Transgender Bronies 1,109 members · 759 stories
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3569221 It's more of a "Technicall issue" as they put it. Appareantly the system works by checking the name against the permanent files at school. So if they don't recognise my name, I'm locked out. let's be honest, they won't change a thousands of euros system for me. Still, whatever.

Divine Path
Group Admin

There are ways to tweak a system without altering it in full, should anyone be willing to do so. I'm sorry about this.:fluttershysad:

3569345 Nah. It's alright.

3568515 I do have to admit I walked on egg shells while dealing with the subject. It's not always easy to mention religion, specially on the internet, and not turn it into a flame war. With that said, I think everyone was not only very respectful to each side, but we did bring some interesting points. It got off topic. Yes, but it certainly didn't devolve into a screaming argument.

I'd vote to keep it. But it's ultimately your call. The thing about people here, in this site, in this group, is that we (mostly) have this motto of tolerance, and, to be honest, in this group in particular, we have even more reasons to be tolerant of one another, and different views. That's why, I believe, this didn't turn into a bad thing.

And hey, it was an interesting read. If you do decide to delete it, can you, please, warn me, before hand, so I can save the "small debate" we had? That was a nice debate. And I'd like to keep it.


Divine Path
Group Admin

In my case, I was just trying to give you an answer. I do care about my faith, but it's kind of difficult to practise it when it states that you'll just rot in darkness and possibly be forgotten just because you feel as though you should have been born with female genitalia and a uterus.:raritycry:

I'm glad I could at least improve your day.:pinkiesad2:

Group Admin


You are right. I was leaning towards keeping it anyways, but your logic was better than mine.


I do have to say, though, you two did manage to handle it well. I have not generally seen things of this topic go down without turning bad. So I do have to hand it to you two on that, even though it got off topic.


Oh dear, I remember how much I dreaded (and still dread) hearing my old first name (I kept my last name). I still run into and hear my old one periodically. Get so much mail for it. It is in a lot of records at work. Cool story. Someone at work was going through the calendar a long time ago trying to look something up for me and saw something that involved [my old first name] and [nickname of other person in the lab long gone] and she was like "I don't know who they are, but you probably do" to which I had to say, "I was there, my name used to be [my old first name]"



Like you, oh how much I wish I had the right genitalia and a uterus. I might be able to get the former, though dilating for the rest of my life will be a pain. For the latter, well, can't have that ever, but on the general topic of motherhood - not happening outside of normal means. Can't have biological children since I am surely sterile now and didn't bank sperm. So yeah, for motherhood (something very important to me), I have to go to other means.

3571112 It would be ironic for either one of us to turn out to be a bigot/hater. Wouldn't it? Nah, I think it actually went pretty well.

Okay this one is going to sound silly and stupid as everything. But I had this friend of mine (kind of an underachiever, not too bright), come to me with this question.

"So, like, you are transgender right?" (I've been talking about it to a few discreet friends, and stuff, he is so much of a boy who cried wof, sort of guy, that even if he broke my trust, a thing he never did, nobody would believe him, so I thought it would be safe)

I nodded.

"So, is that like trans-fats? Does that mean you are bad for your own health? Is that why you are so round?"

Okay, ignoring the weight comment (which I will admit is present, I'm not really snails, I'm more of a pipsqueak....or a puffy sweetie belle), I don't know why he'd associate the two things.

I mean, we did talk about trans-fat some times, before, in a facebook group chat, sure, but....What?

(Hey, at least it isn't a sex question)

Divine Path
Group Admin

I imagine the situation got awkward for a while. Um, I hope there were no issues as a result :twilightsheepish:

*hug returned in earnest* Awwww. Thank you so much! I'm so sorry I just spoke of the Greater shame so carelessly:fluttershysad:
I hope you'll be able to satisfy that need in an acceptable way. Best of fortune be with you.:pinkiesad2:

I think he connected a dot that wasn't supposed to be there. Sometimes, random variables appear in your mindscape by an erroneous train of thought:derpytongue2:

Group Admin


Wow, that was out of left field.


