Transgender Bronies 1,110 members · 759 stories
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Divine Path
Group Admin

I sometimes joke about potentially offensive topics if the other person is already doing so. I don't particularly dislike religion apart from that of the more violent habits of common Christianity. I'm myself somewhat of a Jehova's Witness, so um:twilightblush:

I'd suggest waiting until the exam is graded before you make a change on the ID if possible. Alternatively, you could negotiate for making a change on both of your entries so that they match. As this exam appears to be in several months, I think you should do so only after you've formed a decent amount of supporters among your friends and family. I don't particularly recommend sacrificing your grades, but this is coming from the perspective of a "school is vital" girl (who admittedly has been slacking a bit :fluttershyouch:)

Should we talk about other things? It's good to vent at occasion in order to form solutions to your issues, but when already dealing with depression you may either grow addicted to venting, your mood may recede, you may grow addicted to depression you may get better and bad stuff are likely to happen.:twilightsmile:

3547631 I'm sort of confused about all this "definitions" and stuff, and it doesn't help that my language only has a word "Sex" to refer to.

So gender is what I identify with....while sex is what my body is at the moment? So post op I'd get a female sex? Or it doesn't matter and I'm always a boy in sex? If I do get to do it (legally, which might take forever), what happens? Am I stlil called a transwoman, or just a woman?

This whole stuff is so confusing! It boggles my mind!

Divine Path
Group Admin

(So does mine. I'm Norwegian by the way:pinkiehappy:)
Your sex can be changed at least superficially by going through surgery, and yes, it is rather irrelevant to your gender identity. Being born with the physical characteristics of a male does not necessarily compel you to act tough and form gangs and to get girlfriends for the sake of doing so. Being born a cismale(not transgender) with much testosterone does:derpytongue2:
In the event you're asked for your gender, stating that you are female is not a lie. Though you could be a bit more sly if you're online...:trixieshiftright:

Put rather simply; sex is entirely biological, gender psychological, and in social matters much more relevant. People associate with others as a result of gender identity, among other things.
By all means, you should be called a woman if you're adamant about being one. There are various states of transgenderism branching off from the umbrella term that may seem different from the more traditional sense (if you'd disregard it's portrayal in media.)
Some are content with being trans women or men or do not settle for a gender for long periods of time. Zhe is gender fluid.:twilightsmile:

3547735 As an aside, as a "sort" of jehovah's witness, if you'd ever decide to get a sex change operation, how would you cope with it? I mean, to such a operation (which is, by the way, one of the most complicated ones I've ever seen), I can't see any sort of surgeon doing that kind of thing without the aid of blood transfusions and the like.

As for gender fluidity, I honestly identified as gender fluid long before understanding that it ran much deeper than that. I felt sort of like a girl (as opposed to now that I feel entirely like a girl), but I was a boy so...Maybe I was using the wrong definition.

What I realise now is that in order to become a woman, which I do want, I don't have to renounce my male likes and dislikes. I mean, just look at mlp, There's Rarity, but there's also Dash!

As for other vents, man, I'm jealous of northern europe, they have a good economy, low depression rates (sorry), an amazing infrastructure, cool laws, and the like. But their grammar is awful, just awful. Nah, If I'm to vent about transgender stuff, It's the radical feministic viewpoint on it.

Now I support feminism, I also support male rights (not the mra, those guys are pratically a hate group), and feminism is split in many, many, many, views. But there are some, or girl, doesn't matter.

It all started when I read a feministic analysis of "bronies", that portrayed them in a negative light, because they were overtaking a typical female interess. And as I went deeper into the rabbit hole, I started to see that for all the talk (some) have about non cysgendered people, there is also quite a lot of hate.

But enough about that, I have this friend, who's a "agendered" individual, that is, he refuses to be classified as either male or female. Maybe he's gender fluid? I don't know, still, he (I'm calling him a he, because he is a male physically, and since I won't call him a "it", I'll settle for this), and me once got into trouble in the philosophy class.

