  ·  219  3 · 4.8k views

    Likely a little late, but I feel this deserves to be among the others. I'm pretty sure I didn't see it there before.

    TThe Equus Club
    Five teenage girls are forced to endure a Saturday of detention together.
    Sharp Spark · 16k words  ·  341  27 · 6.2k views
    TGrief is the Price We Pay
    Spike thought he could get them to trust and befriend Thorax. But they didn't.
    Scyphi · 609k words  ·  1,053  87 · 14k views
    TIn a Far Away Land
    The Mane Six, Spike, and indeed the entire population of Ponyville find themselves trapped in the world of Minecraft.
    TheReaderAndWriter · 161k words  ·  317  15 · 6.7k views
    TDark Sunset
    It's a normal day at CHS, right? So why is everyone ignoring Sunset Shimmer?
    pabrony · 5.3k words  ·  157  18 · 6.7k views
    EThe Perfect Drink
    Every year, on Hearthswarming, Berry Punch makes a drink for Fluttershy. One perfect drink.
    GaPJaxie · 2.6k words  ·  514  12 · 4.1k views

    That "Completed Stories Only" requirement sure is a thorn in my side. I want to be able to nominate The Changeling of the Guard.

    Ah well. This story should have been nominated already, but I guess the task falls to me:

    ELittle Deceptions
    Blank Slate is the greatest thief of his generation, ready to pull off the heist of a lifetime. But you have to get up pretty early in the morning to get one past the pony who defines when ‘early in the morning’ is…
    Taranth · 5.5k words  ·  2,160  26 · 20k views
    • Viewing 151 - 200 of 283