I do have one outlet for my maternal drive these days, thankfully.

3576595 Ah the "M" issue, Yes. It's my greatest regret, and It didn't even bother me all that much at first, but then I read Adda's story, and it dawned on me.

I can, theoretically, still conceive, I am not in any kind of hormone treatment, or anything. I can't legally bank sperm though. So I will convince some sort of a girl to get on with me, make sure to have a child, and then do every change? Is that my only option?

Cause really, in my country there is only one "Bank" where to keep sperm, and it only receives donations. So that means, I could one day go back there and ask for my sperm and then "Oh some couple used it, it's gone, sorry!". If they took it, which they will not. Due to my....hum, less than ideal mental health, which is kind of genetic.

So does the treatment makes you sterile, even before removal or rebuilding the down area? This is information that isn't readily avaliable to the general public (well, technically I could search the internet for first hand accounts), and which won't be answered without that darn waiting period before being checked in.

I understand if this is hard to talk about, and you don't have to answer. Even so. Yeah, an uterus would be nice, wouldn't it?

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's good, at least.:yay:

Group Admin


You could try banking sperm in a neighboring country, though that would mean you have to travel to do it.

As for becoming sterile before surgery, hormones tend to do it. T-blockers and estrogen will usually make you permanently sterile after some time, meaning even if you went off hormones, you would never be fertile again. Before the permanent sterility phase, you have a phase where you are sterile, but would regain your fertility if you went off hormones. Now, note, there is still a slight chance you will be fertile no matter how long you are on hormones, so you can still get someone pregnant until your testicles are removed.


Yeah, it is. Not quite the same though, but I guess I shouldn't complain.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Any release is welcome though. I think so:yay:

Okay... My turn to vent...
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find friends who support you in Redneckville, Alberta? Any idea?! I'm never going to get the help I need in this bloody town, because if you're not straight and gender conforming... Well, you might as well try to be a black person trying to fit in with the god damn KKK. I literally am alone in this place. No gender therapists unles I can convince one of my mates to do a 4 hour round trip. Without telling them where I'm going, of course. Of all the places my Dad could have been offered a job... Why here? Why did it have to be the Right-wing, antigay, and abandoned redneck haven? I'm never going to get anything done in this place!
*sigh* Two more years in the bloody hole... I'd say it would be quicker ti kill myself, but if I had a lethal weapon I'd probably use it to send the town into the present era, rather than 100 years ago.
You know, if I wasn't cut down by the gazillion unregistered guns.

3580852 Alright, man, or gal, I don't know.

Yes, I'm assuming you are talking about the province in Canada? Unless you're talking about the town In Virginina? Either doesn't matter. Bigotry will always exist, since it's a side effect of stupidity, and human beings are stupid.

Just know I'm here for you, if you want to talk. don't do anything drastic. IT ISN'T WORTH IT

Divine Path
Group Admin

Please don't hesitate to consult with us.:fluttershysad:

3581035 Yeah... I learned that the hard way. Stuck with a nice couple scars on my wrists because of the days where I was an attention seeking little... *sigh*. But thank you for telling me anyways. Really. I just need someone else to remind me every once and a while...
Oh! And it's Zoey, by the way. :D

3581514 I still have the long thin white lines on my arms, the burn up skin (it formed a black crust first, and now there's a slightly darker shade there). I'd dig my nails as far as they would go and push push push. Until blood would come off, until I couldn't take it. Then I'd move on to a couple inches to the side.

Yeah, well. Nice to meet you zoey, I know what you've been through, have a nice time here.

3581518 I'll certainly try! I ordered a t-shirt with the transgender flag on it, and I'm going to wear it as much as I can. THere's gotta be someone else, and I just haven't been looking hard enough.

3581519 Well, I wouldn't put my neck on the line like that. Yeah, being proud of who you are is important. But I'd suggest you'd start with small things, Rainbow wrist band. Don't jump straight into the ravine, get a feel for it first, throw a couple rocks.