We were debating what make you a biological female/male, and I was arguing that, theoretically , it is defined by the ability to produce sperm/eggs, as well as genitalia. The old hag that was directing the debate (not our teacher, but she was there), asked me if she was less of a woman, due to menopause. (Too much information, by the way).

I argued that no, she wasn't less of a female because she once had had the ability, and the biological sex is tied to the ability (or capacity) to produce it , no matter if they were able or not.

Then she turned around and declared me wrong, no debate, nothing.

She said it was defined by the "Y chromossome".

You can imagine what sort of things I wanted to yell. The thing is, while if we define it by genitalia, or the ability to produce eggs/sperm, transgender individual can biologically exist. If we define it by the Y chromossome, it's biologically impossible to change.

When it ended I googled it. Turns out there isn't even a consensus. Nice debate hun?

Group Admin


Actually, pretty much everywhere it is being reclassified such that it is not a mental disorder. The DSM-V (note, not as used outside the US) has made the change and I think the other one (begins with an I) has either done it or will soon.

3547669 3547735

Divine Path pretty much got it. Gender identity is psychological while sex is your current physical configuration. Birthsex is sort of a mesh between your original physical configuration and what the doctors decided to label it as (remember, there are intersex people) and sometimes surgically assign it as (sadly, a lot of intersex people are operated on before they are even old enough to consent to give the appearance of female or male genitalia). As for being transgender, that doesn't really stop with transition, even surgeries. Though one's sex is changeable. One gender identity, short of being genderfluid and a couple other circumstances (I fit into this category), doesn't generally change but like I said, there are exceptions (some people are gender fluid).

Norwegian, eh. Most people assume I am Scandinavian, usually Norwegian, due to my name (both original one and what I changed it too) and a bit of how I dress. When applying for a job, I was asked for my green card (slang name for a work visa in the USA). I can't tell you how many times at work I've had guests compliment me on my english and ask about when I moved to the US (was born here actually, and can't speak a single Scandinavian language).


What I realise now is that in order to become a woman, which I do want, I don't have to renounce my male likes and dislikes. I mean, just look at mlp, There's Rarity, but there's also Dash!

You another Dash-like transgirl? I'm very tomboyish and sometimes outright butch. Hell, most of the year, I wear men's cargo pants while presenting as female. I look forward to the day I can wear all men's clothing and still be gendered female, if it ever happens (might not be so lucky). Reminds me, Dash's Secret is a good example of a tomboy transfilly story.

But enough about that, I have this friend, who's a "agendered" individual, that is, he refuses to be classified as either male or female. Maybe he's gender fluid? I don't know, still, he (I'm calling him a he, because he is a male physically, and since I won't call him a "it", I'll settle for this), and me once got into trouble in the philosophy class.

agendered just means having no gender. The identity is sometimes called genderless. Most use one set of binary pronouns or another (usually the set associated with their birthsex) or gender-neutral ones depending on the language being spoken.

We were debating what make you a biological female/male, and I was arguing that, theoretically , it is defined by the ability to produce sperm/eggs, as well as genitalia. The old hag that was directing the debate (not our teacher, but she was there), asked me if she was less of a woman, due to menopause. (Too much information, by the way).

I argued that no, she wasn't less of a female because she once had had the ability, and the biological sex is tied to the ability (or capacity) to produce it , no matter if they were able or not.

Then she turned around and declared me wrong, no debate, nothing.

She said it was defined by the "Y chromossome".

You can imagine what sort of things I wanted to yell. The thing is, while if we define it by genitalia, or the ability to produce eggs/sperm, transgender individual can biologically exist. If we define it by the Y chromossome, it's biologically impossible to change.

When it ended I googled it. Turns out there isn't even a consensus. Nice debate hun?

There isn't a consensus because there are too many exceptions. I mean, if we are just talking about sex, there are so many intersex conditions that exist. For example, someone who is XY but has CAIS (Complete Androgen InSensitivity) will develop as female other than they will usually have no uterus and will have internal testicles (some exceptions). Also, some people aren't born capable of producing any sort of gamete.

