Transgender Bronies 1,110 members · 759 stories
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There's "male handwriting"?

Divine Path
Group Admin

According to this article...

In her book “Handwriting in America: A Cultural History,” Tamara P. Thornton noted a 1910 handwriting expert’s study on identifying sex differences in penmanship, which concluded that confident, original script is interpreted as masculine, whereas neat, conventional and circular are considered feminine. As a result, contemporary studies find that people are pretty good (usually better than 60 percent) at guessing whether a handwriting sample came from a man or a woman. In fact, a 2005 study out of the University of Leicester on sex hormones and handwriting noted that biological sex is the only consistent correlate with handwriting — although I would argue that upon graduating from medical school, doctors are magically endowed with unintelligible-to-all-but-pharmacists penmanship. And since his-hers handwriting differences exist across cultures, could there be a biological explanation for them?

Writing for Parenting, Kristin Kane attributes handwriting disparities to the pace of brain hard-wiring. “During the early school years, when kids are learning to shape letters, the nerve fibers that control fine motor skills in boys’ brains typically haven’t matured as much as girls’ have,” Kane writes. Of course, boys’ brain eventually catch up girls’, but their stereotypically messier handwriting may be a holdover from that slight lag.

I'll have to take it with a grain of salt for self-esteem's sake, but indeed.

3653706 It was dismissed, plenty of times actually. Oh and some companies do use hand writer analysis as a base for hiring (it's legal pretty much everywhere)

But if it makes you feel girlier, then good luck with that!

Group Admin

Interesting handwriting story. I write in cursive. Have ever since I learned it back in 2nd grade (3rd year in school for those outside the USA). Once I got in the habit of doing it (kind of had to because the teachers would throw your homework away and give you a zero if it wasn't in cursive, even if you were a 3rd grader (4th year in school)), I just never stopped, even now in my mid-20's. Now, in the US, of the few people who continue to use cursive after 5th grade (6th year), almost all are girls. I used to pride myself as being the only guy in school to use cursive (and in high school, I was one out of 750 students and there were probably a good 20-30 girls who used cursive). Well, turns out I am girl-ish, so so much for that point of pride.

Divine Path
Group Admin

I see. I didn't know there was some controversy to it, though given the topic I should have expected ít:twilightsheepish:
Thank you very much!:yay:

Perspective changes so easily, doesn't it? It's a good thing to not feel shameful at any rate:derpytongue2:
I really have started a trend. At least this spawns relevant discussion. Oh my:twilightblush:

Am I too late for the handwriting party? I think I'd win...

3656900 Best or worse? We're trying to out-do each other in awfulness.

Do show!

3657287 I'll send a pic of my horrid handwriting tomorrow. Have my prize waiting :D

Divine Path
Group Admin

Oh dear. It has happened again :raritydespair:

3657688 The humanity! Let's keep on whinning! Only that can save the topic!

Divine Path
Group Admin

Why yes! I've started a trend yet again. Oh woe is me for having influence :raritycry:

Lady Froey
Group Admin

That sucks. :applejackconfused:

Not really trans problem but it's an annoyance to me, and that is people underestimating me. Such as my parents not realizing how much research and thought I would put into this. Or people underestimating my strength or my understanding. It shows that people don't truly know me, not even me. Meh just felt like putting this here, so yeah, meh.

Comment posted by Achron deleted Oct 22nd, 2015

4053733 Now I actually have a reason to dislike knighty.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Bad_Seed expressed her disdain for someone. That's a good indication of how messed up this situation is. I feel so tempted to abandon sleep and join the verbal cut down. I'll pass for now though and hope it has cleared by morning

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I don't agree with Knighty at all, however I am not going to bring this drama into the group. There are already 3 blogs about it with pages of comments where nothing has been achieved other than back and fourth arguing.

I don't want threads or discussion about Knighty, take it to PM, Skype, etc. Not here.

4055986 In fairness, this post predates those.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I understand, I just don't want this to spread any further.

Fair enough, just didn't want to be post hoc judged for later happenings.

Divine Path
Group Admin

I didn't intend to kindle the fire either. :twilightsheepish:

Divine Path
Group Admin

When you're sick :raritydespair:

My self-confidence has improved significantly to the point I don't feel I'm less myself for sometimes suffering inconveniences like this, but it's silly nonetheless.

Lady Froey
Group Admin


I was dead named by an instructor in class yesterday, he was reading his emails and said the names of each student and casually said my birth name. I was right next to him and honestly did not know what to feel, fortunately I don't think any of the students heard but... Fuck.

Anyone had any similar situations?