Oh and there was a black guy who infiltred the kkk, it was a pretty fun story. His name was Ron Stallworth

3581549 Oh, don't worry. I've already been doing that for a while. I have a dog tag with a rainbow emblem on it. And besides, like the idiots of this town would know what the flag means.

3581551 Is alberta the alabama of canada? If so, I'm so so sorry!

3581555 Never been to Alabama. But if you mean a bunch of gun toting, pickup truck driving, illiterate rednecks who can't tell their best friends face from the crack of their ass, then sure.

Oh i've been told it's full of bigots, rednecks, and stuff, that walk aroudn with guns, shooting, and pleading to their president, unless it is a black or democrat, in which case then everything it's his fault.,

I've been told, I don't know, for sure. Is there any hope that, two years from now, you will move to a more civilized place?

Group Admin

Actually, places like Alabama (can't speak of Alberta) have more than one facet to them. Yes, they can be super duper conservative and anti-LGBT in some ways, but quite a few people can turn out not to be and there is of course the libertarian streak where even if they don't like it, they don't believe in getting in your way legally. I've meet more than one "redneck" who was totally awesome and not a bigot.

Now, the gun toting thing is totally true.

3581575 Yeah. I'm hoping to go live in Portland, by my aunt's place. She knows about... well, me. And she's super supportive. And my girlfriend is also an hour away, so that's always nice...

3586448 Well I've heard Edmonton is actually kind of a drastic swap from the usual attitude in my province. I'm hoping to stay there and get my education, before eventually try to move to the States.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's wonderful! I hope she'll be able to help you sway your closer family:pinkiehappy:

3586448 I apologise. Of course a place with thousand or millions of people has several facets to it. We over here only hear about america likae. "So on the west there's california, right? Surfing? Beaches? Movie stars, fast cars, liberals, warm weather", to the right we have some mountains and on the Eastern side we have places like New York, which is, in fact, small but has a lot of people crammed in building, some hispters, and musicals, as well as taxis, in the middle we have, depending if on the south or not, lots and lots of corn, and guns, there's also a desert or two, which is where the prisons are".

Yes it's blatant stereotyping, but that's how things that end up here, look like.

Of course it's not all true, but the general idea is there. right?

And you wouldn't find me going through there, let I be shot.

3586518 That's great! Support is so nice isn't it? I hope you get yourself accepted. Best of luck

That's fair. All I ever learned about Portugal can be summed up in two sentences:

1. It's on the west end of Spain.
2. It used to control Brazil.

Hooray for public education!

3586937 It used to control brazil, more than half of africa (including cape verde, mozambique, Angola, Some cities in the north, Guinea , Macau (up until 1999), São tomé, Timor (East), several colonies in India, which gave us exclusive trading rights with them. Also exclusive trading rights for over half the world (up until the 1700's when dutch and english pressure made us remove the treaty), via the Tordesilhas treaty, which divided the world into two, for Spain and Portugall (asia and africa, except the canary islands to portugal, the americas to spain)

And yes, we were once great, now we're tiny.

But getting back on topic. Yes, maybe there is a reason why those stereotypes exist, right? They just don't form on racism, they are produacts of observation. And you guys, apparently, sure do love to be homo-trans-phobic, as well as racist and gun owners.

Group Admin


Well, to be honest, the image of the USA is pretty bad and for good reason. We kind of are terribly as a society. It is made worse by our arrogance (culturally and politically) when we say we are the best. There are some arrogant countries out there, that is for sure, but the USA has the runner up in arrogance beat by a mile.

Divine Path
Group Admin

I just sent an email from both of my Google accounts to one my partners for an assignment in school. I wonder what her reaction to the two unrelated names would be.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Hmm? Context?