3549077 That's very interesting.

I've booted up photoshop, after years without using it, and, even then,, only using it to do basic "big words, cool image, some distortion" banners. I was trying to draw. A transmare.

I know, the differences between the form of a stallion and a mare, it's in the jaw, and the burly body. I tried setting the screenshot, and the opacity down in a layer, and copying the features in another. Since I don't have a tablet, I'm trying to use a pen tool to do the proper curves and such.

Not do, let me tell you.

This is more of a peet peeve, of mine, but why is it that most media representations (that I could find) in the mainstream media, that aren't insulting, are always MtF? Is it because they can claim "she has done all the stuff" and hire a pretty face. Is it because the general audience would think a FtM "gay", seriously, I'm curious.

I need a cover art! I looked around, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of transgender image of the pony I picked. My fault for being such a dumbnut and liking Featherweight, I guess.

but real life complaints?

Nothing that seriuosly affects me.

As for my friend? He's very very selective on his prashing, he always uses "Me" instead of something that could be discerned as a gender thing. And whenever we speak and he has to end a word with the correct termination, "O" for male, or "a" for female. he just says something like "eu ach@". literally, he hends up words with "Eu sou um"at" que Ă© um@ verdadeir@..."

he literally pronounces "At" at the end, in english too!

(as for the phrase I wrote "I think" and "I am a" "who is a true..."

Group Admin


Yeah, not easy to draw. There is some artwork out there, but not of every pony. Again, not much material in the fandom on this subject. It is growing, but still not much. As for the body differences, I still always find it interesting how Celestia and Luna have stallion jaws.

The media usually focuses on MTF spectrum because it is more sensational. After all, people think of it as "guy becomes girl" and in a sexist society, that blows people's minds. MTF spectrum trans people have been the targets of most of the hate against trans people for a very long time. FTM spectrum people have mostly been invisible, which is its own set of problems. This is all changing in recent times, but there is real lag.

Yeah, romance languages make that hard.

3549372 And half of them feature the same song "Dude looks like a lady!" , how original of them!

3549372 I eventually did my own art, Geez, It's hard, and it didn't even come out that well!

Yeah....just great.

3549749 Females are obviously superior, it's like comparing my little pony friendship is magic, to gen 3.5, everyone knows who wins! I'm joking

Divine Path
Group Admin

Um, do you think you've learnt a few significant things since then?:twilightsheepish:
They should say "Dude, that's a lady!" (Using that word for the first time):yay:

3551482 About what? Photoshop? Art? Jehovah's witnesses, being trasgender? I'm learning more and more everyday, it's great! I really like being with you guys over here, I feel so accepted and included in the group!

But what does your question refer to?

Divine Path
Group Admin

Um, this debate you spoke seemed to be at a time when you were somewhat uneducated about transgenderism and gender identity. The question was supposed to act as a trigger for things to happen in your mind to hopefully bring you closer to happiness:raritydespair:

3551568 Ah, that, yes I was kind of confused. Between terms , and such. But I sort of discovered myself. It also filled my creativy I havn't had in years!

I don't have anything to vent, right now.

Group Admin


Actually, those numbers that everyone cites (MTF spectrum are 1/30,000 and FTM spectrum are 1/100,000) are way off and out of date. More recent work puts the prevelances to being nearly equal and more 1/200 to 1/500 range. One of the first analyses tha put question to the old numbers is that by Lynn Conway. She took an engineering type approach to get an order of magnitude estimate (my kind of style).

3552105 So if one in 200 girls change their gender, and there just over 3.5 billion girls on the planet, does that mean there are at least 175 million ftM on the planet? That almost as many as all of the usa, why are we a minority again?

Group Admin


Actually, I made a small error. That is total trans prevalence, including being non-binary. As for why are we a minority again, well, we are indeed a minority. Also, since the age of self-realization varies and many people even after self-realization bury it or can't do anything about it, the apparent number of trans people ends up being much lower.