Divine Path
Group Admin

That sucks. :applejackunsure:
Hm, it's not deadnaming, I guess, when you're both in and out and making the slow change from the first phase of transition.:raritydespair:

Apparently, as far as I've been able to tell, all you need is some petition, aside from official proof of identify, in Missouri.
As for hormones, I can only say its likely the same.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Weelllll... I've been fulltime (on HRT) for three years now, I just haven't gotten my name changed so my campus still uses ny birth name. My instructor always calls me by my pronouns and preferred name, just not in this instance.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Well, then at least it seems they just didn't think. (Um, just in case, I was talking about myself. I'm stealth but also closeted to everyone but my instructors, and out to my mom. Pretty much, my dad's the obstacle I need to overcome~)

4798923 I live in Redneckville Tennessee and am currently dependent on family for a roof over my head. :ajbemused:

Divine Path
Group Admin


Then I hope you'll be able to either find support from them or in terms of livelihood soon~

Confusion. I'm trans, of this I am sure. But am I trans, or am I gender fluid, or even genderqueer? Before I came to accept this and before joining this group I simply was not aware of the other ones. I thought that there was just male, female, and trans. Now that I know...I am left slightly unsure of myself. How do I know? I don't believe that there is a way to simply figure it out.

Divine Path
Group Admin

To be precise, there is male, there is female and everything in-between, and trans* describes, not defines. Being transgender also means you're male or female, or whatever you feel like. You can be genderqueer *and* transgender.

Well...I guess for my second total post in this group, I might as well pick the one about Trans-annoyances.

Parents that (for a number of reasons) don't believe their sweet little boy might actually be a girl. Ok, so that's fairly normal as far as Trans issues. My mom made me get a hormone test to figure out why (Ok, understandable), and the results came back wonky. Now, I spend a good 90% of the time horrifically dehydrated (I think it might be caused by my 6 hour programming marathons), so when I read that I had over 8 times the expected maximum of female hormones for a born-female, I was happy (and based on the concentration of Energy-drink induced hormones, since I barely drink those at all, I was able to math all the concentrations to somewhat more reasonable ones). My mom was not happy, and has me on some stupid drugs that are supposed to get rid of the 'excess' female hormones.

Now, by my mathing, that leaves me low on ALL the hormones.

The interesting bit is that I have not been taking any hormone therapy at all before those tests, so my body was naturally producing hormones as a female, despite the male parts. Now I just need to survive my parents 'Help' until I do another test in December that will hopefully show them that what they've been doing is the opposite of helping.

PS: :derpytongue2: <-Me since the start of the drugs.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

That... Sounds horrible.

4834532 Yeah...And then my brother is Transphobic, so...

I'll survive, I guess...Better than the alternative (swimming with leg weights)...

Luckily, I graduate in 6 months from college and can move out.

4834639 just stop taking the drugs. Nothing they can do to make you take them. And they're probably hurting you in some way physically.

Your brother...good luck.

Btw, can I borrow some of those extra female hormones?

4835156 No. They're mine. And actually, as long as I live at home, they will find a way to make me take the drugs. Like confiscating my computers. They've done it before.

Edit: update. Evidently I'm allergic to one of the drugs, so I got a little reprieve from that one.

Okay, yeah, it's time for a short vent. I'm really happy for all you who have been able to transition young, but I'm pretty resentful of the fact that I wasn't able to start until the ripe old age of 32. Progress is wonderful, but now I feel left behind.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That feel when you have underwent vocal training, you're self-taught, and you don't remember what you did to achieve your feminine voice. I'd actually like to know how you other people who trained their voices underwent the process, because my memory is wonky during my questioning phase and it's silly to have people ask you how you managed what you did and you can't give a good answer.

Suddenly questioning my sexuality.

...Jonny Depp is kinda sexy... :twilightblush:

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I practiced my tone of voice in the car between classes, after awhile my voice got a bit more adjusted. Especially when I began to use said tone in conversations.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Thanks! Did you intuitively know how to manipulate your voice so it started adjusting without being kind of falsetto? :twilightsheepish: (I don't think my falsetto period was very long, personally. After a short while, it became more natural.)

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I referenced to a video of a trans lady holding a high pitch in her voice, I just did the same.

I wish I still had the video, the videos were taken down this year on YouTube which sucks because I would send that vid to anyone wanting to train their voice.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Ah, okay, that's unfortunate. Thanks anyway! :)

Group Admin

4910762 I have always played with voice from when I was young. I kind of like doing silly voices. What I have ran into is trying to actually use my feminine voice in my daily life and not just in play... It's some kind of mental block. People are shocked when I use it and my speech therapist says my female voice is definitely feminie enough to pass... Arrggg wish I was more confident in actually using it.

Divine Path
Group Admin

(When you feel comfortable there aren't anyone in your immediate vicinity who you don't want to hear you, you can just keep practising until it defaults. Consistently practising a voice forces it to adapt so so it comes naturally. :)) Best of fortune then!

Group Admin

4920876 That actually makes a lot of sense... I've been thinking of making my own readings of fimfiction stories to practice with... My speech therapist is actually on board for this idea as well.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's very good.:3

I had that happen before, I had a serious crush on Bruce Campbell when he was younger.

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