Divine Path
Group Admin

Well, in essence, I have this issue where it's trying for me to transition socially. My previous homeroom teacher sent a private letter to the school I applied to, enlightening them on my transgenderism (albeit using male pronouns for this occasion.)
I've never explained my mannerisms, even to those I've known for years. As a result of this issue, I am reluctant to correct anyone whether they address me as female or male. This is the first time I've given such a massive hint to someone I barely know. I have emailed someone I know as Celest Emily before, but I was given no reaction to the name. I have no idea what she thinks of it, so with no basis for how the average cisgirl regards transgender individuals, I'm a bit nervous and excited.:twilightsheepish:
I take International English parallel to my usual freshman subjects. Our most recent (and first) assignment is to present a company, a country related to it and how it is affected by the brain drain. I have three partners for this purpose.

I have one account for my legal name and one for my personal name. Activity on the latter is more frequent.

3624492 A brain drain happens when a large number of individuals that are qualified, emigrate, leaving the country, and making it lose qualified folks.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Precisely this. Thank you, Michelle.:pinkiesmile:

It's interesting to assert my gender offline as it were. I hope she'll 'take the hint.'

Divine Path
Group Admin

Usually, my wanting coordination skill ensures I have the most egregious handwriting, forcing me to rely constantly on IT for comprehensibility. Naturally, it's also an annoyance due to how utterly non-feminine it is.
However, I just started practising feminizing letters ten minutes ago, and somehow, the style appearing as a result of feminizing horrible placement of letters is almost beautiful. Not just in comparison; this is without a doubt the prettiest writing I have ever physically been able to muster. I am so happy right now.:fluttercry:

Divine Path
Group Admin


I couldn't find a picture of Rarity enthusiastically hugging Pinkie within a shorter timespan, so this will have to do.
Thank you very much.:raritystarry:

3652764 I don't know, I never really found it necessary to feminize my handwriting, as long as it isn't a medic's font, I should be fine. But I am so glad for you! Did you went for the cutesy, round, child-like, letters, or the angled, stylized, style?

Divine Path
Group Admin

Thank you, Michelle! I seem to be able to produce relatively prim looking angled letters that work well and somewhat prevents my tendency toward floating and uneven letters:rainbowkiss:
I'll probably supply you with a photo once I get home if if I avoid being lethargic.:yay:
It isn't horribly important, but it does help with the self-esteem of those who feel the need to be girly.

3652938 Well you do know me "Cutesy, woobsy? Have you even met me?"

References aside, that is great news, anything to help you feel a little bit more like yourself, right?

Lady Froey
Group Admin

My hand writing is ugly I tell you, UGLY!!! :raritycry:

Divine Path
Group Admin

One need not be cute. Anyway, thank you very much for your kind words:yay:

That's quite a pity. Hopefully, the speed at which I learnt may be an indicator of the practice's difficulty. I made use of this guide to learn the alternate font. Gravity is no longer crazy in my essays, I hope. Best of fortune be with you:twilightsmile:

Divine Path
Group Admin

You'll get there, the two of you. I know so :rainbowkiss:

I'm still not quite at the point where I may with little effort produce such letters, but I'd say this is a significant improvement from my previous mess:fluttershyouch:
I doubt any of you will know what those two last lines refer to. I also happened to forget the 'Myself,' in "Fantasy Tenebrae Heretic." Go me~

My penwomanship appeared so.

My girlfriend (rightfully) makes fun of my handwriting. :trollestia:

Divine Path
Group Admin

Your applied handwriting is much better than mine. See second picture:raritycry:
Also, congratulations on being sinister.

Ugh, going off topic. I'd give examples of my handwriting's the thing, I haven't actuallty hand-written anything in years, except for school. And unless you people want my chemistry notes, there's not much to add.

But fine, why the heck not.



Lady Froey
Group Admin

I just type thing up on my MacBook Pro a lot of the time now, when I write fast I write poorly and I like having my notes backed up online and easy to access. Not to mention I write like a left handed person with my right hand.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Oops! I'm sorry for starting a trend :twilightsheepish:
Your handwriting looks better than mine too. It must be the general motoring competent "male's handwriting" according to the study of penhumanship:raritydespair:

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