3552154 It was kind of a joke.But, as for that.....Still a minority, still ostracized, still all that stuff.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's a good thing .:yay:
I hope the two of us could be of help.:twilightsmile:

3553243 Ha! It did help. and it gave me the confidence required to change my internet handles on this site and others.

Still, my name doesn't give me a lot of mixing I could do to it....I could go Michelle, or Michaelle, or Michaela, my language doesn't have a female form of it, but our neighboors, the spanish, have one, I think it's Miguela (they just add an a at the end?). I could always innovate, I could be something ambiguous. Or I could go for something more along the lines of what I called myself when playing as a child (I was normally the girl when we played pokemon or something). May? Pearl? The remakes of gold and Silver have Lyra, but at the time I didn't play pokemon anymore Gold and Silver Lyra was named "Kris" which is more of a male name than anything.

I didn't think it would be so difficult, this is ridiculous!

(For now let's just stick with Michelle, it's ambiguous enough, it's a female name in english, but if I find someone who's a d-bag or anything I can point it's a male form in french.)

Now how do I change it?

EDIT: FOUND IT! It rolls of the tongue well enough....Michelle.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's wonderful.:pinkiehappy:
My "personal" name has no relation to my official name. I wished to dub myself something eye catching and fabulous, so I chose not to play with it in spite of how much I still respect it:raritydespair:
Yours does seem to fit well, and I do think you should consider it a good candidate for a lasting choice. If you you'd like a more obviously feminine name though, feel free to go wild with experimenting.
My personal name is Celest Emily, the former pronounced as if with an 'e'. :derpytongue2:

3554035 I always wanted to go with Emily (or Emile, if I couldn't change it to a feminine form). But then I got bored of the name, I do like Michelle, and naming myself "Buffy" or "Amelia" (which I'd shorten to Mia, which is mine in italy, I think? I took it from my favorite books as a series, and the first I read in english, The Princess Diaries).

But yeah, Michelle. I didn't know what to put as my last name (legally I can't even change it) but I went with Twistaloo. Like in "Twist the pony" or "Michelle with a twist" (not a "Trap", I hate that word, just a twist).

Do you like it?

Divine Path
Group Admin

A good name is not just how nice it sounds; it's what it means to you. If you were born with it, your name could be made something to be proud of. Choosing your own, you may dub yourself in a manner fitting you. Your name can be something meaningful, or something that conveys your thoughts and your own feelings. Yes, it makes sense. I like it:twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I like your name.


As Devine Path said, a name is what it means to you in addition to sound. Maybe even more important. Names are an important thing. And it is OK to have more than one. I know that one for sure. I have so many, for one. And they are all my real name, none any less than the others.

Divine Path
Group Admin

I can almost relate to that. I have quite a few usernames with only one I don't answer much to anymore.:raritydespair:

Divine Path
Group Admin

I've been having a bit of a falling out. I still have faith, but the thought of getting "fixed" terrifies me. I'm starting to consider doing things when I am of legal age... I'm just not sure:fluttershyouch:

Don't worry though. I'm aware enough of my issues to not condone any suicidal tendencies. That's a no-no :derpytongue2:

3557862 Yes, suicide is a big no no!

I've met people that consiliated the two ideas by this logic.

"God is powerful, I'm created and His image, and He is perfect, He doesn't commit mistakes. So If I came out like this, then He must have planned it. Since God only wants us to be happy (and worship Him) it must be a challenge imposed tome"

Maybe that helps? It still doesn't help with the people, but people are always dicks

Divine Path
Group Admin

I am troubled, but for the same reasons I'm in doubt I won't leave this world quite yet. I wouldn't be helpful to any of you deceased. No worries, dear:ajsmug: (<-- Most likely younger than you)

Some claim it's a design by Satan as he is still governing this world. As such, we wouldn't know what truly is to stay or not. At any rate, I try to stay neutral and simply exist as myself over the Internet. FiMFiction is a place where I can finally be myself:pinkiehappy:
People will be opinionated anywhere, but conviction can at least convince them you're certain of yourself.

Thank you.:twilightsmile:

3558058 offense to religion , or you believers. But God created everything, being capable of doing ANYTHING. He has the knowledge of all that will happen.

So He creates Satan, which apparently has enough power to resist and dominate the world, He lets His people be enslaved, only to "Free" them via a 40 year track trough the desert.

Does that mean we don't have free will, that everything is already seen by Him, and we area already doomed to hell or heaven, the moment we're born? Or do we have the will to make decisions, and, if so, is He trully all knowing?

I'm honestly curious about this!

Divine Path
Group Admin

There are so many ways to assume the extent of His or Jehova's omniscience and omnipotence that one can't really know whether or not foresight is one of His abilities. The traitor was not a a circumstance He wished for, at least. Jehova loves all humans whether they take or save lives.:fluttershysad:
His reason for allowing Satan to govern the world was to be just and to prove that he did not have the competence to oversee an entire planet.:duck:

We are given free will to an extent. You are not forced to conform to believing in Him. Refraining from inviting you to the coming Paradise is just a natural consequence.
Jehova's Witnesses do not believe in a Hell or a Heaven. Those who perish remain gone, though they may be brought back once more at a later time.
Christianity and Hinduism has a rather extensive multitude of branching liturgies.:derpytongue2:

3561431 Ah I see, well, over here, they come knocking at my door from two to two weeks, at tuesdays, I believe? "May we talk to you about your eternal salvation?"

Then they proceed to give me a flyer that looks the same in all the world, if the internet is to be believed. "No, I am currently watching some gay porn and I was just about to finish" and "I'm already doomed, don't you see? I've taken, received, and exchanged blood several times!" or even "Oh, excuse me....I'm about to go to a birthday party. I need to get dressed" work pretty well, even if for the looks on their faces.

It's douchey, yeah, but I've gone to mormon, catholic, reformatory protestant, and even sermons, and while they all preach the same message of love and acceptance (with differences between their ideology, whether it is saints, or anything else), they always do end up rejecting LGBT peoples, and other douctrines.

I think I won't mind staying dead, think about it, if you live a good enough live and are satisfied with your live, why would you want immortality? You'd get there, see if any of your friends made it, bask in your energy and stuff (it's assumed you are given the perfect body once you get there, so if you die by ilness, you'll feel healthy), and then what? You spend your time eating and walking around? Are there any videogames? Is there an internet? And if we keep on going till the end of times, can we read all articles on wikipedia? Then what?

It sounds really boring, and I think I'd find myself with nothing to do after the first millenium or so.

But that doesn't matter, since all different interpretations of Christianity I've read say I'm going to either rot, or hell. Oh, excuse me, no, I won't go, if I try to act manly and don't "commit the sin".

I choose to live my life in a way that makes me feel accepted and normal, I don't spend my time repressing myself for fear of non paradise.

All up to the person of course. But think about it. Why would you feel bad for fear of what's coming? Even if you don't get eternal life, you'll have spent at least 30 to 100 years having a good time.

(So, not flaming or anything)

Divine Path
Group Admin

Fortunately, those who don't entirely devote themselves to just following the various teachings tend to focus on loving humans. Common Christians who genuinely practise the faith has a greater tendency to tolerate LGBT people without judging them. It's a bit refreshing to know they've understood that they're not to bear ill will towards any person at all. (Yeah, kind of hypocritical of me, but I try at least)
It's kind of odd how such a significant amout of priests and bishops who devote themselves to a protector, and that encourage others to join can be so vengeful and unforgiving. :derpytongue2:

Supposedly, reaching Paradise grants you eternal happiness. You will unconditionally love your life and live with absolute Peace.
What scares me about this concept is the idea that I would have to relinquish my my mental breasts my feminity and not even get to miss it. I would hate to have to become a macho man just to live forever:raritydespair:

3563327 Well, you see the thing with JW is that, along with using a different name for Him, they are also the most literal with their bibles. "Is something mentioned twice, in a bad way, or the bad guys do it? Since the bible doesn't say a thing about anything without it being a reason to be there, let's ban it!)" They also (unlike most other christians) still follow the arcane old testament, despite the coming of Jesus and his sacrifice supposedly freeing us of those laws (That's what I heard)

Heh, since are more than 20 things banned that are common in the modern world, and since the bible advises you to give your virgin underage daughter to protect the life of an angel who crash landed, since the crowd will the distracted hum...using her, to let the angel recover. Daughters who make their father drunk and then bang him, and more....(which I may be taking out of context, admittedly). It seems His morals and values are far from being the common law.

Well----mostly, if you don't like certain people and you can find a bible verse supporting it, use it as a weapon!

Well, everyone has a right for their religion, and everyone has a right to themselves. No modern doctor will, with the diagnose, the law, and the order to, abstain from operating if it has your permission.

I've heard examples of people who died because their family requested only the most basic care, and they had blood poisoning. Most doctors, with their oat, have the legal and moral right to ignore the parent's opinion if it's a child, or to, if an adult, and in an emergency, save the life of the person.

Well, but still.

3563327 Eternal hapiness is even worse! I once had a change of meds and had about 3 days of pure bliss. From the moment I woke up, to the closing of the eyes, smiling, and laughing, and it looked like I had a bird fluttering in my ribcage.

It sounds awesomee, right? Yeah, it's not. Just imagine trying to live a normal life always smiling through. Here's one thing that happened in story class.

"And the jews were, haha, once again, ostracized, being expurged from portuguese and spanish society, or forced to convert and, hahahha, sorry, and even those who converted, were held in lower regard. This would (heheheheheheh) later happen in the 1940's again."

You try laughing when talking about the holocaust, see if that makes you look sane.

But we're getting off topic, and I respect your beliefs. When I asked the priest (who was going on a sinners don't go to heaven tirade) about trasgender individuals, he answered "You mean those deviant crossdressers?", after he understood what I meant he cited to me a bible verse., it went something like this "and he who was his genitals removed/broken/maimed in any way won't enter the house of the Lord,"

So, while being real anal about it, he told me that a person lie that, would be barren from the church, and thereofre couldn't get confessed, and therefore, no heaven.

Still, it's your body, do whatever the heck you want with it. There are some sectors of chistianity that say you already are destined to heaven (or hell) when you get born, no matter what you do. There are some that say, as long as you accept christ, you get an automatically place (hitler is there). Who know's who is right? For all we know the collect religion could be any of those.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Honestly, I hold slight disdain towards the concept that you may go through a few ceremonies for so to promptly get sent to Heaven. I currently believe that a Paradise that *will* exist. The question is just whether or not I'd like to join.:twilightsheepish:

My experience with people who practise faiths much different from Common Christianity (which is not the same as common Christians— those can be either awfully narrowminded and judgementall) is that at least in Norway, people respect each other whether or not they agree. I would most likely be treated well even if I would voice my opinion at some point and assert my gender. That isn't something I would do anytime soon though:raritydespair:

I'm not entirely sure whether the liturgy would change. It is possible this branch doesn't have such a strict ban on blood transfusions. At any rate, I will most likely "break" that rule if I decide that I don't wish to join Paradise.:pinkiesad2:

Why would you read when you're full of glee? You should have been running around the building whilst cackling maniacally:raritycry:

3565042 Ah yes, the northern paradise, you guys and your wonderful land!

Well, the decision is always up to you, I mean. You know better. Good luck!

There are some who say that since Jesus forgave us all for our sins past and future, everypony can commit whatever evil deeds they wish and still make it into Heaven. There are some who say those who get tattoos, eat shellfish, or practice homosexuality will never enter the gates while a wife-beating slaveowner can bask in God's glory. There are some who say it was okay for God to send bears to murder a group of children after they made fun of his bald-headed prophet. I say a Christian should read the entire book, think it over, and come to their own conclusions. Whatever conclusions they are, whether you keep faith or lose it, at least they're your conclusions.

...But perhaps musing on heavy subjects such as this should be left for when I'm more awake. Good night, everypony.

Divine Path
Group Admin

There are at least some fortune in living here:trixieshiftleft:

I still don't know if I'll find eternal bliss worth the loss of every aspect I love about myself:twilightblush:

3566335 There's always the possibility that you get in, but then a saint/angel/Jesus/Jehovah/God, (depends on your particular religion) looks at you and is all like "Oh, are *real name*? What happened? Fixed!" And then he undoes all the stuff you've done.

Look, I don't know, but I wish you the best of luck!

Divine Path
Group Admin

I have to say I doubt administrative problems like that would happen:rainbowlaugh:
Thank you. For now at least, my name will be Emily. I am most pleased to make your acquaintance:raritywink:

3566395 Michelle here, nice to meet you too. I'm glad this argument is mostly over. Now we can go back to the complaining like brats. (joking)

Divine Path
Group Admin

B-b-but I'm a wretched sinner! Why ever would I argue for this?:raritydespair: (Also joking)

How are you at the moment?:pinkiesmile:

3567129 I'm just....waiting for responses on my newest trans story that went up today. And editing some stuff on photoshop. But I'm feeling fine, and you, you piece of sin?

Divine Path
Group Admin

I see. I suppose I'll go read it in a bit:raritywink:
I'm a teensy bit shaken due to something that transpired between two friends of mine without my immediate notice, but I am still pretty well:twilightsmile:

3567255 Anything I can do to help?

Divine Path
Group Admin

I don't think there's anything you can do, honestly. I've sent a message requesting a talk with one of them. I hope she opens up once more.

These two friends were very passionate lovers. Surprisingly, they found that their personalities clashed too much in spite of their fond feelings for each other, so they broke up today. I had not expected that to ever happen at all after all the affection they displayed on FiMFiction.
I was absolutely astonished to learn she was even more anti-social than I am and that it caused such a rift in their romantic relationship. The fact that she has recently refrained from replying to my messages is quite ominous. The one saving grace is that they parted without resentment, because her ex- boyfriend could have potentially reached a state of depression so vast he would break his oath to not do anything drastic and end up attempting suicide again.
While I still am quite worried about her, I'm past the shock. Don't worry.:yay:

Group Admin

Admin Message

That was a lot of content to read that I really wish I was here earlier to handle. While interesting in many ways, it really deviated a lot from topic with only a few tendrils of connection (views of being trans and what not by different christian denominations) and really risked causing huge strife here. I am impressed that huge strife was not started, I will say, but that was a close call.

Lets stay more on topic, especially with things that can cause a thread to blow up. Staying on topic will help prevent the latter.

Hmm, I am trying to decide whether to go back and delete the off topic stuff that almost blew up the thread or not (I am an admin, so I can do it).

Regardless, lets not continue that topic.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

It's best to only delete messages that go against site rules and nothing else.

Also venting, I hate having my legal name on display for everyone when I do online coursework for college. :unsuresweetie:

Divine Path
Group Admin

I'm sorry for driving it further. I enjoy enlightening people a bit too much, it seems:twilightblush:

Divine Path
Group Admin

I hate ever hearing my first legal name being uttered. :fluttershbad:
My middle name is rare enough for a significant amount of people to think it's a girl's name. I also happen to like it for how it resonates with my love for drama:raritystarry:

3568515 Alright, so no more getting off topic. Sorry.


Luckily my first and middle name is a common combination all the while, so I just slip through the cracks, but that doesn't mean I like to input it in online documents (my school implemented a google docs implementation).

You know what I also hate about it? Giving out my email, I have to bring the one specifically with a male name and stuff, in order for them to associate them with myseolf, and add me. Urgh.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's rather bad. I think such things are the results of indolence, because papers can be changed with ease if the administration would actually care about their students:raritydespair:
I'm really fortunate for living in a country which can at least satisfy some of my needs and do so with discretion.:fluttershyouch:

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